Aspects for the week beginning 22 June 2008
As with last week, there isn’t a major aspect until Wednesday, so you will have time to commune with the Fixed Star which is aligned with our Sun for the beginning of this week: Tejat, a star which is one of the feet of Gemini. According to “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld (yeah, yeah, I know, I am always quoting them) there will be “a stimulation of the seventh and eighth chakras”, so as you do your regular early Sunday morning Yoga routine, open up those chakras. As those of you who used to belong to the “North Watford Society of the Thousand Petalled Lotus” (NWSTPL 1981-1995) will know, the 7th Chakra is also known as Sahasrara (I like to mull that over as a mantra, myself). These members are now scattered as far afield as Norfolk and Salisbury, but there are some original members in Watford itself. Starlight Elixirs tells us: “This star can gently and easily increase the ability to bring spiritual ideas into clear and expressible form as mental concepts and direct ideas to be shared with others.” After yoga, it would be recommended to begin reading “The 8th Chakra”, a book by Jude Currivan. You can read it over three days. All that will set you up nicely for the middle of the week, when Sun sextiles Saturn on Wednesday 25th. Here is a marker for your spiritual progress, a taking stock of what you have achieved over the last week or two wrestling with all those Neptunian and Plutonian aspects, and your Inner Saboteur Archetype. Dry your tears, give yourself a pat on the back, and really acknowledge yourself for how you have come through. Here’s a time when you don’t need to re-hash the past, just let those unresolved issues go and start afresh from where you are. It is a good place to be, and you have done enough. Friday 27th brings the U-turn from Uranus, going first stationary then retrograde. Uranus is the spanner in the works, so expect surprises that day, like some unravelling of your knitting stitches. You may have recently got your communication issues straight with Mercury being back on track, and Uranus could unseat them again, especially modern methods of communication such as I.T. and mobile phones. Snail mail should be unaffected, so hasten unto ye olde Poste Office threatened with closure and buy a book of stamps which could come in handy. If you found last week’s Pluto oppositions dramatic, what you learned from them will start to benefit you now, ahead of next week’s trine between Mars and Pluto. So the end of the week sees some limbering up for next week’s action-packed movie. Yoga mat at the ready!
June 22nd, 2008 at 10:04 am
Lana, thanks so much. It really has been a roller coaster of a ride these last couple of weeks with the general energy around feeling like something major is about to blow and indeed did in several different ways in my life. I for one feel I need a rest so I am trusting I can do just that in the next few days. Sounds like we are all going to have to take up Yoga! My teacher is away so I had better make sure I do it on my own and then say no when someone offers me a piece of their homemade Rocky Road! Life feels like an endurace test at the moment even around the mentioning of Rocky Road…. sorry! Hey lana thanks. You are such a star and a pleasure to read each week.
June 22nd, 2008 at 11:31 am
As one of the founder members of the NWSTPL, can I thank you for the timely reminder of the lessons of Sahasrara, or 7th chakra, which had slipped my mind. The turmoil on so many fronts of the last few weeks appeared to be settling down by last Friday (GCSEs , antibiotics and their side-effects were finally finished with, late invoices were paid and everyone was back at home, safely gathered in), so I’m looking forward to a week of consolidation.
June 22nd, 2008 at 4:40 pm
Having experienced a wonderful consolidation of recent struggles resulting in clarity and insight for me around the Full Moon, I am now feeling in a resting phase. I guess this will not last, especially as it seems more excitement to come, as ever. I’m not sure what my chakras were doing today, and no yoga, but I did enjoy a lovely walk with my dogs earlier. I always have I.T. problems, and use good old snail mail, showing my age no doubt. Good to be forewarned all the same, thanks Lana.
June 23rd, 2008 at 1:08 pm
I know you have some idea of the galactic chaos that happened last week, and now I am waiting in the relative calm, for the lessons to unfold. I look at my diary, and see, for the first time, a relatively free day on Wednesday. Time for some consolidation and future planning I think, and I feel myself breathe at the prospect. Will now be able to write some of what has happened in my new astrological diary, as instructed.