Piscean Archetypes

We are now in the month of Pisces, and time to embrace the potential of that sign, and it is time to turn the spotlight on Piscean Archetypes (although I know Pisceans often shun the limelight).  The Sun will be entering the next sign Aries on 20 March, so we have time to experience our connection with this sign, its Archetypes and cultivate its finer qualities. Also to observe our Piscean friends or family, and perhaps see them in a new light, a new depth, or a new height.  The last sign Aquarius represented the New Age, the new broom sweeping clean, but Pisces represents qualities we can retain where they are helpful (compassion being one; Aquarius can be clinical).  The initiation of Pisces began with Christianity, but at its worst took us through the dark ages of ignorance and delusion.  Some of the world chaos we are now experiencing is the negative side of Pisces fighting for its existence, and part is the confusion of the transition.  At its best, Pisces and its ruler Neptune can represent the genius of all-knowingness, a fully enlightened mind.  So, following, are the Archetypes I highlighted back in my 2016 blog, and then some chronological historic examples of Pisceans and their Archetypes, from history:


Famous Example: Albert Einstein

Other signs can lay claim to science, but Pisces lays claim to talent and genius by virtue of employing the whole brain.  The theory of relativity came to Albert Einstein in a dream.

I wonder what Einstein was thinking about when he said  “What does a fish know about the water in which he swims all his life?”  


The genius, due to the receptivity of the brain and imagination, is able to access information.  The Mystic unites more specifically with the divine, in the spiritual or religious sense, and can unite religions from that level, sensing the underlying truths they have in common at source.  Caroline Myss describes the Mystic Archetype thus:

“Follows selfless path of practice to achieve union with the divine or a state of enlightenment that manifests as service to others”.  Those with strongly Piscean charts have often had significant lives as monks, priests or nuns, in cloistered conditions.


Pisces, and its ruling planet Neptune, often show according to their condition in the birthchart, how strongly addicted we are.  It is related psychologically, to their capacity for surrender.  The seed of addiction is of course present in all of us, but more so with Pisces and Neptune.

There is a star of the far southern sky named Fomalhaut (Alpha Pisces Austrini) which according to “Star Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld can help with addiction: “The awareness of past-life connections that create the necessity for such addictions also comes to one’s consciousness with repeated use of this star.” …

Caroline Myss says of the Addict Archetype: “Helps you recognise when any external force has more authority over your willpower than your inner spirit does”.

The Saint/Sinner

The Saint and Sinner Archetypes are often found in the same person, the light and shadow of the same coin.  I had a Piscean uncle who embodied this Archetype.  He would literally go to the ends of the earth to help anyone, and yet could easily get sucked into a dodgy get rich quick scheme.  Rest in Peace, dear uncle.

Missionary Archetype

This is to some extent a spin off of the “Saint” Archetype, in that the zeal of the religious or spiritual passion is the driving force of the life’s mission.  This Archetype also encompasses the work of charity, another Neptunian theme.

Hypnotist Archetype

Hypnotism is very much a Neptunian phenomenon.  The hugely successful hypnotist Paul McKenna has his Neptune exactly conjunct his Sun in Scorpio.  Scorpio gives his work power and depth.

Historical Pisceans

The Genius

Albert Einstein (14/3/1879 – 18/4/1955)

The Genius Archetype of Pisces can be applied equally to the Scientist or the Artist.  In the case of Albert Einstein, it is the Scientist, but it is his imagination (the attribute of Pisces) which gave him the ability to think outside the box, scientifically.  Einstein’s Sun was a lone feature in Pisces, but it was in a heavily occupied 9th House of Deep Study, and closely sextile Pluto, adding great depth.  It was this that helped him traverse dimensions in his mind.  The ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune, was conjunct the healing asteroid Chiron, a potent mixture of mysticism and healing.  In addition, he had another conjunction across the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp, of Mars and the North Node, showing his pioneering karmic mission. A further significant conjunction, also in his House of Deep Study, is Mercury conjunct Saturn, showing detailed application, and in the sign of Aries highlights mathematical prowess, hence his famous equation.

The Poet

Dr Seuss (2/3/1904 – 24/9/1991)

Not a conventional or sentimental poet, but Dr Seuss’ verses in his children’s books are undeniably poetry.  Like Albert Einstein, his Sun was a lone feature in Pisces – maybe that’s all they needed, to manifest their talents.  Dr Seuss was born on a Full Moon, and perhaps that was one reason his poetry and talent was put to use in the service of entertaining children. The often “all round” talents of Pisces meant that he as a cartoonist also illustrated his own books.   He had a very dynamic conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Aries, which resulted in a prolific body of work.  His book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” was made into a film; but our own personal family favourite was “The Sleep Book”, perhaps favoured even more by the grown ups than the targeted children.

The Peacemaker

Mikhail Gorbachev (2/3/1931 – 30/8/2022)

Gorbachev was another Piscean with only the Sun in Pisces.  Gorbachev had the vision of a better relationship with the West, moving towards social democracy, which involved surrender to the greater good.  Pisces and its ruler Neptune represent the process of dissolution, away from entrenched crystallization.  His karmic mission as a reformer is marked in his chart as the North Node conjunct Uranus.  His policies of glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring along the lines of decentralisation) – both Piscean processes – were successful for several years, and up to a point, but at a cost to him personally, and that of his wife Raisa.  That almost sacrificial quality can be one of the characteristics of Pisces, taken to its conclusion.  I wrote when he died in 2022:

“With the Sun in Pisces, Mikhail Gorbachev was a visionary and an idealist.  His Ascendant in Libra was peace loving and diplomatic.  The combination of these traits in his personality contributed to him gaining the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990, for his work in ending the Cold War…[at the presentation Pluto was trine his natal Pluto, a deep achievement, and Jupiter was trine his natal Uranus, an award of distinction]

…Gorbachev was reportedly traumatized by the invasion of Ukraine earlier this year [2022], feeling that Putin had undone his life’s work.  To my mind, Gorbachev was a man who put the welfare of the world above nationalism and patriotism.”

Since I wrote that, his birth time has come to light, showing up a Libran Ascendant, a zodiac sign which would share the Peacemaker Archetype, so that emphasizes the quality in his make up.  His birth time also reveals the fact that his ruler Neptune sextiled his natal Midheaven (Careerpoint), making Neptunian processes a major feature of his career choices.

We are now seeing the unravelling of his work, as the pendulum swings the other way. Tomorrow it will be exactly three years since the invasion of Ukraine.  Vladimir Putin was unable to stomach the dilution of the Russian state, and has put all his energies in reclaiming land, and power.

The Mystic

George Harrison (25/2/1943 – 29/11/2001)

George Harrison had Venus (music) at the end of his Sun Sign Pisces, indicating a high level of spirituality and transcendence within his musical sense and creativity.

I wrote in an earlier blog about George Harrison:

“George Harrison had Chiron exactly conjunct the North Node in Leo in 10th House, giving him a karmic mission of healing through creativity, channelled through his career…

… his musical tastes and spiritual path lay in a different direction [from Lennon and McCartney], though he did take them part of the way, with their involvement with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.  Musically, he became a student of Ravi Shankar, and these directions were all very Piscean in nature.”

That direction, of course, was within, and Pisces is the most introverted sign.  His quest led to some divine music, especially as recorded on his double album “All Things Must Pass”.  Of the four Beatles, he was unquestionably, The Mystic.

In exercising your own Piscean underbelly at this time, remember that Pisceans need to work out their place in the cosmos, how much to surrender and what they are here to bring forth for their life purpose, and that may be a component in what you may achieve in this Piscean month.


We have a gung ho aspect today, Mercury trine Mars, so there’s hope for some of those odd jobs you keep putting off.  Communications may zip along, and the day could be very productive.  Much can be accomplished.  You can put your ideas into practice.  You may retire at the end of the day with the feeling that you could do more, and have extra ideas to put into practice for the next day.

Tomorrow (Monday 24th) activity is again highlighted, with Mars Stationary prior to going Direct.  We may no longer feel we are pushing the boulder up the hill, a feature of our lives especially since Mars went retrograde in December, we now may be able to roll the boulder gently along the flat (hopefully it is not likely to be rolling downhill).  For the Ariens among you, you could experience a literally physical renewal.  You may be in a mood to move furniture around.

A more sober mood for Tuesday (25th), with a conjunction of Mercury with Saturn at 20 degrees Pisces.  The combination of Mercury and Saturn pins us down to reality, and brings communications of a serious nature.  You may have found yourself trying to come to terms with recent events or news, and its seemingly disappointing trajectories.  The important thing about this conjunction is what conclusions you come to, and what constructive action you might decide to take, even if it is just down to taking up the ever present demand of decluttering.

As we come into the second half of the week, Thursday (27th) brings us a nice sextile between Mercury and Uranus.  The beginning of the week may have been a physical work-out, but thing brings a mental work-out exercise: thinking inside and outside the box together!  This aspect gives rise to spectacular and unusual communications.  This encourages us to use all the new technology for our communications, and brings new ideas, heightening intuition and telepathy.   This aspect can amaze you and help you find that “wow” factor

As if the end of the week couldn’t get any better, we are gifted a New Moon in Pisces at 9 degrees of the sign on Friday (28th).  You may come to a decision, and follow it up by cementing your intentions.  This New Moon is especially focussed on service, emotion, the use of water and overcoming addiction(s).  Any affirmations, practical projects and creative visualizations along these lines would be apt.  A good day to avail yourself of some of the positive Piscean Archetypes (The Peacemaker, for example) and put them into practice.  A step forward in the international peace processes would be a blessing.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – dynamic
  • Tomorrow – further moves
  • Tuesday – look at the small print
  • Thursday – dynamic thought
  • Friday – new beginning