Aspects for the week beginning 1 January 2012
Well, we are here – it’s 2012! What have we in store? Is it possible to sense the energy of a year from its first moments – I am sure there are people who can. I had an email this week from my Mayan Calendar friend O’Douce, talking of Oneness, Change, Miracles and flushing out fear. Another friend Asia Haleem wrote a blog for 2012 last year, taking an astronomical look at events, and coming to a reassuring conclusion (see Mayan Calendar category for further reading). My mum (who does not subscribe to the Mayan Calendar) remarked that she liked the number 2012, much better than 2011. From the synaesthetic point of view (and I am not a numerologist) I can go along with that: I saw 2011 as a spiky silver grey, but I see 2012 as a double fuschia pink, which may not mean anything. But I think it’s important to be able to feel that it is going to be a good year. It’s important for the hope in your heart to edge past the depressing sets of facts, figures and statistics in the news. The stand-out events of 2011 (and if you need a reminder, read my retrospective blog) were the Arab Spring/Occupy Movements (Jupiter and Uranus in Aries) and the world-threatening Euro crisis (Uranus square Pluto, ongoing).
But it is the subject of relationships which is grabbing me, blogwise, this morning. Television scriptwriters brought together two long term relationships last week: on Downton Abbey Christmas Day the writer Julian Fellowes brought together Matthew and Mary. I for one, was relieved, because I had only just started watching it and I have a short fuse for suffering. The chart for 10.59 pm on Christmas night showed this unique television highlight as Virgo rising (emotional holding back, and perfection) close to Mars (desire) trine Moon (heightened emotion). Pluto (power) was trine Julian Fellowes’ Saturn (restraint) – he may have felt coerced into it. On 29th Pip and Estella were brought together on Great Expectations, Charles Dickens having produced two possible endings. The chart for 9.59 pm showed Mars rising in Virgo again, but with an added karmic feature of the Nodal Axis squaring the Ascendant/Descendant axis plus Sun conjunct Pluto (it was a dark drama altogether). Posthumously, the North Node was transiting Dickens’ Moon/Neptune conjunction (a karmic coercion on his sensibilities) and Pluto was squaring his Mars (more coercion – perhaps the scriptwriters did not consult him, or perhaps his original ending was just plain wrong, I mean give them a break after such difficult lives). Meanwhile in “real” showbiz life Katherine Jenkins (who has a difficult conjunction between Mars and Saturn natally) split up with Gethin Jones (currently questioning his love life with Neptune transiting his Venus), and Russell Brand (an astrological twin of Angelina Jolie, who is hanging on to Brad Pitt) split up with Katy Perry (a really intensely Scorpionic Scorpio). Pluto is transiting Katy’s Jupiter, making this a really intensely Scorpionic time for her, and Saturn is squaring Russell’s Venus, bringing a sad sense of emotional loss. What is the secret of a long term relationship? I have been married for 38 years but I do not know the answer. I do know that sometimes my hubby and I appear to be living in parallel universes, because his setting on the toaster is fine for him, whereas it burns my toast. You may recall that on my training in Future Life Progression (much more of that to come this year) he questioned the feasibility of travelling into the future, which is his right, as a Scientist. The subject came up again this week, and the debate continued, with an old friend of mine telling him that time goes round in a loop…Our routine was disrupted by the festivities this week, and we found ourselves watching re-runs of Frasier and watching for the first time an American comedy series called “The Big Bang Theory”. Hubby Mike explained to me that at the time of the big bang, photons were released and these may have created parallel universes. I will keep you updated on the ongoing debate, but meanwhile re-affirm my feeling that Future Life Progression contributes to an evolutionary step forward – I am preparing a new website page on this.
Today Mercury squares Mars, a day of mild irritation. You may not be feeling at your best as a) You drank too much last night, or b) You stayed up too late, and/or c) You were awake all night trying to assess the synaesthetics of the numbers of every year since you were born. There were fireworks last night, which at some point fizzled out, and similarly any fireworks today will at some point fizzle out. This is the beginning of 2012 – could it be symbolic? I think we expect more of the year. As the beginning of the week, it might also be symbolic of the week, because this aspect goes unchallenged until Saturday (7th), so work to refine it: its highest potential is sharpness of mind. On Saturday, Mercury sextiles Saturn, steadying the mind and providing the ability to lay down foundations for those New Year plans and resolutions. This is later backed up by a sextile between Mercury and Neptune (the inspiration strangely coming after the plans are laid down by the solid foundations – it is as if you need the faith that provides in order to allow the dream to come forth). There is a window around midday where Mercury is at the midpoint of the trine between Saturn and Neptune, when the vision of perfection can really be seen, at the midpoint of the material and the spiritual. This vision may be your future life progression for 2012.
Live, Love, Laugh and Be Happy!
The week in bullet points:
- Today – delicate mind, a work in progress
- Saturday – foundations and dreams, seize the vision
January 1st, 2012 at 4:00 pm
A Happy New Year to me, and everyone – well those reading your blog Lana….How interesting that having reached 2012 there is a kind of resting phase. I don’t have the skills to look ahead, but intuition tells me it’s a lull before the storm. Something has to throw out the dead wood, so apart from grappling with changes to come, all good, healthy stuff ultimately. Thanks Lana, for setting off this first week, love Sarah
January 2nd, 2012 at 10:24 am
Dear Sarah
Thanks very much for your New Year thoughts! Your intuition is always a valuable resource.
May I indulge myself as I know you are a Holby City fan…I just realized that another TV couple, Chrissie and Sasha got together, after Chrissie planning to marry someone else for months, last Tuesday evening at 8.59 pm. Early Virgo was rising and Mars was in the 1st House at that time, and interestingly Chiron (healing) was on the Descendant. I do not have a scriptwriter, neither do I have the birth date for Bob Barrett who plays Sasha, but Tina Hobley (who has been in Holby a long time) the actress who plays Chrissie has a fitting Venus/Mars conjunction in Cancer (glamorous nurse) natally, and on the night Venus (love) was trine her Saturn (long term loyalty – Sasha being the father of her child). Pluto is also conjunct her (Hobley’s) Jupiter (triumph of the true judgement, hard won through experience) – of course I am confusing fact and fiction here, but I have long been fascinated by the roles played by actors and the personas and archetypes contained in the actors’ charts.
Indulgence over, Happy New Year to you!
January 2nd, 2012 at 5:07 pm
As a p.s., I missed remarking on all your fascinating relationship insights. This reveals something about me and my struggles with them, and one of the transformations ahead perhaps. Anyhow, I have greatly enjoyed reading them. I do like a happy ending…….love Sarah
January 3rd, 2012 at 12:45 pm
Oh Lana! I love your reply to Sarah’s comment!!! Intriguing stuff for us Holby fans! I have always had a soft spot for Bob Barrett or the character Sasha… (I wonder who we really see!)
I completely agree with you 2012 IS to be a year of JOY….. I feel whatever happens, we are moving forward by the laws of the Universe, whether we want to or not. Your blog is very encouraging and as ever, even through the gnashing of teeth and the weight of groanings, I feel a monumental year ahead…. Thank you for your rigorous commitment to astrology and your blogees in 2011 and may it long continue in 2012! 😀
January 3rd, 2012 at 5:24 pm
Dear Sarah
Thanks for the P.S.
Glad you still like Happy Endings – they are not too fashionable in this day and age.
January 3rd, 2012 at 5:28 pm
Dear Flick
Thanks very much for adding your high energy vibes to the hopes for 2012.
Yes I agree that the general consensus is that 2012 will be a major shift both personally and globally for humanity.
That’s a good starting basis for the 2012 consciousness.
Thanks to you and Sarah for your podding companionship. May we have great Pods in the year ahead.
January 4th, 2012 at 11:12 am
Hello Lana,
A Very Happy New Year to you.
A super Blog as always.
I just love Downton Abbey, also Books, Films or TV Productions concerning Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, The Bronte’s, any Period Dramas in fact.
Plus, being born in the North East, Catherine Cookson is another favorite of mine.
When I was in my early Fourties, I suddenly became more aware of these wonderful Authors.
Consequently, we enjoyed visits to Haworth, Yorkshire, Bath, etc.
It was such a enlightening period for me.
Guess I must have been a slow starter compared to some people.
I’m trying to get to grips with a hand held PC (Android) that our sons bought us for Christmas.
Such a lot of new technology to learn these days.
Looking forward to your 2012 blogs.
Thank you for being so Talented.
Have a good week, Love Shirley.
January 5th, 2012 at 8:21 am
Dear Shirley
And a Happy New Year to you, too!
Thank you for your kind words on the blog.
If you are interested in the Brontes, you might want to read the new book by Jewelle St. James entitled “The Lennon-Bronte Connection” in which she expands her theory that John Lennon was a reincarnation of Branwell Bronte.
Have you tried any writing yourself?
The Androids sound very advanced. I haven’t one myself, but I know people who have…! (It’s not who you know, it’s what smartphones they have). If I wake up in the night with writing ideas, I write on the notepad of my i phone and send it as an email to my computer.
It’s lovely to have you on our 2012 journey. In the words of Lennon:
“Hope it’s a good one, without any fear”
January 5th, 2012 at 5:56 pm
Hello Lana,
Thank you for letting me know about The Lennon-Bronte Connection book.
It sounds very interesting. I will have to look it up.
I just love the Beatles Music, so reminiscent of my teenage years.
No, I haven’t written anything myself, but I do record information, photos, etc, of Ancestors for our Combined Family Tree.
That’s kept my busy for the last five years.
At the moment I’m looking through the 1911 Census Records.
Must say it absolutely fascinates me.
My Father, a Cancerian in his Eighties, has helped me out enormously.
He has a phenomenal memory, he just loves talking about his Past & Present Family members.
I’m trying to get back to some sort of normal routine after all of the Festivities.
The Christmas Trees and Decorations have been packed away.
Must find time to relax and meditate.
Enjoy the rest of the week, Love Shirley.
January 5th, 2012 at 6:14 pm
Dear Shirley
Thanks for your reply.
Your dad sounds very Cancerian! It is often the Cancerians in the family who turn out to do all the family tree research…
I needed a reminder to take down my Christmas cards etc. so thanks again!
Have a good week,