Aspects for the week beginning 12 August 2012
After a quiet week, which astrological financial guru Raymond Merriman described as “the calm before the storm”, we have a challenging week emanating from the Uranus-Pluto square, with this time Venus becoming enmeshed. That means relationships will be coming under the hammer, especially those already under strain. Taureans and Librans may feel they are under stress more than most. The T-square configuration with Venus and Uranus-Pluto is not as damaging as the Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square a few weeks ago, but it is more up close and personal, given that many of us feel that relationships are central to our happiness. However, there are saving graces, which will go some way to mitigating the difficulties.
On Wednesday (15th) Venus opposes Pluto, an aspect which occurs once a year. This aspect last occurred 9/7/11. This requires being true to yourself: if you bend over backwards to please another, neither of you may win. It is a difficult day for the Arts, e.g. Arts Funding, but Sports Funding may win out after the euphoria of the Olympics.
Mars will then conjunct Saturn in Libra. Much is made of this aspect, which represents deliberate and controlled action, in a negative light, by many astrologers. Having this in my natal chart, I don’t see it as negative but it is a frustrating aspect, well-described by Alan Oken as “driving with the brakes on”. It is not a good day, for instance, for taking a driving test.
However, the Venus opposition with Pluto may drag it down, and may even cause people to subscribe events to Mars conjunct Saturn which may derive from Venus opposite Pluto. If it is in connection with your love life, it’s a Venus-Pluto issue. If it is in connection with physical life or exercise (such as injury at the gym) it is indeed down to Mars-Saturn.
Saving Grace No. 1 occurs on Thursday (16th) in the shape of Venus trine Chiron, when a balmy interlude may occur and you remember how you can heal yourself, either from the love dart or the gym injury.
This may be balanced out, or cancelled out, by Venus squaring Uranus the same day, but rest assured the week starts to improve after that. Venus squaring Uranus completes the relationship picture of the T-square between Venus, Uranus and Pluto this week. You might be bailing yourself out using the meditative healing space of Venus trine Chiron, and as fast as you are doing that, unexpected relationship challenges may be occurring from the square to Uranus. You need fast answers from the Universe about the true nature of relationships, so set up a high-wire contact with your guides or your Soul or the Masters or God from the start of the day so that the answers come through without too much delay.
Friday (17th) may find you shell-shocked from the T-square, but things will start to ease and there are a couple of easier, indeed quite nice, features to look forward to that day to help you let go and start anew.
Firstly (Saving Grace of the Week No. 2) the Sun sextiles Saturn, enabling you to take the lessons which have been dealt this week, and place the first brick in a new foundation. Take practical steps to support yourself.
Secondly (S.G. No. 3) there is a New Moon in Leo just in the nick of time to save your morale: Dust down your Inner Hedonist Archetype and paint the town gold. Count your blessings, and if you’re a gardener let go of any molehills on the lawns of your mind.
Olympic Round-Up
Sportsman of the Week
Usain Bolt declared himself to be Sportsman of the Week, pushing past all his rivals and other contenders with the words “I’m a living legend”. He wins the trophy for Self-Esteem, which all of us pursue, but often when it is attained it is frowned upon by others. Be proud of your attainments. Always believe in your Soul.
Natally, Usain has Moon conjunct Jupiter (Pisces) in a T-square with Chiron (in Gemini – the sign for sprinting) opposite Uranus in Sagittarius.
He has Mercury sextile exactly Venus, Venus trine Chiron (the early aspect for Thursday this week, you may find it useful to oberve), and Mercury sextile Chiron, this package making for a very sorted character.
For his first win this week, Sun exactly equidistant his exact Venus-Mercury sextile.
Saturn was conjunct his South Node this week, indicating he has fulfilled his karmic brief for a karmic cycle.
In addition, Mars was exactly sextile his Uranus (enhancing his speed).
Please note this is the last in the series
Gabby Logan
Gabby’s hand jive movements to “Gold” by Spandau Ballet at the evening Olympic round-ups on our TV screens should be made compulsory exercise in schools. She also needs to reveal how she managed to look utterly fresh each evening.
Chris Hoy’s Mother
One of the most priceless images this week, was the sight of Chris Hoy’s lovely mother trying not to watch his winning cycling performance. Chris’s mother is represented in his chart by Moon in Capricorn, so she has been through a lot. Most people would be able to identify with her, mothers or not. I know people who were not able to watch Andy Murray, for instance, and they are not even related to him. And apart from what was at stake competitively and even if you were not involved emotionally, some of the events such as BMX biking looked incredibly dangerous.
Birthday Statistics
I spotted that Gold medal winners Chris Hoy, Jason Kenny and Mo Farah (all different years) were all born on 23rd March. Toddlers with such credentials may be trainable from now for the 2030 games as per David Cameron’s instructions, but not all children are built to be future sports champions.
Changes to the English Language
New verbs which have been added to the English language include “to medal”, “to podium” and “to red button” (the last one from Lord Coe himself). Lynne Truss and the Oxford English Dictionary take note for your next editions.
Special Mentions:
Andy Murray – After the cathartic post-Wimbledon emotion, our lad came good, refuellling our hopes for next summer’s Wimbledon. I have written about him astrologically this summer…
Nicola Adams – Modestly Nicola said the Gold had “made her day”, understatement of the week. She seems such a sweetie. Boxing is traditionally the province of Taurus, but her Scorpio Sun is suitable for boxing. She has Mars at the powerhouse of the Galactic Centre, conjunct Neptune (physical sensitivity) and sextile Saturn (control).
Tom Daley – What self-control and precision that young man has. He was genuinely happy with his Bronze medal, and has such an authentic smile. David Beckham described that smile as lighting up the whole stadium. He has North Node conjunct Pluto in Scorpio (karmic mission of Diving) plus Uranus conjunct Neptune in Capricorn (the ability to execute complex instructions). The winner of his category U.S. David Boudia, who just pipped him to the post, has his North Node (karmic mission) in Pisces (also Diving) with the support of an exact trine to Chiron (a facility for Self-Healing). By transit too, Boudia was blessed with a winning aspect of Uranus sextile his natal Jupiter.
I’m exhausted…My father (who is in a nursing home) has been placed in front of the Olympics coverage, in his wheelchair. He was asked: “Have you been watching the Olympics?” He replied: “Only when they make me.” He has great difficulty in speaking, but managed to say “I don’t know where they get the strength and energy.”
The week in bullet points:
- Wednesday – Difficult day
- Thursday – Saving grace interlude, followed by relationship upset
- Friday – Restoring equilibrium, and partying
August 12th, 2012 at 11:49 am
I feel the really splendid athletes of the Olympics are two runners who show humility, dignity – and even nobility: David Rudisha of Kenya, and Michael Johnson of the US who is now a BBC TV commentator. These are two men who have conquered their ego: Usain Bolt has a marathon to run in that respect!
August 12th, 2012 at 4:04 pm
A gold medal I think to your dad Lana, for enforced Olympics viewing, and yet connecting with it. As I’ve been struggling with relationships, family, I’ll keep in mind your timely warnings for this week. The challenges are hard, but I believe for clearing the way forward. I’ve renewed vigour for the week, bring it on. I am particularly struck by your description of embracing self esteem, ‘Always believe in your Soul’. Gosh, I can do that, thanks Lana, for that insight, and all aspects and lively Olympic Round Up, love Sarah.
August 12th, 2012 at 6:33 pm
“Always believe in your Soul, You’re indestructaba-al –
As you know. the only sporty person in the family was born on 23rd March.
Am looking forward to welcoming my adventurous daughter back home from the other side of the world on Friday, so am glad the aspects fit.
August 13th, 2012 at 9:52 am
Dear Asia
Thank you for your comment.
My other half also identified David Rudisha as being the true hero.
I knew it might be controversial to have chosen Usain and I too had mixed feelings about his self-promotion, but then I had those feelings about Muhammed Ali decades ago…
There is a fine line sometimes between self-esteem and ego, or humility and false modesty.
I noticed that TV commentators were having a hard time of it, trying to bring forth the qualities of David Rudisha without stepping on Usain’s ego…
I was once told, in the 1980s, that I had low self-esteem, and replied that what mattered to me was accurate self-esteem.
Chris Griscom says: “The ego is not necessarily a negative force. The ego is that which keeps us in the third dimension; it allows us to function there, but it’s like one sliver of the hologram, and that’s the difficulty of it.”
I think the British reserve by and large does not allow for the full expression of self-esteem, whereas in other parts of the world a flamboyant self-expression is more natural.
It is a subject of great interest, and one that it is worth reviewing again and again.
August 13th, 2012 at 10:10 am
Dear Sarah
(blush) the words “Always believe in your Soul” were written by Gary Kemp of Spandau Ballet. They are indeed great words, and he had to fight a court battle over them.
They might be much needed this week, and I hope all will be well with your relationships.
Thanks so much for your comment.
August 13th, 2012 at 10:14 am
Dear Daphne
Well you were of the New Wave generation (I was of the Beatles generation!)…
…And yes it was a shame we didn’t know about 23rd March or Astrology 50 years ago. I guess it was all part of the family karma.
Thanks for the comment, and best wishes for the homecoming.
August 13th, 2012 at 12:03 pm
Dear Lana
I think the public and the media are to blame for making Usain act up. Once you become a public hero, the media want you to produce behaviour they can make a story of – they’re already getting their tentacles into Mo Farah! But the effect on someone already extravagant like Usain is that after while one got a bit tired of his overdoing it, and other athletes then felt they had to think up an act too.
Yes, the whole question of self-esteem in a person’s spiritual development is a double-edged sword. Warren Kenton used to say we need the Ego as a boat to carry our invisible qualities, otherwise we wouldn’t get by in our social relations – and it can be a useful intermediate stage to consider oneself the world’s most wonderful person because that self-belief takes you forward on your path until you can be more detached about it and let the Stage 1 of the rocket fall away. I’m sure that so many celebrities together at the Olympics (performers, spectators, organisers, singers and dancers) helped most who have overblown self-importance to realise they are one among many and to see their qualities in perspective – I thought Chris Hoy and Michael Phelps the most balanced in attitude (a mixture of confidence and humility) – as they have done quite a bit of life’s long journey with its up and downs by now.
The bottom line is that all you can do is use your talent to the utmost – which I see as pursuing interests you just can’t help doing automatically, then building on that to make it professional if destiny so wishes it from you.
There’s no taking away from Usain’s huge gift, and no doubt he’ll grow up in due time as he moves to other fields where his superb physique can be used and he conquers his demons (we have to allow for the natural extrovert exuberance of West Africans). In contrast, David Rudisha (a Kenyan East African) probably needs to work on projecting himself more – difficult when English is not your firstlanguage, and you’ve been brought up not to express emotion, in the Masai warrior tradition: but at the same time it would be sad if he lost that lovely quality of innocence coupled with a most graceful body – truly poetry in motion like a highbred horse.
NB also that Usain couldn’t have won without Blake pushing him (nor Mo Farah without the self-effacing Gale Rupp doing the same) – but Rudisha had no-one to rub up against and achieved a world record by his own bootstraps/trainer-laces.
I once learned from the Sufis a saying – much like the Taoist warrior tradition of Sun Tsu – that physical battle in a Holy War is the lesser war – the real war is the war with oneself – ah well, back to that perpetual struggle!
August 14th, 2012 at 3:32 am
Phew – well, the story of Canada WILL follow, I promise, but my biggest accomplishment this week is …..drum roll please…. My new website launched!
Please check it out. I’d love to hear what you think –
*sweaty hugs from So Cal*
August 14th, 2012 at 9:58 am
Dear Asia
Thank you for your comment (#2) and especially the analysis of Rudisha, most fascinating!
I agree we need some ego, and we need to look at it with honesty.
August 14th, 2012 at 10:03 am
Dear Dia
Love the website, especially the guided tour of your clinic which makes you feel you are there.
I especially could use some of that Chi which you help to unlock!
Thanks very much,
For any new readers: The link to Dia’s website is on my Contact page
August 15th, 2012 at 6:08 pm
I’ve been battling with myself all day on this difficult Wednesday – glad to turn to your words Lana, and realise not to neglect my soul.
Lov to all
August 16th, 2012 at 8:59 am
Dear Sinhagupta
Thanks very much for reporting back.
Yesterday was difficult; hopefully today won’t be as difficult; and hopefully tomorrow will be easier.
I am looking forward to the self-healing possibility of today, while taking stock of the mid-week challenges. Having Taurus rising, I certainly did feel it yesterday!
August 16th, 2012 at 11:52 am
Dear Lana et al,
I to have been experiencing the most horrendous week. Shock, despair, mistrust of my own judgement, betrayal….. all in there. I could so easily blow a particular situation right out of the water and might have done if it had not been for your advice Lana. It’s still very close to the edge but I think I can keep a handle on it.
For me it highlights, “What is it my Soul is longing for and why I have i abandonned that longing.” No rapid solutions or actions to be made or taken – just a steady step or even a gentle holding and taking stock of how I arrived where I am. Thank you again Lana. 🙂
August 16th, 2012 at 5:02 pm
I can’t say much, as the upsets I saw yesterday weren’t mine, I was indeed gently holding energies. Horrible stuff potentially but heading for resolutions. Today is my challenge, with my dogs unwell which is my Archilles heel for anxiety. Dear friends have offered support, thank you Lana as first person in the chain, and then there are tomorrow’s aspects. If I’m responding to my lessons, I have every confidence I may feel like partying by Friday evening. I’ll let you know, love Sarah
August 17th, 2012 at 8:52 am
Dear Flick
Thank you so much for your comment.
I spent the last two days incapacitated by some upper back problem, which this morning seems to have eased.
So I am hoping today will be a day of re-building.
Have a good day,
August 17th, 2012 at 8:56 am
Dear Sarah
Thanks for reporting back on the Venus-Uranus-Pluto T-square, and glad that the crisis seems to be heading to resolution.
Also pleased that dogs are better.
Hopefully you and yours are positioned for today’s mini-renaissance,
August 17th, 2012 at 1:57 pm
Extra Aspect:
Managed to miss a late night aspect for Saturday (18th), which is Mercury trine Uranus and it occurs at 23.29 Hrs, half an hour before midnight. Whatever you are planning for Saturday night will have a flavour of mental stimulation and new discovery about it. For instance if you are having a dinner party, the conversation could take an unexpected turn. I will mention it in Sunday morning’s blog too, as it will still be current then.
August 17th, 2012 at 3:47 pm
I’ve been having a fairly tough week – mostly because of the level at which my patients were vibrating. But it has trickled out into my personal life as well. This morning (Friday am US time), I feel like giving in to an overwhelming sadness – not even sure it’s mine. Things have just been bollocksed this morning since oh-dark-early and don’t seem to be getting any better (although I know that’s not true, it sure feels that way). Was there a communication snafu that I missed in the aspects this week?
I would love to see some of the party energy coming up, don’t know if it will though.
And teeth seem to be looming large again this week. It seems I have discovered what sets mine on fire – we have a high frequency dog-training aid which is the only thing that seems to break Dragon out of her barking spates. She’s been a wild little thing, barking almost constantly at night (and I don’t blame her, the coyotes have been singing in our front yard – and she instinctively knows she’s an appetizer to them), so I used the device quite a lot Tuesday and Wednesday night – and by late Thursday my entire jaw was on fire! It’s easing this morning, somewhat, but still painful. Ouch! This is what I get for having a tiny tiny member of an alerting dog lineage. EVERYTHING is bigger and scarier than she is so she’s “on” all the time (even when there aren’t wild carnivores in the yard). Poor little bit-of-business, her nervous system is on ‘overdrive’. Just wish it were on ‘quiet’ as well.
Sarah – I’m so sorry to hear about the pup’s challenge, hope it all turns out well. The girls & I send an enthusiastic woof of encouragement.
Flick – I read your post and really felt the emotions you have been experiencing. I’ve sent some qi your way.
Canada update really IS coming.
Hugs to y’all, and thanks Lana, for having this safe space for sharing. It’s a vital part of my week/life and I want to thank you for the time and effort you put into it. I’m so thankful to be a part of this amazing community of powerful women (and men, I’m sure – they just don’t share as much)
August 18th, 2012 at 10:15 am
Thanks, Dia
I feel that when you joined us three years ago we really started to become a blogging community!
Sounds like you are having a gruelling time, but your sense of humour always manages to come through. I would really worry if that vanished.
Most people I knew had a crisis centred around Weds and spilling into Thursday, which eased off on Friday. A couple of family situations have just returned to an even keel, for instance.
But there are a few who are still in heightened tension, and there is no denying the fact we have been through the wringer this week. Hopefully this blog serves a purpose in recording astrological experiences, research and vicissitudes, serving as a historical chronicle and a vehicle of both emotional expression and exchange of philosophy, and as you have pointed out a community and safe space.
And as you say, you’re all great!
August 19th, 2012 at 3:37 am
First time commenter here, and first of all I’m delighted to have found your blog.
Re Usain Bolt, you say: “Saturn was conjunct his South Node this week, indicating he has fulfilled his karmic brief for a karmic cycle.”
Would you be able to expand on this thought? I have a reason for asking. Saturn will conjunct my own South Node in Libra this coming Tuesday (21st) following hard on the heels of Mars last week. Life is very very tough at the moment to put it mildly – but everything that’s happening does have a very “karmic” feel to it and I am praying that it is a cycle that is coming to an end. A rebirth is needed!
Thank you.
August 19th, 2012 at 10:08 am
Hi mm! Welcome to you, and thank you for your comment.
It’s a good question. A Saturn transit is not easy, and now compounded by this Uranus-Pluto era. Jupiter transiting the South Node point might be more obviously favourable.
But Saturn is one of the Lords of Karma, and the South Node is an undoubtedly karmic point.
If I were encountering this while writing a year ahead for someone, I would be encouraging. Most people are doing their best, except maybe for a repeat offender who is about to re-offend and not learning the lesson.
The end of a karmic cycle can be as simple as letting yourself off the hook for something, or knowing you have done all you can in a situation. Much karma is prolonged through unconscious guilt (after all, who would put themselves through purgatory indefinitely). While we often can only see our current life pattern, the soul has an overview of all lifetimes, and we judge ourselves, often harshly. If the karma involves another, you can only fulfil your part of the bargain.
Just the recognition that it is karmic and it may be the end of a karmic cycle may be enough to put a full stop on the end of a series of experiences. The Uranus-Pluto problems are taking a few years to work out, but the Saturn transit will soon pass on and you’ll know if you have passed your own test.
All the best for the resolution and for next Tuesday, which coincidentally is Usain Bolt’s birthday!
August 19th, 2012 at 11:02 am
Lana. Thank you so much.
“Just the recognition that it is karmic and it may be the end of a karmic cycle may be enough to put a full stop on the end of a series of experiences.”
The past few years have been excruciating but I am hopeful for better things as Saturn moves on …..
I’ve learned a few lessons as well.
August 20th, 2012 at 9:01 am
For those who would like to read a fuller astrological analysis of Usain Bolt, Mary Plumb of the Mountain Astrologer has produced one. Here’s the link: