Of course the dust has not begun to settle on Pluto’s entry into Capricorn, but the aspects of ordinary life must go on…Venus trines Saturn today, which gives us a chance to re-establish relations, take stock of loyalties and also to look at our material values.  The love that underlies our soul connections (we are one) is more real than the divisions that separate, and that is something we can feel under this trine.  A note on trines: every time one comes up, and I say something nice about it, my Customer Service desk gets at least one query.  Almost always, someone pipes up that they didn’t get their money’s worth from it.  We are looking into ways to ensure heightened customer satisfaction, but aspects which occur in relation to your own personal birthchart will always take precedence over the aspects which apply to the general population, and may even counteract a trine.  Moving slowly on…there are two conjunctions applying this week, which we are working our way towards.  The first occurs tomorrow (Monday 1st December), and it’s that goodwill ambassador Venus conjunct Jupiter, which takes place at 22 degrees Capricorn.  This is the aspect under which celebrations, marriages and mergers take place.  A modest social gathering can also benefit from this aspect, but if you are breakfasting alone (in the UK) you may experience a heartswell of love for all humanity.  If elsewhere in the globe, it may be lunch or evening meal when this happens.  The goodness ripples out from this aspect, and peace and humanitarian efforts may therefore benefit.  Mantra for tomorrow: “Good will to all beings”.  If you are on your way to work, commuters turn out in full force, not one sickie among them, and nobody complaining of Monday morning blues.  Hopefully, that will set the tone for the week and the month, but by Friday sticking points emerge.  The international diplomacy may encounter hard lines, the loyalties of the beginning of the week will start to show cracks.  Do all you can to move harmonic processes along early in the week, but be aware of any developing fault lines of resentment.  Remember the motto, and add “Love conquers all” and “Everything is occurring in accordance with Divine Will”.  Friday (5th) brings first of all a square between Mercury and Uranus: the first thing you need to do is to establish a common language, because otherwise misunderstandings will follow upon misunderstandings.  If you are working abroad for instance, then make sure you have the basics of the local lingo, and speak simply and clearly.  Travel could be disrupted, e.g. you may misread the time table or receive conflicting travel information – check them out.  The evening (UK time) could bring inflamed passions with Sun conjunct Mars (13 degrees Sagittarius).  After your morning journey, you would be advised to meditate before the evening’s exertions.  Someone may get overheated, and it may even affect their health, and hopefully it’s not you.  So you need to have an air of cool calm collectedness in order to assist the atmosphere and avert a crisis.  Remember you read this.  It’s no good coming to my Customer Service desk, and complaining, and then I will ask you if you meditated, if you didn’t.  Saturday (6th) could be under a bit of a cloud (possibly from the previous evening’s storm), and again if you are travelling there may be problems, but not so much disruption as delay, with Mercury square Saturn.  That aspect occurs in the evening in the UK, so if you are returning home after a jaunt of Christmas shopping in the City, allow plenty of time if you want to get back in time to see your favourite reality TV show, or to switch it off if you are one of those who avoid them.