Aspects for the week beginning 24 May 2009
How is it going? You are in the middle of the influence of the triple conjunction, now! Two news items stand out for me this week, out of a few contenders which illustrate breakthroughs arising out of the union of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. The first is scientific: research has shown that people with Down syndrome do not develop certain types of cancer because of their genetic make-up, which apparently brings up new avenues for finding anti-cancer therapies. The other story is sociological, one for human rights: that women were elected as MPs in Kuwait for the first time, four of them! On a personal level, what area of your life took a step forward this week? Did you discover a talent you never suspected you had? Did you strike a memorable deal? Are your home refurbishments going well? I paid a visit to the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London, and went in for some Cosmic Healing. The Festival is still on today and tomorrow, and I do recommend it if you want to soak up the energies of this triple conjunction. Actually, it is a good week to ask the Universe for healing. Be bold. Don’t be shy. Going forward into this week, it really is more of the same, I am glad for a change to report. The Sun is shining here in the U.K., as it conjoins with the Moon to form the Gemini New Moon. Hopes and wishes today can be focussed on communication efforts, and if you know which house that falls in in your chart (3 degrees Gemini) you can fine-tune your focus. The really, really interesting day this week is Wednesday (27th) when the connection between Jupiter and Neptune within the triple conjunction becomes exact. Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron form a pyramid of energies in which a hologram of consciousness can be seen or focussed, in a healing situation or building a new construct, among other applications. Chiron, for all the complexity of its condition, wounds and all, is at ease in this triple conjunction. It has the good intent of Jupiter, and the magic and wonder of Neptune. The three make good bedfellows, for Jupiter and Neptune are also two sides of a coin: Religion and Spirituality. The bringing together of these two in their highest form and application would erase the need for war. I am not suggesting that as a species we are grown-up enough yet for peace, but that is the potential of Jupiter-Neptune coming together, and we may see a glimpse of that. We may see some of the harmony of the spheres impinging on the imagination and courage of world leaders. In our own lives, too, how about long-standing separations giving way to reunions? But there is even more to Wednesday, for Mars sextiles Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron – how exciting is that! Whatever the Universe has recently blessed in your life, or whatever ground you have just gained, is going to take another step forward in manifestation. If you are working on a large-scale project for instance, you may receive unexpected help. In the midst of all this excitement, do remember to go and have a lie down. Some of the planets themselves are going to take a pause and rest for a moment on their laurels. You, and they, deserve a break, having worked so hard to try to improve things. On Friday (29th) Neptune goes Stationary, prior to retrograde motion. If you have been travelling spiritually, you may peak around then, and then start to take stock of the validity of your experiences. On Saturday (30th) Chiron goes Stationary, also prior to retrograde motion. Healing initiatives may have reached a peak recently, and also need to take stock and test out the progress made. So the week ends on a quiet day of rest, after all the excitement and achievements…The triple conjunction turns on its various permutations, with planets going back and forth, into next year, and the progress of this week will show its potential. But all the time we know there are massive problems going on worldwise and in personal lives, with Saturn opposite Uranus hammering down outworn structures, and Pluto in Capricorn reminding us that the clock is ticking on ecological and financial meltdowns. But there is some scope for using the good energies and inspirations and philosophies to help with the problematic ones.
May 24th, 2009 at 11:00 am
Dear Lana, thankyou so much for this not only inspirational blog but also for the beauty with which it’s written; true creativity indeed. You seem to go from strength to strength and I am learning so much from you! I feel incredibly encouraged, especially by the possiblity of expanding my “souffle” this coming Wednesday! It feels incredible, as if it’s what I have been waiting for – dare i say, all my life!!?!?!? 🙂 Thanks Lana!!!!
May 24th, 2009 at 4:00 pm
I am still on for carrot cake rather than souffle (well, there’s only me to eat it, so it will keep longer) and plan to cook tomorrow and start to eat on Wednesday. I also have a labyrinth to make out of salt dough for people to finger walk and help balance their twin flames. I know what I want, just have to create it now……As for ‘how is it going’, no time to stop and consider, too busy being. Thanks dear Lana for more inspiration, and now I remember you encouraging rest also, so pretty nearly perfect, with love from Sarah.
May 26th, 2009 at 2:58 pm
My experience of the build up of the Neptune/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction is that the form of healing is not as straightforward as astrologers may have indicated. This build up is only the first stage of a long conjunction which, itself, hints that the healing process will be long as well. I would say that the first conjunction proper and, in particular, the expansive energy of Jupiter, will be revealing the nature of the wound, the ways in which we resist learning the cause of the wound and the ways we have developed to anaethetise the pain of that wound. We will be able to see the whole situation more clearly than ever before so that we can begin the process of healing.
May 26th, 2009 at 5:19 pm
It may be juvenile to think that healing is not a long process, but in true like curing like, homeopathic style, I think I am happy to let the Universe assist me with my healing, and thus all connectively. I would resist too much looking back to causes, and trust we are truly on the way forward. With love in our hearts.
May 26th, 2009 at 8:18 pm
I believe sometimes the trauma and dis-ease is in the tissue, bone, blood…. to heal I feel we first need to know otherwise how can we heal? I haven’t met anyone yet who has been able to heal without first knowing and releasing it from the body… I am always prepared to admit I’m wrong but I speak from personal exerience. Wow…. good discussion!
May 27th, 2009 at 6:03 am
“I agree with the issue!” as French and Saunders once said. I agree that healing can take time, and sometimes needs to go through a few layers. I agree that in energy healing there can be a quick turn-around. Karmic Grace can take place. In past-life therapy, trauma can be held in the body for more than one lifetime. But Astrologically, we will have to see the whole thing through, before we have a full understanding of it. I also think that we are all en route to proving what we believe to be true!
Thank you very much for your comments.
May 27th, 2009 at 7:20 am
Looking at the planetary aspects yesterday (Tuesday), my attention was drawn to the number of their degree – 26. It then dawned on me that the galactic centre is at 26 degrees Sagittarius and that therefore the triple conjunction on 27 May (Wednesday) is sextile the galactic centre and that Mars, at 26 degrees Aries, forms a trine to the galactic centre. The galactic centre must therefore have a role to play in this long conjunction and “the quest to understand the origin of all things”
May 27th, 2009 at 7:22 am
I agree absolutely with Flick that the wound can manifest in the body. My own vision of my wound (brought forward from a previous lifetime) is that it is fixed in my muscular system.
May 27th, 2009 at 8:03 am
That’s a brilliant observation on the Galactic Centre, Laura! I had fallen asleep on that one.
May 27th, 2009 at 4:11 pm
I do know about ‘the need to know’, and ultimately I will be complete when I see, feel and understand. However, I also believe it possible to release first and then see what was going on. Ofcourse this is in layers and takes time, or life-times. Healing is not always about first knowing for me, perhaps I needed releasing and firming before able to look back and make sense. I am still happy to attempt being in the flow and trusting what the Universe sends me.
May 27th, 2009 at 5:46 pm
What a lot of really interesting contributions on this blog Lana. I find it very exciting! Today is Wednesday and I have had a very odd day so far… not feelig very intouch with anything at all today….. you advised i lie down… I am wondering if I should have actually satyed in bed! I am however trusting the process and my intent for healing, health and well being. I like th idea of the Galactic Centre being involved in all of this and in fact, why would it not be? WE are trying to heal ourselves at the core and thereofre by the laws of the universe there will always be an outer mirroring…. Thanks Lana for this very inspiring communion of blogpod community! 🙂 love to all, Flick