Aspects for the week beginning 11 June 2023
Boris Johnson and Donald Trump: A Parallel Journey
There are so many parallels in the lives and characters of Boris Johnson and Donald Trump that I couldn’t not write about them at this juncture, with Boris Johnson having to step down as an M.P. (on Friday) and Donald Trump possibly facing jail, and both claiming to be victims of “witch hunts”.
Both Gemini, but their charts are not remarkably similar
(N.B. the following part of the list does not allude to Gemini traits)
Both blond, with unusual hairstyles
Both suspected of lying all the time
Both womanizers
Both right-wingers (Conservative and Republican)
Both charismatic, with a loyal following
Both facing criminal charges
Both vowing “to be back”
They may both be Narcissistic personalities
Both lack attention to detail
Both trust to luck to get them out of scrapes
Are they Brothers of Destiny?
Donald’s Uranus squares Boris’ Chiron (there is some abrasiveness in their interaction)
Donald’s Ascendant sextiles Boris’ Moon (an emotional affinity)
Donald’s North Node conjuncts Boris’ Mercury (ruling planet), which is a karmic link
As an aside, Donald’s Midheaven is conjunct Algol, traditionally a malefic star
A History in Blogs:
Boris Johnson – Lord Mayor of London
“I must include Boris here, as he is about to step down from his position of Lord Mayor of London, in which he has been fairly successful and popular, and was one of the three cited as possible replacements as Leader of the Party, by the Leader of the Party himself. He is a flamboyant figure, lightening the political landscape, but is perhaps too wayward and unreliable to be material for the top job.”
Donald Trump
“Donald Trump this week was the subject of a huge petition to keep him out of Britain on account of his racist views (last week calling for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.). The Guardian headline yesterday was: “Trump takes some heat – but barely misses a beat.” His words also sparked a debate in the U.K. on how far free speech can be allowed. His bid for the Republican nomination in the U.S. is still holding good, and so we need to take him seriously enough to at least look at his chart! Fortunately, we have a birth time for him, and we see a belligerent Mars conjunct the Ascendant in Leo: power is an aphrodisiac. His Mars is exactly trine the Galactic Centre, which may also be a power significator. He has been very inventive lately with his Leo mane. His Sun is in Gemini conjunct the North Node (Leadership karma) and Uranus (controversy is his middle name) in the 10th House of Career, ambition, and prominence in the world.
Some of the coldness of his views, e.g. about women, may be down to his Venus conjunct Saturn in Cancer. He was born on a Full Moon, which makes him a marmite character.
In matters of finance, he has a conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron in his 2nd House of Money, plus Neptune. Perhaps more crucially, he has the Inner Entrepreneur (Jupiter trine Uranus) exact in his chart…
In his Human Design Chart, according to Chetan Parkyn, he has the money channel 21-45: ‘… to make money happily, you have to differentiate between times when you receive the benefit of allowing others to carry out resourceful work and times when you need to get your hands dirty. Take US billionaire Donald Trump, who has this channel: he forever has the option of overseeing his empire or micro-managing it.’ ”
At this point in time, the trajectory of their power did not tend to be taken seriously.
At a toss of a coin, Boris backed Brexit in the run-up to the Referendum, the result of which was that famous percentage set: 52% for and 48% against.
“I feel utterly devastated by the result of the European Referendum vote (to leave the EU), and the suffering it is going to cause. The nation has already been thrown into chaos. I was not so stunned, because in my heart I knew how the country felt. But astrologically, I was not able to pull together my researches to make that conclusion.
However, looking back, events do make sense of some of my astrological researches, particularly Boris Johnson’s outstandingly success orientated transits, and events unfolding around Jeremy Corbyn this morning make sense of the transit of Uranus to his North Node. According to the Astrologer Jessica Adams, the dwarf planet Ceres, which represents strong feelings, had an important part to play.”
At the time, Donald was battling against Hillary Clinton for the U.S. Presidency, and in November 2016, he won.
Donald hailed Brexit as a triumph, and congratulated Boris.
“From the Guardian: ‘From its first moments, the Trump presidency defied normal conventions. Witnesses reported that the former president George W. Bush left the scene of Donald Trump’s inauguration remarking: “That was some weird shit.” On the day, Uranus was exactly sextile his [Trump’s] North Node (a weird manifestation of his karmic mission). Saturn was pulling away from an opposition to his Sun, so the run up to this event may have been stressful to him. But Jupiter was trine his Sun, and he was trusting his luck. Pluto was squaring his natal Jupiter, hinting at possible mis-use of power.’ ”
New Cabinet
“For his first outing in the Commons, Johnson had gone back to his more familiar default setting. The Fool. The court jester from whom no one expects the truth, so long as they are entertained. “Pifflepafflewifflewaffle,” he began.
~ John Crace
So it is Boris Johnson’s finest hour: he easily achieved 66% of the vote to become our new Prime Minister. From last week:
“Saturn from Capricorn in his natal 4th House of Home trines his natal Jupiter in Taurus in 8th House – could be a prestigious new House move (requiring apparently all new furniture, post divorce). Uranus from Taurus in his 7th House trines his natal Uranus in Virgo in his 11th House – Successful realization of his long held dream and ambition.”
Now they were both in power, each one in the top job across the pond, firm allies with a strong affinity
In the event that Brexit would be “done”, in the future, Trump promised Johnson a trade deal between their two nations, which included “chlorinated chicken”.
Saturn conjunct Pluto
“As you may know by now, the two great planets Saturn and Pluto make a grand conjunction today, a conjunction which heavily impact our lives, and the world in general. For ourselves, the conjunction may highlight a challenge which we may already be aware of. In the world, there are current challenges connected with international relations, climate change (witness the Australian bush fires), and particularly in the U.K. Brexit challenges, and a crisis for the monarchy.”
This conjunction marked the beginning of our awareness of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
All countries dealt with it differently. Neither Boris nor Donald took it too seriously at first. Boris failed to attend the early emergency COBRA meetings. Donald Trump advocated people injecting themselves with bleach.
Despite the fact that Boris was hospitalized with Covid early in April 2020, it seems that throughout the course of the pandemic and lockdowns, he did not seem to observe the necessary rules about social distancing that his government had set.
Coming Unstuck
In November 2020, Donald Trump lost the Presidential election to Joe Biden, a fact that he continually contested, and does so to this very day.
Blog by Alan Oken (1944-2022) re Donald Trump:
“On December 14, 2020, there is a Total Solar Eclipse at 23 Sagittarius eclipsing his natal Lunar Eclipse. As we like to say in the old country, “Bye-Bye!” (By the way, if you want to know what aspect in the natal chart shows chronic distortion of truth, especially re money, just look at Neptune in the 2nd square Mercury in the 11th with Mercury as the ruler of the 2nd–Virgo on the cusp.)”
Prior to Joe Biden’s inaugural date, on 6th January 2021, Donald Trump’s words (allegedly) incited violence into a mob which descended on the Capitol with destructive intent and consequences, such was his denial of the result of the election. He retired to his estate at Mar-a-Largo in Florida, but has not kept a low profile, constantly vowing to be back. A recent court case only strengthened his lead in the polls.
Boris Johnson resigned as Prime Minister
Following months of scandals, and mass resignations by his Cabinet and other Conservative MPS, Boris Johnson resigned as Prime Minister.
A farewell speech on the steps of No. 10 was made by Boris, making way for his successor, Liz Truss. In it, he said:
“And I know that Liz Truss and this compassionate Conservative government will do everything we can to get people through this crisis [the war in Ukraine]”
He referred to a historical figure: “And like Cincinnatus I am returning to my plough…”
[A reference to a Roman Statesman who returned, to serve a second term]
It was left to Liz Truss’ successor, Rishi Sunak, to “get Brexit done” and attempt to solve the problem of the Irish protocol, in the shape of the new Windsor framework.
This Week
This week, Boris received the results of the Partygate enquiry (whether he knowingly misled Parliament), and decided to resign on Friday as an MP. His transits were:
Mars sextile his natal Ascendant (taking action)
Jupiter sextile his natal Saturn (a balanced decision, for him)
Saturn opposite his natal Uranus (an abrupt break)
Neptune square his natal Sun (uncertain where he stands)
Pluto square his natal Moon (a dark mood; he blames others)
He reiterated his intentions yesterday: “It is very sad to be leaving Parliament – at least for now”.
At the same time, Donald faces charges relating to classified documents found at Mar-a-Largo, some of which related to nuclear programmes. His main transit is:
Mars transiting his natal Pluto (a clear and present danger – of imprisonment?)
Will either of them face imprisonment? Will either of them return to power?
To be continued…
Today, Pluto in retrograde motion re-enters Capricorn from Aquarius. This highlights the finishing of issues in connection with its occupancy of Capricorn since January 2008, if you can think back to your life since that time. Dot the i’s and cross the t’s. In the wider arena, it was about the breaking down of Institutions and Authority. When Pluto gets fully immersed into Aquarius its purpose will be to replace those outworn and broken down forms with new forms (some might say, The New Earth). So we are finishing off the process while Pluto re-enters Capricorn.
Relevant here, I feel, is the resignation of the MP with integrity, Caroline Lucas, of the Green Party. Her book “Honourable Friends?”, written in 2015, lifted the lid on the outworn practices in Parliament. Whenever she spoke in Parliament, she highlighted the view from the planet. It is disappointing that we have not made much progress in that respect, but she is standing down as an MP in order to concentrate on green issues. An article in the Guardian on Friday by Neal Lawson ends with the perfect description of what Caroline has tried to do, and of the decay of the institutions under Pluto in Capricorn and the need for change:
“Everywhere, except Westminster, change is in the air. The brittle walls of the old politics will tumble. A better politics of collaboration and putting issues before parties looks like Lucas. We know what to do. She has shown us.”
Following on from Pluto’s retrograde into Capricorn, and also this morning, Mercury was trine Pluto, suggesting positive outcomes to deep issues. Mercury trine Pluto brings deep thought and psychological reflection, and earnest conversations. Conversations could be life changing: the right word at the right time, striking home in the right place.
Almost in the same moment, Mercury entered Gemini, which will quicken our mentality and curiosity, and stimulate our communications during its short stay in this sign, which lasts until 27th June.
An aspect which occurs this afternoon, is Jupiter square Venus, so you may be confronted with an awkward social situation. Behaviour may be gauche or a little inappropriate, and that may have consequences. You may be socializing when you don’t feel like it, or feel that you have to force jollity. There will be a meaning to it – there always is! Even if it is one remark which makes you think deeply, or helps you to realize what you don’t need. Social non-conformists won’t care, but conformists may lament the lack of sticking to the rules.
The next aspect is not until Thursday, so today’s intense mixture of aspects can be followed through during the week. Meanwhile, our Sun is aligned with Orion’s belt in the middle of the week, so you can also work with the Fixed Stars midweek. The three stars of Orion’s belt are Mintaka, Alnitak and Alnilam. Kyle Gray writes about Orion activation in his “Gateway of Light Activation” cards. He recommends affirming:
“Great wise ones of Orion, thank you for supporting my recreation and renewal. I am ready to shine like a star”.
According to “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld:
“Mintaka can provide for most people a balancing of energies seen to be aggressive or animalistic in nature. This can enhance physical functioning, but can also be applied where overemphasis of physical functioning is wished to be replaced with deeper attunement to spiritual ideals, spiritual goals, and spiritual development.”
Rebecca Campbell, in her “Starseed” pack of cards, says of Mintaka:
“The Seas of Mintaka card represents this crystalline clarity of potential and possibility. It’s about the ability and choice to see the potential in all people and situations. This could be one of your natural traits, or it could be a sign that what you’re currently doing has great potential. Mintakans are thought to have been a galactic race who saw the light in everything and everyone.”
The second star in Orion’s belt is Alnitak. “Starlight Elixirs” states:
“Here potential is made more readily available to individuals for higher energies involved with psychic functioning. These energies can lead to significant vibrational shift in the individual. Thus, these abilities will be strengthened, as well as more energy will be provided to use these abilities. These psychic abilities can include remote viewing, translocation, matter duplication, levitation, prescience and vision of the internal organs of the physical body.”
And the third star is Alnilam, of which “Starlight Elixirs” writes:
“The enhancement of the ability to work with responsibility, to understand its correct balance to awareness of opportunity. The shoulder region and musculature in the neck is strengthened and assisted. The ability to perceive shortcuts that bring the purpose of one’s tasks closer, without harm or difficulty, is enhanced. Assists in more correctly balancing the ends and means and putting them in a proper perspective…Energies are temporarily stored in the shoulder region to be released by movement through the arms.”
That takes us to Thursday (15th), when Saturn squares Mercury. If there are obstacles or delays in communication, you’ll know why! Patience may be the key here (e.g. you may have to repeat yourself), and “more haste less speed” may be a useful mantra to follow.
By the end of the week, on Saturday (17th) we are facing a Retrograde, that of Saturn, so that planet will be grinding to a halt, before reorienting itself. Turning inward for contemplation is one of the requirements of a retrograde period. That entails going through a period of revision: often with Saturn, it is a lesson all about patience and timing, and one of those lessons is that you can’t rush things. So that is reinforcing the lessons of Thursday.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – intense and complex: tying up loose ends; deep conversation; mental stimulation; social awkwardness
- Tomorrow – a wider renewal: spiritual orientation; seeing the light
- Tuesday – psychic development
- Wednesday – responsibility; shoulder healing
- Thursday – patience
- Saturday – more patience