Aspects for the week beginning 13 August 2023
Harry Kane
“Most of my family were Spurs fans and I grew up 15 minutes from the ground, so I was always going to be a Spurs fan”
~ Harry Kane
Tottenham’s star goalscorer Harry Kane has signed for the German team Bayern Munich this week. Who knows his real reasons, but some say he regretted not winning any trophies with Spurs, despite his record breaking career (having scored over 350 goals). The fans at Spurs must be deflated, to say the least, never mind England supporters. Bayern Munich, in their glee, have released a video of him portraying James Bond.
Birth Chart
Harry has the Sun in Leo, a good placing for a star sportsman, with the limelight of being a striker. His Sun sextiles Jupiter, a sporting planet which may at times have brought him luck. He would certainly be regarded as a lucky mascot. The Sun trines the North Node, which gives him a karmic mission of leadership. He has Mercury sextile Mars, acute co-ordination and quick reflexes. This is beginning to sound like a textbook sportsman! The early 1990s conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn, which gives a capacity to work with complexity, is exact in his chart, at 19 degrees. This conjunction opposes his Mercury, so he would always have a lot going on mentally, and will have learned to process complex scenarios. His Mercury also has a powerful trine with Pluto, making him a master psychologist and a deep thinker. Venus trines Saturn in his chart, a sign of great loyalty – well he has stayed with Spurs for 14 years. Venus also sextiles Chiron, which gives a special skill in handling people wounded physically or emotionally. Mars is closely trine Uranus, showing an electrical quality to his energy. Mars also closely trines Neptune (sensitive action) and sextiles Pluto (a powerhouse of energy). Jupiter sextile his North Node is a favourable sign of karmic rewards. If this sounds like the absolute perfect chart for a human, let alone a footballer, he does have a problematic Fixed T-square between Pluto and an opposition of Saturn and Chiron. Negotiating that in his life, may have helped him negotiate the high pressure life of premier league football, but when the larger planets transit those points he may get caught up in wider controversies.
Life and Career
Harry was born in Waltham Forest, and began playing at Tottenham Hotspur’s club when he was very young, joining the premier team at 16, on his birthday (with transiting Jupiter and Neptune exactly trine his natal Venus, and three positive transits from Saturn). It was not until 2015 that he began to be recognized as a top player, becoming Young Player of the Year. He suffered a hamstring injury on 1st January 2020 (transiting Mars square his natal Saturn in Aquarius). In the 2017-18 season he scored 41 goals, and won the golden boot. He was top goalscorer in the UEFA Champions League by 2021.
He is married to Katie Goodland, who he has known since childhood, and they have three children, with one on the way.
The Transfer
Although loyal to his club, Harry has been wanting to leave for a few years, but the time has not been right. The transfer this week included the following transits for Harry: A Mars Return (Mars representing football), Mars trine his natal Uranus/Neptune (an injection of energy into his superpower) and Uranus opposite Pluto (a massive change in his life). One guesses that it will be a huge adjustment for him and his family.
Tottenham Hotspur Club
Harry’s Synastry with his (now former) club is strong, which has much to say about their long connection: Tottenham’s Jupiter trined Harry’s Saturn (a good placement for him), Tottenham’s Uranus sextiled Harry’s Mercury (stimulated his mental growth, Tottenham’s Uranus sextiled Harry Neptune/Uranus (brought out his brilliance), and last but not least their Neptunes were exactly sextile (spiritual attunement).
This week’s events for Tottenham’s chart are incredibly apt, as they show up:
Pluto square its natal Venus (major loss of a player!)
South Node on its Venus (a karmic loss or debt)
North Node exactly sextile its Jupiter to the day (they will get a tidy sum for him!)
Bayern Munich
Is it a match, for Harry? It is certainly karmic: Its Sun squares Harry’s Nodal Axis (a group karmic connection); Its Mercury trines Harry’s Pluto (reinforcing Harry’s mental powers); Its Mars conjuncts Harry’s Saturn (they will work him hard!); their Jupiters are exactly sextile (ensured success); Its Jupiter is conjunct Harry’s North Node (a happy and successful karmic link); Its Neptune is on his Venus (may be confusing emotionally, for his private life, and there will be nostalgia), and finally its Neptune sextiles his Chiron (so part of his spiritual and healing pathway).
How does his arrival impact the club? Transiting Uranus sextiles the Bayern Munich Mercury exact to the day (a startling signing); and the North Node sextiles its Mars (a karmic football event).
The price of a footballer goes up every year, with the cost of living. Kane is now the most expensive signing in the history of the Bundesliga. The transfer fee is 110 million Euros.
“In our hearts, every fan knew this moment was coming…A player such as Kane deserves to end his career with a few winners’ medals and playing Champions League football.”
~ John Crace (in serious mode)
As I write this morning, the Sun conjoins with Venus (Retrograde). This may bring harmony to proceedings. If you are an artist or a musician, it is a day you when you can produce your best creative output or performance. As Venus is Retrograde, there may be an aspect of the past, in a relationship or creative project, which needs to be considered, included or revised.
Tomorrow (Monday 14th) Venus trines Chiron, which may aid healing and recovery. Try to keep the heart open; it is the antidote for many things. The healing power of love comes to the fore. There may be a real opportunity to re-group your healing energies and feel harmony within your being.
Change is in the air on Wednesday (16th) with Uranus square to the Sun, and Wednesday is the most eventful day this week aspectwise. There is bound to be an element of the unexpected. The aspect occurs in the early hours of the morning, so you may suddenly wake, with an unusual thought! And your dreams may be more bizarre than usual. During the day, be aware of possible loopholes through which the element of the unexpected can enter. Disruption can occur, but unexpected twists and turns may give you new ideas for future reference.
After breakfast, we have a New Moon in Leo at 23 degrees. The New Moon in Leo is about the soul quality of Joy. This emphasizes the holiday making, creative and performing qualities of the sign and the season. It is some kind of a new beginning, so if you have experienced some testing times recently, you can press the re-set button, but bear in mind the capricious influence of Uranus square the Sun (previous paragraph).
At lunchtime, you may be able to swing the element of the unexpected to work your way, as Mars trines Uranus. Could make for an unusual lunch! Excitement may describe proceedings. In science, technology and mechanics there could be progress and advances. Engineering and electrical themes also benefit, so sparks fly, but in a good way! You may also notice some bold and controversial moves.
As there are no more aspects for the rest of the week, I present to you a Fixed Star for Saturday (19th), and that is Alphard in the constellation of Hydra. Traditional interpretations can be difficult, so while bearing that in mind, also consider the interpretation from “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld:
“Alphard can enhance the ability to bring emotions to consciousness and to work with them with others, particularly in dealing with the emotion of anger. The true source of anger may be felt more deeply and be easily released as a result. Individuals in therapy where anger is an important issue will benefit in utilizing this elixir for more understanding of the purposes of the anger. This elixir or meditation upon the star is often able to transform anger into enthusiasm more easily for people.”
They go on to say:
“This star can influence many other processes of transformation such as the transformation of fear into a deep love, compassion and oneness, and the transformation of pain into the awareness of healing and change.”
The week in bullet points:
- Today – love and harmony
- Tomorrow – the healing of relationship
- Wednesday – the spanner in the works (shock); new beginning; the element of the unexpected (surprise)
- Saturday – transforming anger into something constructive