Aspects for the week beginning 29 June 2008
People are sensing a momentum of energy at the moment, and maybe wondering why. It’s the gathering of forces towards Monday’s (30th) Mars trine Pluto. This can be felt and experienced on all sorts of levels, and inwardly and outwardly. On an extreme physical level, it can be the meeting of conflicting forces, not exactly peacefully but fairly constructively. It’s not exactly peace, but the realization in meeting that conflict is futile which may stop the warmongering in its tracks, and could act as a basis for future peace or negotiation. Psychologically, it can mean the release of instinctual forces, energies from the id or subsconscious, which come up for airing. If you are going about your life purposefully, it may give you a chance to launch a pet project with gusto. If preoccupied with an intense relationship, passion may be on the cards. Even a trine between Mars and Pluto needs caution, however, so remember to practise safety checks and safe texts. This really is the event of the coming week, so I have sketched out a rough guide in a separate blog. Tuesday (1st July) sees Mars change signs and mood. Perhaps satiated by its recent expression of energy and going out of Leo like a Lion, it now comes into Virgo like a lamb. You could really feel the energy change quite markedly on Tuesday afternoon, and the difference may almost feel like a vacuum or absence of energy. Mars in Virgo has a live-and-let-live philosophy: quietly going about its business and even serene in this, if scores have been fairly settled on Monday, objectives accomplished, no offence meant or taken. It’s a helpful atmosphere to nurture Thursday’s (3rd) New Moon in Cancer, where hearth and home are the centrepiece of existence and there is a need to touch base. Despite a Venus-Jupiter opposition on the same day, there is a good chance of achieving some of this cosy security, for Venus and Jupiter are fairly friendly and more likely to bring out gentle teasing, humour and playfulness with each other than the earlier double act. Saturday (5th) winds up the week with a square between Mercury and Uranus. Travellers could indeed get wound up, and communication end up as gobbledegook. Don’t try any telepathy experiments, they would just bring mixed messages and your antennae could be picking up interference from planet Zog. Do try new mind maps by all means, but keep your existing circuits until you have tested them out thoroughly and are sure of your ground. Just going to google to see if there really is a planet Zog…
June 29th, 2008 at 3:15 pm
So feeling a bit excited (not sure why), a bit puzzled (not sure why), a bit tired (now that’s probably ‘needs more sleep’), a lot ‘stay in the flow and let the universe sort it all’, is down to astrological goings on. Probably. Thanks Lana for plenty to read, must brush up my insight antenna.
June 29th, 2008 at 9:40 pm
I might have been feeling the Mars trine Pluto coming on… There has been a lot going on for me the last two days where there are definitely wars taking place …. It has been very difficult and as yet I am not seeing a way forward but rather caught uncomfortably in it. I am looking forward to Monday and perhaps that way coming clearer and a release by Tuesday. Thanks for your supportive insightful work Lana.