Aspects for the week beginning 5 July 2020
Mars in Aries
Energy Report for the next 6 months – Mars in the Houses
Last Sunday, Mars entered Aries, and is set to stay in his own sign the whole of the rest of this year. There is a sense that life will be speeding up. There will be an emphasis on energy and initiative, and you may have already been feeling this influx of energy.
It would be good to pay special attention to the effects of the new position of Mars, in order to better understand the workings of Mars in that House in your chart, as with an unusual 6-month stay there is more opportunity for that awareness.
You will need to know your Ascendant sign to make use of the following information. If your Ascendant is at the end of a sign, read the next sign. If your Ascendant is in the middle of a sign, read that sign and the sign after it. Mars will invigorate the affairs of the House in question. If you don’t know (or cannot find out) your Ascendant sign, then be aware of your energies and the energies of those around you during this 6-month period – you could learn a lot! Those with a cluster of planets in either Leo or Sagittarius may be especially motivated in this 6-month “happening” period.
Your own Mars in your natal chart represents your physical energy (there are other types of energy, represented by other planets) but the transiting Mars, which we are talking of, represents forces that may trigger you from the outside, and make you incident-prone (especially if they transit one of your natal planets during this period). It is the Universe trying to get you to react, and how you react is in accordance with your own will, habits or line of least resistance, so you need to be aware of your reactions.
Mars in the 1st House, Ascendant in Aries
You will be busy, busy, busy (!), and in the most active sense of the word. Your adrenals could be on high alert at times, and you may be on overdrive, spinning various plates. Therefore it is important to key in some regular relaxation time, and some regular spaces in your diary in order to recoup. You may have all sorts of ideas for projects over this period, and the dynamism to put them into action. You’ll feel bolder, if that’s possible for an Aries Ascendant! Look at safety issues too, as you may be a little clumsy.
Your Journey: You may start out firing on all cylinders in more than one direction, with a crusading zeal. Then you may find yourself narrowing your efforts down to one main project. Aries is a sign renowned for starting things but not finishing, but with a 6-month stretch of Mars in your 1st House, there is the potential to finish a project.
Mars in the 2nd House, Ascendant in Pisces
There will be an emphasis on money matters at this time, inflow and outflow, and you may be tempted to spend, spend, spend. You might feel you have to keep it moving in some way, whether that is re-arranging it between accounts, working hard to earn it, or giving it away! You might feel as though money is slipping through your fingers, but on the other hand if you are working on your abundance issues, you may be able to sense the right and balanced flow for you at this time. Some may actually feel the energy of money. If your car is important to you, you may spend more than usual on it, or upgrade your model.
Your Journey: Affirmations like “I always have more money coming in than going out” or “Every penny I spend comes back to me threefold” [from “Creating Money by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer] could be very useful, and enable you to focus on the quality of the outflow and the wisdom of any purchases and their creative investment in your life.
Mars in the 3rd House, Ascendant in Aquarius
You may find yourself prolifically writing and communicating, learning and travelling at this time (government guidelines permitting). You’ll have a tremendous urge and energy to respond when spoken or written to, and won’t want to leave words unspoken! You may feel a need to defend the underdog for various causes, such as vulnerable sections of society ignored during lockdown or the rebuilding of society after lockdown. If you have a major writing project, such as a novel, on the go, you could have the stamina to see it through in this period. You may need extra mental rest in this period interspersed with the activity.
Your Journey: You may start out working on more than mental project. Then you may find yourself narrowing your efforts down to one main effort in communications. It may be difficult to contain, control and direct your energies at the beginning, but by the end of the year you may have achieved mastery in this respect.
Mars in the 4th House, Ascendant in Capricorn
Activity will be mainly focussed around the home, family, and locality. Home repairs, improvements and projects may take up your time and energy more than usual. You’ll be keen to get things done in this arena, including a lot of decluttering! There may be an emphasis on mechanical objects, some needing replacement. If you have issues within the family, you will be more willing to confront them and assert your case, or take the lead.
Your Journey: You may be more than usually irritable or restless at the beginning of this period, but should quickly be able to channel your energies constructively. By the end of the period your energies should be much more balanced, and you may feel a great sense of achievement regarding home and family matters.
Mars in the 5th House, Ascendant in Sagittarius
This is a good period for building your true self-esteem and exploring your creativity. Maybe you will have more leisure time than you have been used to in the last year or two, and are experiencing a fertile space where you can do the things you want to do. Perhaps take up a new hobby (if so, you’ll plunge headlong into this enthusiasm!). It may be a sport or a physical activity, something that burns the calories, and fires your passion! If you have children or grandchildren, you may be more engaged in activities with them.
Your Journey: You’ll start out with renewed vigour, and discover the space and enthusiasm for what you really enjoy doing. The six month period will give you the sustained opportunity to make great inroads into new pathways of interest.
Mars in the 6th House, Ascendant in Scorpio
Mars in your House of Working Conditions and Health could mean a period of great productivity, especially in health and safety areas. It is a time when you can reorganize your workspace and relationships with working colleagues. Mars will be stirring things up in these areas, so you may find yourself driving hard bargains at work, and with minor cuts, bruises or inflammations at the same time as you forge ahead with activities of a practical nature to make life more efficient for yourself and others. Focus on looking after your mind, body and spirit.
Your Journey: You will probably start out with a long “to do” list, some items of which may be longstanding. Now is the time to get things going, seize the half-year! You may come to look upon this period of 6 months as a time of achievement. Just ease up towards the end, when you may be more than usually “incident-prone”: go in like a lion and go out like a lamb.
Mars in the 7th House, Ascendant in Libra
You will be more than usually assertive in your primary relationships during this period. The good news is that any conflict will tend to come right at the beginning, when you are re-learning how to use the energy of Mars within your close relationships. After that, you can become the “Peaceful Warrior” and make sure that your own needs are served, without trampling on others. You will learn to negotiate (from a place of strength), and your relationships will be more intense and passionate generally.
Your Journey: You may start out this period with some conflict or disagreement, but gradually learn a deeper level of negotiation within your close relationships. You will be forceful, but increasingly more fair. You may inspire and motivate others in the process.
Mars in the 8th House, Ascendant in Virgo
This is a time of learning about the energies of the life cycle, and there may arise some poignant awarenesses about life. Build increasing confidence in how you relate to life, financial arrangements with others, and spiritual links (e.g. with your guides). One area of caution: Documentation may be important in relation to financial dealings with others or insurance: handle them with care.
Your Journey: Have confidence: you may start out fearful about an aspect of life, but can prove to yourself in this process that you have what it takes! Going from risk-averse to risk ready!
Mars in the 9th House, Ascendant in Leo
You’ll be raring for a holiday around now, and a break of some sort will do you good, even if you can’t travel abroad in these restricted times. However, links and communications with abroad may be as vigorous as ever. Your Higher Mind will be stimulated, and there will be new learnings, though not necessarily through conventional channels. If you are literary-minded, you may be pursuing publishers! There is a sense of adventure about this placement.
Your Journey: You could begin this period with enhanced vitality, and a determination to forge your way in determining Truth or a renewal of your enthusiasm for this. A rush of energy is very welcome, and you may have an upsurge of feeling about a cause or a study. This period will indeed be a journey for you, whether of mind, geography or both.
Mars in the 10th House, Ascendant in Cancer
The focus of this placement is on your career goals and reputation, and asserting yourself in the world. You may be pursuing recognition for what you do, and fine-tuning how you put yourself across, and how you define your persona. You won’t be shy about showing what you can do, and the skills you have been building in your lifetime. There may be minor skirmishes with authorities, especially if you feel strongly about their handling of issues which affect people.
Your Journey: You may start out in rebellious mode, determined to knock down unnecessary rules and regulations set down by authorities and governments. If you can establish a sense of co-operation and negotiation, you could be successful in achieving your aims. Your own will is strong in this, but there is a need to work with the will of others, too.
Mars in the 11th House, Ascendant in Gemini
Your energies in this period will be concentrated in friendships and groups, including large clubs, societies and associations. So you may be doing more socializing, albeit at a distance. This will involve a lot of communication, emailing, and social media. You will be very much in with the in-crowd, if not at the centre of it, and getting a sense of the current zeitgeist. It will put you in a position of being able to speak for the underdog, and addressing current inequalities. Your finger’s “on the pulse” so to speak! Telepathy, groupthink, and group consciousness will feel like real concepts.
Your Journey: You will start out in reforming zeal, determined to put right the wrongs in society. For this you may need to galvanize others: You will feel like putting extra effort into friendships, and joining or starting a group, or a group within the larger group of which you are a part. “Come on chaps, sign this petition!” could become your mantra in this period.
Mars in the 12th House, Ascendant in Taurus
Mars travelling through your area of the Unconscious will stir up your dreams and meditations and make you aware of its contents! Some of this may involve past life awareness of scenarios and relationships relevant to this time in your current life. Archetypes and Sub-Personalities may emerge: some of these will show where you have self-sabotaged, and others will show your strengths, talents, and abilities you might only have been vaguely aware of. Hidden problems may come to light, such as hidden enemies, but equally hidden treasure will be enjoyed.
Your Journey: Travelling through the rich landscape of your own unconscious in this period will uncover little used resources, which will result in a richer and fuller experience when early in the New Year Mars will reach your Ascendant, and reinvigorate your personality and outer life.
Have a good ride!
You may have felt the build-up to this morning’s Full Moon and Eclipse in Capricorn, and this may have involved emotional tension or things coming to a head. This Moon represents the pull between authority and individual needs. If you feel that part of your frustration is coming from the power wielded by authorities, then this may be your Full Moon issue. Many people are feeling angry and frustrated by the government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, and some have reacted by abandoning all caution – hence the crowds in Soho last night celebrating Super Saturday. Let’s hope that with a cool head (or a hangover) this morning, the majority of the population get the message that we are all in it together. Eclipses can be turning points.
The Sun today, which opposes the Moon at the full, is aligned with the Fixed Star Sirius, our brightest visible star. Traditionally, Sirius is associated with success and great deeds, but it is unusual to be linked with an eclipse. “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld provides an interpretation which is always useful, but especially pertinent to the time of an eclipse:
“The proximity of this star and the brightness of it are both symbolic to tell people that the transformation of the physical body is of great importance at this time. The physical vehicle is the place to begin is the underlying message, and its brightness is then simply to remind you of this. On the highest level of such work there is energy for the ability of the person to shift vibration – to change the vibration of the physical body to match better that of the spirit, to be able to change the vibration to higher dimensional levels.”
Seen as an aspect, the Full Moon is an opposition between the Sun and the Moon. The main aspect of the week occurs on Wednesday (8th) when Mars squares Mercury. With Mars currently retrograde, it is an aspect we have seen recently (on May 11th, check your diary). Mars square Mercury tends to bring minor irritations, minor cuts and bruises, and minor conflicts, so be aware of this when you are trying to achieve a smooth flow to the day – you may need to put in extra effort on health and safety measures (masks, gloves, visors, hand gel and the like) just to make sure all bases are covered. And though you may feel you want to make progress quickly, slowly is more holy at this time. Watch your words, too!
It is a sparse week for aspects, so I am including a Fixed Star for the end of the week: Saturday (11th). At the end of the week, our Sun is aligned with the star Castor, the Alpha star in the constellation of Gemini, the star being the twin of Pollux. Whereas Pollux represents the right brain, Castor represents the rational, left brain.
Turning to “Starlight Elixirs” again, we find:
“There is a tendency for Castor to influence the logical processes and the various aspects usually associated with the dominant left hemisphere of the brain and the corresponding opposite side of the physical body. This awareness is one that leads to the enhancement of various biological functions within the brain structure itself. This works first to influence at a cellular or metabolic level the uptake of small amounts of minerals necessary for these processes. Calcium, magnesium, chromium, and selenium are all essential for such brain function. Manganese becomes very important at the higher levels of brain function.”
Maybe you have a mentally-focussed project you especially need high functioning for. Consider whether you have or need any of those minerals (I have some in my bedside drawer! But I am out of chromium…). Or maybe it is sufficient to tune into the star Castor and see how well you can connect.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – emotional high tide; turning point; vibrational shift
- Wednesday – brisk, but need for caution
- Saturday – enhance your brain functioning