Aspects for the week beginning 26 August 2012
Parkinson’s Disease
Louise L Hay: (Probable Cause) – “Fear and an intense desire to control everything and everyone”
I have not specialized in medical astrology in my 42 years of following the stars, but as health is crucial to the quality of our life, I have paid attention. And now that I am retired, even though I am busier than ever, I have more research strands than hours in the day. One of those research strands, among the other neurological and related conditions, is Parkinson’s disease. Michael J. Fox, who was diagnosed as suffering from it in 1991, has recently announced a new television series he is making devoted to the subject. The actor Bob Hoskins recently announced his retirement due to the progress of the disease. So this exploratory blog is the first I am writing under the category “Medical Astrology”.
Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. The nervous system encompasses the brain, spinal cord and all the nerves involved that come off it. I have always worked on the premise that the nervous system is represented in the birth chart by the planet Mercury, while the more subtle sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are ruled by the more highly-strung planet Uranus. Parkinson’s is caused by a loss of brain cells which contain dopamine, in a specific area of the mid brain. Initial symptoms include tremors, and later symptoms can include dementia. But we have two long lived celebrities in Michael J. Fox and Muhammed Ali, who have done much to advertise the cause and its progress.
What I would look for in trying to find an astrological signature for the disease is problematic placements or aspects to Mercury or possibly Uranus, plus extreme agitation from Mars in the chart which over-activates the nerves. Mars might also be involved as the ruler of Aries, which represents the head and the brain. Also relevant are the transits at the time of the onset of symptoms or diagnosis, i.e. what outer planets may have been exerting pressure or stress on key points in the birth chart of the sufferer.
Muhammed Ali
For Muhammed Ali, one of the most relevant features in his birthchart might be Uranus exactly trine with his Sun. Although this is a favourable aspect, and accounts for his brilliance, there may have been a degree of strain to his nervous system involved. His Uranus in turn is stressed by a conjunction with Saturn. Mars squares his natal Pluto by 1 degree, which describes the violence of his profession, but also the strain on the physical body. It has been thought that his Parkinson’s was caused by repeated trauma to the head during his boxing career. He also has Pluto conjunct Chiron (extreme suffering) in the 12th House of chronic conditions. Also causing difficulty would be Saturn exactly square his Venus. For the planet I associate with the nervous system, Mercury, there is a trine with Jupiter (he has a way with words) but a close opposition with Chiron (the wounded healer). A connection between Mercury and Chiron often disrupts the nervous system.
At the time of his diagnosis in 1984 he was undergoing his Uranus Opposition, and Uranus may be a key planet in relation to this disease. Also in that year Neptune was squaring his natal Neptune, an aspect which may bring confusion and illness.
Michael J. Fox
Like Ali, Michael J. Fox has North Node in Virgo, but he also has it conjunct Pluto, which indicates a strong challenge in the area of health which galvanizes him for his karmic mission. He also has Mars exactly opposite the Ascendant, putting his physical vehicle constantly under stress (flight or fight) and Mars is conjunct Uranus, which is a very tense and potentially explosive aspect.
He was diagnosed in 1991, around the time of his Saturn Return in 12th House of chronic conditions. Also at the time his Progressed Sun was entering his 6th House of general health. Transiting Pluto was squaring his Mars in that year. This transit can be a catalyst for many things, but in this case may have been a factor in triggering the disease.
Bob Hoskins
Popular actor Bob Hoskins has Moon conjunct Uranus and trine Neptune, giving him the subtle emotional range to be a good actor, but also putting his emotions under stress. Like Muhammed Ali and Michael J. Fox he has North Node in Virgo (indicating the importance of health in fulfilling his karmic mission). Chiron (the wounded healer) conjuncts this North Node and this conjunction squares the Moon/Uranus conjunction. That is an intense set of demands on the body, mind and soul.
When he recently announced the diagnosis and the change to his lifestyle, Saturn was squaring his Jupiter, curtailing some of his liberties. But Neptune was trine his Sun, and spiritually he may be more at peace with himself than at other times in his life when he was in the thick of the gangster roles that made him famous.
This is a tentative look at the subject, and if you have any of the astrological symptoms, do not panic, as there is no definitive interpretation here. If you have North Node in Virgo (which cropped up in all three birth charts) I know of other sufferers who do not have North Node in Virgo so again rest easy, and again I know of many people with North Node in Virgo who do not have Parkinson’s.
Louise L. Hay: (Affirmation) “I relax knowing that I am safe. Life is for me and I trust the process of life.”
For more information:
At the beginning of the week, on Sunday 26th August, Mars trines Neptune, which is conducive to looking at sensitive physical conditions (such as Parkinson’s), and favours action which takes into account psychology, feeling and spirituality, not just action (or sport) for action’s sake. Sensitive issues can be explored in a vigorous way.
The in-depth approach is supported again on Thursday (30th), when the Sun trines Pluto and psychological issues are very much on the agenda, bringing deep insights and the ability to work at a level which produces real change and transformation. Any creative work will hold a meaningful quality and energy, again not just art for art’s sake.
Mercury also sextiles Saturn on that day, and the mind will be able to consolidate plans and you will be able to carry them out constructively, or at least think about doing so. So if you had profound ideas earlier in the week, you can start to apply them to practical reality. If you have realizations of what needs to be done, the planets are supportive to this today.
The Sun also opposes Chiron on Thursday, so there may be some health or healing issues or crises occurring. Chiron reveals the problem, but like the dock leaf for the nettle, the solution may be close at hand.
A Full Moon in Pisces late lunchtime on Friday (31st) may plaice something fishy on your plate to contemplate. The left brain (Sun in Virgo) may have been profitably engaged at the work desk, but something is nagging at you from the subconscious or from the wider world, of possibly equal importance (opposition from Moon in Pisces).
On Saturday (1st) Mercury enters its own sign of Virgo, and all Virgoan interests benefit: paperwork, health, working conditions and community. I am returning to the Office for a few weeks, so the emphasis in the blog may revert to paperclips and commuting, rather than the more domestic retirement perspectives.
However, Mercury then opposes Neptune on Saturday, and what might have seemed straightforward from an intellectual point of view is clouded by all sorts of complicated emotional and psychological issues, or even spiritual ones. Environmental toxins or even every day drugs (such as paracetomol) may be affecting our consciousness in ways we are unaware of or think we have acclimatized to, accumulating in our systems. So it is a good time to stop using various cleaning products or unnecessary medications and see whether that space makes us feel clearer mentally and spiritually. It will be the second weekend in a row that we will be beset by Neptunian issues, so learn what you can from last weekend and that will help you to get a grip on the ungrippable.
North Node in Scorpio
Saturday is also important for a change of sign for the Mean North Node (which changes approximately every 18 months). The switch on that day is from Sagittarius (fairly upbeat in theory, but collectively it has not been an easy 18 months) to the more challenging sign of Scorpio, but again we might start to get the answers and the meaning we need to move forward. Blind or superficial responses or knee jerk reactions to society’s problems may give way to more informed choices and understandings. In your own personal life too, there may be more realistic and brave solutions: it is an interesting synchronicity that the Paralympics are now in the air, and the issues around disability will hopefully be helped by this event. This is an important aspect, and the start of an earnest karmic tone.
The week in bullet points:
- Sunday – sensitive action
- Thursday – tackle in-depth issues, practical plans and attend to health
- Friday – an emotional Full Moon
- Saturday – start work early; emotions may disrupt work later; profound work and insights achievable even later
August 25th, 2012 at 4:38 pm
Lana –
Thank you for my birthday blog – it was an unexpected present to open it today and read about tomorrow (26th) early. It’s nice to know that tomorrow, although I’ll be celebrating alone (Bear is travelling again – leaves tomorrow morning at 6:00am) it will be a day of introspection and mindful action.
Plaice – really? – very nice, and subtle.
As for last week, I don’t recall the aspect for Friday including “throw yourself into walls” but that’s sure what I did yesterday.
We have a series of gates in the house, to keep big dogs away from the cats and allow the little dog places to escape, lest she be trampled underfoot.
I was stepping over one and tripped. The gate hadn’t been secured so instead of just throwing me off balance, it fell out of the doorway, with me still straddling it. I fetched up on the wall opposite and, well, ow. I have bruises, swellings and sprain/strains from my left arch to my right neck and EVERYWHERE in between. Standing up for 6 hours today will be something of a challenge. At least nothing broke this time.
I’m looking forward to going into the clinic Thursday, with the aspects as they are, it should be a very interesting day.
My Bear comes home Saturday and I’ll remind him to trust his instincts and if flying seems wrong, to stay off the plane (imagine the sort of work-disrupting emotion damage to him would cause me) and I will do the same whilst driving (ditto for his emotions). And I will ask all y’all to do the same if you’re travelling Saturday.
Thank you, again, Lana for my early birthday present – and for your insightful blog every week (it’s just fun to have a Sunday-blogday birthday!).
Hugs from a slightly bruised So Cal,
August 25th, 2012 at 8:28 pm
Dear Dia
Am away again, and will reply when I get back, but in the meantime I must wish you a Happy Birthday!
Thank you for your news, and hope you have a lovely day tomorrow.
August 26th, 2012 at 5:40 am
Dear Lana
An interesting field to plough – medical astrology – I look forward to further diagnoses!
I would also rate Pluto high as an indicator of the state of the nervous system – invisible, controlling power beyond the tangible.
August 26th, 2012 at 7:39 am
Dear Lana
For future investigation in one or other of your projects: I’ve just typed out this sentence in a paper I’m doing!
Ionian doctors divided the year into 8 sections when diagnosing illnesses through stellar risings and settings.
August 26th, 2012 at 2:40 pm
It makes sense that health conditions will have astrological links, but so complicated. Thanks Lana, for some unravelling, I need time to assimilate but have your insights to guide my thougts. I realised a bit earlier, that it is my dog Clio’s 9th birthday today, but am worrying about Spike who is poorly again. Win some, lose some. I’ll tread the aspects delicately this week, I’m fine but am aware of many struggles, thanks Lana for posting before your trip away. Love Sarah
p.s. Happy Birthday Dia, and many best wishes for a speedy recovery from gate cascade, love Sarah
August 28th, 2012 at 5:14 pm
Happy Tuesday –
Things are looking up somewhat here in VERY sunny So Cal. Unfortunately, the up-ness includes our temperatures. We’re shooting back up into triple digits this week. This is the right time of year for this, and so far this week is not as mercilessly humid as the last heat wave was. The days are also shorter so it’s just not as horrid all ’round.
I had a birthday massage Sunday (after my husband staggered out of the house at oh-dark-early) appropriately tapping in to the aspect du jour. The massage put right all the wrong things I’d done throwing myself around the house. I have endeavoured to avoid re-injuring myself and so far have been successful.
The dogs are resigned to Never Having Fun Again. This is their default position when Dad is out of town. Topaz, especially, mopes and this week she seems to be stuck in her own private sphere. Perhaps, being the sensitive girl she is, she is somehow stuck in Sunday’s aspect – especially since her Best-Beloved (Bear) went away during that aspect.
I’m also struck that Sunday was about sensitive physicality (if I’m reading that right) and Topaz has been uber touchy the past two days, but especially was Sunday. I stepped on the hair of her tail (she was lying down) and must have pulled it, but anyone walking by would have thought I was systematically stripping the skin from her by the anguish in her cries. Once I peeled myself off the ceiling I triple checked her for damage and found none, just two or three tail hairs that I’d inadvertently pulled.
Interestingly, Thursday is forcing itself on me. Usually, I start treating patients at 11am (CA time – 7pm in England) because I usually work until 8pm or 9pm, due to having many patients in the motion picture industry who come in after they get off set. Thursday, however, everyone is shifting to the morning, and earlier than I usually start. I will be seeing 5 patients beginning at 10am, last one coming in at noon – and then I’ll be done for the day (with patients) by 1:30.
I hope I can tap into the aspects of the day, sounds like very subconsciously my patients are shifting things around so they can benefit most from the day’s aspects.
Saturday I slightly despair of, because the beginning of my day will fall somewhere in the “emotions may disrupt work later” zone. Hopefully I will be mostly working in “profound work and insights achievable even later”.
I also need to remember to check my Saturday pain patients for paracetomol (we call it acetaminophen) use (among other meds, of course).
I’m specifically warning my patients (and friends) away from anti-bacterial soap/cleaners/products because there are more studies showing triclosan (and triclocarban) may cause muscle weakness. Since the heart is a muscle, anything that may weaken muscles is of concern to me. I don’t know about in the UK, but here if one Googles “triclosan research 2012” there are many many interesting articles about the dangers of the chemical.
As I work at home on Fridays I’m hoping the only fishy results from that aspect are my fish oil supplements.
Hope y’all are having a wonderful week –
Hugs from Sunny So Cal –
August 28th, 2012 at 10:00 pm
Ah thank you Dia, for filling us in, especially about your birthday.
The “throwing yourself into walls” incident indeed did not fit the Sun opposite Neptune aspect, and may have been a specific transit to your chart.
Glad you are clued up about the toxins we are taking in. it is good to focus on that from time to time, if we cannot keep track of it all the time.
It’s always fascinating to hear about your work. And if we feel like a visit, we can just take the virtual tour.
Thanks for the service(s)!
August 28th, 2012 at 10:01 pm
Dear Asia
Thanks very much for your comments, and your thoughts on medical astrology, and ideas for future avenues of exploration.
I hope you will be able to guest blog during the coming year.
Much love
August 28th, 2012 at 10:02 pm
Dear Sarah
Thanks so much for your comment.
Thinking of Spike and Clio and hope they are back to full health by next week.
Have a good week,
August 31st, 2012 at 12:30 am
So interesting – medical astrology. Since my PR Moon ingressed Gemini (9th/10th) I’ve been reading all manner of things astrological online and really enjoy Lynn Koiner and Eileen Nauman on medical issues. Now I can add you to my reading list!
August 31st, 2012 at 11:01 am
Dear Elouise
Thank you and Welcome!
I must look up Lynn Koiner as I am not familiar with her work, but Eileen Nauman I think is one of the best!
September 1st, 2012 at 7:54 pm
So far Saturday has been an emotional rollercoaster. I think my clinic day is beginning at the same time as the “emotions may disrupt work later” part of today’s aspects (what with the time differance and all). My 84 yr old patient telling me she doesn’t think she’ll live another 10 years had me VERY close to truly bursting out in tears. Unreal. In retrospect, since this is a 3-day weekend and everyone has been cancelling (expect this lovely lady and two others). I probably shoudl have taken today’s aspects as a reason to take the weekend off.
Hope all y’all’s day was better than mine.
Sarah – been holding space for your pups, hope they’re having a better week.
Hugs from So Cal
September 1st, 2012 at 10:16 pm
Dear Dia
Thank you for rounding up the week!
My mother is 84 so that story is very poignant to me.
I thought it was interesting today about the makers of thalidomide saying sorry, with Mercury opposite Neptune and what I had written about not taking unnecessary medications!
Hope you are able to find the calm after the storm of emotional aspects at the end of this week.
Back tomorrow,