Zodiac Masterclass Series – The Virgoan Guide to Decluttering
Virgo New Moon Mandala painted by Sarah Berry
Line Mandala from Mandala Colouring Book by Barry Stevens
available at http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/colouringinbook.html
This is the first of an occasional series written about the expertise of each Sun Sign. The articles will be found under the category “Zodiac Masterclass” so that eventually there will be 12 such articles, e.g. “The Libran Guide to Relationships”, “The Sagittarian Guide to Optimism”, “The Cancerian Guide to Parenting” etc. Each article will be written by someone who has the Sun Sign in question. With the season of going back to school, and starting further education courses, we all try to be focussed and organized in the month of Virgo.
Here Asia Haleem writes about clearing our clutter.
Asia started out as an Art Historian (London University) but when embarking on a doctorate to explore the roots of astronomical imagery in the ancient near east, got sidetracked into writing two books using the information she came across, about priestesses and goddess festivals in the ancient world.
For more information about her background, please refer to her guest post (Babylonians, Mexicans and the Total Count), and interview (No. 1 in the series).
The Virgo Guide To Decluttering and Cleaning
Asia Haleem
Having moved from a house to a flat, and then spent 20 years commuting and spending most of the day at work, for a long time I lived a life of keeping a semblance of order at home which involved carrier bags containing a month’s stuff at a time put under beds or behind rows of books -just as a temporary measure.
But a year ago when I finally stepped off the roundabout and found myself at home all the time I said to myself, I can now really tidy up (thinking it would take about a week). I was wrong: I’ve been at it a year now and there’s a long way to go – but I’m cool about it (Virgos can cope with phases of chaos if they are steps on the way to order). These are some of the strategies I have arrived at in order not to panic.
I would start out with rooting out the things you know you can get rid of straight away, in bagfuls, because this gives you a good initial feel of achievement. In the UK we have a lot of charity shops which sell second-hand stuff people have thrown out, and if they’re not nearby you can usually phone and ask them to collect. My main throw-out bulk categories are clothes (if you haven’t worn it for two years, chuck it) and books (do you need all those cookery books, and will you ever read those crime paperbacks a second time?). But also what about the carrier bags, jars, and other kitchen items that you virtuously kept to recycle, but are now gathering in dust (also the mouldy herbs)?
Getting rid of big amounts of obvious junk creates space for you to now begin the more detailed operation of shifting belongings around into better combinations – and you need the odd spare shelf or cupboard in which to park material that is ‘in transition’.
You say to yourself that you’ll spend a whole day decluttering, but here’s what I discovered: you need alternative strategies to follow to avoid getting tired, bored, or sheer overwhelmed.
- It’s better to put aside one day a week to concentrate on radical tidying;
- If that doesn’t work, one particular morning every week (like Sunday morning) can be put aside, so it becomes a habit;
- Or, deal with one category of belongings at a time, like books, then clothes, then indoor plants, then windowsill ornaments or silver polishing – have a real binge on one kind of thing at a time.
- Conversely, deal with one corner, window area or cupboard of each room only in one session. For instance a corner I cleared recently involved tidying the books on the shelves above, pulling out the filing cabinet and hoovering just that section of carpet underneath which usually I don’t get to, spraying with moth spray while it’s exposed, wiping the walls, dusting the ornaments on the filing cabinet and even polishing the cabinet with wood polish. You will never have to come back to it again for a year, or even two years in my case!
If in the process of doing a corner you find stuff which would be better placed elsewhere, I allow myself to park that in a temporary area until its new home in another corner is ready for it. You can even put them in storage boxes under the dining room table – you can get such pretty ones these days in hardware or stationery shops. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you need to allow yourself time to work out this vast three-dimensional Chinese Puzzle!
There are some things you have to put together over the year for annual events like your Tax Return or Christmas. In the hurly burly of everyday life, I have one drawer in a plan chest into which I chuck all invoices and statements, come the day I have to draw up my tax return. It depends how far you’ve reached in your decluttering journey, but I’ve now reached a level of refinement where I now have a concertina folder tabbed with labels such as Electricity, Phone, Office Supplies where if I stop for just ten seconds longer I can put the invoice into the right compartment and save myself a lot of work come Tax Return day, since they are ready sorted.
As the year goes on, and you have established some main blocks of order, you may even have time, for instance, to go through all your mortgage or credit card papers and see that all the leaflets and secondary correspondence about meetings now past can go in the bin. Needless to say, shred anything with your name and address on, and financial documents, or chits with your credit card details on. A strong double-cut shredder can be obtained these days for £30 and it will last for ever as long as you don’t stuff too much into the feeder. Shreddings makes good compost interwoven with vegetable matter!
I’ve gradually started to treat cluttering as a game which goes on for ever (a bit like Hermann Hesse’s Glass Bead Game of Life on the domestic level). I have started to enjoy the never-ending process in itself, rather than expecting to ever arrive at a perfectly ordered set of interiors and belongings in which I display myself, as if in a Museum cabinet! The thing is, if you don’t make some attempt at it you really do descend into chaos. Think more of establishing oases of order within it, dealing with the most important ones first. This will set your mind at rest and make you feel you can run the rest of your life knowing where a thing is when you need it (very important to Virgos, but I ’m sure also to all the other Signs)!
There’s also something calming about a freshly cleaned floor or pair of curtains because material surfaces can once more interface with the invisible divine world with the dirt taken off . It is absolutely true that cleanliness is next to Godliness, and that domestic order mirrors Cosmic Order. This is what the soul feeds on, so make some parts of your house or flat into a sanctuary for you and others. You will get a lot further by doing a little a lot of times, rather than trying to do it all in one go, which nearly always plough s into the sand.
August 29th, 2011 at 11:16 am
Dear Asia
Thank you for producing this marvellous spur to decluttering arms, and essence of Virgo.
Virgoan homes can manifest in different ways, especially in displaying the love of detail and small items. The most interesting I ever came across was in St. Albans in the 1970s. A Virgoan schoolfriend who was an Art student had a one-up one-down terraced home there, with the bathroom on the stairs. On her living room shelves were ranged hundreds of miniature items, such as coloured bottles, which were beautiful in effect but must have been difficult to dust.
Your encouragement has been invaluable over the years, as a mere Sagittarian, in my efforts at filing! The section on tax returns is especially helpful, as I am in the middle of mine. Sagittarians tend to have little interest in housework or decluttering – it’s almost an alien concept, so first steps are very helpful.
I have a non-Virgoan tip, which may sound frivolous, but it works for me. If I have insomnia, I sometimes get up and shift a few objects, which helps me get back to sleep.
Much Love and Thanks
August 29th, 2011 at 12:36 pm
Hello Asia,
Thank you for your tips on Virgo Decluttering.
As a Virgo, I love having things out of sight, I seem to follow most of what you suggest.
I tend to put all of my Craft items into Pretty or Brightly Coloured Boxes and inside drawers.
Many years ago I came across a saying,”a place for everything and everything in it’s place”.
Sums me up quite well.
Must say though, there’s a lot of Shredding to be done, must tackle that soon.
My husband is a Sagittarian, loves reading lots of books and doing DIY, so I have to remind him to clear up at times.
I used to have a daily rota, but as I’ve got older that seems to have slipped.
Must get myself more organised on a daily basis.
Kind Regards, Shirley.
August 29th, 2011 at 1:00 pm
Dear Asia, thanks for these helpful words. Your sensible Virgo is reaching out to my Ascendant, which is nearly buried under my Gemini need for lots and lots. I’m looking forward now to my first charity chuck out round, and will return for next hints, love Sarah
August 29th, 2011 at 1:28 pm
Lana, I love your idea of moving a few things around if you can’t sleep! Shirley, I also find that if I have too much of a daily rota I get bored, and have found that as I get older I just follow instinct more, ending up with doing no tidying or cleaning for days and then suddenly having a very productive blitz on a single day where I start with one thing which leads on to other tidy-up sweeps which I wasn’t planning on, because I’m in that gear.
Sarah, I like the idea that if I’ve made a mistake purchase, giving it to a Charity shop makes it forgivable, especially as someone will have something more or less totally new for a few pence. So keep all the stuff moving on, ladies. It’s all part of the principle that every year you give away a tithe (tenth) of the value of your property, giving space for new stuff to come in.
I agree that a place for everything and everything in its place is a great help (typical Virgoan Credo!), but at the same time I’ve found that if you leave everything statically hoarded you forget what you’ve got! I find, getting older, that things I’m working on I keep out and in sight – otherwise I forget about them or don’t start a job (keeping the sewing machine out for instance, and the computer perpetually on). I think it’s worth hoarding (I call it the Noah’s Ark instinct, as things do come in handy) but getting rid is good too and every now and again all the spare bottles, jars and plastic bags are binned and I start all over again!
I have a conflict about housework: I like to have things clean and tidy around me but don’t like to spend a lot of time on it. If I treat it as a hobby, or as a keep-fit exercise I get motivated. A lot of the time I’m shamed into getting down to the hoovering or tidying when the layer of dust gets too obvious! The relief of getting clear is worth it! I like to think that over a year I’ve visited each nook and cranny ONCE – that gives you a lot of time to do it all. It must be an adventure!
LIFE IS PROCESS, and if friends call in as I’m in a mid-tidyup taking days – now I don’t care – our home is not meant to be a laboratory, or a museum.
August 29th, 2011 at 6:38 pm
Asia, please come and see me – SOON!
I have just come to the end of selling my mum’s house, sorting out her things, clearing the house. The latter two activities are very alien to my Gemini nature and the whole thing was emotionally unsettling.
The net result is that my own house now resembles Steptoe’s Yard with heaps and boxes and piles of stuff I cant make decisions about.
The trail of chaos leads into my garage and even my car which, to continue with the classic TV reference, could now be mistaken for Steptoe’s horsedrawn cart.
To return to my initial plea. Asia – HELP! NOW!
August 29th, 2011 at 7:56 pm
All my heartfelt sympathies! All I can say is that the longest journey starts with a step. Don’t take on too much any one day, but if you suddenly get the bit between your teeth, go with it!
There are lots of people who specialist in house clearance – you could google your local auctioneers and get them to come round and see what’s sellable (you’ll be surprised how much will be).
Decide on your criteria:
What do you sentimentally want to keep?
Otherwise, get Oxfam or Scope to bring a van round and take all the clothes away – also kitchen gear.
Your local second-hand bookshop will come and take books away and pay you for them (not much unless first editions).
In other words, once you know whatyou really want to keep as part of your own life, don’t be afraid of delegating the decision of what to do with the rest to others – and you might make a bit of money too which you mother would I’m sure be pleased about.
Once you’ve done the main initial things like this, there’ll be little left to do – take your time on it. Literally focus on one thing a day only and get on with the rest of your life for the rest of your day – otherwise it’s too forbidding…..
It’s a Scorpionic thing to purge yourself of unnecessary stuff – can Lana help you with your Pluto? Pluto in Capricorn is going direct in a few days’ time – depending on which part of your horoscope he lies, that could be the trigger for you to purge yourself of all that stuff, pretty damn urgently!
Let me know how it goes…I’d really love to know. ASIA
Nice things like jewellery
August 29th, 2011 at 8:16 pm
Janet (P.S.)
Sorry about that last floating phrase which should have gone in somewhere to do with sellable items you don’t want to keep and slipped down out of sight!
I just wanted to add that the emotional side of clearing your Mum’s house is important. I remember when I cleared my parents’ home with my brother, we found ourselves reliving our entire childhood as memories were triggered by objects we came across. This is quite different from needing to cope with all the things, and contributes to the grieving process and assessment of yourself as a child and mother as a parent, which may last several years (it’s still going on with me). So, go with the process, and don’t be afraid of the feelings you have, Madame Gemini!!
August 31st, 2011 at 7:16 am
Dear Asia
Please could you help with one of my blocks? I have bills,
payslips and bank statements going back years in case the tax man should ask for them. I feel that if someone (like a Virgo) actually gave me the defined guidelines as to how long to keep them, I could actually do the job of throwing away the unnecessary backlog. I am hoping you are just the person.
Yours in anticipation, poised to leap into action,
August 31st, 2011 at 10:47 am
Hello again Asia,
Thought you might like to know that yesterday we purchased a new TV Stand.
When we moved the old one from it’s corner setting, the dust behind it was alarming!!!
So I set to and gave it a good clean before putting the New TV Stand in it’s place.
What a good feeling knowing I won’t have to clean that corner for a while.
As I said in my other comment, I do like to have things put out of sight.
Not everything though, I have numerous Decorative Ornaments about the place.
I also love Lightshades, Cushions and Throws, changing them around as the Seasons change.
Have a lovely day, Shirley.
August 31st, 2011 at 3:35 pm
These days 5 years max is all you need to keep. However, for biographical reasons I have one file covering payslips and bank statements from my first job in 1970 up to 2005, where I’ve just kept one slip from September each year as representative (just so I can say, ‘Well, look at what I was paid in the 1970s – about £8K p.a. as a teacher – and look at what I ended up earning by the time I retired – about triple that). I think it’s good to keep some kind of life archive.
Then when it comes to 2010 onwards I believe one should store anything you can electronically – that’s the true spacesaver!! But back up your files on an 8GB Memory Stick, and make sure you set up a good filing tree on-line at the beginning so it really works as you add to it. For instance I have a main folder called TAX, then under it sub-folders for each year.
Shirley, Thrilled to hear an example of the Clear the Corner Principle working! Every sign has a spot of their opposite in them (Ying Yang style), soa little bit of on-going Piscean chaos somewhere in the house helps Virgos from getting trapped in rigidity (or a filing cabinet) – anyway Virgos are meant to be the most flexible of the Earth Signs, and they always need something left to tidy up!! The thing is, planets in other parts of your horoscope can counteract what your Sun Signs says you ought to be!
Now we’re looking forward to hearing more about Janet’s progress.
All best, ASIA
September 4th, 2011 at 9:45 am
[…] Zodiac Masterclass Series – The Virgoan Guide to Decluttering […]
September 5th, 2011 at 5:24 am
I find your advice to be very spot on, as a Virgo daughter of a Virgo mother. And now that I’m cleaning and re-arranging my childhood home, which then became only her home, then hers with my step-father, to move into it with my husband, I’m using the one room at a time idea to the max!
This week my task is to empty, re-paint and prep the master bedroom, so we have somewhere to sleep. Then next week after the house is de-bugged, we’ll be moving in to that room and going on to the next one.
The house is big enough that if I don’t attack it this way, I’ll be totally overwhelmed. And no chance of keeping Mom’s clothes, she was tiny and I’m 6′ – so off to charity go all the clothes. Also easily donated are all her old kitchen gear since I have lovely brand new pots & pans. So that’s two decisions made for me – I LOVE that!
My husband is an Aries who comes from chaos and clutter (first his mother then his ex-wife) and I find just trying to rein him in is enough to keep my Virgo tidying need well fed.
Thanks again for a great article.
September 5th, 2011 at 9:31 am
You have a daunting task ahead of you – I’m so glad this piece and the ensuing conversations have helped confirm your natural approach.
How is it we choose partners so opposite – but the Mars influence helps to break up Virgo’s tendency to retain static organisation, with everything put away. He needs you, and you need him in order to keep tidying up after him and feel good about it…… Fire and Earth make Clay – think of all that useful pottery you’ve made together.
Don’t forget to take a holiday in between rooms!!
All best,
September 5th, 2011 at 9:36 am
Dear Asia
Belated thanks for your information about how long to keep paperwork.
I liked the idea of keeping a tiny archive very much. That appealed to the historian in me.
As you know, I intended to set to and act on your information immediately. Sadly, my inner saboteur got there first, and manifested a new block (which is beyond your brief).
For I discovered that in the junk room where I keep the papers in question, Mike had put a television in front of the drawer.
This may be symbolic, but presents my next hurdle.
Work in progress.