Aspects for the week beginning 20 August 2023
Michael Parkinson (1935 – 2023)
Michael Parkinson, whose chat show was a Saturday night staple across three decades, died peacefully this week aged 88, after a brief illness. He had interviewed 2000 celebrities in his career, and is regarded as the most successful chat show host.
Birth Chart
His Sun was in Aries, with the Moon in Capricorn, giving rise to the no-nonsense, down-to-earth Yorkshireman that was his persona. He was self-admittedly not given to introspection. The sole aspect to his Sun was a close sextile with Chiron, so he was very individualistic, a free spirit, with some desire to heal. Unlike some chat show hosts, he had quite a restrained mental function: Mercury in Pisces loosely conjunct Saturn and opposite Neptune. A contemporary, David Frost, for example, had Mercury square Mars, a more interrogational style (The Critic Archetype), whereas Parky had a more cosy, conversational style for the most part. He once explained:
“The people I interview aren’t criminals, so why on earth should I act like an interrogator? I relax the guests, I am a great listener” (the words of Mars in Libra)
He did have some element of aggression in his make up, however, from Mars square Pluto, which perhaps he saved for the cricket pitch. The feature of his chart which I feel is most telling (without the luxury of a birth time) is Jupiter trine closely Pluto – this I think is the key to his success, being comfortable holding power. He met with the rich and famous from all eras, and revelled in it. It’s also worth mentioning his Nodal Axis squaring Uranus, a karmic mission around groups, i.e. the chat show genre.
Life and Career
Michael was born in Cudworth, near Barnsley. His father was a miner, which may be seen in Pluto (mining) on his South Node in Cancer – depicting ancestry. After attending Barnsley Grammar School, he left school at 16 having passed two O’Levels (Art, and English Language). His parents were so determined he would not follow the family line, that his father escorted him down a mine in order to put him off. Instead, he went into journalism. He also took up cricket, which was a passion of his father’s. Michael went on to work for the Manchester Evening News and the Daily Express, and did two years of National Service.
“Parkinson”, the Show
He entered broadcasting via Granada, and in 1971 was invited to begin a chat show, a fairly new format. The show proved so successful that it ran until April 1982, and then again from January 1998 until December 2007. At the launch of the show, on 19th June 1971, Jupiter in late Scorpio was conjunct Neptune in early Sagittarius, an upbeat and mind-expanding influence. This chimed with his chart, in terms of transit, with that conjunction trine his natal North Node (karmic mission). His transits for the end of the show, on 22nd December 2007, include Jupiter trine his natal Uranus (the freedom of retirement) – it was the right time, for him, to wrap up.
His Guests
In a total of 2000 guests, it would be easier to name those he didn’t interview, Frank Sinatra being one. He interviewed many of the greats from the Golden Age of Hollywood, including Jimmy Stewart, Fred Astaire and Lauren Bacall. He was very honoured to interview Mohammed Ali (four times), and was responsible for launching the career of comedian Billy Connolly. In the world of music, he interviewed John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Paul McCartney, George Michael and Madonna. His favourite interview was that with the mathematician Jacob Bronowski, who spoke about his visit to Auschwitz. Some of those he interviewed became genuine close personal friends. His cricket buddy, Dicky Bird, had known him since childhood, and spoke to him over the phone the day before he died. Parkinson told him “We’ve had a great life.”
Achilles Heel
“I came across as kind of pompous and I could have done better.”
Aries men of a certain era can be prone to male Chauvinism, and Parkinson came to realize his failings in that respect. He admitted having been “pompous” with Meg Ryan and Helen Mirren, and “sexist” with the latter. He could also be snobbish, insulting Jade Goody in a blog for example (“barely educated, ignorant and puerile…a woman who came to represent all that’s paltry and wretched about Britain today”).
His interview with Meg Ryan was in October 2003 when she was promoting her film “In the Cut”. Their synastry shows, surprisingly, some rapport. The stickiness though was her Mars square his Saturn. She refused to co-operate, and perhaps she was reacting to these traits. In amongst his transits, he had Jupiter opposite Mercury at the time (overreaching himself in interview). At the time, she had Neptune square her Venus (personal exposure being an issue, as it was in the film at the time). She was in an evasive mood, and feeling vulnerable. Perhaps, karmically, they met in order for her to expose this weakness.
His nemesis, however, was Rod Hull’s Emu, who wrestled him to the ground in an interview on 27th November 1976. Transiting Mars was square Michael’s Saturn (an attack) at the time and Uranus was on Rod’s Mars (seizing an opportunity to attack!)
He had a solid marriage with Mary Parkinson, and they had three sons. His transits at the time of marriage on 22nd August 1959 point to a very solid foundation indeed, including a Jupiter Return, Jupiter trine his natal Pluto (reinforcing his natal strength and superpower) and Saturn trine his Uranus. Mary had Jupiter trine her Sun, exact to the day.
Being interviewed himself at one time by Irish broadcaster Gay Byrne, Parkinson described his religious stance as “an agnostic atheist”, which given his personality is not surprising. I wonder what he would make of an afterlife. He would certainly have an impressive and illustrious “meet and greet”!
“The genius of Parky was that unlike most people – and most of his guests, me included, he was always 100 per cent himself. On camera and off. ‘Authentic’ is the word, I suppose.”
~ Stephen Fry
Our aspects begin on Tuesday (22nd) this week, with Jupiter square Venus around midday. This is a very social and sociable aspect, but can be gauche, awkward, or inappropriate. Social non-conformists won’t care, but conformists may lament the lack of sticking to the rules.
In the evening, Neptune opposes Mars, and the themes from this aspect may be vision, and illusion. If you are confused about the way ahead, your best option is literally to rest and reflect.
Wednesday morning (23rd) brings an ingress: that of the Sun’s entry into Virgo. We will start to realize the Autumn term is almost upon us. The need for knuckling down conscientiously to work and study schedules is reinforced. The Sun in Virgo will underline the need for a sense of focus and purpose. Efficiency and Economy will be watchwords for how we organize the second half of our year. There may be a new resolve to institute health and fitness regimes, and work rotas and practices. You may be thinking ahead to September courses, and self-improvement.
Do what you can during the day, for in the evening, Mercury is Stationary prior to turning Retrograde. You may be up against a deadline. Be clear in your communications for the next three weeks, in order to avoid misunderstandings and loopholes. Although technology can go awry, it can be a good period to upgrade such devices. You may have developed your own strategies, according to past experiences.
A dynamic aspect on Friday (25th) still needs to be handled with care: that of Mars trine Pluto. It takes place in the early hours of the morning, so could make for a lively evening on Thursday, and some tossing and turning in the night. There may be some upheaval involved, as when you are decluttering in earnest, but you should have the energy to start afresh once you have cleared some old ground. This aspect speaks of self-empowerment, but you have to remember that everyone also has this force! This is a great aspect for tasks which need great energy, and should still be of benefit to you throughout the day.
The week in bullet points:
- Tuesday – sociable but possibly awkward; confusion
- Wednesday – knuckling down; communication glitches
- Friday – onwards and upwards
August 20th, 2023 at 4:44 pm
Hi Lana
The passing of celebrities and famous people, as well as regular folk too, seems never ending. It’s sad but at least if a long life has been enjoyed all part of the pattern. Watching Parky regularly seems such a long time ago now. A different era. Thanks for the memories.
I don’t have specific plans this week, not sure if that’s good regarding the aspects but I have read them carefully, and may well return to refresh myself. I feel I’ve been coasting recently and some improvements ready for Autumn a good idea. I think that’s thanks Lana for the heads up…
Love Sarah
August 21st, 2023 at 12:15 pm
Dear Sarah
Thanks very much for your comment!
It was a long time ago since Parkinson was regular viewing. Showing our age!
Hoping you make the best of this week’s aspects,
August 26th, 2023 at 5:07 pm
Dear Lana
What a game in Cincy! A back and forth and at the end Djokovic is again at the top. I know that it seems that with him astrological constellations are not meaningful but what do you think about the US Open, if I may ask? one of the two will also be there at the top.
Have a good weekend!
August 27th, 2023 at 9:34 am
U.S. Open
Dear Ladina
Thanks for your question.
Just dipping into the subject now, I will look at the starting and finishing transits for Novak and Carlos.
Feel free to ask further as the tournament goes along!
Starting transits:
Bearing in mind these are also basically Cincinnati finishing transits.
For Novak: Pluto sextile Novak natal Moon
Pluto moves slowly, and it was there for Novak at his Wimbledon win as well as his Cincinnati win. For some people, this transit would be an emotional strain, but he obviously took it in his stride!
Chiron trine his natal Saturn (strengthening)
Mars square his Uranus (possibility of injury; exact to the day at the Cincinnati final, and he weathered that O.K.!)
For Carlos:
Jupiter on this natal Sun (lucky, but not lucky enough to win the Cincinnati final)
North Node sextile his natal Moon (good emotional karma)
Mars square his natal Saturn (some awkwardness and missed shots)
Neptune square his natal Saturn (may not feel 100% within himself, a little unease)
Chiron trine his Pluto (but at an even deeper level, psychologically sound)
So let’s see how the picture shifts by the end of the U.S. Open tournament
Finishing transits for U.S. Open:
For Novak:
Mars on his natal South Node, exact to the day (karma may be tricky for him)
Neptune square his natal Uranus (life is a little more complicated than usual)
Pluto is still sextile his Moon (that has served him well this year)
For Carlos:
Mars sextiles his natal Jupiter (extra energy allied with enthusiasm)
Jupiter still on his Sun (still has some luck)
Jupiter on his Midheaven or Careerpoint (a career high possible)
Saturn on his Uranus (could be tricky, but could represent mastery)
Neptune still square his Saturn, but exact to the day (may not feel 100% within himself, a little unease)
Therefore, Novak’s transits deteriorate slightly, while Carlos’ improve slightly (they both have a mixed picture).
Again, I feel Carlos could make it (ready to be proven wrong, again!)
Enjoy the tournament, Ladina!