Aspects for the week beginning 23 February 2020
Billie Eilish
I don’t keep up with modern music, and the mysteries of hip hop and rap, but watched some of the Brits last week, and found some of the characters interesting. Lewis Capaldi’s song “Someone You Loved” deserved the award for Best Song, for its melody, lyrics and delivery. The week before, Nicola Roberts had won The Masked Singer with the song.
So one of the characters prominent at the Brits, who has been ubiquitous this week promoting her song for the new James Bond film, was Billie Eilish. I had watched her at Glastonbury last summer, and wondered what she was about. Then in January it was announced that she would be creating the theme song for the new James Bond theme, which was amazing for one so young (just 18 years old). The song was recently revealed, but only sung in full in public at the Brits. I was intrigued. My verdict? I couldn’t make out the tune, but it was pleasant enough. Her voice was subtle and sensitive in the portrayal, ethereal and fairly haunting. Like an amorphous, Piscean cloud. So her birth chart reveals an Ascendant in Pisces, with the Moon conjunct Neptune. Even though I have never watched a Bond film in my life (what an admission!), I should have been aware that there was a hint of dark menace in keeping with the film genre, or even the title, “No Time To Die”…
Birth Chart
We are fortunate to have a birth time for Billie. Straightaway, you can see her power, as her Sun is conjunct the Galactic Centre. Venus dominates her chart, marking her out for a musical career: the Sun is conjunct Venus and the Midheaven, describing a career in music and performance; Venus sextiles Uranus (originality in songwriting); Venus conjuncts Pluto (she can sing with depth); Venus squares the Ascendant, 10th House side (singing career); and finally, Venus conjunct South Node (a singer in past lives) – thus, Venus has a finger in every pie. Billie also has Mercury sextile Mars (quick mental reactions), Mars trine Jupiter (energy allied harmoniously with enthusiasm), Uranus exactly sextile Midheaven (originality a keynote of her career) and Mercury conjunct Chiron (a problem-solver, but also implying her Tourette’s and synaesthesia).
Life and Career
Billie was born in Los Angeles, and her parents are both actors and musicians. The family are of Irish and Scottish descent, and Billie was homeschooled as a child (Saturn in Gemini in 3rd House of Education). The parents encouraged free expression, especially in the Arts. The first song Billie wrote, at the age of 11, was about the zombie apocalypse. Her first recording came out in October 2015 (aged 14) entitled “Ocean Eyes”, written and produced by her brother Finneas, and released on SoundCloud. There is a variety of styles in her music, across various modern day genres (including dark pop, electropop and Emo pop, for the initiated). Influences included Avril Lavigne, Amy Winehouse and Lana del Ray, and she thanked the latter at the Brits this week, among others. Her debut album in 2019 was titled “When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?”, and she performed at Glastonbury the same year. And in November 2019 she was nominated for six Grammy awards.
So to this year, and when she had just turned 18, on 14th January 2020 she was announced as the singer and co-creator of the song which would be the theme tune for the new Bond film. Her transits centred around Mars (man) and Neptune (mystery): Mars was square to her natal Mars, the North Node was trine her natal Mars, Mars was sextile her natal Neptune, and Neptune was on her Ascendant. No wonder this fitted the theme of the international man of mystery! But with Neptune on her Ascendant at the moment, she may well be feeling vulnerable and ultra-sensitive. In January, she moved back in with her parents.
“No Time to Die” was released on February 13th of this year, with Neptune still on her Ascendant in Pisces, and Mars on her South Node in Sagittarius in her 10th House (there is a definite karmic theme to her being thrust into the limelight at such a young age).
Her fashion style consists of loose, baggy clothing which she says is attention-grabbing, but also aims to avoid fat shaming or thin shaming. That amorphous styling also represents her Ascendant Pisces (the physical vehicle), but is the reverse of the attention-seeking, which is the Sun on her Midheaven (which often represents the Persona). An interesting paradox.
At this week’s performance and triumph at the Brits, her transits were: Jupiter sextile her natal Ascendant (the Award), on the 11th House cusp, and Neptune still on her Ascendant.
Finneas O’Connell
We do not have a birth time for her brother Finneas, but he has played a major role in her life, and continues to shape and share her career, performing with her on stage and producing her music as well as co-writing. He is older by three and a half years. He has also been an actor (appearing in Glee), which is fitting for a creative Sun in Leo. He has Sun exactly opposite Uranus, which is very independent. All the family have Uranus strong in their charts: Billie has Uranus exactly sextile with her Midheaven (Careerpoint) and both parents have their Suns trine Uranus. Finneas has Mercury conjunct Venus, the Writer Archetype, or even more specialized, the Songwriter Archetype. He and Billie share the Mars/Jupiter trine of energy allied harmoniously with enthusiasm. Venus squares Pluto in his chart, providing the emotional sources of some of the dark themes of his songs. Both siblings have difficult Mars/Saturn aspects, a shared source of angst. Finneas has Neptune trine his natal North Node, a factor in his way of moulding his song styles to the character of the people he writes for, almost a type of channelling. He has collaborated with a number of artists.
He has also had a separate music career of his own, as well as belonging to a band named the Slightlys. He learned songwriting from his mother, and has nurtured, supported and encouraged Billie in her blossoming career. Like Billie, he has synaesthesia, possibly contributing to a multi-dimensional quality to their work. His transits for the Brits this week included Uranus trine his natal Mercury in Virgo, success and recognition for his hard work.
Their synastry shows Billie’s Neptune exactly opposite Finneas’ Sun, which is very sensitizing for him; their Mercuries (mindsets) exactly trine in harmony in practical Earth signs; his Mars sextile her Venus and her Venus opposite his Mars (good chemistry); his Mars trine her Uranus (stimulation); his Saturn trine her Venus (he can guide her musical talent), and his Uranus conjunct her natal Neptune (interactions in other dimensions). Billie has a particularly strong bond with her mother, while Finneas has a stronger bond with his father, astrologically.
The week starts with today’s New Moon at 4 degrees Pisces, close to the Fixed Star Fomalhaut, which is about overcoming addiction according to “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld:
“This star has an excellent ability to release addictive states by bringing to consciousness the purpose of addictions. These can include addictions to relationship, thinking, sex, or various substances. The awareness of past-life connections that create the necessity for such addictions also comes to one’s consciousness with repeated use of this star.”
Set your intentions for the month ahead, with a special focus on emotions, the use of water, and overcoming addiction(s). Any affirmations, practical projects and creative visualizations along these lines would be apt.
There is also a square between Venus and Jupiter later today, which may be socially awkward. Behaviour may be gauche or a little inappropriate, and that may have consequences. You may be socializing when you don’t feel like it, or feel that you have to force jollity. There will be a meaning to it – there always is! Even if it is one remark which makes you think deeply, or helps you to realize what you don’t need.
Energy is injected into our affairs on Tuesday (25th) with a sextile between the Sun and Mars. As it occurs in the very early hours it may keep us awake or give rise to vivid dreams. But in the day, it will hopefully allow you to press on with active projects, and dynamically “get …… done” (substitute your own words here).
The same day brings a trine between the Sun and the North Node, which helps your actions and creations to fall in line with, and be in sync with, your own karma and the collective karma. That can make a day zing!
More abrasively Mars also conjuncts the South Node, reminding us of battles in past lives. The Sun’s sextile to Mars provides some protection and the ability to make something constructive of events and passions.
The actor Kevin Bacon has Mars conjunct his South Node in his natal chart. When asked:
Q: “If you could go back in time, where would you go?” his reply was
A: “The old Wild West – I would join the Pony Express. It’s kind of ironic, because one thing I actually do know how to do is ride a horse – and that’s the one thing nobody has asked me to do in a movie.” Some food for thought, maybe…?
A different outlook arises on Wednesday (26th) with a sparkling conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 6 degrees Pisces. It is a good day to apply your mind even if the subject matter is unfathomable (Pisces). You can engage your mind with focus (Sun/Mercury) at the same time as diving deeply into emotional/psychological/spiritual matters. If you precede your task with some meditation, this process will be enhanced.
Mercury in Pisces also sextiles Mars in Capricorn that day, intensifying focus and co-ordination, and enabling the spiritual aspects of a project to come together with the practical aspects, and the physical and mental energies to co-ordinate. Business will be brisk.
Assisting you will be Mercury trine the North Node, ensuring that information and communication are accurate and karmically relevant. The energies are working together well (so far) this week, and you should be able to feel that. It will contribute to progress generally, especially for the first half of the week.
The most difficult aspect of the week comes on Friday (28th), in the shape of Venus square Pluto. This will require some psychological soul-searching, and honest-as-you-can-be interpersonal communication. Note that Finneas O’Connell has this square natally (“providing the emotional sources of some of the dark themes of his songs”) and another Brit award winner (Best Song 2020) Lewis Capaldi, writer of “Someone You Loved” also has this square natally, producing the heart-aching masterpiece which won the award. So, if you are feeling a bit maudlin’, it could be time to write that hit song, be it hip hop, indie pop, or Country and Western…
And don’t forget Caroline Flack’s mantra, “Be Kind”, both to yourself, and others.
We have a pick-me-up sort of aspect on Saturday (29th), to end the week, and to end the leap month of February: Mercury sextile Uranus. Bright minds and bright communications characterize this aspect, helpful for I.T. and invention, among other areas of mental life. If you have been inspired with the plethora of aspects this week and the events have enriched your life and stimulated ideas in you, then it is time to share, whether face to face or by telephone or by telepathy – it doesn’t have to be via social media!
The week in bullet points:
- Today – new beginnings, socially awkward
- Tuesday – energy, attunement, and old battles to be resolved
- Wednesday – sparkling mental faculties, briskness and karmic information
- Friday – deeply emotional
- Saturday – bright minds