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Entries from August 2024

Aspects for the week beginning 25 August 2024

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck: “Bennifer” Jennifer Lopez announced this week that she was divorcing Ben Affleck, after a second chance at romance failed for the couple.  They have been married only two years.  I look for clues about what went wrong twice (after going right twice). Birth Chart for Jennifer Three Archetypes stand out […]

Categories: Celebrities · Synastry

Aspects for the week beginning 18 August 2024

Zodiac Book Reviews I’ve been keeping a list of the books I’ve read since 19 July 2015, and I have selected one for each sign.  How many of these have you read?  And have you any recommendations for your sign? Aries  Dolores Cannon (2001) The Convoluted Universe – Book One. Ozark Mountain Publishing This is […]

Categories: Book Review

Aspects for the week beginning 11 August 2024

Tim Walz A major poll has shown Kamala Harris now pulling ahead of Donald Trump in three key swing states.  Only two weeks ago, I was writing about Kamala Harris, now she has picked a running mate as prospective Vice President.  So I am looking at this new arrival on the scene, and updating the […]

Categories: News

Aspects for the week beginning 4 August 2024

Edna O’Brien (1930 – 2024) “I rebelled against the coercive and stifling religion into which I was born and bred. It was very frightening and all-pervasive. I’m glad it has gone.” ~ Edna O’Brien Prominent Irish novelist Edna O’Brien died recently at the age of 93. Much of her often explicit work exposed the repression […]

Categories: Book Review · Obituary