Aspects for the week beginning 9 March 2008
You may already have made a complicated start to the day. I have been fiddling around, looking at different charts before settling to blog. Venus is conjunct the North Node, and Mercury is conjunct Neptune. Venus and the North Node up close and personal force us to examine our close relationships and how they are currently working, as well as looking at older relationships and how we are travelling together with the people in our lives. Are we on the same path, or have our paths diverged? You need to know what path you are on and if it is the right path for you, honour it and stay focussed. Relationships come into our lives at different times for different purposes and cannot always maintain the same intensity or closeness in other times, places or circumstances. But it’s the Mercury conjunct Neptune which has me all in a tiswas this morning, and has steamed up my glasses. How far do we take the warnings about “an intense area of low pressure” forecast across the UK this week? Mercury does rule weather, and Neptune does rule complications. Should we be battening down the hatches? One fellow commuter told me at the end of the last week she will be buying a special screw to fix her bins to the wall, so that she won’t have to run around the garden. So can Astrology tell us whether this would be necessary? There are some pertinent aspects to Mercury, planet of weather, this week especially for Wednesday when another storm is apparently brewing. So we’ll come back to that…but in the meantime, you’ll just have to use your own instincts about your own locality…There may be Astrologers who can pinpoint where the disruptive weather is going to land, but my own efforts are embryonic. I hope that Monday’s predicted weather patterns do not catch you running around your garden picking up rubbish, and Tuesday (11th) looks a quiet day Astrologically and weather-wise (famous last words), which brings us to Wednesday (12th). There is a lot going on on Wednesday: Mercury conjunct Chiron and squaring the UK Venus and conjunct the Mars in the UK chart, plus Venus entering Pisces. The Mercury contacts to the UK chart could be significant meterologically, but may also highlight the more social and even sexual issues within society. Globally, Mercury’s alliance with Chiron directs us to look at the consequences of our actions in relation to health and healing, so the world healing organizations may have statements to make on that day. Venus entering Pisces cold also touch upon health issues too, but may also bring new initiatives in the Arts. On a more personal level, you may move from a focus on friendship, to experiencing a deeper level of sensitivity and emotion in your closest relationships. On Thursday (13th) Venus sextiles Pluto and this theme deepens even further. You can experience the very essence of your relationships, and this means also experiencing more deeply who you are. That could be wonderful, or it could be scary! The week continues apace with Mars sextile Saturn on Friday (14th) and Mercury joining Venus in Pisces. The Mars-Saturn configuration favours planned activities, with in-built caution, and careful timing and pace. Mercury’s arrival in Pisces may enable us to analyse and express our feelings about art, or about wider humanitarian issues such as the plight of Darfur. It would be a good day for charities to make impassioned pleas to our hearts and pockets. The week ends on Saturday (15th) with another mixed combination: Mercury sextile Pluto and Venus opposite Saturn. Venus in Pisces opposite Saturn in Virgo is waving a tearful goodbye, but Mercury sextile Pluto is travelling with a spirit of mission accomplished, message understood and “I’ll be back…”
March 10th, 2008 at 8:03 am
Hmmmm… it’s Monday morning, thanks for the warning…. the Astro met office was right…. I feel as though my Buddha in my garden would fly off in a twister if it weren’t made of extremely heavy concrete not to mention the drips of water coming in the conservatory roof all over the electric sockets… fortunately i have that covered in plastic to avoid disaster! It really does sound as though it’s going to be a week of being battered by internal and external forces… well for me at any rate. I don’t much care for windy weather expecially with cold rain – I think that’s maybe an understatement as I watch the glorious blossoms on the cherry tree in my garden being bashed around. For me, this sounds like a profound week and I intend to try to harness these energies, especially the relationship ones. Thanks as ever Lana for an amusing and informative account of our week ahead…. I think i had better skid-addle and find my wellies!
March 15th, 2008 at 3:14 pm
This has to be a comment on this week, that it has taken me till today, Saturday, to realise I had not looked at the Blog. I hope it is not cheating to arrive so late, but it really has been a momentous time, yet now I am moving into the experience and have lost the ‘gosh what a huge learning feeling.’ So don’t ask me to explain, but watch the putting into practice……
My relationship experience, typically, has been extremely deep, and all about my inner self. However this does open the door for future ease with having fun with old and new relationships. Glad the wind has eased, I don’t do well with it’s wild energies I find. Brilliant blogging Lana.