Aspects for the week beginning 24 November 2013
My Father
On Friday 22nd November we said a fond farewell to my father, who was 90 years old last January. He had died when the Uranus-Pluto square at 9 degrees of Aries-Capricorn was exactly transiting his natal Sun-Pluto opposition in Capricorn-Cancer. He was the gentlest of Capricornians, and his Humanist send-off went beautifully.
John F. Kennedy
It was an interesting confluence this week to be celebrating 50 years of Dr. Who (23/11/63) at the same time as the 50 year anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a popular TV time and space show arising timewise from the ashes of one of the most devastating moments in U.S. History.
The most asked question after “Who shot JFK?” has always been “Where were you when you heard of his assassination?” I remember seeing the shocking event on television as a13-year old. At our family gathering on Friday, I was reminded of a story. about my uncle, my father’s brother. He was once asked by a New York cabbie “Where were you when you heard that John F. Kennedy was shot?” He quickly retorted “Why? Am I a suspect?”
At the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Pluto (the assassination) was trine by transit to his North Node (karma), suggesting an unavoidable end. Saturn (loss) was also trine his Venus (love), separating him from the family he loved and the nation who loved him.
The Chart of 22 November 1963
The shock of the event of 22nd November 1963 is shown in an exact T-square between Mercury (an event of worldwide media coverage), Uranus (shock) and Chiron (crisis and wounding). In addition, Saturn (a sad event) was conjunct the Ascendant in Aquarius. Venus was also conjunct Mars, depicting poignancy over a charismatic figure. The Moon was positioned in early Aquarius, again emphasizing the element of the unexpected.
Dr Who
The birth of a new sci-fi programme, Dr Who, the next day has its Moon positioned in late Aquarius, and in this case we are seeing the excitement of a futuristic venture. The conjunction of Venus and Mars brings intrigue and stimulation into the mix. Saturn is not at the Ascendant, but at the Midheaven, possibly showing solid foundations for what was to be an enduring institution about a Time (Saturn) Lord. The Mercury-Uranus-Chiron T-square finds a different role. The shock factor is still there, in Mercury square Uranus. Perhaps Chiron is fulfilled in a more healing role, that of satisfying a need in the human psyche to be terrified of daleks. Toy daleks were de rigueur in the 1960s household, and maybe Chiron opposite Uranus is their astrological calling card.
The Sun squares Neptune today and you could be forgiven for feeling a little lost on your path. You may be at a crossroads, or be letting go of a 3-month phase of your life, and may not be sure of your next step or orientation.
On Tuesday (26th) Mercury conjuncts Saturn and in contrast your mind will be focused, certainly on what you need to do now – you’ll have a plan. There may be practical affairs to attend to, as distinct from the lackadaisical air on Sunday. So it’s soft focus on Sunday and hard focus on Tuesday.
Moving on to Thursday (28th) overall it’s a good day, starting early. Though Venus opposes Jupiter (the most harmless of oppositions), Mercury also sextiles Venus and trines Jupiter, so this can be seen as a sparkling line-up.
Mercury first of all sextiles Venus, so begin the day with creative writing (or just writing as in Julia Cameron’s morning pages and her book “The right to write”). Diplomacy (persuading the cat to wait until you have eaten breakfast) and Café culture also work as a template for the day:
“In the dime stores and bus stations
People talk over situations
Read books, and repeat quotations
Draw conclusions on the wall”
~ Bob Dylan
Secondly, Mercury trines Jupiter, and sales, travel and study are favoured: wheeler-dealing combined with charm will work today.
Finally, at Noon Venus will oppose Jupiter. Someone may have seen through the surface charm, or you may have laid it on too thickly, but the two parties should be able to smile about it, and share a chuckle.
Saturday (30th) brings a trine between the Sun and Uranus. More sparkle today, though of a different hue. Do something out of the ordinary that day – it should be successful! Telepathy, group work, Astrology, electrical engineering and time travelling are all supported by this trine. With Sun and Uranus in Fire signs, a spot of firewalking would be good to try. I signed up for a session 20 years ago, but my daughter wouldn’t let me, so I can’t actually speak from experience.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – soft focus
- Tuesday – hard focus
- Thursday – social sparkle
- Saturday – electric
November 24th, 2013 at 2:08 pm
Dear Lan
I was amazed to find you taking time out from family affairs to write your blog We would have forgiven you if you missed your own deadline.
Was pleased to hear that Friday went well and I did laugh at the story about your uncle and the cabbie. I think your father would have found that funny too.
As for a “lackadaisical air on Sunday” I think I have had my own lackadaisical air for several weeks now and you have given me the perfect excuse to procrastinate further until Thursday as that is the day you recommend for some creative writing. Now, how DID you know I had been putting some off (very effectively) for a couple of weeks.
Love the Bob Dylan quote – not quite a bus station or dime store’ but I deliberately left out an unread novel in Harrogate’s Royal Halls last Thursday for someone to make a surprise “find”. Maybe the book will be “found” this Thursday.
But for my BIG question of the day. I had planned to ask you about Comet ISON which my grandson and I have been early awaiting and praying it doesnt melt/disintegrate when it approaches the sun on 28th. I was going to ask for your thoughts on whether we would see our celestial lightshow.
However you may have got their first. You tell us Saturday will be “electric” with “sparkle” and that “With Sun and Uranus in Fire signs, a spot of firewalking would be good to try.”
Does that mean our star gazing dream will come true?
Well, that’s all from me this morning (I can officially go back to being lacksadaisical) except to send love to all your family and a loving farewell to your father.
With love
Janet xx
November 24th, 2013 at 4:14 pm
Thanks Lana for allowing us to join in sending good wishes towards your father’s send off.
So fascinating to me the mix of the shock and loss around JFK’s assassination combined with the birth of Dr Who the next day. I was 12 then. Although my memories a bit hazy, I have always been interested in them both. I’m a bit of a sci-fi fan after all.
As for the week ahead, that’s also feeling hazy, but thanks as ever for in depth aspects. Hm wonder what’s going to happen, eh.
All lightful wishes to you.
Love Sarah.
November 25th, 2013 at 12:27 am
Hi Lana
I sent you a condolence email but it was returned – unknown. Just wanted to offer my condolences on the loss of your Dad. I hope you and your family stay well – its always sad to lose a parent.
Could you let me know which email address will get to you.
Best regards
November 25th, 2013 at 10:33 am
Dear Janet
Thanks very much for your comprehensive comment!
Thursday does seem to be an upbeat day to be looking into the heavens for Comet ISON. I would be quietly optimistic for your prospects. Comets are very much once in a lifetime visitors, and as such it is difficult to predict what they will mean to each person individually and uniquely. I did not find Halley easy this lifetime but had a spectacular experience with Shoemaker-Levy. It would be lovely to have a report from your grandson.
Love the idea of leaving books for people in public places.
Thanks very much for your condolences,
November 25th, 2013 at 10:36 am
Dear Sarah
Thanks as always for your take on the week.
I have occasionally mentioned Dr. Who in my blog. It is a fascinating area for astrological research…
I feel the link between the two events holds more meaning, but that’s all I can write at this time.
Have a good week,
November 25th, 2013 at 10:40 am
Dear Lana
It is good to know you are still tuning in!
Thank you for pointing out that my email contact link is not working at the moment. I have contacted my web man.
If you also tried my personal email, that had to be changed earlier in the year which caused some discruption too.
Thanks very much for your condolences.
Will try to email you privately.
November 26th, 2013 at 10:03 am
Contact email now working:
The email address at the top of the Contact page is now operating again.
~ Lana
November 29th, 2013 at 1:41 pm
I was a child when the first Dr Who’s were aired. At the time I didn’t understand why I found the Daleks and Cybermen so frightening that I had to hide behind the sofa, or on one occasion, in the toilet for the whole episode. Last year while watching a documentary it suddenly dawned on me that the Daleks were Nazis (listen to the voice and what it says “Exterminate”). Is there an astrological link?
November 30th, 2013 at 10:35 am
Dear Daphne
Thank you for your question. There certainly is a resonance between the exterminating aims of both.
Researching this topic has been a minefield, so I would like to state at the outset that anyone who has the following signatures is probably manifesting the more positive features!
Firstly, Aries is associated with the Aryan race, and Germany. Hitler himself was a 0 degree Taurus sunsign. There is no marked correlation with Dr Who or the Daleks in that.
The synastry between Dr Who and Adolf Hitler is very Neptunian. Dr Who’s Neptune (spirituality) opposes Hitler’s Venus-Mars conjunction, Dr Who’s Sun also opposes Hitler’s Neptune. And Dr Who’s Neptune is trine Hitler’s North Node. The first episode featuring the Daleks occurred on 21st December 1963, and Neptune was still opposite the Venus-Mars of Hitler. I found similar links with the foundation of the Nazi party. I won’t speculate further here, though I have ideas I have no knowledge of the answer(s).
Dr Who himself is a “good guy” and his opponents, which include the Daleks, are the shadow part of this creation, which has the anarchic Pluto-Uranus conjunction at its inception. Many people were born with the Pluto-Uranus conjunction who have managed to make this high energy into a coherent positive in their lives.
In the end it is all about the interplay of extremes, very much the province of Pluto. Our outgoing Doctor is Scorpio, with the Plutonian eye sockets to match.
The genre of the programme is sci-fi, but with a high element of horror. It depends how you like your mix. I like sci-fi, but I don’t enjoy horror. It depends how much horror you can tolerate.
November 30th, 2013 at 11:59 am
Here is an article about comet ISON by Melanie Reinhardt published in the Mountain Astrologer:
December 1st, 2013 at 10:04 am
Thank you Lana. As always you answer every question with careful thought.