Local Elections 2014

On Thursday 22nd May the U.K. has local elections, about a year ahead probably of a General Election.  Two polls (Guardian/ICM and Lord Ashcroft’s) this week showed the Conservative Party inching ahead, with Labour sliding down, and with UKIP overtaking the LibDems to emerge as the third party of the four.

I thought therefore I would look at their astrological standing for next Thursday, to see if that added to the picture or clarified, substantiated or even diverged from the picture given by the polls, which have historically often been a true marker of the tide of opinion, but sometimes been spectacularly wrong.

United Kingdom Chart

A set of Local Elections is not such a huge deal as to affect the United Kingdom chart greatly, but the U.K. chart looks upbeat on the day.  Uranus trines the U.K. Sun/Mercury,  the North Node trines its Mars, and Mars trines its Ascendant.  This suggests a confident, clear vote with an element of surprise, and also a better turnout than might be expected, given all the talk of apathy and disillusionment.  This pattern may be more likely to benefit the Conservatives and UKIP than Labour and the LibDems, which supports the finding of the polls.

David Cameron and the Conservative Party

David Cameron and George Osborne are emphasizing an economic recovery, which may be impressing some sections of society, but not others, so it is just as well that all sections of society have a vote according to their own experience of economic and other forces in our society.  The Guardian said this week: “…it begins to look as though the voters are more confident about the economy” according to these new polls.

The current Jupiter-Saturn trine scrubs up well for Cameron, as each planet forms a sextile with his Pluto (power).  He could be smug, but Uranus, as with the Scottish referendum in September, is opposing his Sun, so something could upset the apple cart, though it may be a private matter.

Recent vacillations in his moral compass or U-turns may be reflecting that opposition of Uranus to his Sun: the recent declaration of religious sensibilities where previously he had declared otherwise, and the recent support of Gary Barlow in his tax evasion in contrast to his stance regarding Jimmy Carr who was in a similar situation last year.  The opposition is set to continue for a while longer, as it is still an issue around the time of the Scottish referendum.

Transits to the chart of the Conservative Party on Thursday tell a different story: Neptune squares its Mercury (confusion and foggy outcomes), Pluto squaring its Neptune (complexity and drama) and Jupiter opposite its Ascendant (over-confidence).  Neptune’s prominence suggests there may be a scandal erupting around the same time, which may distract from its shiny, upcoming gloss.

Ed Miliband and the Labour Party

Much as I would love Ed Miliband to acquire the required charisma overnight, his personal popularity does not seem to grow easily, judging by the period of his tenure of the helm of the Labour party since September 2010.  He doesn’t seem to have found a winning style, or a position within the political spectrum which could help his party to be more appealing to the public.  However, I find him to be more sincere and genuine in many ways than the other three party leaders, and being a Prime Minister is a different task than being an opposition leader, where combat is a major requirement.  He is at heart more of a true Socialist than the others, and more so than his New Labour brother, and needs to trust his heart more, even if it does not provide him with election wins, at least we would have a real Labour party.

Thursday does not look promising for him, as he has Mars transiting his Uranus (a lot of tension, perhaps shock, and the need to look after his health and possibly also his safety).  Another transit of concern is Neptune conjunct his Mars: an influence which peaked just over a month ago, and arises acutely in the middle of August,  continuing into next year.  This is also vacillating, but in a slightly different way from David Cameron’s transit.  His resolve and will are being tested, with people trying to pull him in one direction or another, so that he really needs to realize who he is and what he stands for.  Perhaps he is more suited to academia.

He has acquired one fan recently though.  My 87-year old mother-in-law watched him making a speech a few weeks ago, where he was not going to tolerate zero hour contracts, and because it is an issue she cares passionately about, she intends to vote Labour for the first time.

Neptune will be square to the Labour Party Jupiter next Thursday, and that may indicate that hopes of a boost will be unfounded,   an unrealistic perception of its own chances.  That does not provide encouragement, therefore, but a lot can happen in a year!

Nick Clegg and the LibDem Party

Punch drunk from his scapegoating by the Conservatives in the Coalition, and his crushing defeat by Nigel Farage in the recent debates on immigration, plus plummeting ratings in the polls, Nick Clegg’s fortunes seem to be at an all-time low.  His party may be a much diminished political force by the next General Election.  He is a Capricorn, the sign of the Politician, but also of the scapegoat, and a sign which can have negative press.  He seems, in taking the political power that was offered to him, to have at the same time given it away.  Every avenue he turns to in order to try to free himself in advance of next yer’s election seems to land him in ridicule, for one reason or another, and it looks as though he is clutching at straws.  His party, which for many years was seen as a credible alternative to the two main parties, proved not yet ready for office or not ready to be in a Coalition with a strident and confident main party.  Would they have fared better with the Labour Party?  As with Ed Milliband, I have a little sympathy for Nick Clegg, and see him as well meaning in some respects.

His personal transits do not show up strongly at all next Thursday, almost indicating that his presence in the race is an irrelevance, or does not make much impact on his life.  A sextile to his Ascendant from Mars does leave him a little dignity, however.  He may take comfort in small gains or small mercies, and be able to hold his head up high personally.

The chart of the LibDem Party has an interesting set of transits.  Pluto sextiles its Sun, indicating they cannot be discounted.  Perhaps they are due a revamp, and may choose a new leader imminently.  The South Node transits their Venus, which may show a karmic change, and a new face of the Party.  Though the Labour Party might be contemplating a new leader, it is the LibDem Party which has transits more likely to lead to such an event.  Perhaps Nick Clegg, backed into a corner, may himself resign.

Nigel Farage and the UKIP Party

And so to the man who has the other parties on their toes, and in the palm of his hand at this time: Nigel Farage.  Now I have to be careful what I say here, because I know he has a huge following out there, rising all the time, and I lost a friend last year over the subject of UKIP.  I do feel that his party has inherited all the baggage of the BNP and the National Front, and that despite Nigel Farage’s claims that his party are not racist, the remarks that have been flying from some loose cannons are undeniably racist.  He seems to have the charisma that Ed Milliband and Nick Clegg lack, but the party does not have the substance and the policies to sustain a real political role.  Indeed the Guardian reports that  a high percentage of the councillors elected in last year’s local elections have quit their posts.  But for now, Farage’s bubble has not burst, and he is a force to be reckoned with.

Chiron trine his natal Neptune is still protecting that bubble, but it is possible that Pluto squaring his natal Sun (22nd January 2015) may burst the bubble.  However, you can’t underestimate his powers of endurance after his survival of a plane crash at the last General Election.

Transits to the UKIP chart are most odd, and may be mixed, with upsets either way.  Jupiter opposes the UKIP Uranus and Neptune, while Uranus opposes the UKIP Jupiter.

Summing Up

Many people are disillusioned and say they will abstain (e.g. Russell Brand), but I feel we should honour the fact that we have a vote at all, even if it means voting for the least worst option, or a minority party such as the Greens.


Good laughs may be had on Sunday (18th) with Venus squaring Jupiter, though some may border on slapstick or laughing at another’s expense – do maintain your boundaries of decorum in this respect.

On Tuesday (20th) some aspects of our lives which have been on hold may start to move again, because Mars is stationary prior to turning direct again.  Librans especially have borne the brunt of its long sojourn in their sign, bringing them irritation and minor skirmishes which are not congenial to their harmony-loving nature.  Mars still has a way to go trawling back through the sign until it moves into Scorpio (26th July for those impatient to know), but it is the beginning of the end…And for those Librans who are able to utilize it to get things done in an uncomplicated way, make the most of that time.  Other signs may feel this shift in whatever House position it occupies in their chart.

A change of sign for the Sun on Wednesday (21st) as it moves into Gemini, moving away from practical issues and into lighter forms of manifestation, like the initial planting beginning to be rewarded by the opening of the flower petals.

I was with my 3 year old grandson on Wednesday, and he was asked about the highlight of his day.  He replied that he had seen a yellow poppy, and that the wind had blown its petals away.  Gemini manifestations may be more ephemeral than Taurean ones, but are no less profound! So enjoy the petals and gather your rosebuds…

Happily, the climax of the week comes on Saturday (24th), and after 3 disappointing Saturdays aspect-wise we have a trine, and a major one at that.  Jupiter trines Saturn, so if you are attending a wedding let’s say, it will be a perfect balance or mixture of the sensible (Saturn) and the frivolous (Jupiter).  It will be majestic, sacred, joyous, and all that you would wish a wedding to be.

If you have a special appointment with an expert, you should achieve exactly the outcome you want.  So I will be off to the hairdresser’s and emerge without a hair out of place, to be whisked off to a wedding reception on the coast…

Whatever you have planned for that day, may it be magical and workable in equal parts.  Jupiter and Saturn between them will ensure that you do not offend either, by being too serious or too irreverent (you will have learned the lessons of irreverence at the beginning of the week).

This trine forms a Grand Trine with the Jupiter-Chiron trine which occurred on Wednesday (14th), so there is still healing to be had and combined with the balance, respect and stateliness of the Jupiter-Saturn trine of May 24th.

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – love and laughter
  • Tuesday – a green light
  • Wednesday – new mental approach
  • Saturday – perfect balance