Aspects for the week beginning 2 March 2025
Roberta Flack (1937 – 2025)
“What I consider myself is a soulful singer, in that I try to sing with all the feeling that I have in my body and my mind.”
~ Roberta Flack
The soul singer Roberta Flack died this week, at the age of 88. There was something about her voice I found profoundly soothing.
Birth Chart
Roberta was an Aquarian, with the Sun exactly square a conjunction of Moon and Mars. This gave her the Warrior Archetype, and she was an activist on behalf of black and women’s rights. The conjunction was in her 10th House conjunct the Midheaven, so closely bound up with her career, and work in the world. She was friends with the activists Jesse Jackson, Maya Angelou, Yoko Ono and Angela Davies. Her Sun trined Chiron, and this is where the therapeutic quality of her voice came in. Her Moon in Scorpio was significant, giving her the deep emotion and soul quality which made her voice so moving. She was a positive force, with Moon/Mars sextile Mercury/Jupiter and trine Saturn. Mercury trine Neptune saw her channelling some divine frequency at times. Venus trine Pluto ensured that she gave her heart and soul to her voice work. Jupiter trined Neptune in her chart, and this describes the religion/spirituality of her early singing in church. The difficulties in her life may be seen in her Mutable T-square of Saturn opposite Neptune square Chiron. Relationships may have been challenging, with Pluto on her Descendant, opposite a Capricorn Ascendant (she married in 1966 and divorced 6 years later).
Life and Career
Roberta Flack was born in North Carolina, into a large musical family, and sang in church in her early years, but was also a piano prodigy. At the age of 15 She won a full music scholarship to Howard University, where she changed her specialism from piano to voice, natal Venus in Aries in the 3rd House showing her personal expression. She went into teaching, in a variety of ways: it took her until her 30s to establish her career as a singer.
Her voice teacher intervened in a significant way, as she had been singing in various styles, but Frederick Wilkerson told her that pop music would suit her voice more than the classics. She began to sing professionally in 1968. Joel Dorn arranged her first album recording that year with Atlantic Records.
Her Voice
The song “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” was on that first album (“First Take”), and as luck and fate would have it, Clint Eastwood chose it as part of the soundtrack for his film “Play Misty For Me”, which brought its success in 1972. I find it interesting to look at the synastry where people play a significant role in the course of another’s life, and Clint’s Moon exactly trined Roberta’s natal Venus (musicality); his Pluto was exactly sextile her natal Neptune (a deep resonance between them); and his Chiron was on her I.C. in 5th House. They became lifelong friends.
As for the iconic song itself, it had been written by Ewan MacColl, the father of Kirsty MacColl. His birthchart reveals a talented songwriting sextile between Mercury and Venus. His Mercury was exactly trine Roberta’s Chiron, and his Chiron was trine her Midheaven, healing connections.
The song embodies the depth and gentleness of emotion (her Moon in Scorpio exactly conjunct the Midheaven; Venus trine Pluto) which has recently made it my go to song when stressing about Donald Trump(!). There is a particular version which she sang, recorded with an almost ethereal gentleness and sensitivity.
The next year, 1973, saw her release another soul-searing song, “Killing Me Softly with His Song”, and with that her reputation as a first class singer was assured. This song was written by three songwriters: Charles Fox, Norman Gimbel I, and Lori Lieberman, and her voice is fuller on that song. It has the emotion and depth of the first song, and won awards in 1974.
Such was the uniqueness of her voice that when critics compared it to that of Aretha Franklin she said: “I am a black person who sings the way I do. I am not a black person who sounds anything like Aretha Franklin or like Chaka Khan. I shouldn’t have to change in order to be who I am.”
The Guardian Obituary by Caroline Sullivan points out that:
“The comparisons were unfair, anyway: Franklin’s style had been forged in the Baptist church, whereas Flack had grown up as a restrained, hymn-singing Methodist.”
Roberta had a markedly quieter style, consciously and deliberately so.
It may sound over-the-top to say her voice touched my life, but the truth is I had been playing her music recently, and after a break of a few days, played “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face”, at 4 pm (UK time) on the day she died (24th February). On the 6 pm BBC News we were told of her passing.
Other Music
Elton John was very taken with the gentleness of her version of “Bridge Over Troubled Water” early in his career. He wrote to her “Dear Roberta, I have never heard anything this beautiful in years…”
Other chart successes included “Feel Like Makin’ Love” in 1974, but she subsequently took a break from performing, but continued to record (with many collaborations) and spent time on supporting charitable causes. In 1991 she had another hit with “Set the Night to Music.”
In later years, she made versions of the songs of the Beatles (“Let it Be Roberta” album 2012), and Leonard Cohen.
In 2020 she was awarded a lifetime achievement award at the Grammys.
She suffered a stroke in 2019, but was forced to give up performing in 2022 due to being diagnosed with motor neurone disease, which left her unable to sing.
It was reported that she passed away peacefully surrounded by her family, after a heart attack. Her death coincided with her third Saturn Return in Pisces, in her 2nd House.
Watching the Brits last night, there was nothing remotely resembling her music. It reminded me that every generation, and especially the teenagers whose enthusiasm drive new music, have their own energy to express.
“Her voice touched, tapped, trapped, and kicked every emotion I’ve ever known. I laughed, cried, and screamed for more… she alone had the voice.”
~ Les McCann
In the early hours of this morning, Venus was Stationary prior to turning Retrograde. This celestial event only occurs once in every 18 months. This betokens a time of reviewing relationships and finance. Although you may need to go over old ground, you can refer back to a time when a relationship was entirely harmonious, and what brought you together in the first place, when working towards improvements.
This afternoon we have a conjunction between Mercury and Neptune at 28 degrees Pisces (also forming an exact triple conjunction with the North Node at that point). This is not conducive to exacting and detailed mental work and documentation if that is what you planned; but it can favour dreams, mystical states and spirituality. They in turn can affect creativity, art and music in an inspired way. If you are feeling below par, you may experience added confusion or brain fog. Channelling is favoured.
In the evening Jupiter squares the Sun, an aspect which exaggerates everything it comes into contact with. There is also a joyful, humorous side of Sun square Jupiter, so some laughter-yoga in the evening would not go amiss! It could contribute to a fun day, but be aware of carelessness or overreaching goals. It could be a jolly scenario, with some over-the-top behaviour in the mode of “devil may care”.
Tomorrow (Monday 3rd) Mercury enters Aries. Plain speaking replaces the flowery language of Mercury in Pisces. Mercury doesn’t get far into Aries before turning retrograde mid-month, so try to achieve some dynamic mental work in the first half of March. Mercury in Aries favours mental work which is unemotional and without frippery, such as accountancy and tax returns. You will need to get to the point much more directly in your communications, and there is more sense of urgency about paperwork. If you feel overwhelmed by paperwork, stay in the moment and you may be able to stretch time.
Wednesday (5th) brings a profound touch to your communications, with a sextile between Mercury and Pluto. It is a harmonious aspect which can produce profound, honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur. It is a good space for reading something profound. Maybe there is something in your pile of pending books you have been putting off, if so, now’s the time to tackle it.
The week is polished off on Saturday (8th) with a dynamic trine between the Sun and Mars. This may turbo-charge your activities, bringing new initiatives to your activities and objectives. Sporting interests can flourish, or any vigorous pursuits. Men, dogs and cars may flourish!). Aries and Leo Sun sign interaction may be highlighted.
I would say it is not a day when peace may be established. But notably peace did not break out at the New Moon in Pisces last week, when some one-sided shouting occurred in the Oval Office. It could be that the confusion of the North Node/Neptune conjunction was more powerful than the New Moon. Or it may be that the inflammatory energy of transiting Mars in Cancer in Donald’s 11th House of Friendship was squaring his natal Jupiter in Libra in his 2nd House of Financial Aspiration.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – relationship reflection; mental confusion or inspiration; exaggeration
- Tomorrow – plain speaking
- Wednesday – profound thought and communication
- Saturday – dynamism