Aspects for the week beginning 5 May 2013
Nigel Farage and the conundrum of UKiP
The face of British politics is said to have changed dramatically this week, with one in four voters plumping for UKIP. David Cameron has been forced to retract his earlier impression of the party as “fruitcakes and closet racists” modifying his tune to “We need to show respect for people who have taken the choice to support this party”.
What is the demographic of the voting section? A few 80 year old women I know have found themselves voting for or sympathetic to what the party stands for, and some women find Nigel Farage personally fascinating. There is no doubt in my mind that UKIP inherits some strands of the National Front, British National Party and EDL philosophies, and targets immigrants as being the source of our society’s ills.
The Observer leader this morning describes its voters:
“The Ukip surge is a warning. Immediate analysis indicates that two groups, in the main, have been swayed by Farage. They are the less qualified, working-class, older male and the lower middle class”.
So I will look at the charts of Nigel Farage, UKIP, and the UK to try to assess the astrological factors involved.
As a Sun sign Aries, Nigel Farage cuts an individualistic and almost self-sufficient figure. On the Andrew Marr show this morning, he was very confident, straight speaking and focussed. He has leadership qualities through that sign, but also from an exact sextile from Uranus to his North Node (karmic mission). He has the capacity to surprise. We do not have his birthtime, but I suspect Pluto is prominent on the angles of his chart, because of the way he rose from the ashes of the plane crash on the day of the last election declaring that he was lucky to be alive. On that day Pluto squared his Mars (the near death experience), trined his Natal Uranus (surprise survival), and conjuncted his South Node in Capricorn (karmically facing death).
He has lived to fight another day, and plague Cameron, whose Sun opposes his Sun natally. The Conservative party have lost a huge proportion of their votes to UKIP, and are under pressure to hold a referendum on our membership of the EU as soon as possible.
On Thursday, the day of the election, Pluto was exactly trine the Sun in the UKIP Party chart, a sign of ultimate power. It may mean though that this is the height of the power that they reach. Especially if it is subsequently revealed that there is no substance behind their policies, and as has been claimed, that they are a one issue party.
The same holds true astrologically for Nigel Farage, that it may prove to be his finest hour. For Pluto is exactly trine his natal Pluto now, the Universe giving him a point of empowerment, perhaps as a karmic balancing from the air crash, where Pluto was also prominent by transit. This reinforces the possibility that Pluto is prominent in the angularity of his natal chart. Pluto seems to pulling the strings in his life, picking him up and putting him down in a stark way.
I have just (almost finishing my blog) located a possible birthtime, attributed to Christina Rose through Marjorie Orr. This does in fact give Pluto exactly on a Virgo Ascendant, confirming my train of thought, though I am not sure how accurate the source is.
The United Kingdom chart has some difficulties at this time, and notably the current Uranus-Pluto square links in with our natal Pluto. Pluto currently opposes our natal Pluto, and Uranus squares our natal Pluto. That may register as a sea-change in our politics, as has been claimed.
One thing is for certain, many of those who voted UKIP have just had enough of present party politics and disempowerment from the EU and feeling like strangers in their own country. Not me though, I count myself as an immigrant, having come to England as a 4-year old from Israel, my family having fled the persecution of the Jews in Baghdad. You might then conclude I was bound to think as I do. I would like to think one out of four comments to this blog would be from UKIP supporters, educating me about their point of view, that is if the comment count reaches four!
This morning Mercury opposes Saturn which puts a block on springing up early as you’d planned, foregoing your Sunday morning lie-in in order to catch up with your paperwork. Your computer may be on a go-slow, your digestive system may be delicate, and the lie-in may be more healing, in order to pen an Ode to Indolence. Keats wrote one in the 19th Century:
…O, for an age so shelter’d from annoy,
That I may never know how change the moons,
Or hear the voice of busy common-sense!…
I wonder what he would make of the age we live in. The news may be uninviting – you might switch on the radio, then switch it off again. But things are likely to improve after Noon.
In the evening, Mars trines Pluto and there’s an opportunity to engage in some energetic enterprise. Have some constructive structure in mind for the occasion, so that excess energy does not turn wild!
Tuesday (7th) morning brings a conjunction of the Sun and the South Node. A karmic issue may be highlighted – a consequence from a past life or earlier in this lifetime. You may recognize this from an invitation or opportunity handed to you.
Then Mercury trines Pluto – now’s the time to deal with the paperwork! You’ll find you are extra inspired to fill in the huge box on the form entitled “Any other information that can help your cause”. If you meet someone for a coffee you’ll be able to express what matters to you.
Wednesday (8th) brings more interesting possibilities for the mind, starting with Mercury conjunct Mars in the early hours: your dreams may be driven by the Inner Critic and may reveal anxieties. The characters within the dream may exhibit agitation, but of course as in Jungian dream interpretation may reflect aspects of yourself. If you wake up rattled with negative chatter, turn the phrases round to create a positive affirmation, unless you feel the dream has a deeper meaning (Mars conjunct Mercury can represent superficial chatter and concerns).
Next Mercury sextile Chiron provides some welcome information about health and healing in combining conventional and alternative medicine harmoniously. It’s also a good aspect for problem-solving in general. If there’s a crisis don’t panic, the solution is at hand.
This is followed and reinforced by a sextile between Mars and Chiron. Healing energy will flow, as in hands-on healing, or healing solutions involving energy or problems connected with energy. Awkward places can be made smooth, and square pegs may be able to fit in round holes.
On Thursday (9th) Venus goes into Gemini, which livens up the social life. You might trust the weather enough to have an early summer barbecue, or a picnic.
Mercury conjunct the South Node could be dictating the karmic scenario however: perhaps karma with brothers, sisters, neighbours or teachers (all represented by Mercury) may be involved.
The eclipsed New Moon at 19 degrees Taurus on Friday (10th) favours gardening and gardeners, artists and musicians, and turning points in Arts projects.
Finally Saturday (11th) holds a conjunction between Mercury and the Sun at 20 degrees Taurus, reinforcing what you are trying to achieve in these areas. 19/20 degrees Taurus is a sensitive point around the end of the week, so if you have planets in this degree they may be bolstered by this influence: supportively so if you are willing to work with change, but not so supportive if you are resistant to change.
Contact Email
Earlier editions of this blog contained a message about my email changing.
The email link on my Contact page has now been changed and will work as normal.
The week in bullet points:
- Sunday – a slow start, and a quick finish
- Tuesday – karmic opportunity, and significant work
- Wednesday – a brisk start (apply caution); then healing ways
- Thursday – lighter relationships, and karmic business
- Friday – change in the air and in the earth
- Saturday – focussed and enlivened thought
May 5th, 2013 at 1:36 pm
I was fascinated to read your astro analysis of Nigel Farage. Although I would never vote for UKIP I am finding the “cat amongst the pigeons” “spanner in the works” effect on UK politics highly entertaining inevitable.
Maybe thats what his Karmic role is – to stir things up.
Looking at recent UKIP policies, I pictured a huge chocolate box of policies. “Oh let’s have a strawberry creme in there”, says one policy maker. Oh and dont forget the hazelnut praline” says another. “And what about the caramels, the truffles and the cherry brandy liqueur” says a third. “And if we make sure tehre’s some marzipan, coffee and white chocolate, we should just about have something for everyone” says the first.
Much as I love chocolates, I dont think I’m going to bite.
May 5th, 2013 at 1:37 pm
EDIT “highly entertaining AND inevitable”
May 5th, 2013 at 2:27 pm
Will any of your readers put their hands up to voting UKIP? I was highly amused this morning at the tennis courts when our elderly tennis player and avid member of UKIP was confronted by another lady ‘ I’ve never met one of those [UKIP] members before’.
I didn’t vote for UKIP but I did vote for the independent – whatever he was standing for, so in a way, think politics needs this level of shake-up
Looks like being a good week!!
May 5th, 2013 at 4:44 pm
I nearly thought I was the 4th to comment, but Janet twice doesn’t count! Anyhow, I’m not a UKIP supporter, but I agree with Janet’s perception of entertainment, and the challenge to all parties may be helpful.
I have to confess I was involved in a personal mission on Thursday, and forgot to vote. Oh dear, must try harder. I’m finding current challenges in my life rather demanding, but I know for ultimate good effect.
Resistance to change is probably my biggest struggle, so thanks Lana for all the blog, and especially Friday/Saturday aspects.
Best wishes to us all, love Sarah
May 6th, 2013 at 8:57 am
Dear Janet
Thanks for lightening the mood!
You may have put your finger on the karmic reason for the UKIP success.
Trouble is, on the back of your comment I nearly reached for a box of chocolates in Tesco yesterday…
May 6th, 2013 at 9:01 am
Dear Sinhagupta
Thanks for stopping by!
Silly me for hoping for a UKIP comment…I am still holding out.
You too are seeing the funny side of the situation, I must lighten up.
What I am impressed by is that you made it to the tennis courts so early on a Sunday!
May 6th, 2013 at 9:09 am
Dear Sarah
Geminis do like to lighten the proceedings – will no one take Nigel Farage seriously?
The issue of comment counting has now run into serious difficulty. With Janet’s extra comment, and the fact that you did not vote, I am not sure where we are now.
It’s a lovely Bank Holiday here, and we’re hoping to go to Castle Acre this afternoon (very rare for us to take an outing).
Enjoy the sunshine,
May 7th, 2013 at 5:59 am
Joining in late (with the lovely weather unexpected guests descended!), your blog and its responses move me to make two points: all the parties will make the overcrowding of Britain more of a central issue after UKIP’s council elections performance. Britain has hospitality fatigue after a century of caring for asylum-seekers since itself being devastated by two great wars (all my male and female relatives were involved, with, miraculously, only one great-uncle lost).
I think, Lana, you should more correctly style yourself as a refugee from Iraq, and in quite a different league from present-day economic immigrants from Eastern Europe and Africa. Britain has a responsibility towards you because it governed the former British Mandate in what was called ‘Mespot’ in WWI: covering Jordan, Iraq and Palestine. In that sense your family has always been under Britain’s wider umbrella. I doubt any of your friends would see you as an immigrant – you’re part of British cultural life as much as the Saatchi brothers are! (In fact, both of my grandfathers were in the army in Mespot and knew Laurence of Arabia) – talking of which, I’ve just promised my brother to stop avoiding the task of looking into their lives as early an background chapter to our parents’ biography, to make sense of the huge archive of photos I have inherited so it’s going to make my writing life even more complex!
May 7th, 2013 at 11:03 am
Dear Asia
Thank you for your sensitive comment, and analysis of my ethnicity, going into a depth I myself had not thought about.
Funnily enough, my own mother was surprised when I told her I felt as though I was an immigrant!
I am eternally grateful to this country for taking me in at such a tender age,
May 8th, 2013 at 8:50 pm
Lana et al;
Quite a week here in the States. I’m failing at maths so I’m not sure which day (UK time) the three kidnapped girls escaped (they’re in Cincinnati Ohio) . Certainly today, their triumphant homecoming day, is all about healing – and there is a decision in the Jodi Arias case (tried in Phoenix Arizona, a state that does not observe daylight saving time) as well, which will also bring some healing. Interesting happenings over here.
Other things happening here – we’re having some lovely late-season rain, clearing the air physically and psychically.
I look forward to lighter tidings tomorrow and somewhat cautiously to Friday’s changes. Living in earthquake country the idea of changes in the air and earth is somewhat anxiety inducing. Saturday’s aspects look promising, which is a wonderful thing as I have a long string of patients coming and look forward to having cosmic backup whilst treating them.
*hugs from SoCal*
May 9th, 2013 at 9:15 am
Dear Dia
Thanks so much for your observations!
We have been following the Amanda Berry story here. We have her birth date because it is reported that she was kidnapped the day before her 17th birthday. I can’t find any such information for the other two.
At the time of her abduction, Mars was squaring her Nodal Axis (taken by force for a karmic reason).
She escaped on 6th May, but the previous night’s Mars trine Pluto was the significant aspect. Force had to be used to free her: Pluto was conjunct her natal Mars, which was trine the transiting Mars (all exact aspects!).
But Neptune was also exactly trine her natal Neptune at the time of her escape, bringing divine grace and some inner peace.
I hope they can all recovery to a significant degree from their ordeals.
Hope your fault lines continue to hold steady,
May 9th, 2013 at 10:54 pm
here I am….. better late than never I suppose/hope! Amazing write up about UKIP and Mr Farage.
The aspect and day which has grabbed me on a personal level is tomorrow, Friday…. the energies this evening feel very shakey….. I should personalise that and say, I feel very shakey! I sincerely hope tomorrow will a day where creativity is given space and heart.
Thank you Lana!!! Fx
May 10th, 2013 at 9:27 am
Dear Flick
Dia has often commented last thing on a Saturday, so you’re not late at all!
The eclipse took place early today so by the time you read this you will either have reaped the rewards, or at least know what you are dealing with.
Have a good day, and thanks very much for your comment,
May 13th, 2013 at 7:55 am
UKIP and its immigration policy
If there is one thing I have learnt from my years of spiritual work, it is that what we notice in the “world out there” and how we respond to it is a reflection of our “inner world”. The outer world is a reflection: the cause and solution lies in our inner world.
So, if we, for instance, are troubled by the idea of poor economic refugees flooding into the country, (as opposed to rich economic refugees like the Russian billionaires fleeing Russia after falling out with Putin and bringing with them, the extension of Gangster style Russian politics into the UK), what we are really experiencing is:
A new and foreign aspect of our personality nature (“the European foreigner”) is emerging into our lives (“coming into the UK”) and we sense that we have no barriers to keep it at bay (“open UK borders”) and no power to stop it because it is under the control of our higher or soul nature (“the EU”). We feel threatened by it because it threatens our sense of identity (“our sense of Britishness”) by undermining our sense of self. We perceive it as an act of impoverishment (“Migrants taking up our jobs, our benefits etc without contributing taxes etc”).
Our response to the EU indicates our response to our own higher nature or soul nature while our response to “being a European” indicates our response to the notion of an integrated personality. Each new European nation is, in this sense, a new unknown aspect of our nature to be integrated into our personality nature.
There is a deeper challenge at work. Do we believe that the role of our higher/soul nature (“the EU”) is to support the personality-focused life of material power, possession and dominance in the world – the life of the lower chakras, the world of the past ( “winning the economic race”) – OR is its role to uplift the personality into a soul-centred life – the life of the higher chakras, particularly the heart in which brotherhood and sharing are central, the life of the future?
We will tend to see one or the other as we look out into the world, particulary the world of the EU but sometimes, we will observe that what is happening is a shift from the personality-centred to the soul-centred life. When we can observe this state of shift, we are experiencing the same within ourselves and participating in a great national shift in which the British nation, as a whole, is moving from a personality/material centred life to a soul/spiritual centred life.
There are those who can move forward into this new way of living and there are those who can not. There must be room in the nation for both. It is not an easy shift to accomplish. We resist it with every fibre of our being every inch of the way. Today’s crises about membership of the EU, the meaning of what it is to be British, the UK’s role in the world are all reflections of our inner crises which form the path to a soul-centred life. Paradoxically, from a spiritual perspective, it indicates success and a guaranteed new role for the nation in the life of humanity.