George Osborne

George Osborne was in the firing line this week over his acquisition of multiple jobs, since being fired by Theresa May as Chancellor.  He is M.P. for Hatton, recently started work with fund management firm BlackRock at £650,000 per year, has earned £800,000 per year in public speaking, and on Friday this week came out with the shock announcement that he is to be Editor of the London based Evening Standard newspaper.  Geminis are famed for liking to have “two strings to their bow”, but that totals four strings.

He has the Sun in the first degree of Gemini, the quintessence of print and communication, and a literary exact conjunction of Mercury and Venus. Not that it guarantees success necessarily: he failed to communicate the cause of Austerity during his time as Chancellor of the Exchequer, and that may be down to a lack of emotional intelligence.  The philosophy of Austerity is seen in his chart as the Sun conjunct Saturn (which is in the neighbouring sign of Taurus).  But, it has been said that journalism was his first choice, being a dream of his as a young man, and although he has no previous newspaper experience, it may be the fulfilment of a long time wish.

Many doubt that he can spin all these plates at once, and especially give his constituents the attention they deserve, and it is widely thought that he might have to give up the political power.  Jess Phillips writing in the Observer this morning says: “Without the time spent listening to and learning from my constituents, I would be a useless MP.  It is more than a full time job.”  But he may find that the free hand in criticizing Theresa May through editorials of the Evening Standard may be fulfilment enough.

He does have his supporters, though.  Michael Heseltine has said: “George was a brilliant chancellor and will see it as an opportunity to make his views clear about political issues.”  Those in poverty, and disabled, as a result of his Austerity rule might beg to disagree with that.

One of the difficulties he has set himself is reconciling Northern and Southern interests: he championed the concept of a new Northern powerhouse, which would have helped his Cheshire constituency, but the Editorship is dedicated to London interests.


David Cameron became Prime Minister in May 2010, and made George Osborne his Chancellor of the Exchequer.  Pluto was trine George’s Venus at the time, indicating an important change in his personal life.  Jupiter was sextile his Saturn, lending support to his ambitions.  Six years later, Theresa May replaced David Cameron as leader of the Conservative Party, and replaced him as Chancellor.  At that time, Saturn was sextile his Uranus, and it was time for a change.

Birth Chart

We have no birth time for George Osborne, which is a disadvantage in evaluating this story.  He has 5 planets in Earth, 0 in Water, and 5 in Fixed signs: to sum up, he’s materialistic, unemotional, and stubborn.

Though George has the austere Sun-Saturn conjunction, it is opposed by an exact conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, indicating a very focussed idealism at the same time.  What I believe gives him such strength, resilience and unshakeable confidence in his own ability is an exact trine between Saturn and Pluto.  Another feature of strength and dynamism in his chart is an exact trine between Mars and Uranus.

Relationship with David Cameron

It is interesting that, after the tight alliance with David Cameron, the two have forged very different paths for themselves.

Cameron’s Jupiter is sextile Osborne’s natal Sun, which is a successful partnership (in some ways).  Their Jupiters are exactly trine, so they could give each other encouragement.  And Cameron’s Jupiter is also trine Osborne’s Neptune, so they would have similar philosophies and idealisms.  Osborne’s planets supported Cameron’s  Ascendant well: his Sun trined Cameron’s Ascendant, and his Jupiter/Neptune was sextile Cameron’s Ascendant.

Transits this week

The transits for the new appointment this week are Mars on his literary Mercury/Venus conjunction (firing up this interest), and a possibly self-destructive square of Saturn to his Pluto (he could have bitten off more than he could chew).

In Conclusion

The way he himself presented the matter was that he could work on the newspaper in the mornings, and attend Parliament in the afternoons.  He also has a wife and two children.  I never thought I would be writing about George Osborne again, but I am intrigued to find out how he is going to manage.


Today can be profitably spent clearing out any physical or psychological remnants of the old astrological year, for tomorrow is the Spring Equinox!

The Sun enters Aries tomorrow, so it’s a new day, a new week, a new astrological sign, and the beginning of an astrological year.  This favours projecting your ideas and plans forward, setting intentions and creating visualizations and affirmations for the next year.  Where do you want to see yourself in a year’s time?  You may experience new energy and vigour, and a stronger sense of purpose.

As with last week, there is another mid week hiatus in terms of aspects, so it is a good space on which to focus on where you want your life to go, and take supportive steps in that direction.

Friday (24th) brings a square between Mercury and Pluto in the very early hours of the morning.  Therefore, you may sense some mental tension the night before.  This could be a challenging aspect, affecting communication, travel, and bringing a great deal of psychological soul searching.  Make sure,  unlike George Osborne, that  you haven’t taken on too much for yourself to handle.

Around lunchtime, Jupiter opposes Mercury, so again there is a great deal of stress on Geminis and Virgos who are Mercury ruled.  However, their mood may improve, and they may be more able to deal with all the tasks they have set for themselves.  The middle of the day emphasizes learning and travel, e.g. academic tests and visiting.

There’s a beautiful finale to the week, with the Sun conjunct Venus in Aries on Saturday (25th).  Granted, Venus is retrograde, but I still think there is a great deal of scope for enjoying life and love under this conjunction.  All forms of love are intensified by the marriage of these two planets, and the Arts also benefit (e.g. musical performance).  Cultural trips are likely to evoke warm feelings and happy memories.  Nature walks and companionship to enjoy the new season would be enhanced.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – a new dawn
  • Friday – mental stress but some progress
  • Saturday – love and art