Aspects for the week beginning 24 December 2023
Mary Earps
“I think what I have learned over the last couple of years is you’ve got to show a lot of resilience in life, a lot of character…It’s never easy. We all go through hard times.”
~ Mary Earps
Goalkeeper Mary Earps, aged 30, heroine of last summer, entrepreneur of football shirts, and now Sportsperson of the Year!
Birth Chart
Mary has the Sun in genius Pisces, and the football focus is a trine to her Sun from Mars (the football planet. Sun in Pisces can sometimes be scattered, but Mercury conjunct her Sun ensures that she applies herself mentally. The genius element is augmented by a sextile from Neptune, ruler of Pisces, to her Sun. Her dedication to her sport may be seen in her exact square between the Sun and her Nodal Axis – there’s a sense of destiny about it. She has Mercury exactly sextile Uranus/Neptune, a bright mentality, which can encompass complexity. Mercury trines Pluto in her chart, so she takes into account some serious concerns in life: she is very hot on female emancipation, for instance, being a role model for young girls. Mars squaring Jupiter takes her energy to a high level combined with enthusiasm. There is also a healing element to her personality, with Chiron closely trine her North Node, and closely trine Venus (creating a Grand Fire Trine).
Life and Career
Mary Earps was brought up in West Bridgford, Nottingham, and began playing football at the age of 10. She quickly found that goalkeeping was her forte. She played for various clubs early in her career, such as Leicester City and Birmingham City. Her big breakthrough came on 12th July 2019 when she was signed for Manchester United. At the time, Saturn was steadying her natal Sun in Pisces, and Pluto was making a life-changing transit to her natal Uranus. She played for them for the first time on 7th September 2019, and at that time her ruling planet Neptune was really coming through for her: it was exactly conjunct her natal Sun in Pisces (an inner fulfilment), squared her Nodal Axis exactly (her karma brought her to it), plus Pluto transiting her natal Uranus/Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. Pluto also sextiled her natal Mercury.
Sportsperson of the Year
So this year she won the Golden Glove in this summer’s Women’s World Cup on 20th August. Who could forget the save of Spain’s penalty in the final? Even I managed to catch it, wandering into the football television room at the time…Mars was exactly sextile her Pluto, to the day: physical prowess at its height.
Subsequently, she stood up to Nike when it was discovered they had not produced a shirt in her name and number! That was an amazing achievement, and two editions of the shirt have sold out.
And so it came to the vote on Tuesday this week for Sportsperson of the Year, where she triumphed. She stated that it was the “ultimate all-round sporting accolade”. Neptune was again involved: it was trine her natal Pluto, and Uranus was trine her natal Neptune. In addition Mars was trine her natal Chiron (her healing mission) in Leo (through sport), and Uranus was sextile her natal Mercury (acute mental acuity).
A star to watch!
“And in whatever walk of life we’re in, I think football is a vehicle, and we can all change the world in some small way. So that’s kind of what I’m trying to do.”
~ Mary Earps
On Sunday 24th December, Christmas Eve, the Sun sextiles Saturn. This aspect can take creative expression and ground it into reality. Practical initiatives are supported by this aspect. It is a good aspect for setting up solid foundations, for instance. It’s a good aspect for finalizing details smoothly for Christmas Day plans.
Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
A couple of trines on Christmas Day (25th) may assist a better outcome than expected. If there are karmic issues, such as internecine conflicts, they can be dealt with directly, with Mars trine the North Node. Make your boundaries clear. It is a good day for exercising bravery. We might be more galvanized to action, especially from a karmic standpoint. You may feel there is something you must do, or right a wrong, put something straight, in your own life or in the family circle.
The afternoon may slip into a mellow sweetness, with Venus trine Neptune. Inspiration and spirituality uplift proceedings. Dance is one of the art forms enhanced by this trine, so if you are watching the Christmas edition of Strictly Come Dancing, dance along! Whatever your art form, it can be enhanced, and if you are an observer there is the great enjoyment in being an audience. In relationship, there is a potential for spiritual bonding.
Bask in the memories of Christmas Day on Boxing Day, for there are more challenging aspects to deal with on the morning of Wednesday (27th). In the first hour, there is a Full Moon in Cancer – a high tide of emotion. Tears may flow in private or public, as this is one of the most emotional of the Full Moons in the astrological year. In your personal life, you may be torn between personal and professional loyalties.
Then, still in the early hours, Neptune squares Mercury. Perhaps you are grappling with a mystery in your life, such as why a Christmas gift isn’t working as it should. Some undefinable snag may be nagging at you. If so, allow your subconscious to bring it up in its own time, but don’t shut up shop until you have identified the rum note. Then you can deal with it, move on and let it go. There may be an emphasis in the news on boat people trying to cross the channel.
But in the afternoon, the rainbows come out, in the form of the Sun trine with Jupiter, bringing the mirth that you’ve been seeking. . For some that might mean a lucky break! It’s all good. This is a happy-go-lucky aspect where circumstances allow. It may provide a day of good cheer, adventure, golden opportunity and looking ahead to the future with optimism. If you are visiting friends, the afternoon could be a barrel of laughs.
In the early hours of Thursday (28th) Mercury conjoins with Mars in the 24th degree of Sagittarius, and you may be kept awake overthinking things. For the day, you may feel highly energized, and you may get through some tasks efficiently. You or those around you may be slightly irritable, however, and if so – you know why! There may be a loosened tongue, sharp words, or a war of words. On the more high functioning end of this conjunction, you could write or say something witty, such as a critical review.
Late evening, could be quite tricky, or over-emotional, with a square between Neptune and Mars. Mars likes to act unimpeded, but Neptune forces it to be more sensitive, and possibly more spiritualized. Energies may be frittered, and water currents could be flowing in unhelpful directions, e.g. leaks. Generally under such an aspect, meditation can be helpful, and particularly those which combine physical movement with a stilling of the mind, such as Tai Chi. So perhaps a spot of those activities earlier in the day could contribute to more harmony.
Friday (29th) is more constructive, starting with a sextile between Venus and Pluto at breakfast time. This aspect has the capacity to get to the root of a problem, be it Love and/or Money, both of which are represented by aspects of Venus and Pluto. It could be a time of difficult but rewarding soul searching with loved ones. In finance, there could be hard won but satisfying bargaining and balancing. If you are an artist or musician, you could take a step further in your art, and deepen the value and content of the material you are working with.
The evening brings an ingress of Venus into Sagittarius. You may be in party mood, whether in person, socially distanced gatherings, or in virtual reality. Venus in Sagittarius ensures that the mood stays around, right through till 23rd January. It is there if you need it. Venus in Sagittarius is a good-will-to-all men and women vibe. Keep it going, at least through to New Year!
All that remains is to wish all my readers a Very Happy Christmas!
The week in bullet points:
- Christmas Eve – calmer than you think
- Christmas Day – constructive war, and peace
- Wednesday – emotional high tide; mystery and wonder
- Thursday – overactive; careless
- Friday – deep interaction; conviviality