Aspects for the week beginning 11 September 2011
Today the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the fall of the twin towers in New York, is marked astrologically by an opposition between Mercury and Chiron. If you grappled with last week’s confusion in the shape of Mercury opposite Neptune, you may find that, with today’s similar aspect involving Chiron you reach the nub of the problem, which can then begin a new healing. The healing may be worked on the mental level, as it involves Mercury. A tenth anniversary is a real marker, and it could be that with the emotional plane being so insistent in the past (year or ten), you may experience an emotional coming to terms, and are now ready to start a new phase of mental understanding. Certainly I feel there has been a great deal of subconscious angst recently coming up to this point. On that day 10 years ago, I heard the news on my way home on the train, from my commuter buddy at the time. Then barely an hour later, it was the time for my Fixed Star meditation group to turn up. So we sent out healing, barely knowing what we were sending out healing to. The event was unprecedented, and incomprehensible. The event itself has come to be synonymous astrologically in my mind with the late summer/early autumn Fixed Stars, among them one name Alkaid in the Big Dipper, the actual tip of the handle of the Big Dipper, eerily similar to the word Alkaida. The star we were working with that night was Denebola, a star in the constellation of Leo, and one of the meditators wrote in our little silver hologrammed spiral notebook a message that there will one day be Unity. That is still a very much needed commodity, ten years on. Venus is sextile Mars today, which instills a co-operation between the sexes. My husband Mike and I travelled to New York for the first time in October 2007, and stood at Ground Zero. My prayers there produced a sense of Heaven and Earth uniting in co-operation, those who had lost loved ones being helped to understand by those who had passed into other dimensions. A book I read just a few weeks ago seemed to bring this thought to life. It was written by Bonny McEneaney, whose husband died in the disaster. It’s entitled “Messages: Signs, Visits, and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11” and I expect it is much more well-known in the U.S. than here. The copyright at the beginning of the book tells us we can only quote a few lines, and I would have loved to quote some of the poems, but will just quote from the introduction: “This is a book about men and women who lost loved ones and who have been fortunate enough to have spiritual experiences surrounding these losses. This is not a book about death. It is a book about hope and the deep and loving connections that go well beyond the boundaries that exist between life and death.” Tomorrow, Mercury trines Pluto, so this is a timely aspect for learning deep lessons, and moving on to a new phase of life and living. Maybe for instance you have evolved a new philosophy, and can start to live it. On the same day we have a Full Moon in Pisces, and emotions may be full on, but balanced and encompassed by a wider and deeper mental outlook. On Thursday (15th) Mercury trines Jupiter, and all ye entrepreneurs out there should have a good day practicing your art. Also favoured are students, such as freshers, embarking on new studies, and philosophers living new philosophies. Later that day Venus moves into one of its own signs, Libra. This will be a stimulus to the Arts, and to relationships in general. Justice, fairness and harmony will be much sought after, and there may be new initiatives in human rights. In your own close relationship, if you have been splitting hairs and being a bit picky about the behaviour of your other half, you may change to seeking a rapprochement and be more willing to compromise about the foibles of your loved one. On Friday 16th Pluto is stationary prior to turning direct, and you may start to make more long term progress in the area of your chart currently occupied by Pluto and the sign Capricorn. The end of the week, Saturday 17th, brings an opposition between Venus and Uranus. If you are socializing, be prepared for some erratic behaviour. If you are having a quiet night in, it might turn out a bit like Abigail’s Party (Mike Leigh’s play, circa 1977). Returning to the Fixed Stars, if you are lucky enough to have a clear sky at night you may still be able to catch the Supernova PTF 11kly exploding in the Pinwheel Galaxy (not to be confused with the Pinwheel Galaxy in Triangulum) near the tip of the handle of the Big Dipper. Our meditation group used to occasionally nip out and stargaze on my primitive telescope, and wish they had a proper Astronomer guiding them!
The week in bullet points:
- Monday – Deep thoughts and emotions
- Thursday – Brisk sales, stimulating mental outlook, and smoother-sailing relationships
- Friday – A sea-change towards progress
- Saturday – Strange social outlook
September 11th, 2011 at 5:54 pm
Thanks Lana, so good at articulating what I’m thinking and/or feeling. The emotional resonance of 9/11 lives with me but with the supreme hope, or is it knowledge, that we can learn and love and move on. How fascinating about the Fixed Star as well. As for me, a couple of small steps towards some paper clearing this weekend, and I have sweet corn waiting patiently in my fridge. I hope I can faithfully follow Dia’s recipe. Let confusion do it’s best, with so much help from your insights Lana and excellent thoughts, love Sarah
September 13th, 2011 at 9:45 am
Dear Sarah
Thanks very much for your comment.
It will be interesting to see whether there is a shift of thought and understanding after the anniversary of 9/11.
Have a good week,
September 13th, 2011 at 2:35 pm
Alan Pickup in the Guardian wrote yesterday:
“Astronomers can be their own worst enemies. Just a few days ago we were encouraged to take our binoculars outside and point them above the end stars of the handle of the Plough to see an exploding star, a supernova, in the galaxy M101, 21 million light years away.
This is the brightest supernova in Britain’s sky for at least 18 years, but it was shining (and may still be shining) at magnitude 10, beyond the grasp of any but the largest of binoculars, even without the bright moonlight at present. In fact, we probably need a telescope and a decent chart just to glimpse it near the galaxy’s SSW fringe. To suggest otherwise is misleading and has probably left many people frustrated.”
September 13th, 2011 at 9:46 pm
Lana –
I was tempted to leave all my typos in the message, it made for interesting reading, but thought I ought to strive to eschew obfuscation.
I’m sure the Bear will be thrilled to have better communication between the sexes – I’ve been a bit driven getting everything in order for the various trades who are coming in to work on the house. Our division of labour is now – me, painting, pulling staples, washing floors and moving furniture (oh, and removing and applying shelf paper, wrangling animals and getting quotes for more work that needs to be done); Bear – taking digital photos of (of all things) collectable teddy bears, researching their prices, getting boxes for them, packing them and putting them up on eBay. Somewhere, someone is laughing themselves sick over this.
Sarah – The corn recipe is very forgiving, the most important part is the drying process and that just takes low heat and patience (and time).
Re: 9/11 – I am always gratified when I hear stories of Americans manifesting their best selves around 9/11 because there are far too many examples of the “ugly American” associated with the event. (Especially horrifying because American wasn’t the only country who lost citizens). I think of what Londoners went through during the Blitz and I want to shake all the whiners and say “read some history books THEN complain about whatever you’re complaining about” but I know people like that don’t (wont?) learn from history. Being in a flat city, with no tube stations nor basements, I cringe at the idea of bombardment.
And on THAT cheery note, I think I shall pause my comments for now. Probably I will have more to say/share/ask as the week progresses. Until then, have a lovely week –
Ah, and the weekly weather report from Sunny SoCal is, not surprisingly, sunshine. Temperatures are predicted to be more moderate and we’re really cooling down in the evenings, so we can open windows and let some of the crisp Autumn air flow into the house(s). There is still a likely heat wave in our future. It’s usually HOT and DRY for Halloween. I hope the intervening weeks are cooler though.
September 13th, 2011 at 11:16 pm
Than you Lana. It’s a very sobering time – I am so moved by the book you menttioned about the signs and messages. We have such a narrow, finite way of seeing the world and our purpose here on the planet. Thank goodness for people like Bonny McEneaney who clearly can see beyond. So may time these human tragedies appear utterly devastining with the small eye and yet the vast eye of Spirit can frequently transform us and the situation if we would only allow and live in love rather than fear. Why would any of us choose to have Life and yet not Live? Fear is all pervaisive and self aggrandising and weedle its way into our lives, controlling us from Living. May we become more aware of Spirit, the journey of Life through connection to “The Vast, Oceanic Eye”. Blessings and thanks. 🙂
September 14th, 2011 at 7:11 am
Dear Dia
Thanks for removing your typos so that we could enjoy the latest picture of your hard-working existence. I think you could do with stretching the 24/7. The nights are starting to draw in here. I very much appreciate an American view on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. Weather report from the UK: rain and winds.
September 14th, 2011 at 7:16 am
Dear Flick
Your contribution is very much appreciated, thank you.
Glad we are on the same wavelength with the synergy between Heaven and Earth. I especially agree with you on fear, the root of many of our psych troubles. Hope that Thursday’s aspect is helpful to you, and all of us, in the struggle with that one.