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Aspects for the week beginning 15 May 2022

Eurovision Song Contest 2022

“I’m incredibly excited to make some friends, chat some music, and just take in every moment of this beautiful, wild bonkers thing.”

– Sam Ryder

Long-term readers of my blog will know how much Eurovision means to me!  And I have to declare last night’s Eurovision Song Contest the best ever (and I have been watching since 1959).  I attended when Duesseldorf hosted in 2011, which apparently was the last time we were on the left hand side of the scoreboard, until last night of course.  It was such a special occasion, not least for the overwhelming unity and love for Ukraine, who won deservedly.

Sam Ryder

Last night was the first time I had been able to watch Sam Ryder’s performance all the way through his song “Spaceman”.  We had been told, as usual, that we stood a chance of winning, but they say that every year…So I was pleasantly surprised to find that I loved everything about the performance: the long strawberry blonde locks, the soaring falsetto voice which seemed to encompass the universe, and the imaginative set and costume (which a young friend texted me to declare it blogtastic).  For many of us, this year is the first we have heard of Sam Ryder, but in fact he has been singing since 2009 (at the age of 20).  He sang first in bands, then went solo in 2016, but in the interim has taken jobs, such as bricklaying, to make ends meet.

Compere Graham Norton, successor to Terry Wogan, gave us character references for Sam Ryder from time to time:

“A positive ray of sunshine”

“the nicest man imaginable” and

“a great ambassador for the U.K. and Eurovision”

Does his birth chart reveal someone who can turn around the decade long slough in our Eurovision fortunes, and take us from zero to almost the top of the leader board?  His Sun is in patriotic Cancer, exactly opposite Uranus, which suggests that he could suddenly find fame.  This is indeed what happened: in the first lockdown of the pandemic in March 2020 Uranus (sudden success) activated his natal Sun-Uranus opposition, in a trine with his Uranus and a sextile to his Sun.  In addition, Pluto opposed Venus, bringing about huge changes to his personal life.  With the Sun conjunct Chiron, he is a healer of sorts, and certainly has healed our long-term Eurovision wounds! Mercury unaspected, makes him a free thinker.  And he has managed his natal exact conjunction of Saturn and Neptune, which can, from a position of imprisonment, dissolve boundaries.  He was born in 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down.

He was chosen to sing the Eurovision entry on 10th March this year, with Uranus (the Spaceman planet) trine his natal Saturn/Neptune conjunction and opposite his natal Pluto.  He has his North Node (karmic mission) in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, which may explain the impact of Uranus transits to his chart, in the absence of a time of birth.

Ukrainian Entry

We don’t have any birth dates for the members of this wonderful troupe who entertained us last night, but I went to bed happily humming their tune (“Stefania”) last night, having voted for them.  They are known as the Kalush Orchestra, and their song was a haunting refrain interspersed with some hip hop or rap (this septuagenarian doesn’t know the difference!).  It really gave you a sense of the soul of Ukraine.  This fairytale for them would not have come about, had not the original entry for Ukraine been forced to withdraw because they were being investigated for having visited Crimea, at a time when the Russian invasion was beginning.  One of the members of Kalush Orchestra had to stay behind to fight in the Ukraine, but the others got special dispensation to perform.


When Sam Ryder got picked as our entry for Eurovision, apparently his first thought was one of joy and jubilation, then he momentarily panicked, and asked himself “What if I get nul points?”

The current scoring system, which registers the jury votes from each country, then the public votes, extends the suspense for viewers. It was especially poignant for the U.K. this year, who came top of the jury vote, then had to wait last for the score from the public vote.  Sam Ryder then went and hugged the German contestant, who at that point had received the dreaded nul points, telling him “We know how you feel”.  But it was a glorious and thrilling night for the U.K., and so heart warming that so many voted for Ukraine.  It was the perfect result.

I don’t know if any astrologer or numerologist or lexicographer could have foretold the predominance of the letter “S” in the top five results last night. The songs Stefania and Spaceman came top and second; Spain, Sweden and Serbia took the next three places.

Apparently, though it doesn’t win the war against Russia, the result has raised the morale and happiness quotient in  Ukraine, at the same time confirming European solidarity and support.

Sam’s transits last night included Mars square his natal Jupiter (which I always say propels you into another dimension), and Neptune trine his natal Venus (inspired singing).  Enough said.

“If I was an astronaut, I’d be floating in mid-air
And a broken heart would just belong to someone else down there”

– song co-written by Sam Ryder


We start today with a conjunction between Venus and Chiron at 14 degrees Aries, highlighting the need for healing in relationships, and hopefully also providing the means to that healing.  Where there is a will on both sides, healing can be achieved.  Or forgiveness on one side can also move mountains.

At tea-time, Saturn will square the Sun, which may bring disappointing or deflating news,  delay or frustration.  The Sun-Saturn square is an opportunity to think through what you are doing, and your strategies.  If you are making economies, are they the right ones, based on your optimum values?

Slightly later, Neptune will be sextile the Sun, which may bring some higher resolution to the preoccupations of the day.  This aspect gives you the best chance of creating beauty and inspiration in your life, conferring spiritual harmony.

By then, you may be starting to feel the oncoming Full Moon and Eclipse at 25 degrees Scorpio, which will occur at 4.14 a.m. tomorrow morning (Monday 16th).  It’s a time to look within and examine your emotional health.  Another area demanding attention is that of shared finances and an attempt to balance material resources and needs between two people.  It is  one of the most intense Full Moons of the year.  For some there may be a temptation to lash out; some may be prickly about the conditions we find ourselves in, and many are angry.  In the creation of the new conditions, one requirement is the quality of forgiveness, for there is no room for holding onto grievances and blame.  In order to make the best of a new slate, forgiveness is one of the things to cultivate.

We have another conjunction on Wednesday (18th), that of Mars and Neptune, at 24 degrees Pisces, almost 25 degrees.  This could be supportive to any issues which arose around the eclipse on Monday.  Mars conjunct Neptune may empower the spirit, but for some it may serve to confuse, especially if they are dashing like headless chickens.  Chilling out would give a better outcome.  More meditative activities such as Tai Chi, Yoga and Qijong will achieve a greater sense of balance and serenity.  It is difficult to have one foot in the material world and one foot in the spiritual world, but some can do it.

Thursday (19th) brings us a trine between the Sun and Pluto, so there may be the sense of an ending.  You may have to make a decision which brings about change.It is time to construct a new psychological mindset: one which is creative but also bears in mind the changes and cycles which are transforming our lives at this time. You may have felt that you haven’t got very far with a goal, but may receive an indication in this period that you have done better than you thought, your patience is rewarded, or that a pipe dream could become a going concern.  You may have cause to remember fondly the dearly departed.

Mercury sextiles Jupiter in the early hours of Friday (20th) ushering in a bright new day. This sextile encourages mental development and learning (if you are on a course of study, for instance), and is helpful to businesses in need of a lift.  If you are learning a new language, you may experience a shift and take off with it!  It will also be favourable for the teaching profession.

Saturday (21st) ushers in a new mindset, with the Sun entering Gemini in the early hours.  That may keep you awake, for a while, with new ideas whirling round a busy brain.  With the Sun leaving Taurus, earthy preoccupations may give way to a need for Communication and lightness of heart.  In the month of Sun in Gemini any kind of communication goes, writing your book, dealing with your documentation, ensuring that you are walking and cycling to work instead of taking public transport.  It all aids the general connectivity, which society needs.  We are in the midst of forging a new society.

The Sun then goes on to conjoin with Mercury at 1 degree Gemini at tea-time.  That brings a touch of sparkle to your consciousness.  It is a good time to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  make important statements, and look to the future.  You may write or speak some memorable lines.  Look out for some telepathy, too!  Past-life insights may also occur.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – relationship healing; deflation; raising the spiritual level
  • Tomorrow – turning point; intense emotion
  • Wednesday – empowering the spirit
  • Thursday – psychological health
  • Friday – bright new mindset
  • Saturday – busy mind; great insight

Aspects for the week beginning 8 May 2022

Taurus Careers

This is the third in a series in which I look at careers for the various zodiac signs.  Maybe you have children or grandchildren born under this sign, and are looking at their potentials, or you are a Taurean looking at re-training for a change of career.  If you are Taurean and have found an ideal or fulfilling career,  you could share that under comments.  Other than Pisces, Taurus is arguably the most talented of signs, and Taureans therefore have a panoply of occupations to choose from in terms of doing the work that they love.


Famous Taurean artists include: Salvador Dali, J.M.W. Turner, Joan Miro, Eugene Delacroix, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Georges Braque.  By virtue of its element, Earth, Taureans are particularly gifted in Sculpture and Pottery.

In an earlier blog, I wrote about the Artist Archteype:

“The Artist is one of the most basic of Taurean archetypes.  In my Past Life Archetypes, I go back to the cave paintings of bulls for my Taurean archetype.  That is in itself such a basic image and imbued with such meaning for this sign.

In previous centuries there was a prevalent Archetype of the talented artist starving in a garrett in his lifetime, and possibly gaining success posthumously.  The memory of this may unconsciously hold you back if you are an aspiring artist in this lifetime.

Caroline Myss brings the Archetype much more up to date in her book on the subject.  She observes: “In our society, art is generally regarded as a risky, if not altogether reckless, occupational choice, and any activity that isn’t financially rewarding is automatically classed as a hobby.”

She is very encouraging to the budding artist, and her final thought is: ‘The Artist/Creative archetype has an inborn calling to contribute to life creatively.  It is a privilege to possess artistic gifts and talents.  Cultivate yours.  To deny them is true suffering.’ ”


Famous Taurean singers and musicians include: Barbara Streisand, Adele, Billy Joel, Ella Fitzgerald, Roy Orbison and Cher.

Ruled by Venus, Taurean singers have especially melodious voices.


Taureans are notoriously green-fingered, and close to the Earth.  One such gardener, who has been on our screens for decades, is Alan Titchmarsh, who celebrated a birthday last week.  He had left school at 15, with just one O-level, in Art, and just followed his passion.


Taureans have a facility for acquiring money, and keeping it.

In an earlier blog, I wrote about the Midas/The Moneylender Archetype:

“The Taurus/Scorpio polarity has a cluster of Archetypes around the theme of money.  Taurus generally represents one’s own earnings and possessions, and Scorpio (its opposite) represents dealing with other people’s money, e.g. through banking or insurance.  But of course money has to flow between these two ends of the polarity, and as has already been mentioned the current crisis over the Panama offshore tax havens [written 17th April 2016] highlights aspects of this relationship.  Is the rich man hoarding wealth the Midas?  The literary archetype of the moneylender is embodied in Shylock in the Merchant of Venice.  The moneylenders of the Bible have also coloured our perceptions of the profession.  More recently, the banking crisis of 2008 adversely altered the reputation of those who have monetary power.

Again, the last word goes to Caroline for the description of this Archetype: ‘Entrepreneurial or creative ability to turn anything to gold.  Delight in sharing life’s riches…look for a pattern of creating wealth and/or confronting how far you’re willing to go to create it; also for a pattern of difficulty sharing wealth’.”


It is in the Taurean nature to patiently build firm foundations, with solid structures on dependable support systems, both practically and figuratively.  So you often find that Taureans are employed in the building trade, from bricklaying to architecture.

Kevin McCloud, the presenter of the TV programme “Grand Designs” has carved a niche for himself in bringing innovative building to our screens, highlighting the blood, sweat and tears which go into the projects, and waxing lyrically, even poetically at times, about the end products.  He was brought up in a house which his parents built.  With the Sun in Taurus, he left for Florence after A-levels to study as a Singer at the Conservatorio.  He then studied art and architecture at Cambridge.  His son is an architect.   His life story suggests he was born to exemplify the Builder Archetype, but with Singing and Art also available choices.


Famous Taurean boxers include: Sugar Ray Leonard, Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson and Sonny Liston.  Taureans are known for their endurance, and staying power.  Of course, their ruling planet Venus is peace and harmony-loving, so Boxers would need a strong Mars or Pluto in addition to the Sun in Taurus.  In terms of the Taurean nature, it is the rock-like, steadfast quality of immovable strength which contributes to the success in the boxing ring.  Muhammed Ali pointed out that as a boxer you also needed to “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”.  His Jupiter was in the butterfly and fast-talking sign of Gemini.  He was a Capricornian, but had Mars, Midheaven, Saturn and Uranus in Taurus.


Through their ruling planet Venus, Taureans love their food and the sensuality of cooking.  The way to a Taurean heart is often through the stomach, so Taurus may also qualify you to be a professional gourmand or gourmande (though this is quite a rare career)!  Famous Taurean chefs include: Brian Turner, Clodagh McKenna, Simon Rimmer and Antony Worrall Thompson.

Other occupations:  Masseur/Masseuse, Herbalist, Botanist, Conservationist (David Attenborough is Taurean, as is Chris Packham)

Above all, if you are Taurus, you are highly likely to find satisfaction in your chosen career, if you select such a path stemming from a hobby or interest.


The most important day this week is Tuesday (10th), starting with that notorious bugbear – for Mercury is Stationary, prior to turning retrograde at 11.48 a.m.  Many of us have current frustrations with technology (maybe because there is so much of it, now!), and I have an issue with my emails. But the duration of the three week Mercury Retrograde period is a helpful time for technological upgrades.  We had our broadband unexpectedly upgraded two days ago (in advance of Mercury Retrograde), an engineer coming to investigate a problem, and informing us that our broadband was not up to speed, and spending about three hours upgrading it.  It whizzes along now, though we had no idea we had a problem.  My email issue still remains, but I can’t fault the engineer.  Sorry to digress!  You know the drill by now: practise mindfulness in your communications, and revise old ground.

The Mercury Retrograde Book” by Yasmin Boland and Kim Farnell details the effect of Mercury Retrograde in each of the signs.  Mercury Retrograde in Gemini is particularly impactful, as it is in its own sign.  Here is a wise snippet from Mercury Retrograde in Gemini:

“It’s worth checking and re-checking anything  you’re told.  Other people tend to be more critical than usual – but here’s a top tip: you probably don’t need to point out everything that’s wrong.” Mercury turns direct again on 3rd June.

Jupiter in Aries

At the other end of Tuesday, at 23.22 Hrs, we have a major ingress, that of Jupiter entering Aries.  Aries, it’s your year!  Pisces, yes, it is still your year too, as Jupiter will dip back temporarily into your sign (fear not).  The sign Jupiter is leaving, Pisces, is spiritual in nature, thus we had the clergy speaking up about injustices in society, we had an outpouring of compassion around the invasion of Ukraine, and we experienced unprecedented unity in the world over Putin’s aggression, to give some examples of its effect in that sign.  If you know the House occupied by Aries in your birth chart, you should find an expansion of its affairs this year: more joy, luck and protection in that area.  Jupiter in Aries is super-adventurous, devil-may-care, desiring to throw off the shackles which have been holding us back.  The coronavirus constraints seem to be loosening, though they always improve during the summer months.  People will be determined to do the things they have dreamed of in the last two and a half years of privation.  It is a good time for expressing the fire of the human spirit.  Aries is great ground for giving birth to new ideas and feeling your enthusiasm.  Just one cautionary note: it may be a more selfish time, with the feelings of others disregarded.  We still need the lessons of Jupiter in Pisces to avoid the sense of “every man for himself”.

Friday (13th) brings a conjunction between the Sun and the North Node, at 22 degrees Taurus, which gives a karmic flavour to the day.  This could bring a show of power by someone in your circle.  However, this show of power is firmly subject to the laws of karma, and if you have faith in the justice of that you’re O.K. (aren’t you?).  It could also heighten creativity if you are unattached to the power play of others.  Listen to the subtle instructions of the Universe…

Saturday (14th) is an opportunity to regain ground, with a constructive sextile. The North Node sextiles Mars, where warriorship can be expressed reasonably safely. You may be able to get your message across directly and actively, in speaking your truth or setting an example.  If you are a follower of Dan Millman (the “Peaceful Warrior), I’ll be preaching to the converted…  If you are a timid type, there is scope to embolden yourself slightly.

Also on Saturday,  our Sun aligns with the Fixed Star Capulus, the Double Star Cluster H and Chi Persei, at 24 degrees Taurus.  Bernadette Brady in her book of “Fixed Stars” concludes that “Capulus energy is clear, decisive, focussed, and possibly even ruthless”.  That chimes well with Jupiter in Aries.

“Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld give a theme of Individualization for this cluster.  They advise that it “can make one aware of the deliberate separation that one has allowed in coming into incarnation in the first place.  This can give some remembrance of past lives and some awareness of the time before birth in which contracts were made with individuals one is yet to meet.  It enhances remembrance of the strong survival energies poured into the child.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – communication disruption; throwing off restrictions
  • Friday – karmic power play
  • Saturday – fight the good fight; individualization

Aspects for the week beginning 1 May 2022

Antonio Gutteres

Secretary-General of the United Nations

Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, visited both Russia and Ukraine this week, in an effort to defuse tension in the region.  As an institution, the U.N. is dedicated to the maintenance of international peaceful relations, and as its head the Secretary-General has the diplomatic responsibility to carry this out.  As the 9th person to hold this title, Guterres faces arguably the most difficult situation since the second World War.  I am interested in what makes a diplomat, astrologically.

Birth Chart

We are lucky enough to have a birth time supplied, which gives him an Ascendant of 0 degrees Capricorn (the politician’s sign).  Gutteres has two of the signatures of the Diplomat Archetype in his chart: the Sun conjunct Venus (a projected image from his 5th House), and the South Node in Libra (peacemaking skills acquired in past lives).  His predecessor Ban Ki-Moon has the Sun conjunct Venus, as did the notable peacemaker Yitzhak Rabin.  Guterres has an unusual Element and Quadruplicity balance, with 0 planets in Water (an ability to be dispassionate) and 7 planets in Fixed signs (an extremely strong will).  He has the Moon conjunct Mercury in Taurus trine Jupiter, showing erudition and a global outlook.  He was awarded an award for being “the best student in the country” at secondary school, and Mercury trine Jupiter is especially associated with an ability to speak several languages (in his case, Portuguese, English, French and Spanish).  He has high energy levels, with Mars square Jupiter, and the Engineer Archetype appears in his chart in the shape of Mars sextile Uranus (he studied physics and electrical engineering at the Technical University of Lisbon.  Something a peacemaker finds valuable is an understanding of conflict, and he has Mars conjunct the North Node in Aries, giving him the Warrior Archetype in addition to that of the Diplomat.  Uranus trine his Midheaven shows success in his career, and with this aspect, I often find “some have greatness thrust upon them”.  Also worthy of note are deep psychological strengths afforded by Neptune closely sextile Pluto, and Pluto trine Chiron.

Life and Career

Antonio Guterres was born in 1949, and was raised in Lisbon.  After beginning his career in teaching, he switched to a political career, joining the Socialist Party in 1974, and taking leading roles in that party. He became prime minister of Portugal in 1995, taking the oath of office on 28th October.  His progressed Sun (leadership) was trine his natal Midheaven (career; politics).  Uranus was trine his Mercury (mental prowess), Neptune was square his natal Midheaven (an uncertain future) and Pluto was squaring his natal Saturn (a difficult and responsible job, but preparing him for his later even more challenging role).  When he resigned in 2002, a poll ranked him the best prime minister  in 30 years.

He was elected Secretary-General to the United Nations in October 2016, and took  up the post on 1st January 2017, declaring “Let us resolve to put peace first”.  Neptune was sextile his natal Sun in Taurus in 5th House (a role requiring a spiritual shift).  In his first term he remonstrated against the war in Yemen, opposed Donald Trump on various issues, condemned the persecution of the Rohingya in Myanmar, but was criticized for his silence about the treatment of the Uyghurs in China.  His record must have been reasonably sound, for on 18th June 2021, he was appointed for a second term as Secretary-General.  Saturn trine his natal Neptune, a complex but responsible transit, while Uranus was square his natal Pluto (perhaps an augury of the deep change in the world which was about to transpire).

He is a practising Catholic, and has been married twice, with two children.


Guterres’ immediate predecessor was Ban Ki-Moon (2007 – 2016), and before him was Kofi Annan (1997 – 2006) who won the Nobel Peace Prize.  As has already been mentioned, Ban Ki-Moon had the peacemaking conjunction of the Sun and Venus, and the same number of degrees apart (three).  Kofi Annan’s chart shares the high energy square of Mars and Jupiter, with Jupiter in humanitarian Aquarius in common with Guterres.   Like Guterres, Kofi Annan had Mercury and Venus in Taurus.

Current Transits

Antonio Guterres visited the Kremlin on Tuesday, and Ukraine on Thursday this week.  For his visit to sit at the end of Putin’s long table, Guterres had a Mercury Return (it’s good to chat), Mars was square his natal Chiron (delicate wounds being addressed), Jupiter was sextile his Moon/Mercury in Taurus in 5th House (foreign travel and the use of communication skills), and Uranus still square his natal Pluto (still tackling deep world changes).  Putin’s chart is currently contested, but for his original chart Chiron is opposite his Sun, Jupiter square his natal Mars and the Nodal Axis square his natal Pluto (all challenging transits, the latter particularly karmic).  Guterres called Russia’s military action a violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity.  Putin responded by saying he still hoped for a negotiated agreement, and agreed to involve the Red Cross involvement in evacuating the besieged town Mariupol (though there are still many civilians trapped there).

Guterres went on to Ukraine, where the Russians were still shelling parts of Kyiv while he was there.  He called the war evil, declaring: “When I see those destroyed buildings, I must say what I feel. I imagined my family in one of those houses that is now destroyed and black.   I see my granddaughters running away in panic, part of the family eventually killed.”  He met and expressed solidarity with Ukrainian President Zelensky, pledging humanitarian aid.  It was close to Guterres’ birthday of 30th April, so he was experiencing a Solar Return, and Pluto was trine his Moon, increasing his empathy.  For Zelensky, Chiron was square his Mercury (mental conundrums to solve), Jupiter square his Mercury (an overstretched mind), and Uranus trine his Mercury (his intuition working well).

The U.N itself has been criticized as being ineffectual, but it is better to have it until something better is created.  It has been suggested that as the majority of nations are opposed to this war, Russia should be expelled from the institution.  Guterres himself has been criticized as being ineffectual, but the role he has is unenviable, and must take a great deal of courage.  All luck to them, and to the collective nations, in solving the current impasse.

“Blessed are the Peacemakers” – The Bible (Matthew 5:9)


In the first of five sextiles this week, which should set up a harmonious vibe, Venus sextiles Pluto today.  It could be all systems go!  You can add extra artistry and harmony to your current projects.  You can also experience profound connections between people, and it’s a good time for evaluating what people mean to you.

Tomorrow (Monday 2nd) Venus waves goodbye to Pisces and enters Aries in the afternoon.  Though Venus was sympathetic in Pisces, there is a warmer and more demonstrative feel while she is in Aries.  On the flip side, she is out of her comfort zone in the warrior sign, so there may be some uncomfortable wrestling with issues around whether to express true feelings or stay away from possible conflict.  Venus stays in Aries until 28th May.

On Tuesday (3rd) there is a major sextile, this time between Jupiter and Pluto.  This is likely to be quite impactful, and constructive.  It is about the bold but wise use of power, if you are keyed into it.  Philanthropy flourishes, and is appreciated.  Don’t miss this opportunity to display your best self.

Wednesday (4th) brings the next sextile, that between Mars and Uranus.  This promises dynamism for the day.  Engineering especially benefits from this aspect, but that also includes social engineering.  Electricity and Astrology are other areas which can be stimulated by this combination.  Cars, mechanics, mechanical goods and household appliances may receive a boost or a renewal.  This aspect can refresh your energies, if you have been feeling jaded.  It is helpful for both beginning new tasks, or completing long term projects. The power of surprise may be constructive today, too.

The Sun conjoins with Uranus at 14 degrees Taurus on Thursday (5th), a day of Council elections for some.  A day when expectations can be overthrown!  It is a good day to demonstrate your originality and inventiveness, and in your leisure time begin a project which is highly creative or benefits society.   If you are operating from your Intuition, you could have a very successful day, but if you are lagging behind backfootedly, you may have a struggle to keep up.  Some tuning in early on may help with this.

The convivial sextile of Mercury with Venus occurs on Friday (6th), a combination that aims to please.  This favours socializing and conversing, and creative forms which combine art and writing.  There is potential for negotiation in diplomatic efforts (hopefully helping the peace effort, though it is not a major aspect, so in baby steps), and harmony and agreement between kindred spirits.

Last sextile of the week, Sun sextile Mars, comes on Saturday (7th).  Energy is injected into our affairs.  It should hopefully allow you to press on with active projects, and dynamically get your jobs done.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – deep harmony
  • Tomorrow – warm feelings
  • Tuesday – bold but wise use of power
  • Wednesday – dynamic electrical energy
  • Thursday – originality and inventiveness
  • Friday – gentle communication
  • Saturday – dynamic energy

Aspects for the week beginning 24 April 2022

Disappearing Men

The Thief, His Wife and The Canoe

I watched four episodes of this fascinating true story four days this week, and then The Real Story on Thursday, so it has dominated my television viewing!  It is the story of John Darwin who faked his death out at sea in a canoe, persuaded his wife Anne (superbly acted by Monica Dolan) to claim the insurance money, and then went to live in Panama.  The plot then unravelled, with him returning claiming amnesia, and a journalist in Panama (David Leigh) persuading his wife to return to England to face the music.  Both husband and wife eventually spent six years in prison. For a long time, their sons refused to forgive their mother for lying, but they are now reconciled. John Darwin now resides in the Philippines with his second wife.  We do not have a birth date for the wife, who played such a huge role in the real life drama.  And neither do we have a birth date for the journalist who played a really karmic role, befriending Anne (to this day) and writing the book on which the television drama was based.  Most frustrating!

John Darwin’s Birth Chart

The first thing that strikes you when you look at his chart is his Sun conjunct Pluto in Leo.  In the programme The Real Story he was described as “loving the limelight” (Sun in Leo), and of course Pluto is the planet of Death and Resurrection.  The close conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in Virgo in his chart is also of intense interest: a workmate described him as “calculating” and another interviewee commented that he “planned everything”, both descriptions not hard to deduce from his actions, but both very descriptive of Mercury conjunct Saturn, and Virgo providing the detail.  Mercury square Chiron shows a mind that is problem-solving, and this close square is also to be found in the chart of the actor who plays him (Eddie Marsan).  The adventurer in John Darwin is shown by Mars closely trine Jupiter, which together with Uranus forms a Grand Water Trine (his chosen Element of disappearance!).  Jupiter trine Uranus indicates the Entrepreneur Archetype: prior to getting  into debt and deciding to fake his death, he owned a string of properties, and apparently was always on the lookout for an easy way to make money.

His Transits

The transits for when he went out to sea in a boat included Pluto square his natal Mercury (the death plan) and Pluto trine his natal Pluto (self-empowerment, at the time).

The main transit for when he was imprisoned and convicted for fraud was Jupiter square his natal Neptune, Neptune being the planet of incarceration.  We do not know which House this falls in chartwise, because we do not have a birth time for him.

On his release from prison, Jupiter (liberation) was close to his North Node (karma).

The CPS announced that the life insurance and pension payouts were recovered by 14th February 2012, when transiting Jupiter was sextile Darwin’s natal Jupiter in Pisces, and  Pluto opposed his natal Uranus, both transits wiping the slate clean in some ways.  But he was still liable to pay £679,073 costs by the judge, which were largely paid by July 2015, when Uranus was trine his natal Sun (favourable change).

The story was previously made into a film in 2010 entitled “Canoe Man”.  The real story may have unfolded slightly differently had the crime of “coercive control” come into force earlier, for Anne Darwin was a reluctant partner in crime.  “Coercive control” was not recognized in the courts until 29th December 2015.

John Stonehouse

In an earlier precedent for John Darwin’s bold and reckless actions, the M.P. John Stonehouse disappeared into the sea back in the year 1974.

John Stonehouse, like John Darwin, was a Sun in Leo, but with a different character and mindset.  His Sun, and ruler of his chart, was exactly conjunct his North Node, a sign that karma and fate played a huge part in the course of his life.  His Mars was closely conjunct Neptune, which gives him the Neptunian connection with the sea and disappearance. He had power issues, with Jupiter closely opposite Neptune, and his chosen career was politics (Jupiter in Capricorn gave him some success and ease in this).  But it emerged, long after his death, that he had spied for what was then Czechoslovakia, so he had a whole other, secret, life (possibly depicted by his Mars conjunct Neptune). His highest Element count was for 4 planets in Water, and he had 0 planets in Air.  His Neptune was conjunct John Darwin’s Sun, so he may have partially provided inspiration for the other John.

Ultimately, it was false financial accounting which got him into difficulties that persuaded him the only way out was to fake his own death, so in that motivation the two Johns were similar.  He apparently spent a great deal of time preparing a new prospective identity for himself, that of Joseph Markham.  In the event, he left a pile of clothes on a beach in Miami, and it was presumed among other things that he might have been eaten by a shark.  He, like Darwin, had a woman in tow, his secretary Sheila Buckley.  He fled to Australia, but the Bank of New Zealand spotted an anomaly, and he was placed under surveillance.  For a time, it was even suspected that he was the missing Lord Lucan!  The latter had only disappeared two weeks before John Stonehouse.

Transits for his faked death included Mars sextile his natal Jupiter, and Jupiter trine his natal Saturn (both transits of action), as well as Uranus sextile his Venus  (a change in relationships).

A notable transit for his arrest on 24th December 1974 was Uranus (surprise) sextile his natal Mercury.  After conducting his own defence, he was convicted on 6th August 1976.  Mars was forming a dicey opposition to his natal Uranus. After divorcing his first wife, he married the secretary.  He died suddenly of a heart attack in 1988, with Mars opposite his Sun, on his South Node, and Jupiter opposite his Saturn.

Lord Lucan

Lord Lucan disappeared two weeks before John Stonehouse, after supposedly killing the household nanny Sandra Rivett.  When his wife died in 2017, I wrote about his chart:

“Lord Lucan had the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, and was a notorious gambler (a traditional Sagittarian trait), horse racing being one of his interests.  It’s a very Sagittarian phenomenon, too, that he was (subsequent to the murder) spotted in various places all over the world, even if it wasn’t him!  A curious fact about Lord Lucan was that he was considered for the role of James Bond, so there is another Archetype associated with him.

There was a strong streak of rebelliousness in his nature, with his Saturn in Aquarius and his Sun closely trine Uranus.  His North Node (karmic mission) was also in Aquarius, and he certainly had a unique and bizarre destiny.  Mars was exactly trine this North Node, and he was forever linked with this act of bloodshed…

His natal Mercury was square Neptune, indicating a confused mind at times, particularly when under stress.  He also had Venus square exactly Mars, which can bring impulsiveness in matters of the heart.”

Reggie Perrin

John Stonehouse’s escapade especially gave inspiration to the comedy series, The Fall and Rise of Reggie Perrin, which aired under a Virgo Sun on 8th September 1976.  Its theme was of a mid-life crisis of Reggie, who faked his death on a beach and carved a new life for himself.  I doubt if Lord Lucan, John Stonehouse and John Darwin found it very funny, but it was one of the better comedic offerings of the 1970s.

Traditionally, disappearance is associated astrologically with Neptune, and other disappearances bear this out, but for these examples some other considerations come to light.  It is still an unusual phenomenon, and if more birth data come to light, I will fill in the gaps.


A busy week for aspects this week!

Mercury squares Saturn today at lunchtime, so if there are obstacles or delays in communication, you’ll know why!  Patience may be the key here (e.g. you may have to repeat yourself), and “more haste less speed” may be a useful mantra to follow.

In the late evening, Mercury settles down to a smooth sextile with Neptune: Sensitivity towards others, and spiritual awareness, inform our minds easily, making delicate conversations and channelling easier.  You can receive inspiration, especially for writing and communication.  You may feel that you communicate with other dimensions on other planes.

Tomorrow (Monday 25th) Venus sextiles the North Node.  A softer side is brought into our karma with Venus sextile the North Node, if we need to luxuriate a little or justify a little indulgence.  Expressing more love too, is easier under this aspect.  It’s good for re-establishing warmth in a relationship.

A third sextile on Wednesday (27th) arrives in the form of Mercury sextile Jupiter, early in the morning.  It’s another high note!  Some good news may be possible. This aspect favours communication, sales and travel.  Some worries about business may be alleviated.  Higher learning is also a benefit – This may be helpful to students revising for upcoming exams.  It’s a good time to practice any new language skills, too.  Have you tried the French version of wordle (they are calling it Le Mot)?

On Wednesday evening there is a conjunction between Venus and Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces.  This could be a serene, highly spiritual and artistically inspired conjunction, full of unconditional love.  This conjunction can express the best of the divine feminine.

Mercury trines Pluto on Thursday (28th), which is conducive to deep thought and psychological reflection, and earnest conversations.  Conversations could be life changing: the right word at the right time, striking home in the right place.

In the early evening, there is a planetary change of direction: Pluto is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde.  This may be tricky.  Put your psychological house in order, e.g. with a spot of re-aligning meditation, ready for the challenges of this retrograde period.  There may be practical inconveniences, or contentious subjects arising.  The challenges may be more wearying than acute, but you need to keep up your vitality and reserves.  Alternatively, if you find yourself in overwhelm, surrender is equally effective as a spiritual strategy towards a sense of peace and acceptance, and new insight to inform your next steps.

Even later in the day, Mercury enters Gemini, which will quicken our mentality and curiosity, and stimulate our communications during its stay in this sign, which lasts until 5th July, because there is a retrograde period during that time, when Mercury will dip back into Taurus.  As Mercury in Gemini is so mentally stimulating, this may result in a sleepless night, so  you may want to put your strategies in place, e.g. keep a drowsy book by your bedside (I would recommend “The Quiet Office” by Lana Wooster).

The last portion of the last day of the week holds great interest, Saturday 30th April.  In the evening there is a New Moon and Eclipse at 10 degrees Taurus (so check out which House it falls in for you, if possible).  This may enable may a fresh new start, and that may be in the realm of cooking, gardening, art, music or money.  Make the most of this wishing Moon, as it could be a turning point.

And there’s more…!  Mid-evening, the best conjunction of the year takes place, and that is Venus conjunct Jupiter.  This is for parties and celebrations, so if  you have not yet planned yours, get a free kit from 10 Downing Street.  You should be able to let your hair down, even if you decide to keep your mask on. It is a great conjunction for getting out and socializing, but also for practising Unconditional Love.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – communication delays; spiritual communication
  • Tomorrow – re-establishing warmth
  • Wednesday – bright communications; spiritual love
  • Thursday – earnest conversations; deep psychological delving; active minds
  • Saturday – new beginnings for earth matters; celebrations

Aspects for the week beginning 17 April 2022

Aries Careers

This is the second in a series in which I look at careers for the various zodiac signs.  Maybe you have children or grandchildren born under this sign, or you are an Aries looking at re-training for a change of career.  If you are an Aries and consider yourself to have an ideal or fulfilling career,  you could share that under comments.

Accountant, Mathematician, Chess Master or Company Secretary

People with Mercury in Aries are especially adept with figures.  Martin Lewis, desperate to help everyone through the current fuel crisis, is one such.  The asteroid Pallas, which stands for wisdom, justice and negotiation, is currently transiting his natal Mercury at 24 degrees Aries.  Martin’s Sun is in Taurus, so he combines the financial instinct with the numerical talent. Chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov is an Aries.

Footballer, Athlete or Fitness Trainer

Aries is a supremely physical sign, so these careers are especially associated with them.  Mo Farah and Chris Hoy are both early Ariens, born on 23rd March.

From my blog about archetypes:


“Although other signs approach sport from different angles, e.g. the Leo through competition, the Sagittarian via horse riding and archery particularly, and the Aquarian through teamwork, Aries represents the building of the strength of the physical body.  So the modern craze for keep fit and membership of the gym suit the Arien very well.  You see women body building as enthusiastically as men in this 21st Century, although even fifty years ago it was a rarity.  One related Archetypal figure is Tarzan, that raw male, the He-Man, hero of early 20th Century film.

Athlete is one of the modern Archetypes identified by Caroline Myss.  She acknowledges that this archetype was born in the original Greek Olympics.  Her final thought for the athlete is: “this is your time to shine. Through your commitment to your own physical well being and self-care, you are helping to set a new standard of personal health and individual responsibility. In doing so, you are changing the world for the better. ”


From my blog about archetypes:

“The Inner Warrior Archetype speaks for itself: bold, active and protective.  It comes up in many charts where there is a strong Mars.  We all need to be able to stand up for ourselves.  When linked with the North Node, it represents the fact that the person has trained in the warrior tradition in past lives.  The modern tradition emphasizes the way of the Peaceful Warrior, as expounded by Dan Millman.  Hopefully, we have all had enough of war by now.”  [written several years ago!]


Although Aries is not the only Fire sign, the affinity with the flame of fire burns brightly with this sign.

Car Mechanic, Engineer, Motor Racer or Driving Instructor

Motor racer Jacques Villeneuve is Aries, and racing legends Ayrton Senna, Jack Brabham and Jochen Rindt were Aries.

Dog Walker

Aries has an instinctive understanding of canine energy.

From my blog about animal totems:

While large dogs are the province of Sagittarius, most dogs come under the banner of Aries and Mars.  This especially pertains to the good old mongrel!  While Aries represents Everyman, it also especially has resonance with the Mongrel dog.  But all breeds do come under this sign.  Dogs carry the Inner Warrior and Protector energy of this sign.  The dog can stand for courage, another outstanding quality of the Aries personality.

Aries make wonderful allies.  Sams and Carson comment: ‘Reclaim the power of loyalty to self and self truths.  Become like the Dog – your own best friend.’  The sign of Aries is about your relationship with yourself.”

Other occupations:  Surgeon, Optician or Physiotherapist

Above all, if you are Aries, you are a doer, so you would want a career which fulfils your mantra that “actions speak louder than words”.


Early tomorrow morning (Monday 18th) Mercury sextiles Venus, and you may already feel the benefit today.  This is a smooth flowing sextile which favours socializing and conversing, and creative forms which combine art and writing.  There is potential for negotiation in diplomatic efforts, and harmony and agreement between kindred spirits. It’s a sunny Easter Sunday here in the U.K., providing a happy backdrop for your chocolate Easter egg hunt, or other chosen activity.

Also early tomorrow morning, there is a conjunction between Mercury and Uranus at 13 degrees Taurus.  Communications, already favoured by the previous aspect, are spiced up by this conjunction.  We will certainly see speedier communication, though with a possible touch of unpredictability.  It’s likely to keep you on your toes, on a mental level.  It could be exciting mentally, and unusual phenomena may happen, such as startling coincidences or undeniable telepathic experiences.  You’ll be thinking inventively and out of the box.  People will realize their connectedness in non-physical ways.

Around breakfast-time Venus will sextile Uranus, which ramps up the social benefits in the astrological picture.  A chance meeting on a walk in the park is not out of the question.  Sometimes Venus-Uranus meetings can be strange or seem random.  Venus sextile Uranus is on the pleasantly uplifting side of the equation, and can bring reunions.  The three S’s come to mind: spontaneity, synchronicity and serendipity.

Still with Monday, but moving on to the afternoon, the picture may change dramatically, and the weather from Springlike may turn squally, for Pluto will be squaring the Sun.  This is a deep soul-searching aspect.  It is the sort of aspect which can be looked upon as a gamechanger, or watershed.  So if you are in integrity, you may be able to influence what side the coin lands on.

Wednesday (20th) brings a new Earth-centredness, with the ingress of the Sun into Taurus.  Again, this aspect occurs in the very early hours of the morning, so may influence a dream.  Look for guidance about how you can support efforts at combating climate change, for instance.  It is a good day for gardening, and planting seeds.  We were away for a few days last week, and the pigeons took all our swede seeds, so it will be a case of re-planting.  Taurus is a sign which fosters a whole host of talents: cooking (seasonal vegetables), expressing art and music, and creative management of money (keep following Martin Lewis).  So the coming month is a favourable climate for learning to breathe and blossom in whatever talent you wish to nurture within your repertoire.

A Fixed Star to finish off the week: that of Sheratan, the Beta Star in the constellation of Aries. Our Sun aligns with this star on Saturday (23rd).  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld gives an interesting picture of what you can expect if you commune with this star:

In working with this star individuals can develop a deeper awareness of how they are able to transfer the powerful energy of change into their current life.  These are accumulations of unconscious energies developed from repeated past life involvement with change.  The unconscious aspects of the Law of Progress can be brought into consciousness.  Using this star alone before falling asleep at night is of great benefit in bringing these pastlife attributes into greater awareness… There can be benefit in using this star when selecting a key or doorway lifetime for exploring other past lives.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – the early bird catches the worm; drama later
  • Wednesday – earth-centredness
  • Saturday – past life work

Aspects for the week beginning 10 April 2022

June Brown (1927 – 2022)

“Ooh I say!”

~ Dot Cotton

June Brown, and her alter ego, Dot Cotton, was a household name, even for those who didn’t watch EastEnders.  She died last week, at the age of 95.  Though it was announced that she left the soap in February 2020, for the viewers her character Dot is ostensibly in Ireland;  they are yet to break the news in soapland. She was often asked how similar she was to the character that was created, and she would reply that they both chain-smoked, and were both Christians.  She played the role, on and off, since 1985.  She has been described as a National Treasure.

Birth Chart

June Brown had half her planets (5) in the Water element, making her an emotional individual, though she would sometimes hide this under a deadpan expression.  This is something an Ascendant might reveal, but we do not have her birth time.  She could, however, be a cool customer, with the Sun in Aquarius.  She was born on a Full Moon in Leo, which would have given her strong likes and dislikes – if she did not like a scene, she would walk away from it.  Her Sun was exactly square Mars – as Dot Cotton, she was not a warrior as such, except perhaps in an evangelical sense.  Here I am in danger of confusing the two people: they do so easily fuse in the mind!  Together with her Neptune/Moon conjunction (emotional sensitivity) in performing Leo, Mars and the Sun create a T-square, and she has had to deal with many poignant and even tragic events in her life.  She lost many members of her family early on in life, for instance.  But the Sun exactly sextile Chiron made her a healer, and she was said to be supportive of other cast members in Eastenders.  She did have the Writer Archetype, in the shape of Mercury conjunct Venus, and produced her autobiography “Before the Year Dot” published in 2013 and written during a break from EastEnders.  In the book “British Entertainers”, Astrologer Frank Clifford writes (with confidential information about her birth time): “With her chart ruler on the MC, Brown won fame during her second Saturn Return.”

Life and Career

June was born and brought up in Needham Market, Suffolk, and went to school in Ispswich.  She trained in acting at the Old Vic Theatre School in Lambeth.  She was an established actress before she took on the role of Dot Cotton, playing roles in the theatre such as Lady Macbeth, Hedda Gabler, and appearing in some films, such as Sunday Bloody Sunday.  She was recommended for the life-changing role by the early EastEnder, actor Leslie Grantham who played “Dirty” Den Watts.

Marriage and Relationships

June was married twice, the first time to actor John Garley, who suffered from depression. Compatibility-wise, her Sun was exactly square his Saturn and opposite his Neptune, and her Neptune exactly square his Saturn (a bleak square mirrored in his own chart).  She lost him to suicide in 1957.  The following year, she married another actor, Robert Arnold (from Dixon of Dock Green), and they were married for 45 years, until his death.  Remarkably, she bore six children in seven years.  Robert’s Sun was closely conjunct her natal North Node (a karmic tie).

John Altman

One of the defining characteristics of Dot’s life was her fierce maternality around her son Nick, a wrong’un who consistently betrayed her trust.  She continually sought guidance from the bible on the matter, especially in the matter of serial forgiveness.  Nick tried to kill Dot, and eventually Dot did kill Nick, and did time for it.  Actor John Altman, who played her son, has portrayed them as good friends in real life.  June’s Mercury was conjunct John’s Sun, ensuring a good flow of communication between them.

Single-handed Episode

June Brown was a unique individual playing Dot Cotton, a unique character.  In 2008 she became the first soap actor to single-handedly carry a whole episode.  The episode was called “Pretty Baby…”, and in it Dot detailed her life on cassette for her husband to listen to who was in hospital with a stroke.  June’s transits at the time were amazingly descriptive of this solitary experience: Saturn was opposite her natal Jupiter, and exactly square her natal Saturn to the day.  Uranus was on her natal Venus in Pisces.  With art imitating life, actor John Bardon, who played her screen husband Jim, was in hospital recovering from a stroke at the time.  Uranus was trine his Chiron (a healing) at the time, and Neptune square his Uranus (the stroke, perhaps).  Again, I am in danger of irresistably fusing actors with soap characters, here.  I hope you will grant me poetic licence, just for this blog.

Who Do You Think You Are?

In August 2011 June took part in an extremely moving episode of Who Do You Think You Are?  Her ancestry is a rich tapestry of English, Irish, Scottish, Sephardic Jewish, Algerian, Dutch and Italian!  She was related to a famous bare-knuckle boxer, Isaac Bitton – maybe this is reflected in her exact square between the Sun and Mars.  In an interesting karmic astrological note, one of her ancestors who was born in 1732 has a karmic link with her of their Sun on her (karmic) North Node.

She concluded, at the end of the programme: “I feel more connected, a consolidation I think of my Jewishness, like being a member of a family.”

Macular Degeneration

In another example of Art imitating Life, June contracted macular degeneration in 2015, and the storyline about macular degeneration was written into the script of EastEnders. With treatment for it, her eyesight was partially saved in 2017, at the time Saturn was trine her natal Chiron.  She commented:  “I never go to soap awards or suchlike now. I don’t recognise people that I know and they would think I was snubbing them.”

Later Life

She received an M.B.E. in 2008, and an O.B.E. in 2022.

At the beginning of the pandemic, on 20th February 2020 Dot announced that she had left EastEnders for good.  Jupiter was sextile her Venus, Saturn trine her Mars, to the day (a severance).  Neptune was on her natal Venus, a spiritual coming to terms.

In politics, June was a Conservative, as Dot Cotton might have been (or was in nature, at least): “I wouldn’t vote Labour dear, if you paid me. I vote Conservative.”

She described herself as spiritual, and took an interest in palmistry and astrology, according to Frank C. Clifford.

In the Guardian obituary by Michael Coveney, he describes her independent spirit: “She simply could not care less about propriety or coy camouflage.  She was one of those rare people in life, let alone the theatre, who simply said what she thought, did what she felt like “.

“Kenneth Williams trapped in the body of Cilla Black”

~ a Guardian writer

“She said she was tired and felt ready to go. June and I were quite spiritual together. She firmly believed she would see her sisters and parents when she passed on and definitely believed in an afterlife of some form.”

~ John Altman


This morning was characterized by a square between Mercury and Pluto.  We have a great deal of travel disruption in the U.K., with lorries stuck in a 20 mile queue to Dover, the airports struggling with a backlog of travellers hoping to get away for Easter, and a petrol shortage (none here in Norfolk, apparently, at the moment).  Under this square, people have reported “trouble with locks” of various kinds, in past instances.  It is a square which requires you, among other things, to rise above negative thinking, or to get to the root of it.  A spot of meditation could help get things into perspective. 

Mercury enters Taurus tomorrow (Monday 11th) which steadies the mind a little, after the stimulus of Mercury in Aries, and the square with Pluto.  The atmosphere may be calmer, with the accent on the word may because of the times we are living in.  This placement (which lasts until 29th April, just before the first eclipse of the year) is good for negotiation and practical ideas.  It is a good time to focus the mind on earth-centred activities and projects in the garden, including climate and environmental work.

We do have another square on Monday, in the shape of the Nodal Axis square Saturn, which is very confrontational in terms of karmic obligations.  It is a day for facing karma, rather than kicking the can down the road!  Some clearing of the karmic path is required.

The big aspect of the week, and the month, and the year, comes on Tuesday 12th.  If you haven’t been reading my regular posts, you might not know that it is the great conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune at 23 degrees Pisces.  This could make all your dreams come true (according to which House it falls in, within your chart), or embroil you in a fantasy bubble.  Whatever it is, it is likely to be a huge event: Jupiter always grandstands, and Neptune is oceanic.  Even if it is in your 12th House of Unconscious, it may be a huge idea taking shape in your mind, with the need for examination and grounding to make sure it is not illusory.  In its most negative form, it may be responsible for the experience of paranoia.  But hopes, dreams and wishes, are a positive focus, and achievable for many.  In terms of mass consciousness, the hope is for peace in the Ukraine and progress on climate change.  Good luck to all my readers.

A very different mood ensues on Wednesday (13th), though hopefully with progress made from the day before.  The Sun will be sextile Saturn, and practicalities, duties and commitments are to the fore.  The aspect occurs first thing after midnight, so may be apparent by the end of Tuesday.  It is a good day for laying foundations and establishing rules.  Creativity is firmed up, and decision making may be easier.  If you made gains on Tuesday, you can back them up and inject them with more power on Wednesday.

Another ingress takes place on Friday (15th) with Mars entering Pisces in the early hours of the morning.  Happy Easter and Happy Passover to my readers!  Mars transits from the more strident sign of Aquarius.  While Aquarius is humanitarian, and looks after the underdog, Pisces is even more compassionate, and very empathetic.  Mars represents our use of energy, and so it may not be so direct, but it will be more in touch with emotional needs (ours, or others).  In charitable terms, it is a good time to put your money where your mouth is.

Saturday (16th) brings the week to a climax with a Full Moon at 26 degrees Libra, in the early evening.  This Full Moon is emotionally dedicated to relating, while the Sun which opposes it in Aries wants its own way.  Thus a delicate balance operates, which may be resolved in common aims, e.g. in a united effort.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – travel disruption
  • Tomorrow – a calmer state of mind; karmic clearing
  • Tuesday – the dizzy dancing way you feel
  • Wednesday – practicalities, duties and commitments
  • Friday – compassionate action
  • Saturday – emotional high tide

Aspects for the week beginning 3 April 2022

Will Smith and Chris Rock

The course of Will Smith’s life was altered at the 94th Academy Awards, an occasion which represented both the zenith and the nadir of his life and achievements, the consequences of which are yet to unravel.  For Chris Rock, the host whom he slapped in response to a joke about his wife’s bald head, the reception has broadly been kinder, and so far seems to have raised his standing.  Responses have been varied.

Birth Chart of Will Smith

Will Smith has the Sun in peace-loving Libra, and four planets in his 4th House of Home and Family.  This emphasizes his early life, which by his own account was difficult (there is a chaotic Uranus/Pluto conjunction in that mix), his parents separating when he was 13.  His Ascendant in Gemini gives a clue to his first profession, that of a rapper.  He has an exactly conjunction of  Mercury and Venus (the “Writer Archetype”) in his 5th House of Creativity; Mercury sextile Mars also points to the quick mental reactions and expression of a rapper.  The name “Will”, title of his autobiography, is interesting, since he has the Sun on his South Node, indicating that the expression and development of his will would have been important in past lives.  Jupiter conjunct Pluto also points to the pursuit of power.

Life and Career of Will Smith

As mentioned, Will Smith started his career as a rapper, in a hip hop duo with DJ Jazzy Jeff.  In 1990, and for six years thereafter, he wrote and starred in the huge hit autobiographical comedy show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  He starred as a street wise teenager who moves into the Bel-Air mansion of his aunt and uncle, after a childhood in West Philadelphia where he was bullied at school.  The transit for this new stage of his life was Uranus squaring his Nodal Axis.

The film Men in Black of 1997, based on the story of two secret agents who supervise extraterrrestrials who live on earth, earned him an award for the title song.  He subsequently earned his first nomination for Best Actor in the Academy Awards for his portrayal of Muhammad Ali in the film Ali (2001), though the award itself eluded him until last week.  In her excellent new book “Mirror Mirror The Astrology of Famous People and the Actors who Portrayed Them“, Astrologer Alex Trenoweth writes:

“Within a two degree orb, Will Smith’s MC in Aquarius is conjunct Ali’s Moon and Mercury.  It’s almost like Ali was whispering in his ear for this career-changing role.”

In 2006 he received a second nomination, for a film in which his co-star was his own son Jaden, “The Pursuit of Happyness”.  Fast forward to 2022, and he won an Oscar for his portrayal of Richard Williams, father and coach for his tennis champion daughters Venus and Serena, in the film “King Richard”.  His connection with Richard Williams’ chart is Williams’ Neptune conjunct Smith Uranus, so the role will have stretched his sensitivity.  In his acceptance speech for Best Actor, he began “Richard Williams was a fierce defender of his family”, in explanation, though not excuse or apology for his actions.

The transits for the event show up Saturn square his natal Moon (unhappy regarding the woman in his life), Pluto square his natal Mercury (a destructive decision), Jupiter opposite his Jupiter (a step too far, but at the same time representing a high), the South Node on his Neptune (karmic confusion) and Neptune opposite his Pluto (deep psychological confusion). Since last Sunday, Will Smith has resigned from the Academy, and acknowledged that he may face further sanctions.  As a pacifist, I could not condone his slapping (and can see that his removal would have been justified), but feel that the consequences are harsh, as will probably be the future repercussions.  It has been suggested by some that the explosion is due to unresolved trauma around his childhood.

Birth Chart of Chris Rock

This was the third hosting of the Academy Awards by Chris Rock, obviously chosen for his edgy comedy style.  As it turns out, on this occasion, he took  a step over the edge.  His style has been compared to that of another chosen host, Ricky Gervais, and their wikipedia entries both list “insult comedy” under their genres – who knew that was even a thing? With the Sun in Aquarius closely square Jupiter, there is a tendency for everything to be sacrificed for the joke.  The Sun is in a tight T-square with an opposition between Jupiter and Neptune in his chart, which can be confused about moral issues.  His path as a performer is clear from his chart: the Sun from his 10th House of career is exactly sextile the Ascendant, and closely trine his North Node, introducing a karmic element into his performance related karmic mission.  Like, Will, he has Mercury conjunct Venus, but not exact.  He has the Entrepreneur Archetype, in the shape of Jupiter trine Uranus, and a fair deal of luck as Jupiter also closely trines his Pluto (a love of power), trines his Midheaven (lucky breaks in career) and sextiles his Chiron (helpful for healing).  Saturn unaspected in his chart can mean having no filter.  He too, like Will, has the anarchic conjunction of Uranus and Pluto, but in closer orb. It appears in his 5th House, so is a feature of his creativity.  Uranus also closely trines his Midheaven – indicating sudden successes in career, e.g. the way he “took” the incident has benefited him, selling out his comedy tour.  His Ascendant is exactly sextile the North Node on his 3rd House cusp, giving a karmic flavour to his communications.

Life and Career of Chris Rock

Chris Rock is a stand-up comedian, actor, writer, and has also worked behind the camera: multi-talented, like Will.  His perpetual wide-eyed startled look was enhanced after the slapping (which he says he is still “processing”), and he also has a perpetual startled voice (which too was heightened by the slapping).  He first hosted the Academy Awards in 2005., and in his second hosting in 2016, he spoke about the lack of diversity in the awards.  Writing in the Los Angeles Times, he was praised by critic Mary McNamara:

“Rock’s Oscars had some of the most powerful moments seen in the telecast’s history. His decision to honestly answer the question ‘Is Hollywood racist?’ was brave and effective,”

He also made a jibe on that occasion about the Smiths (Will and his wife Jada) and their hints at an open marriage.  This may have rankled with Will Smith, and been festering in his subconscious mind.  So they had form.  Which makes it surprising that it is claimed Chris Rock did not know that Jada’s shaved appearance was connected with this health issue, which she had broadcast, and talked about on her chat show.  Even so, it was a tasteless and cruel remark.  If he did not know about it, it seems strange that he did not know that females can be very self-conscious about their hair, or lack of it.

As a child, he had to be bussed to his school in a white neighbourhood, and like Will Smith was bullied.  He had to leave school early, because of this.  He began working as a stand up comedian in 1984.  His career credits include Saturday Night Live, the Steve Martin comedy film Sgt Bilko, and a 2012 comedy film with Cameron Diaz What to Expect when You’re Expecting.  He was married in 1996, has two children, and divorced in 2016.

In 2018, he was diagnosed with a non-verbal learning disorder, which is neurological, and makes understanding non-verbal social cues difficult.  Could this be a factor in his lack of tact towards Jada Pinkett Smith?  He does, curiously, have a chunk or square of central connections missing in his aspect grid, which may be connected to this issue (a point to be borne in mind when further researching non-verbal learning disorders, astrologically).

But, when slapped, he behaved afterwards with dignity, and has won admiration for that.  He has declined an invitation to press charges.  His transits last Sunday show Mars square his Jupiter (a slap for a joke), Jupiter trine his Neptune (emerging with dignity), Jupiter squaring his Nodal Axis (a joke too far), Uranus trine his Midheaven (may be a turning point in his career), and Pluto trine his Mars (violence).

Jada Pinkett Smith

Will Smith’s wife, the butt of the joke last Sunday, has her own chat show, entitled Red Table Talk.  This is exactly portrayed in her chart as Mars (Red) exactly conjunct the North Node (her karmic mission) in Aquarius in her 3rd House of Chat Shows.  She has talked about her alopecia and alluded to a possible “open marriage” on the show, but the show is a vehicle for self-healing, as Mars/North Node is exactly sextile her natal Chiron (her Inner Healer) in Aries in her 5th House of Creativity.  Over the last year, she has been experiencing her Chiron Return.  She describes her and her husband as “private people”, and they each have four planets in Virgo, the sign of privacy (she was wearing the Virgo colour, green, on the night!).  Her element balance shows no planets in Water (not especially emotional), and 7 planets are in her Quadruplicity balance, indicating great adaptability.  She has Jupiter exactly conjunct Neptune in her birth chart, so will be very much in tune with what we all have in store for us when they are conjunct on 12th April.  Maybe she will make a statement at that time.  The Oscars will have been a painful situation for her, although some claim that it has given more publicity to the condition of alopecia. Having married in 1997, her marriage to Will Smith has proved enduring, and they have two children together.  Jada and Will have some good connections, including three positive aspects from his Chiron to her planets, which would make him protective.  The transits last week for Jada included Uranus square her Mars (an explosive episode involving the man in her life) and Chiron opposite her Uranus (an unpredictable healing crisis).

One of the regrets is that the mood of the Oscars could have been very different this year, for example highlighting the win for the film “CODA” about the deaf community, which won Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor Awards (the latter for Troy Kostur), whose stars are on the rise.

“There but for the grace of God go any of us” ~ Denzel Washington


On Tuesday (5th) Mars will be conjunct Saturn at 22 degrees Aquarius, which may be difficult for some.  If you already have a Mars/Saturn connection in your natal chart, you may be more used to working with it.  There may be blocks to practical action under this conjunction, but action can be deliberate, slow and sure (and even thorough).  Some elements of society may act harshly under this influence.  Under this conjunction, obstacles can rear their head(s), and one way to work with this might be to connect with the Hindu elephant-headed god Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles.  A mantra which can be used for Ganesha is: “Om, gam, Ganapataye, Namaha!”

On the same day, Venus enters Pisces in the afternoon, bringing in a greater component of compassion.  You may have been looking at things in a mental or practical way, and may be able to relax a little and allow the heart greater expression.  The trend towards tenderness lasts until her entry into Aries on 2nd May.  Charities can be honoured and prioritized, and the Arts can be especially inspired during this period.

The Nodal Axis also squares Mars on that day, so there may be group battles and skirmishes.  Prepare preparing your lines of action.  Karma may dictate that you cannot sit and lounge around, you’ll be prompted to action, whether willingly or unwillingly!

On Thursday (7th) Mercury sextiles Saturn, which is practical, studious, and ideal for planning.   This favours exacting mental work and documentation.

In contrast, Mercury sextiles Mars on Friday (8th) leading to brisker action.  Note that Will Smith’s natal sextile of Mercury with Mars “points to the quick mental reactions and expression of a rapper”.  So your mental reactions may be heightened, but rapping would be a better mode of expression than slapping.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – obstacles; compassion; skirmishes
  • Thursday – exacting mental work favoured
  • Friday – brisk action

Aspects for the week beginning 27 March 2022

Female War Reporters

I am always amazed at the bravery of war reporters, but in this current conflict between Ukraine and Russia, two female war reporters stand out: Orla Guerin and Lyse Doucet.  They share a few similar aspects in their charts, not always the aspects you would expect for war reporters.

Orla Guerin

I almost can’t remember a time when Orla Guerin wasn’t reporting on wars for us…

Her birth chart is very grounded, with half (5) of her planets in earth, and 0 planets in Air, making her operate in a very instinctual way.  She is fifty-five years old, which makes you wonder when war reporters retire.  Jeremy Bowen is also in the Ukraine, and he is sixty-two, a year older than Fergal Keane who too is reporting in Ukraine.  Orla was born under the indomitable sign of Taurus, and her Sun is conjunct the North Node, giving her a strong sense of destiny and individuality.  She has the Sun exactly sextile Chiron, making her a Healer of sorts.  She has Mercury trine Uranus, so is quick thinking, and able to think outside the box.  But at the same time, she is also a deep thinker, with Mercury trine Pluto.  Mars trine Uranus gives her electrical energy, and possibly engineering talents.  In considering the question how she does it, the answer may lie in her Mars trine Pluto, a powerhouse of energy.  Another planet conjunct with her North Node, Mars, carries the Warrior Archetype in relation to her karmic mission, forming a triple conjunction with her Sun.  Stating the obvious, she takes an interest in matters of war.  She also has another triple conjunction, that of Chiron/Moon/Saturn at the end of Pisces, signifying compassion and service.  This triple conjunction sextiles her other triple conjunction, adding a combination of stoicism and sensitivity.  Another high energy focus is Uranus exactly conjunct with Pluto, an anarchic conjunction of the mid 60s (she was born in 1966).

Orla was born in Dublin, and has worked for the BBC.  She started working for RTE News in 1987, and became their youngest foreign correspondent in 1990.  She moved to the BBC in 1995, and reported from Kosovo, among other places.

Interviewed in the Evening Standard, she described the requirements of her attire:

“I got my first flak jacket from the Irish Army but they did not give me the armour plates that you slip into the vest.  Without them the jacket was about as much use as a white handkerchief.  I’m a bit more knowledgeable now [2002] and luckily the armour plates have become lighter.  You cannot run very fast with a flak jacket on but sometimes you have to wear one.  I have known colleagues who have died without them.”

She was awarded an MBE in 2005.  She has been reporting directly from Kyiv in this last month of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

Lyse Doucet

As mentioned, there are similarities between Lyse’s chart and Orla’s.  One of the most striking of these is that they both have Mars (war) in Taurus (within three degrees of each other).  Taurus is not a particularly warlike sign, but I associate Mars in Taurus with pugilism.  Lyse is older than Orla, having been born in 1958.  She has the Sun conjunct Saturn in Capricorn, so bears a great sense of responsibility.  She is a woman of immense strength, with the Sun/Saturn trine Pluto.  This also gives her a tremendous strategic sense.  Like Orla, she has Mercury trine Uranus (quick thinking, able to think outside the box) and has in interview expressed the need to always be open to the unexpected.  She too has electrical energy, though with Mars exactly square Uranus, it is less organized than Orla’s.  A T-square between Jupiter, and Chiron opposite Uranus, means that she is someone willing to take risks (despite her strongly Capricornian nature).  Her North Node is exactly trine her Chiron (a strong healing nature), whereas Orla’s North Node is exactly sextile Chiron.

Lyse was born and educated in Canada, though she has an intriguing soft drawl which does not sound unlike Orla’s Irish tones!  She is fluent in English, French and Arabic.  Lyse began reporting for the BBC in 1988, reporting from Pakistan and Kabul, but has reported from all over the Middle East.  She once accompanied President Karzai of Afghanistan to a family wedding, which turned out to be an assassination attempt on him!  She is a founding member of the Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network, in honour of the war reporter who died in Syria.  The plight of children in the midst of war is a particular interest of hers.  She gained an OBE in 2014.

She too is currently reporting from Kyiv.

Other notable female War Reporters

Kate Adie

Kate Adie was a household name in war reporting for many years (as Chief News Correspondent for BBC News between 1989 and 2003), retiring after she had written her autobiography “The Kindness of Strangers”.  She had the Sun in Virgo, but like Orla Guerin had Mars conjunct the North Node (warriorship as part of the karmic mission).

Marie Colvin

Marie Colvin died in 2012 while reporting from Syria, assassinated by the Syrian government itself.  The Syrian Civil War had begun the year before, in a similar fashion to the other rebellions of the Arab Spring, but with even more disastrous consequences.  I wrote at the time:

Last Tuesday evening we could not help but be moved by a news report from a woman in an eye patch in Syria, telling us of a baby who died that day. As always when watching these foreign correspondents, we marvelled at their bravery. Tragically, it was to prove her swan song, whilst also ensuring that no one forgets what she was highlighting: the unspeakable cruelty of the Syrian regime.  The world took note.  It seems to me that Marie Colvin’s death brought about a surge in rescue efforts and international deliberations, at least in the short term.  With the Sun in Capricorn, Marie Colvin had an acute sense of responsibility, and Kate Adie this morning called her a “serious journalist”.  The Guardian obituary stated:  “She was not interested in the politics, strategy or weaponry; only the effects on the people she regarded as innocents. ‘These are people who have no voice,’ she said. ‘ I feel I have a moral responsibility towards them, that it would be cowardly to ignore them.’ ”  She had a very interesting chart, and her extraordinary courage is shown natally by Jupiter/Pluto squaring Mars/Saturn. ”

Lindsey Hilsum

Lindsey Hilsum, also prominent in war reporting, was born in the same year as Lyse Doucet.  She has Mars in Taurus, just like Orla Guerin and Lyse Doucet.  With Lyse Doucet, she was a founder member of the Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network, and wrote a book about Marie Colvin in 2018 (“In Extremis: The Life of War Correspondent Marie Colvin).  In an interview about the book in the Observer, she said “Marie took a lot more risks than I did and if one puts it crudely that’s why I’m alive and she isn’t…  I’m glad that I have a more stable personal life than she did, because it caused her so much pain”.  Marie had Mars exactly square Pluto, while Lindsey has Mars trine Pluto.  Lindsey has the North Node conjunct Jupiter and trine Chiron, a feeling of being protected.  Like Lyse Doucet, she has Mars square Uranus (electrical energy).

Lindsey reports for Channel 4 News.  She started out as an aid worker, and has covered wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and other parts of the Middle East over the last twenty years.

Whether it is a desire to help, to bear witness, or to experience the adrenalin rush of that environment, it is a rare quality to have such a degree of courage, and it is a special kind of service, without which we could not imagine what is really happening in war, and especially now, in Ukraine.


Early on Sunday (27th), Mercury enters Aries.  You might need to be prepared for plain speaking, whether your own (perhaps without engaging the brain!), candid words from others, or unpalatable government announcements. You will need to get to the point much more directly in your communications, and there is more sense of urgency about paperwork.  So, more direct communication is on the cards.

Monday (28th) presents us with a conjunction of Venus and Saturn at 21 degrees Aquarius, not an easy prospect in terms of relationships or economics.  You will be looking more seriously at your close relationships, and evaluating what is important to you.  The care of the elderly may be a particular preoccupation.  The optimum condition for this conjunction would be loyalty and commitment, but there may need to be some letting go before that can be arrived at.  Finance too may be a cause for concern, especially in the wake of Rishi Sunak’s Spring Statement last week.  The implications may be sinking in.

On the same day, Neptune will be sextile with the True North Node.  Those in a more contemplative mood may be able to use their higher imagination to receive inspiration on a range of issues, especially concerning spirituality, or the sea.  You may be able to sense the finer feelings of your compatriots.

The North Node (collective karma) is involved in another aspect on Wednesday (30th), this time a square between the Nodal Axis and Venus.  This focuses on karmic relationships, particularly in relation to groups.  You may find yourself within a group situation which seems predestined, or pondering the significance of your relation to a group, possibly linked with past life experiences.  On the other hand, Nodal Axis square Venus can be quite helpful in rebalancing, and helping to find small steps to solutions in wider problems, after some struggles.

A fresh start is possible on Friday (1st April), with a New Moon at 11 degrees Aries, which may bring cheer and vigour, and a renewed sense of purpose.  It is a time to look to the future, as much as is possible.  It can certainly be a new beginning for you, being the first New Moon of a new astrological year, even if it is just about re-organizing your lifestyle.  If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well…The New Moon in Aries is one of the brightest of the year in terms of its potential.

Later on Friday, the Sun conjuncts Chiron at 12 degrees Aries, and this may bring a focus on healing, and problem-solving in relation to crisis management.  Ingenious minds are often born with this conjunction, and so it is possible to reach out for solutions and obtain them under this influence.

This is followed on Saturday (2nd April) by Mercury conjunct Chiron, also at 12 degrees Aries.  This is a day you can focus on problem-solving.  If you don’t have a problem pre-prepared, the Universe will kindly oblige by alerting you.  There may also be a high degree of mental tension or anxiety in the air.  But use what comes up to find solutions, at whatever depth you need to engage with them.  One area which is especially suited to this conjunction in Aries is finance and economy.  Chancellor Rishi Sunak may have an important announcement.

Late on Saturday, Mercury goes on to conjunct the Sun (at 13 degrees Aries), so it would be good to round off the week with  concentration and focus,  and putting out any important statements.  The focus may be on your own growth and potential and physical wellbeing.  Mentally you may see things clearly, if egocentrically.  Creatively, this is a very helpful conjunction: If you are writing a play, for instance, the perfect line could come to you.  It also supports global vision and interests.

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – plain speaking
  • Monday – emotionally flat; economic necessity; karmic inspiration
  • Wednesday – relationship karma
  • Friday – a new beginning;  focus on healing
  • Saturday – problem solving; clear focus


Aspects for the week beginning 20 March 2022

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe released

In the midst of another week of unbearable news from Ukraine, a miracle happened.  Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe, who had been detained in Iran, most of that time in prison, was allowed to come home and be reunited with her daughter and husband.  Heartwarming photos ensued of the three of them together again.  At a time when Ukrainian families are being torn apart, we should frame these photos in our hearts to remind us that reunion is possible.

Birth Chart

The birth date now accepted for Nazanin is 26th December 1978, though we do not have a birth time for her.  She has Sun in the sign of Capricorn, known for qualities of endurance (but can also be the scapegoat).  Her Sun conjoins Mars, giving her a warrior spirit.  She is also a healer, with the Sun exactly trine Chiron.  She certainly had to employ her inner healer in her six years under arrest.  Moon in Scorpio, will have given her extra emotional grit and determination.  In confinement, the Moon conjunct Uranus, will have given her a highly developed imagination to explore her inner mind: Terry Waite, one of the Beirut hostages, had the Moon opposite Uranus in his chart.  Another of the Beirut hostages, John McCarthy, had the Moon sextile Uranus.  Nazanin has a widely travelled, intelligent, trine between Mercury and Jupiter (also giving her a facility for languages), but conversely Mercury closely square Saturn, possibly indicative of some mental confinement.  Her Mercury conjunct Neptune shows a mind tuned into the collective unconscious.  And Venus exactly conjunct Uranus is magnetic, but with some separation in relationships.  Venus conjunct the Moon (in a triple conjunction with Uranus) and closely sextile North Node, reflects her much loved status in the hearts of the public, together with the poignancy of her relationship with her child.  Mars trine Saturn is capable of discipline.  An interesting feature of her chart is her Saturn conjunct the North Node and square to Neptune, which you can see in the fate that befell her: that of a victim (Saturn) of deception and cruelty, taken by stealth (Neptune) and locked into a karmic battle (Nodal Axis).  Her freedom reminds us that karmic sentences come to an end, though I am not suggesting she deserved her fate.  In setting up pre-incarnational contracts, some people may take on what seem like impossible missions or causes.  The books by Robert Schwartz (such as “Your Soul’s Plan” and “Your Soul’s Gift”) illustrate this very well. And with 5 planetary aspects to the North Node, a strong predestination is implied. She is a heroine, whatever way you look at it.  Katie Holmes, born 18 December the same year (eight days before Nazanin), also has Saturn conjunct the North Node square Neptune, and while her suffering is not comparable, she got trapped within the Scientology movement and a difficult marriage for six years (her incarceration being more psychological than literal).


Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was born in Tehran, and studied English Literature at the University of Tehran, subsequently becoming an English teacher.  She took a scholarship to the U.K. in 2007, where she met Richard Ratcliffe.  They were married in 2009, and Gabriella was born on 11th June 2014.

Nazanin worked for Thomson Reuters Foundation, and, with dual British-Iranian citizenship, travelled to Iran in 2016 so that her parents could see Gabriella. On their way home on 3rd April Nazanin was arrested by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, accused of plotting to overthrown the Iranian regime (a false charge).  Astrologically, she was experiencing a Nodal Return, i.e. the North Node had returned to its natal position, which can be a time of karmic stocktaking, but in this case was extraordinarily harsh.  She was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment in September of that year.

During the six years, her husband Richard worked tirelessly for her release, and they both undertook hunger strikes from time to time.  Both the Guardian and the Independent newspapers this week urged us not to forget Boris Johnson’s role in worsening Nazanin’s situation, when he was made British Foreign Secretary in the government of Theresa May. Zoe Williams in the Guardian wrote: “Perhaps his incompetence as foreign secretary is just a sidebar to that fact, but it’s the detail we will remember whenever we think of his time in public office, and even as we rejoice in her return”.  On 1st November 2017, Johnson made the following statement: “When we look at what Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe was doing, she was simply teaching people journalism, as I understand it, at the very limit.” – a false statement.  She was not a journalist, but the Iranian government used this statement to tighten the screw.  Ironically, the Mercury trine Jupiter in her birthchart means she would have made a good journalist!  At this point she would not be freed for another five years, to the utter despair of her family and the general public watching on.

More clarity about the possible reason she was being detained emerged in February 2018 when Richard Ratcliffe revealed that the U.K. owed Iran £400m dating back to 1971 when the Shah of Iran ordered military equipment, an order which was not fulfilled, due to regime change.  Apparently, Nazanin herself had been told about this, but it was subsequently denied as the reason for her detention by the Iranian government.  This in effect made Nazanin a bargaining chip.  Now that this was a known factor, the solution was clear, but it took another four years for her to be released.

In that time, three further Foreign Secretaries were left to tackle the issue.  First, Jeremy Hunt, who took an interest in her case and managed to secure diplomatic protection for her in March 2019, which meant that it was a matter for resolution by the two governments rather than a consular matter.  Theresa May was replaced as Prime Minister by Boris Johnson, who did not seem to make her case a priority, and brushed aside any idea that he had made her situation worse.

Jeremy Hunt left with the Theresa May government, and yet another Foreign Minister came and went (Dominic Raab).

Nazanin’s daughter Gabriella was returned to England to be with her father on 11th October 2019 in order to attend schooling.  In a major change to her life, the South Node was transiting her natal Pluto.

The onset of the pandemic in 2020 allowed Nazanin to return to her parents’ home, and she was placed under house arrest in March.

Then in September 2021 the Foreign Office changed hands again; it was over to Liz Truss.  Liz has enjoyed this elevated post, and by and large has seemed ineffectual (for example when meeting Sergei Lavrov), but she made it a priority to meet with Iranian officials early in her tenure in this post, on 23rd September 2021.

Release and Reunion

On Wednesday this week Liz Truss announced that the debt had been paid, and was ring-fenced for humanitarian use.  The travel ban was lifted for Nazanin, her passport was returned to her, and her plane landed at RAF Brize Norton at 1 a.m. on Thursday 17th March.  Another prisoner of dual nationality Anoosheh Ashoori was travelling with her, and there is a question mark over the release of another prisoner Morad Tahbaz.  Nazanin’s transits are tricky for this adjustment period, but Richard has a Jupiter Return (a great release), and Gabriella has three wonderful trines at present.  The trauma of all that Nazanin endured will take a lot of processing, and family life will be part of her healing.  Terry Waite has advised her she should take her time over her self-healing.  It is still wondrous to see those family photos in reunion, and we should expect no more than that of her.

“The British government has to build bridges with Iran if it wants to end its reliance on Russia as an energy source.  Hurdles that were previously insurmountable have suddenly evaporated.”

~ Zoe Williams, in the Guardian


This afternoon the Sun enters Aries, the beginning of the astrological year, aka the Spring Equinox.  There are definite signs that Spring has sprung in the U.K.: the daffodils have been out for a while, and the magnolias trees are shining brightly. For the population generally, if your energy has been a little low lately, you may feel yourself reviving.  It’s time to sprinkle that packet of wildflowers you have been saving for this moment…

Tomorrow, Monday (21st) Mercury conjoins Jupiter at 18 degrees Pisces early in the morning, which favours journalism, learning and education, communication and good news, sales and transport.  Aside from that, there should be plenty of enjoyment and philosophical awareness around.

Mars also sextiles Chiron tomorrow, which can bring about a rebalancing of energies.  Wilful types may see that their way of doing things is not working in a group situation (it may work for them on their own), and invite some healing input from others.  Healing actions and efforts can thrive under this aspect.

The energies are a little more awkward on Tuesday (22nd), with a square from Uranus to Mars.  This can be explosive or brittle.  So it is advisable to chill out, and urge others to do so, and hope the message radiates.  This square can also be accident-prone, so if you are out riding your bike, make sure your helmet is firmly held on.  There may be some escalation of aggression in the invasion of Ukraine.

We have another conjunction on Wednesday (23rd), this time between Mercury and Neptune at 23 degrees Pisces.  This may give you a taster of the big conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on 12th April.  You may get some advance information on it!  This conjunction can link you mentally with your spiritual sources, and provide the inspiration much needed at this time. It is a good time to ask for guidance, though you may have to sift reality from illusion, even in the guidance you receive.

The mental outlook is more balanced, and deeper on Saturday (26th), with a sextile between Mercury and Pluto.  Mercury in harmony with Pluto in this way can produce profound thought and communication, honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Happy Astrological New Year!
  • Tomorrow – bright ideas and travel; healing energies
  • Tuesday – energy volatile
  • Wednesday – spiritual and sensitive communication
  • Saturday – profound thought and communication

Aspects for the week beginning 13 March 2022

Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich, erstwhile and longterm owner of Chelsea Football Club, was among the seven Russian oligarchs sanctioned this week by the U.K. government.  He has been part of the fabric of our football scene since 2003, almost twenty years.  But he has also been a close friend of Vladimir Putin (although he has tried to play this down in the last few years) and implicated in the infiltration of our financial system by Russian “dirty money” in all this time.  That has been known about, wondered about, but never tackled.  Our government have courted the Russian Oligarchs (e.g. Eugeny Lebedev, a U.K. newspaper owner, who was given a peerage at the urging of Boris Johnson), and turned a blind eye to the consequences.

Birth Chart

Roman has half his planets (5) in water signs, making him deeply emotional (as well as notoriously partial to yachts!).  He also has half his planets in the Mutable, adaptable signs.  His Sun is in Scorpio, a sign which some find secretive, and certainly intense and deep.  With the Sun trine Moon in his chart (although we do not have a birth time, so we don’t know its intensity), he knows what he is doing.  His Sun is square Jupiter, so he is capable of great enthusiasm, a passion that obviously finds expression in his investment in football.  His Moon is in Pisces, another enigmatic sign, so one question in everybody’s mind at the moment is, “What is he thinking?”.  Passion for football is also in evidence in his Mars-Moon opposition, which also gives him quick emotional responses.  He has Mercury in Scorpio, so can have a forensic mind, and there is certainly a lot going on in that mind, judging by its aspects: Mercury exactly trine Saturn (calculating by any other name), Mercury sextile closely Uranus (futuristic thinking), Mercury conjunct Neptune (possible deceptive communication, a conjunction he shares with Putin), Neptune on his South Node (intrigue in past lives) and Mercury trine Chiron (he is a problem-solver).  Venus square Jupiter means he doesn’t always follow social mores.  He also has a plethora of Saturn aspects: Saturn closely opposite Uranus (personal earthquakes, of which this is one), Saturn trine Neptune (an ability for subtle planning), Saturn opposite Pluto and Saturn closely conjunct Chiron (both problematic aspects).  Born in 1966, he has the high energy, anarchic, conjunction of Pluto and Uranus.  He has the ability to work with complexity, via his close Uranus sextile with Neptune.  Neptune is exactly trine Chiron in his chart, a healing ability he used in his dealings with Chelsea.  And he also had Pluto trine his North Node, meaning that his karma powerfully impacted others.  An additional difficult aspect is Pluto opposing his Chiron, so his chart is not plain sailing.

Life and Career

Roman comes from a Jewish family, and his maternal grandmother fled from Ukraine to Russia in the early period of the Second World War.  His paternal grandparents came from Belarus.  By the age of four, he had lost both parents, and had to be raised by other relatives.  He began a life of entrepreneurship in his early 20s, and was aided in that success by the break-up of the Soviet Union, and the opportunities that afforded.

It’s not always what you know, but who you know: in 1996 he was invited to move into the Kremlin by friend President Boris Yeltsin.  He became a politician, and  between the years 2000 and 2008 he acted as Governor of the constituency of Chukotka for two terms.  When Yeltsin was looking for his own successor, Abramovich put forward Putin’s name.  It is unlikely that he knew at that time the extent of Putin’s future ambitions.  Subsequently, when asked in 2007 by Putin who should succeed him as president, Abramovich put forward the name of Medvedev.  It is undeniable that he influenced the course of Russian history (that natal North Node trine Pluto).  It is said that Putin and Abramovich remain close.  The enigma remains how close, and whether Abramovich knew of Putin’s plan regarding Ukraine, and what he now thinks about it.  He and other oligarchs may have been acting as financial middle men for Putin.  It has also been claimed that Putin instructed Abramovich to purchase Chelsea Football Club, a claim vehemently denied by Abramovich himself.

Problems surfaced for Abramovich after the poisoning of the Skripals in Salisbury in 2018.  Transiting Uranus, purveyor of change, was exactly opposite his natal Sun.  The U.K. withheld the renewal of his Visa, as they negotiated their position with Russia over the incident.  By virtue of his religious status, he was able to gain Israeli citizenship, and has contributed to Israeli cultural and social projects since that time.  Later still, in April 2021, he became a Portuguese citizen, though a rabbi is currently being investigated in connection with that.  Abramovich is currently the richest individual in Portugal.

Synastry with Putin

Just how close is he, astrologically, to Putin?  Surprisingly, very close indeed.  They have a warm personal sextile between Roman’s Venus and Putin’s Mars.  His Mars forms a supportive trine to Putin’s Chiron.  His Pluto exactly trine’s Putin’s Jupiter, so he can be a tremendous boost and support to Putin.

Chelsea Football Club

Chelsea Football Club was founded on 10th March 1905.  In our family, hubby has been a Chelsea (and Fulham) supporter from a young age, by virtue of being born in Hammersmith.  When I got together with him in the 1970s, he took my younger brother to their matches, and he in turn has been a lifelong supporter.  Abramovich, when he took over the ownership of the club in 2003, quickly turned around its fortunes, and the club went from strength to strength, earning some 18 major trophies since then.  Chelsea fans have a lot to thank Roman Abramovich for.

The football scene itself may have been tainted by the normalization of financial investment by billionaires from other nations – not just Russians, but Qataris and Saudia Arabian interests for instance.  It is said that the enormous amounts paid for the top players has distorted the transfer market.  His tenure at Chelsea has been known for a rapid turnover of managers.  That he transformed the Club may be seen in their synastry: his Pluto exactly opposes its Sun/Mercury.

In June 2003, Saturn was sextile Chelsea’s Jupiter, and Uranus sextile Chelsea’s Venus, upbeat transits.  But Pluto was exactly square Chelsea’s Sun, an interesting sign of transformation, albeit that a square is usually a disadvantage.  Pluto in this case may show the take over by a Scorpio individual (Plutonian).  Saturn was trine Roman’s natal Sun, indicating a serious new venture.

Equally, his current crisis will transform their fortunes adversely.  His Chiron trines its Mars, and, maybe most tellingly, his Pluto squares its Pluto (transformation being the bottom line).  He raised them up, and his downfall is now likely to be a demise for them.  It depends on whether and how Chelsea can be sold, and current transits (Neptune trine natal Mars, and Saturn trines its natal Pluto) imply all may not be lost, but a fateful time is shown by the transit of the Nodal Return squaring its natal Saturn.


As a Scorpio, Abramovich plays his cards close to his chest, but he has had a rich personal life in terms of relationships, being married and divorced three times, his most recent divorce being in 2018.  He has seven children.  One wonders about the effect on his family of his changes in fortune.

Current Transits

In this week of sanctions, Mars was opposite his natal Jupiter (a blow to his luck), but Jupiter was sextile his North Node (something may be cushioning him).  The challenging transits are Neptune opposite his natal Uranus (extreme complications), and Neptune on his Chiron (confusion and wounding, possible health implications).

The secret thoughts of Abramovich are still just that: locked away in his own mind. There is speculation about why it took so long to sanction the oligarchs and allow them extra time.  Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy has said the sanctions were the: “right decision but should not have taken the government weeks”.

Marina Hyde, writing in the Guardian yesterday, is convinced of his continued close relationship with Putin, and observes:

“Football doesn’t make society, it reflects it. The game is really just a small part of a much bigger British industry of servicing, laundering and enabling dirty money that is so large these days as to appear almost respectable.”.


Today may be characterized by mystery and enigma, as the Sun conjoins with Neptune at 22 degrees Pisces.  We may wonder where we are, struggling to get our bearings.  If we can establish where we are, we may be able to access higher inspiration for whatever we are engaged upon.  It is a day when progress can be made on subtle and spiritual issues, with memorable ethereal experiences.

The Sun will be sextile the North Node tomorrow (Monday 14th), which favours and supports creative plans.  It is a good day to settle on your direction in life, or for the week at least.  You may find that everything falls into place.

On Thursday (17th) Mercury will be sextile Uranus, giving rise to spectacular and unusual communications.  This encourages us to use all the new technology for our communications, and brings new ideas, heightening intuition and telepathy.   This aspect can amaze you and help you find that “wow” factor.

Friday (18th), brings a Full Moon at 27 degrees Virgo around breakfast time.  There may be some strangeness in the air, building up from the previous evening, resulting in insomnia for some.  Things may not be all they seem, and emotions may be running high.  Or people may be looking industrious, but underneath their desks they may be paddling nervously. If you have health issues, or ecological interests, focus on your best outcomes, and release negativity and paranoia.

In the evening, Pluto sextile the Sun can bring powerful help.  If you dig deep, you can find the treasure you need.  It is a profound aspect which may help to show us the direction we need to solve our collective problems, and understanding the meaning behind our dilemmas.  This sextile can bring a profound air of quiet contemplation.

Venus squares Uranus on Saturday (19th) which could make it an abrasive day for meetings.  The way through is to use your intuition, and stay one step ahead.  Relationships can be disrupted, and subject to misunderstandings.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – decoding the mystery
  • Tomorrow – favourable power karma
  • Thursday – brilliance in communication
  • Friday – emotional high tide; powerful help
  • Saturday – relationships disrupted