Aspects for the week beginning 1 May 2011
For those who followed the occasion, it was the perfect Royal Wedding. I watched it through the lens of the Royal Wedding of 1981, a fairytale commoner marrying her Prince: beautiful princess, fairytale dress, huge public support…in the intervening years the dream would turn sour, illusions shattered, and Diana, mother-of-two dying tragically in Paris. As I watched the happiness of William riding in the open carriage after the ceremony, I was moved to think that he was attempting to neutralize all the Royal karma and his own heartaches, in this match. His relationship with Kate was not an unknown fairytale pipe dream, it had been tried and tested over 8 years. She is a decorous and realistic Capricorn, and they tried both to honour the best of their family traditions but also not to replicate any of the mistakes or loopholes of the past. Well done to them. My highlights were: the delicately laced dress, the tree-lined Abbey, the beauty of the Abbey itself (aerial photography has come a long way), the spine-tingling hymn “Jerusalem”, and the spiritual clarity of the sermon by the Bishop of London. The Sun did come out, at strategic points, just as it had during the funeral of Princess Diana. Meanwhile and in contrast, in the United States, President Obama was visiting the sites of the worst tornadoes in many years. How can you have such contrasts when a day might have the same aspects? Often it is the application of aspects to natal charts, which takes precedence. And I have noticed that when there is a run of days without major aspects, the unexpected comes in. In this case, Uranus is squaring the U.S. Venus at this point in time, and that may be the cause or one factor. Today we have two major aspects, very different in nature (so again but for different reasons, we may see contrasting happenings). First, Venus opposes Saturn, a deflation in relation to affairs of the heart. Perhaps with the flight of Kate and Wills in the helicopter, the euphoria subsides and the humdrum takes over. I am sure they have given us all, even their detractors, something to think about. The other aspect, in complete contrast, is Mars conjunct Jupiter at 22 degrees Aries. There could not be a more enthusiastic aspect, so maybe you have party plans of your own, a barbecue perhaps, where you can use up the paper cups and doilies left over from the street party. If you have not planned a party, maybe you can throw an impromptu one. Some area of your life is taking off now (the House covered by the sign of Aries) and today may be ignition day. In my own chart, for instance, it occurs in the 12th House of the Unconscious, so my subconscious may be firing on all cylinders (but I am unconscious of that – LOL). On Tuesday (3rd) there is an Earth New Moon at 12 degrees Taurus. Time to plough forward with what really has value for you in your life. Again it will be optimal to plough forward in the area of life covered by the House which occupies Taurus in your chart, if you know what that is. For example, if it is your 4th House, then il faut cultiver votre jardin in the immortal words of Candide, and quite literally get out into the garden. A lot of people I know are finding increasing solace out there, including hubby who after this hot spell is finding the earth very dry, and praying for rain. A friend of mine declared the wedding day her weeding day, and she’ll be out there I am sure. Whatever you do on Tuesday will serve as a springboard for the rest of the month. On Thursday 5th May we have local elections in the U.K., but most importantly the Alternative Vote for a new electoral system. My thoughts about the Alternative Vote have spilled over onto a separate blog. Read it only if you are prepared to listen to a biased opinion! And finally, I would like to mention Sathya Sai Baba, who we lost on Easter Sunday, I learned, after blogging that we had forgotten the art of miraculousness. The Guardian wrote a scathing piece headlined “Guru Tosh”. We live in a cynical age. I would just like to put on record that (in my humble opinion) I believe him to be a genuine Avatar, have personally been the recipient of one of his miracle manifestations, and know others who have received his divine interventions in their lives.
May 1st, 2011 at 12:03 pm
Good Morning Lana,
The Royal Wedding was wonderful.
Much better than I had anticipated.
The Service was so beautiful, the music glorious.
The Wedding Dress was breathtaking.
As I sat watching with a mug of Coffee in one hand and a piece of Sticky Toffee Sponge Cake in the other, I thoroughly enjoyed the whole day.
Good Luck to them both.
We’ve just been looking at the the devastation the Tornados have caused in the US.
So many natural disasters happening of late.
Very distressing to see.
We’re off to the Garden Centre to buy some Bedding Plants for my Tubs.
Hopefully, they will add some bright and cheery colour to our Patio this Summer.
Hope you had a lovely time on your Anniversary.
Enjoy the coming week, Love Shirley.
May 1st, 2011 at 11:33 pm
I found myself watching The Wedding intently, and several times was moved to tears. Mostly by everything seeming quite beautiful and hopeful. Mind I was in the throws of a gastric virus so possibly a little heady. Also some sadness and the world challenges continue in this eventful year. Thanks Lana for the weeks aspects, I am waiting to see what Tuesday brings even if not immediately obvious, love Sarah
May 2nd, 2011 at 8:51 am
Dear Shirley
Lovely to hear your thoughts on the wedding.
In the event, I settled for a scone and a glass of ginger ale!
It’s another gloriously sunny day here, so enjoy your garden.
Our anniversary was postponed because of the Royal Wedding, but we went for a meal on the North Norfolk coast Saturday lunchtime.
Have a very good week.
May 2nd, 2011 at 8:56 am
Dear Sarah
Glad your computer allowed you to post comments this week!
It might help to know that with your Virgoan Ascendant, Tuesday’s New Moon just falls at the end of your 8th House of Spirituality and Shared Resources, from the chart adjusted at your Rebirthing nearly a year ago. It may also be about Spiritual Partnership.
Hope it all goes well,
Love and Light,
May 2nd, 2011 at 3:33 pm
Hi lana
Managed to live out the Mars/Jupiter conjunction on the M5 in a collision. All survived. Venus Saturn was the opportunity for those of us involved to still speak to one another!
Thanks for these insightful comments and enjoy the ginger ale
May 2nd, 2011 at 6:26 pm
My Goodness, Sinhagupta
I had been wondering how things were going.
Glad to hear all survived intact Mars getting out of hand with Jupiter.
Was quaffing the rest of the ginger ale as I read your comment – could this be a new addiction, albeit non-alcoholic…
Take care, and thanks so much for your comment.
May 3rd, 2011 at 7:25 am
Okay, I have to ask – what astrological aspects were in play with the Ossama Bin Laden drama last night (Sunday evening/night US time)? I was shocked when I heard the news, the weekend had been pretty low-key until then. And Mr. Obama had just been at a lighthearted dinner or something, showing no sign of what must have been very intense stress, thinking about the upcoming mission.
And fascinating (dare I say fantastic) news coming out of the Middle East, where lots of the reactions are literally “Oh, he’s so irrelevant now”. How things have changed in the last 10 years! As my 2012er contacts here will no doubt be saying, Bin Laden’s energy was unable to match the vibratory level of the new phase we’re all moving into. Very interesting changes in our world.
Any analyses you want to share will no doubt be very useful in sorting this all out.
May 3rd, 2011 at 8:13 am
Wow Dia, what questions and insights!
I am not running away from them, but am about to leave this morning to do two days of regressions down South.
That’ll give me time to figure out how to answer you…
Thanks very much for your input,
May 5th, 2011 at 8:37 am
Hi again, Dia, I’m back!
There’s a lot to say, and no doubt I will be looking at the whole, up-to-date situation on Sunday morning.
But for the time being I will stick to the question (thanks for asking!):
“what astrological aspects were in play with the Ossama Bin Laden drama last night”?
There was a low-key aspect on Sunday (Venus opposite Saturn) and a high-key one (Mars conjunct Jupiter) which is why I keep hearing about contradictory experiences on the same day.
Mars conjunct Jupiter will have played a part, but the square of Uranus to the U.S. chart Venus, which I mentioned as being a factor in whipping up the tornadoes, would also produce a shock event such as occurred on Sunday evening, although the events in Pakistan took place earlier.
More on Sunday!