Having seen David Davis on our breakfast screens this morning informing us with passion that it is the anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta, I feel I must share my vision of the modern re-enactment of this historical drama. First of all, David Davis has natally Sun trine North Node, which gives him a great sense of destiny. At the moment, he feels empowered because Pluto links in with this trine: it is conjunct his Sun and Saturn is trine his Sun now. But he is being pushed to unorthodox actions with Pluto opposing his Uranus. By nature he is conservative, being born on 23 December at the beginning of the sign of Capricorn. And I can’t help thinking his sense of compulsion at the moment is karmic in origin, perhaps as the return of the Soul formerly known as King John, who was born on 24 December and whose Sun is within one degree of his. Maybe he has come to balance some karma now. The story goes that King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta by the barons and by Archbishop Stephen Langton, spurred on by Pope Innocent III. Enter more dramatis personae: the picture of Kelvin MacKenzie being spurred on by Rupert Murdoch to throw his hat in the ring and stand against David Davis, suggesting their possible roles. Alternatively, Gordon Brown (who was in a very coercive mood last week with Uranus transiting his Mars, and Mars transiting his Pluto) – could he have been a leading player in the medieval power play? This is undoubtedly a Soul level issue for David Davis, who was quoted as saying about the vote on liberties last Wednesday night: “I was hoping that we would win, but when I saw the nature of the victory, the shenanigans that went on, the iron entered my soul. I do not think the Archangel Gabriel could have talked me out of it at that point”. I will continue to look into this intriguing scenario…