Rishi Sunak

They say a week is a long time in politics, and this week has certainly changed the political landscape.  We now have our third Prime Minister in just a few months, our youngest, and first Asian Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak.

The Outgoing Prime Minister

The transits for the transition are interesting.  At the time of the original line up for the job when Boris Johnson resigned, Liz Truss had the long challenge of retrograde Pluto opposing her natal Mercury, which looked to suggest that she would not get the job.  She got the job, trashed the nation’s economy, and gradually the transit came to its exact peak: and that was when she resigned, exact to the minute.  For her own personal journey, she needed to see the limitations of her own mindset (Mercury).  Rishi, at the time of his resignation from Boris’ cabinet, which triggered a mass vote of no confidence in Boris and his resignation, had Saturn square his natal Uranus – an inner conflict.  Saturn was also transiting his karmic South Node.  But now, at this point in time, taking up the reins of governing the country, Saturn trines his natal Pluto (a serious responsibility).  He had to wait for the opportunity to lead (despite warning Conservative party members of what would happen under Liz’s vision), and Liz Truss meanwhile made lives harder, especially those of mortgage payers, and tightened the screw on Rishi Sunak’s own task.

Birth Chart

When he took over as Chancellor in February 2020, I wrote about Rishi’s natal chart:

“He has the Sun, Mercury and Chiron in Taurus, the sign of money.  With the Sun/Mercury trine Saturn, he has a great deal of common sense…He has a preponderance of planets in the Mutable signs (adaptability and flexibility), but he also has Uranus opposite his Sun (so is capable of rebellion).  It is an intriguing combination, in terms of his future role.  He has Mars closely conjunct Jupiter, energy allied with enthusiasm, which I feel has contributed to his success (at 39, he is a very young age for a Chancellor).”

To that, I would add that he has eight aspects to his Nodal Axis, which signifies someone who is deeply enmeshed in the lives of others, in terms of their karmic mission.

Life and Career

Rishi Sunak was born in Southampton, his parents having emigrated from East Africa to the U.K. in the 1960s, though the family were Punjabi in origin, and Rishi himself is a practising Hindu. His father is a G.P., and his mother a Pharmacist.  Growing up, he attended Winchester College, a boarding school, where he became head boy.  He went to Oxford University, and gained a first in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.  He then studied at Stanford University in the U.S.A., where he met his wife Akshata Murthy.

He only entered politics as recently as 2015, taking over the Conservative seat of Richmond in North Yorkshire from William Hague who was retiring.  He then served as a member of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee.  He voted for Brexit in 2016.  He supported Boris Johnson’s campaign to become Conservative leader when Theresa May resigned, and became Chancellor in Boris Johnson’s cabinet when Sajid Javid resigned on a point of principle.

At that point I wrote:

“His rise to fame took a steep upward curve on 24th July 2019 when he was appointed Chief Secretary to the Treasury.  At the time, Pluto (life-changing) was exactly trine his natal Sun/Mercury in Taurus (his talent with money).  His transits this week show Uranus trine his natal Mars/Jupiter – a sudden breakthrough, plus Pluto sextile his natal Uranus (major changes in his favour, propelling him into power).”

He was prominent in decision-making throughout the pandemic, instituting the furlough scheme to help those individuals and business who could not work because of lockdown.  He introduced the “Eat Out to Help Out” scheme, to get the economy flowing again when the first lockdown eased: this had the desired effect, and raised morale, but increased the spread of Covid.  He then resisted a further lockdown, on economic grounds, but this proved unsuccessful.

With the economy becoming more difficult to manage, because of Covid and then the Ukraine war, and the incessant lying of the Prime Minister Boris Johnson over partying and other matters, he then resigned in July 2022 on a matter of integrity, on the same day as Sajid Javid, which brought down the government.  The two of them seemed to have their fates tied, as Rishi had become Chancellor because Sajid resigned on principle.  Interestingly, they may be part of a band of brothers from a past life, because Sajid’s Mars is exactly conjunct Rishi’s South Node.

The In-Laws

Fun numerological fact about Rishi Sunak and his wife: In 2022, they were deemed the 222nd richest people in Britain.

The greatest source of their wealth is Rishi’s father-in-law N. R. Narayana Murthy, an Indian billionaire who founded the tech company Infosys. He is a fascinating figure, worthy of a blog all of his own.  He leads a modest lifestyle, without ostentation.  According to the Guardian:

“He lives in the same Bengaluru flat with his wife, Sudha, that he did decades ago, drives a small car, clears up the dishes, and cleans his own toilet.”

An interesting story is also in circulation about his wife:

‘A Train Ticket Examiner (TTE) who was on duty on a Bangalore bound train from Mumbai, once caught a girl who was hiding under the seats.  She was around 13 or 14 years old.  The TTE asked the girl to produce her ticket. The girl hesitantly replied that she had no ticket.  So the TTE told the girl to get off the train immediately.

Suddenly, a voice from behind said “I will pay for her”.

That was the voice of Mrs. Usha Bhattacharya, who was a college lecturer  by profession. Mrs. Bhattacharya paid for the girl’s ticket and requested her to sit near her.  She asked the girl what her what her name was. “Chitra”, the  girl replied.

“Where are you going?”

“I have nowhere to go.” the girl said..

“Then come with me.” Mrs. Bhattacharya told her.

After reaching Bangalore, Mrs. Bhattacharya handed over the girl to an NGO, to be taken care of. Later Mrs. Bhattacharya shifted to Delhi and the two lost contact with each other.

After around 20 years Mrs. Bhattacharya was invited to San Francisco (USA) to deliver a lecture in a college there.  She happened to be in a restaurant, having a quiet meal on her own.  After she finished she asked for the bill, but she was told that bill was already paid for. When she turned back, she saw a woman with her husband smiling at her. Mrs. Bhattacharya asked the couple, “Why did you pay my bill? ”

The young woman replied, “Ma’am, the bill I paid is extremely little compared to the fare you paid for me on that train journey from Mumbai to Bangalore”.  Tears rolled down from the eyes of both women.  “Oh Chitra… It’s you..!!!” Mrs. Bhattacharya exclaimed, happily astonished.  While hugging each other, the young lady said, “Ma’am, my name is not Chitra now. I am Sudha Murty. And this is my husband … Narayan Murty”. ‘


Sunak famously stood on a platform of advocating higher taxation (until inflation is under control), and firmly wanted to tell the population the hard and realistic truths of our economic situation.  His Chanceller, Jeremy Hunt, has been entrusted to handle the current economic crisis, and steady the market.  On green policies, Rishi has supported a green levy in the past, but now he has refused to attend the COP27 Climate conference in Egypt, which Liz Truss persuaded King Charles not to attend (despite his fervent passion on environmental matters).  Rishi Sunak cited more pressing domestic matters to attend to, but climate change is the most pressing emergency for the whole planet.  That is disappointing to many.  He has re-imposed the ban on fracking, which Liz Truss had wanted to reverse.  But one of the biggest headaches he faces at the moment is his appointment of Suella Braverman as Home Secretary, after she resigned from Liz Truss’s cabinet for a breach of ministerial rules.  Suella stands for some inhumane policies, such as the exportation of refugees to Rwanda, which does not seem to chime with Rishi’s intended standard of “integrity”.

In order to secure his position, he has chosen a wide ranging cabinet within his party, but Suella, as part of the far right, represents policies he himself may not agree with, so she may not last long in the role.  The question remains that, although he is a safer pair of hands on the economy, he may be a one trick pony  in the sense that he may not have the qualities needed for some other departments of governing which need skilled attention.  But this may be his fate, to try to use his financial skill to steady the economy at such a time of crisis.  So he himself may not endure in the post as long as he would like.  A great proportion of the population would dearly love a general election.


There is precious little in the way of aspects this week, so I am including two Fixed Stars of interest for the middle of the week.

Today, at lunchtime, Mars is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde, which does not occur very often.  So energy, movement and activity could experience some stuckness.  Mars is currently having a long stay in Gemini, where it is scattered and mentally focussed, but busy and to some extent productive.  Don’t be surprised if it’s stop-go on some of your active projects.  You may be required to hop from one activity to another, taking a step here and a step there, wherever you can.  Spinning plates come to mind…People born under Aries will especially need to exercise patience and self-control in this retrograde period, which lasts into January.

On Thursday, 3rd November, our Sun is aligned with two Fixed Stars.  The first is Acrux, the Alpha star from the Southern Cross.  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld provides the following information:

“This star has an ability to reverse chronic illnesses in some individuals.  In dealing with chronic disturbances, certain patterns often need to be understood better, and these patterns can be seen more clearly with the influence of this star.  The rapidly spinning star can shift the spin within an individual.  These spins take place at subtle levels in the permanent atom and in the most important core nerves in the brain.  This star can shift the orientation of these spins in many beneficial ways.”

If  you are so minded, you can play the marvellous song “Southern Cross” by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.  Here are some of the lyrics:

“When  you see the Southern Cross for the first time

You understand now why you came this way

‘Cause the truth you might be running from is so small

But it’s as big as the promise

The promise of a coming day”

The other star which aligns with our Sun on the same day is Alphecca, the Alpha star in Coronae Borealis.  “Starlight Elixirs” advises:

“The ability to juggle several ideas at once and make clear decisions will be enhanced.  There will usually be an increase in a type of psychic functioning which can assist with extracting the truth from a situation or from conflicting points of view.  Various aspects of understanding of truth will be made more available to most people when utilizing this star.”  This might be useful when spinning plates.

Lastly, on Saturday (5th) Uranus will oppose Venus and you may wonder what is going on with relationships. Uranus opposes Venus and keeps her (and you) on her/your toes. Telepathy will be useful in understanding your opposite number, or even a group situation.   In fact, group consciousness may be more suited to the requirements of this capricious aspect.  It occurs in the late evening of Saturday, and may also make for exciting encounters, or lively party atmospheres.  Don’t overdo the alcohol, though, you may just need to keep your wits about you.  And be mindful of pets if letting off fireworks…They may feel quite skittish under this aspect.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – a slowing down of progress in projects
  • Thursday – healing; spinning plates
  • Saturday – disruption in relationships