Aspects for the week beginning 9 March 2025
Jack Vettriano (1951 – 2025)
“I have what I want and that is the support of the public and that means far more to me than the approval of a bunch of well-educated art buffs”
~ Jack Vettriano
It was reported this week that the controversial and self-taught artist Jack Vettriano died at his home in Nice on Saturday 1st March, at the age of 73. His most famous work was “The Singing Butler” of 1992, but his prolific work was popular, and sold well, despite being panned by the experts.
Birth Chart
Vettriano had the Sun in Scorpio in the 12th House, which may have given him a secretive nature. One of the controversies especially about his later work was that it was overtly sexual, and Scorpio is a sign that most needs to express sexuality. The Sun being closely sextile with Mars accentuates this. And the Sun square Pluto takes the trajectory of his life further along that path. He was driven, to where he had to go. The Moon in Cancer in his chart was closely square to Venus (his two female planets at odds with each other), and this may be linked to another charge against him – that of misogyny. Some of his later works, with scantily clad females, laid him open to that charge. His reply was: “Take another look at it and you’ll see it’s the women who have the power”. A T-square was formed comprising Venus opposite Jupiter (inappropriate social behaviours) with the Moon squaring on, in the Cardinal quadruplicity. The aspects to the Moon generally indicate a complex attitude towards women, with the Moon also loosely conjunct Uranus providing a vivid imagination (useful for an artist) but also adding more controversy. Add Moon square Saturn, closely square Jupiter and opposite Chiron, and you can see how complex his emotions were, and in relation to women, bordering on obsessionality. The whole complex comes together in his karmic mission: the Moon exactly trine the North Node. Again, that gives the impression that he was driven on his path. Moon exactly trine North Node also points to another feature of his work, that it was popular and relatable to the general public. With all that Scorpio and Moon emphasis, the emotion always ran deep, but Mercury sextile Saturn afforded great mental application to his work, with Mercury rising (in Sagittarius) ensuring that he did have a great faculty for mental analysis. Venus in Libra sextile his Ascendant emphasized the artistic direction of his talent. Though what Venus gave (opposite Jupiter) it also took away (Venus conjunct Saturn), contributing to the breakdown of some relationships. Saturn in his 11th House of Friendship hints at loneliness.
Life and Career
Vettriano was born in St. Andrews, Fife, and was raised in poverty in a spartan miner’s cottage. He hated technical college and left at 15. At that point in his life his Progressed Sun had reached his restless Ascendant in Sagittarius, marking a change in life direction. He took up an apprenticeship as a mining engineer (a Scorpio profession) for a short while.
A life-changing moment came on his 21st birthday, when his girlfriend bought him a set of watercolours, and set him on a path to become an artist. She told him: “If you don’t do something with your life you’re going to live and die in this town” [Fife].
The transits of that moment in time bear witness to its importance:-
Chiron trine his natal Mercury rising (he is offered a healing tool, one which could be a real trade in his life)
Uranus was on his Neptune in Libra (an increase in complexity and understanding, in an artistic mode), and most spectacularly
Neptune trine his natal Jupiter in Aries in his 4th House (an entry into a level of inspiration and self-satisfaction, in an occupation which he could conduct from home)
He set about copying every style of painting (including Renaissance and Surrealism), on the road to finding his own style. He was particularly fond of impressionism, and his first painting was a copy of Monet’s “Poppy Fields”.
In 1980 he married Gail Cormack, but they split up in 1987 (accounts vary as to who left whom). However, the separation proved to be a turning point and a re-start to move his career on. His Progressed Sun was entering Capricorn and reached his natal Chiron (a step towards finding his Inner Healer). He relocated to Edinburgh and applied to study Fine Art at the University. His portfolio was rejected, however. Two years later he submitted two canvases for the Royal Scottish Academy annual show and both paintings sold on the first day, leading him to be approached by several galleries.
His most famous work came in 1992, “The Singing Butler”, a scene which can be described as “a couple dancing on a storm-swept beach accompanied by a butler and maid.” (Lanre Bakare, The Guardian). At that point in his life, his Progressed Sun became sextile to his natal North Node in Pisces in 3rd House, and trine his South Node in 9th House – a career peak.
Peaks and Troughs
He found fame, prosperity and popularity, but was profoundly disturbed by the criticism from the artistic establishment, and that very much affected him psychologically. Artistically, he descended into a period of erotica, which also did not endear him to the experts. For research, he visited brothels and strip bars, a lifestyle which is somehow reminiscent of certain of the later 19th Century Impressionists. He himself described “a fascination that is like drugs”.
2010 marked another departure in his life. He moved to Nice (partly to get away from all the criticism), his subject matter turned a darker shade, his paintings failing to sell as well as before. In that year, the outer planets were contributing to the breaking down of his former success: Pluto was squaring his natal Jupiter, a bubble bursting (Jupiter had been an element of his success); Uranus was squaring his natal Chiron (which had also been an element of his success), and Saturn was squaring his natal Chiron and opposing his natal Jupiter (a three-pronged ambush). Added to that, Pluto was opposite his natal Moon in Cancer in 7th House – a drastic change in his relationship with the general public. In 2011 he was caught speeding, with drugs.
Lynn Barber, in the Observer, during that period, identified that in her opinion there were two sides to Jack: A “nice” Jack Vettriano, and a “nasty” one.
A further blow came in 2015, when Jack Vettriano dislocated his shoulder, and pronounced that he could no longer paint. Transits for his dislocated shoulder on 31st May (the date of disclocation) of that year showed:
Mars opposite his natal Mercury (shoulder) in Sagittarius rising – an injury
Neptune on his 4th House cusp square his Ascendant – an uncertain path
He had cleaned up, drugwise, by 2022 – 2021, when progressed Sun was sextile that emphasized (by transit and progression) natal Jupiter in Aries in 4th House.
Edward Hopper
The day before Jack Vettriano’s death was announced I was talking to a friend about how I liked his style, and that of the American painter Edward Hopper (1882 – 1967). We were talking about modern art, realism and abstract art. I like the romantic, perhaps chivalrous and even gallant atmosphere in Vettriano’s artistic world, at least that of his early work. Others have described it as nostalgia.
In an article in the Guardian, Lanre Bakare reports one critic’s comparison of Vettriano’s work to Edward Hopper’s, stating that Vettriano was like “Hopper without the emotion, and sleazy to boot”.
But I maintain there is a similarity in their style, and that is a simplicity that I like. Though Hopper was successful in American mainstream art, his subject matter was wider, often depicting urban and industrial scenes. They were both strongly influenced by Impressionism.
But they were very different characters: Hopper was very religious, and introverted. They were both water signs, but Hopper perhaps more restrained emotionally, despite the critic’s assessment above.
Eddy Frankel also wrote in the Guardian, in an artistic critique, saying that Vettriano lacked any postmodern self-awareness. The article is not wholly critical, but takes the view of the art expert, and concludes: “We can learn a lot more from looking for the aesthetic and cultural qualities in ‘lower’ artforms than from outright rejecting them.”
Comparing the charts of the two painters, intriguingly there is a karmic link: Edward Hopper’s North Node is conjunct Vettriano’s Sun – perhaps they are of the same Soul Group.
Among Vettriano’s fans are Jack Nicholson, Alex Ferguson, and John Coltrane. Tim Rice appeared on the news, praising Vettriano’s realism.
Vettriano needed to pursue his own path in life, and a quote from Edward Hopper puts it nicely:
“Great art is the outward expression of an inner life in the artist, and this inner life will result in his personal vision of the world. No amount of skilful invention can replace the essential element of imagination. One of the weaknesses of much abstract painting is the attempt to substitute the inventions of the human intellect for a private imaginative conception.”
“He was not only an extraordinary artist but also a deeply private and humble man who was endlessly grateful for the support and admiration of those who loved his work. His paintings – capturing moments of intrigue, romance, and nostalgia – touched the hearts of so many around the world”
~ A tribute on Instagram
The Aspects begin on Tuesday (11th), with a conjunction at 8 degrees Aries of Mercury with Venus. It may spark a sunburst of ideas to be communicated, discussed, and start the ball rolling towards making practical use of what comes to you. This conjunction is ideal for socializing, conversation, artistic (get yourself a box of watercolours) or literary endeavours, or negotiations. Your communications will have an artistic flair, so it’s a good time to get creative. I associate this conjunction with Cafe culture thrives and conversation flows ~~~
A more subdued picture for Wednesday (12th) with another conjunction, this time between the Sun and Saturn, at 22 degrees Pisces. This conjunction bears a serious message. Take note of the area/House it falls in, if you know it, as that will help you to ascertain the purpose of this event. There is a great sense of concentration about this conjunction, focussed on practicalities such as “what can we do about the situation?” Caution is Saturn’s name. Saturn demands responsibility, commitment, and common sense.
Friday (14th) brings a Full Moon and a total Lunar Eclipse (a turning-point) at 23 degrees Virgo, which is likely to bring some emotional tension and a desire towards perfectionism and practicality, at the same time as honouring spiritual ideals represented by the opposing Sun in Pisces. Work and service are also principles of this polarity of signs. That is your wake-up call.
At breakfast-time, the Sun will be sextile Uranus, and you may instinctively know what to do with the Full Moon/Eclipse energy and revelation. This aspect supports us, and adds a sparkle of ingenuity and inventiveness. Make headway with your various projects, assisted with some telepathy and higher consciousness, or liaising with a constructive group. Look to the Future.
Saturday (15th) brings everybody’s favourite Retrograde: that of Mercury. Do what you can to minimize communication slowness and glitches. Postal and phone scams may arise. Be clear in your communications for the next three weeks, in order to avoid misunderstandings and loopholes. Although technology can go awry, it can be a good period to upgrade such devices. You may have developed your own strategies, according to past experiences. The stock market may take a tumble. Mercury goes Direct again on 7th April.
The week in bullet points:
- Tuesday – the art of conversation
- Wednesday – a note of realism
- Friday – emotional high tide; turning point; signposts
- Saturday – communication glitches