The main event of this week is that Jupiter turns direct, and the main event of the run up to Christmas and the New Year is the square between Saturn and Pluto in the middle of November, part of the emerging T-square in early Cardinal signs with Uranus.  See the work of Financial Astrologer Raymond Merriman, who has been writing about this for years and calls it the Cardinal Climax.  Early next year we have the final onward-and-upward push from the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron.   In regression work, you sometimes need to see a series of lives in order to see one life in context.  Correspondingly, in Astrology, you need to see the bigger picture sometimes in order to put an astrological event in context, and the black-and-white representation of the Yin-Yang symbol is very apt for this bigger picture.  The black contains the seed of the white, and vice versa.  Jupiter, which represents hope, has retreated back as far as it could go at this time, and fear has been taking precedence.  You need to balance the two, if you are not to be engulfed by unrealistic hope, or despair from which there seems no way out.  This week I have heard people literally speaking about their fear of Pluto (Plutophobia).  There is no retreating from the continual research of our own psyche, which Pluto represents.  With Jupiter going direct, this is a shot of hope, a time when hope may start to wax.  To pick up a stitch I missed last week, Mercury is now in early Libra, and we can start to think about balance.  Indeed, the theme of Sound Pod at Felicity Cook’s tonight is balance and we are scouting round for a song to sing about balance, but it seems that not many songwriters have tackled this theme directly over the years.  Late tomorrow (Monday 12th) in the U.K. Mars is sextile Saturn.  This too is a balance of sorts, between action and non-action, so any action undertaken is deliberate, and needs to be meaningful, economic and measured.  Tuesday (13th) is the most significant day, and the day in which you may sense the balance between hope and despair.  Jupiter goes Stationary prior to Direct in the early hours in the U.K., so those living here can reorientate themselves in their dream state.  Australians and Antipodeans can refresh their Jupiter button on waking, and those in the U.S. can re-programme themselves in the hypnagogic state before sleep.  Re-acquaint yourself with the power of hope, if it has been dormant.  Venus conjunct Saturn occurring soon after may trigger an evaluation of what you have recently gained and/or lost in your emotional life, but again the yin-yang symbol shows the balance of the bigger picture.  Feel that conjunction, and it clears the way for you to enjoy the sextile between Venus and Mars which occurs later in the day.  That too is a balance, for Venus and Mars are one of the many pairings of planets, and these two represent love and sexuality, the sextile bringing them into balance.  Continuing on the balance theme, Venus enters Libra the next day (Wednesday 14th) and this promotes an emphasis on the search for harmony in relationships, and on a wider scale the green shoots of olive branches in international diplomatic relations.  In the viscissitudes of the search for balance, there may be an immediate challenge on Thursday (15th) when Venus is squared by Pluto.  Overtures for Peace (by the way I am delighted by Obama’s Nobel Award, and astrologically excited that it comes as Jupiter is on his Ascendant) receive a frosty reception from the intended recipients of the olive branch(es).  The olive branch is met with suspicion and cynicism, and hearts must somehow be prised open.  How did we get ourselves out of the Cold War?  A bit of warmth creeps in on Friday (16th) with the advent of Mars into Leo.  This may not be the answer to the dilemma of Venus squaring Pluto.  It may be more to do with National pride, and displays of self-will, as opposed to concern for global peace.  But the week ends with a glimmer of spiritual understanding on Saturday (17th) with the Sun trine Neptune, and close to a trine with Chiron.  Some of the overtures to the heart may be getting through, and a sense of humanity and healing emerges.  A final note about Jupiter: it stays in 17 degreees Aquarius the whole of this month.  If you have a natal planet or angle in this degree, you will find that the push to change things for the better will work through this planet or angle.  To give a personal example, I have Neptune at 17 degrees Libra in my 6th House, and hope to transform the spiritual nature of my working conditions through the turnaround of Jupiter this week.  Jupiter will probably (though not necessarily) be in the same area or House of your birthchart as at the end of May when the triple conjunction was first in operation in your life.  Any achievements from that time may spur you on in the same field.