Aspects for the week beginning 6 November 2011
Interesting synchronicity that Joanna Lumley was finishing her Greek Odyssey on our screens as a Greek drama unfolded on the Eurozone scene, in the crescendo of the week. In the final programme of the series, Joanna was told that the series would be successful by an elderly Greek lady who was reading her coffee grounds. Unfortunately, she did not pronounce on the future of the Euro. The same evening Nicolas Sarkozy was telling the G20 summit “We cannot accept the explosion of the euro, which would mean the explosion of Europe” at the same time as George Papandreou of Greece had threatened a referendum, which he later described as a shock tactic, saying he didn’t mean it really… George Papandreou the Prime Minister of Greece has Mercury (his mental equipment) at 4 degrees Cancer, which squares the Pluto of the natal chart of Greece (bringing mental strain to his natal equipment). The current square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn form a T-square with his natal Mercury, increasing that mental strain to the hilt. Some questioned his mental state in engineering the brinkmanship brought about by his announcement of a referendum, and political positions are still being worked out in Greece now. Meanwhile, almost at the heart and helm of the Euro crisis (Angela Merkel being the heart and helm) according to the Astrology, Nicolas Sarkozy has an instinctive understanding of the European Union (and therefore has easily built up an image of how his role should be within it). His Mercury is sextile the European Union Mercury (giving him a facility with ideas related to it, business and economic issues within it, and communication channels). His Neptune is also conjunct the European Union Jupiter, so there is almost a sense of religiosity in the way he feels about the European Union and its potential. His Jupiter squares the Euro (as distinct from the European Union) Nodal Axis, so he has a karmic role to play at this time, and one of keeping up its profile in some way. His Pluto trines its Jupiter, so he is totally involved in trying to make it work. His Neptune squares its Uranus however, so his own illusions may complicate its destiny further. But there is no doubting his commitment, in saying: “The euro is at the heart of Europe”. I took a break from all this yesterday, and had a great time at the Brian Weiss workshop in London yesterday. Brian Weiss is the most popular of past-life therapists and author of such classics as “Many Lives, Many Masters” and “Same Soul, Many Bodies”, and I booked my place months ago. Apparently the event was an almost instant sell-out. People came from all over the world (except for the U.S.) to see this psychiatrist from Florida. They came from places as far flung as Trinidad and Portugal, bringing translated editions from exotic locations such as Iran and Malta. Dr. Weiss has the slowest speaking voice I have ever heard, as befits someone who has been doing past life therapy for 30 years. He has a GSOH, in fact an acutely and unusually teasing sense of humour that doesn’t come across in his books! I wonder how that persona comes out from his birthchart…We do not have a birthtime and so cannot divine his Ascendant and Midheaven, which often contribute to the persona. He is a Scorpio, which is the sign of Psychiatry, and in fact it’s his birthday today. The humour may be linked with his Jupiter being exactly sextile his North Node, which has given him a karmic grace in his work and mission. I spent most of the day pleasantly semi-comatose (he gave 4 meditations – tremendous value!), surfacing occasionally to make notes. I don’t know how it was for the rest of the 900-strong audience. That might just have been my pattern because, not comparing the two in any intrinsic sense, I admit to always falling asleep whenever I have been in the presence of the Dalai Lama. A few years ago, my hubby complained that I was meditating too much, but I have got it down to once a day now. Enough about me, let’s look at the aspects for the week ahead. Today is a good day for tying up small but important loose ends, with the minor aspects of Mercury/Venus semi-sextile Pluto. It is another week with a dominant theme by Neptune, as tomorrow we face an opposition between Mars and Neptune. Whereas last week’s Neptune issues were emotional and mental confusion, tomorrow’s opposition could bring instinctual confusion. Well if your instincts are currently wading on shifting sands, what can you trust? You can go to a higher level, to your intuition (via meditation, but don’t overdo it like me). The work you do on this will pay off by Wednesday (9th) because Neptune is stationary prior to turning direct (what a relief) and you will be able to see that a spade will look like a spade. It always was a spade, but you had your doubts, lately. A Full Moon in Taurus on Thursday (10th) adds some more earthiness and practicality to your outlook, but not everyone finds the Full Moon energy easy, and it has to be balanced with the intensely searching Sun in Scorpio. So if you are immersed in gardening, some part of you still has to engage with the angst going on in the world or in your personal affairs. The same day Chiron (which has been travelling with Neptune in recent years) also turns stationary prior to direct, which benefits healing efforts, healing projects, and uncovering the associated mental causations, which may or may not be derived from the past. And on Friday (11:11:11) Mars means business, leaving its performance-based urges in Leo, for the quieter conscientious working mode of Virgo. We’ll be knuckling down to some real work schedules, and health and safety projects. Many of us will be earth healing, or marking the impressive numerology of the day in some way. The week ends on Saturday (12th) with an opposition between Mars and Chiron: energies could be awkward that day, and there may be minor healing crises or opportunities to put into practice what we have learned this week or recently. What were your learnings, and how can you apply them? I have learned about synchronicity, and moderation in meditation, and deepened my interest in the scope of the human mind.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – housekeeping
- Tomorrow – examining your own Achilles heel
- Wednesday – spiritual reorientation
- Thursday – balancing; healing initiatives
- Friday – interesting numerology; getting down to things
- Saturday – the square peg in the round hole
November 6th, 2011 at 5:01 pm
The Greece and Euro problem rumbles on, and how fascinating to see the aspects behind it all. Meditating on the situation suggests itself to me, but probably as a sort of escape, as such a convoluted situation. I’ve already had enough confusion and challenge with domestic breakdowns, so hope my instincts hold up tomorrow. I’m hoping to paint my mandala on Thursday, Full Moon, and prepare for joining in on the inner planes, meditation, on Friday to celebrate, or ?facilitate, 11.11.11. That will keep me busy, and thanks Lana, for a wealth of insights, love Sarah
November 6th, 2011 at 7:20 pm
Hi Lana
Fascinating blog, as usual. Good to see that aspects are healing for Thursday, as that is the day for the GREAT MOVE! I hope that this will result in some healing all round for the family, and enable me to ground some of the work that I have been undertaking for the last few years! Carry on meditating – it seems to produce some great insights.
November 7th, 2011 at 9:32 am
Dear Sarah
Thank you for the view from where you are standing, or lightworking.
Glad to hear your Full Moon series of mandalas is well under way…
Have a good week,
November 7th, 2011 at 9:41 am
Dear Sinhagupta
Thanks very much for your comment, and taking time out from packing.
We may be having a major home event of our own on Thursday – the arrival of Solar Panels! Trying to get in before the new government clampdown next month.
Love and Light for your house shift,
November 7th, 2011 at 5:37 pm
Hello Lana,
So very good to hear about your time at the Brian Weiss Workshop.
Sounds like you had a wonderful day.
Wish I could get into the habit of meditating on a regular basis.
I really must make an effort.
Jeanne’s Scorpio Masterclass was superb.
I have Mars in Scorpio and recognised some of my the personality traits!
It’s lovely reading all of the other comments on your Blog, so delightful.
Sarah’s Mandalas are beautiful.
Waiting now for the arrival of Mars into Virgo on Friday, I’ve been feeling a little lacklustre of late.
Hopefully I’ll have loads of energy then.
The baking is still on going, we made some small Filo Mincemeat Parcels yesterday.
Getting into the Christmas Spirit, although the weather is so mild.
My bedding plants are still blooming!
Enjoy the rest of the week, Love Shirley.
November 8th, 2011 at 9:46 am
Dear Shirley
How lovely to hear from you, and I enjoy all the comments too that seem to bring the blog alive. Otherwise, you’re just a blogger, blogging in the wilderness…
Thank you too for your appreciation of Jeanne’s Scorpio Masterclass (which has proved very popular) and Sarah’s Mandalas (from Barry’s line drawings). There are still some very beautiful mandalas to come from Sarah in this series.
Hope Mars entering Virgo does prove to be the injection of new life you need! Interesting that you have Mars in Scorpio – it’s a placing I particularly like.
I am not good with filo pastry at all! I never know how many layers to make, and find difficulty moulding it. So I admire anyone who is good with it.
A good week to you, too,
November 10th, 2011 at 1:39 am
Lana –
Well Sunday was housekeeping with a vengeance here in SoCal. We papered shelves and put pots, pans and dishes away; dragged boxes to the appropriate room(s) for later unpacking; put the CDs & DVDs away and (most exciting) put our art up and shifted around the art we’re keeping. The house is finally breathing a long, relaxing breath as our little family settles in.
I don’t know if today was exactly about spiritual reorientation but I certainly dug in and stayed close to home. And replaced the HVAC control (some would call it the thermostat). The control that was here NEVER worked but I couldn’t convince Mom to replace it. It’s been going on in the wee hours and overheating us such that we wake up a) early and b) dehydrated and c) cranky. I have high hopes that there will be appropriate sleeping tonight (please oh please oh please).
And tomorrow I will be in the clinic and counting on the balancing and healing and all.
We here in the U.S. celebrate our Veterans on Friday and many (probably all) celebrations are set to being at 11:11 because it’s 11-11-11. The celebration in the San Fernando Valley (where I live) will be kicked off with a fly over of WWII planes that are “stabled” nearby. Synchronistically I’ve been reading a number of books about WWII. And Ed was a WWII vet (one of a literally dying breed). It will be an interesting day.
And I hope that Saturday will be a day I can sail through as I often feel like a square peg in a round hole (or a rhomboid peg in a hexagonal hole).
Thank you again Lana for your wonderful blog,
(oh, and the weather here? W-I-N-D and cold with rain. Okay, cold for us, down to the 40s but not yet freezing. But bloody cold enough)
November 10th, 2011 at 9:56 pm
Dear Dia
Thank you for your report of the week from the other side of the pond.
You are very physically hardworking, and get through as much in one day as I do in a year.
The forward movement of Neptune and Chiron has turned out to be the fitting of our Solar Panels this week. Apparently (this is the re-orientation) the DC electricity is turned into AC and fed back to the grid. Neptune is now at the end of hubby’s 4th House of Home, and Chiron is trine his Ascendant (he was the driving force, and understands the Science – I will have to get him to write a blog on it!). Our weather is a bit lacklustre at the moment, but the Solar Panels will come into their own later.
We have remembrance day too here, but good wishes for yours. Ed’s work sounds interesting and unusual.
Thanks again for your contribution.
November 11th, 2011 at 11:08 pm
My Friday update is: I heard from my lawyer, who has been uncharacteristically avalanched, and he is going to write to Ed’s brother to explain that Ed did NOT leave anything to said brother in his will. Certainly a day of getting down to things for my attorney. For me it’s a day to sit quietly at a computer and pay bills / bill patients / catch up on paperwork. Or maybe to play some well-deserved World of Warcraft 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend – I’m very much looking forward to the next blog instalment. It seems that the interesting weeks are outnumbering the boring ones.
November 12th, 2011 at 1:36 pm
Dia, thanks for dotting the i ‘ s and crossing the t ‘ s Virgoan-style!
Glad you achieved a step forward yesterday.
Earth healing went very well in this neck of the woods, and we linked up with groups all over the world. There’s a sense of achievement, but I have been unable to find anybody who truly knows the numerological significance of 11:11:11…still looking.