Aspects for the week beginning 20 May 2018
Michael Curry
“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is as strong as death, passion as fierce as the grave, its flashes of flashes of fire, a raging flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it out”
~ Song of Solomon
I am not a fan of pomp, circumstance and pageantry. But I do like a good royal wedding, and yesterday’s marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was beautiful, and full of surprises as would befit the aspect of the day, Venus sextile Uranus. I was touched by the simplicity of her dress, moved by the gospel choir, touched and moved by the dignity of her mother sitting alone. There were so many highlights and sights, including the colourful fashions, but the standout surprise of the day, and one which it seems divides opinion, was the address by African American Michael Curry, the presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.
Birth Chart
Curry has Sun in Pisces, a sign traditionally associated with Christianity. This gives him a deep well of compassion, which led him to make a plea for more love in the world, that we all might become good neighbours to each other. His Sun does not have much in the way of aspects, but is sextile Chiron, which accentuates the fact that his is a healing mission. Jupiter trines Chiron, reinforcing his desire to bring healing.
There are several signs of forcefulness in his chart: he has 6 (out of 10) planets in Cardinal signs, he has Mars in Aries, and he has Mars trine Pluto (a powerhouse of energy, enabling him to sustain a long impassioned speech!). And he was definitely on a mission yesterday. The service started out sedately, presided by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. Then the wholehearted performance of Michael Curry seemed to come from nowhere, waking up the congregation. The startled look of Zara Phillips said it all.
Curry’s Mercury (speech) is in Aries, and he gave a fiery speech, and a speech about fire. He has an unaspected Mercury, which carries a freedom of speech. I was totally with him on the first half of his speech, about love, channelling Martin Luther King on its redemptive power. But he lost me slightly when he started to give a history of Fire. That’s when quizzical comments started appearing on Facebook, with people wondering if he had wandered off message (Fire is, by the way, the element most represented in his chart, with 4 planets). But on the whole, I loved it.
He has a double opposition in his chart, between Venus/Mars in Aries, and Saturn/Neptune in Libra, giving him an understanding of society’s struggles, and angst. Other features of his chart are Jupiter sextile Uranus (The Entrepreneur), and Jupiter square Pluto (a love of power).
Transits for Royal Wedding
The transits for his explosion into our collective consciousness yesterday include Uranus on his Venus (electrifying feeling) which keys into the Venus/Uranus sextile of the day, and Jupiter opposite his Jupiter (making a name for himself across the pond).
His chart has deep connections with that of Martin Luther King, and like Lady Diana, his presence was in evidence on the day, nodding approval at the changes helped along by Uranus in Taurus.
Mars is sextile Chiron today, and rather like Bishop Michael Curry, you could be on a healing mission, with plenty of Fire, and gusto!
Early tomorrow (Monday 21st) Venus squares Chiron, and we need to be more sensitive about our healing approaches. It is a day for looking at our relationship issues, where we might be looking at the source of any separations and longings. Acceptance and forgiveness may be key processes.
This is followed, also early in the day, by the Sun’s entry into Gemini. Earthy preoccupations may give way to a need for Communication and lightness of heart. If you’re a gardener, you’ll still want to garden, but may be more talkative about it, over the garden fence.
Early on Tuesday (22nd) the Sun will sextile Chiron (as in Michael Curry’s chart) so there will still be some zeal to get to the root of healing matters, and find the right remedies and approaches. Creativity could be especially healing on that day.
Wednesday (23rd) also has an early sextile, that between Mercury and Neptune. The mind is sensitized, and you may even experience a spot of channelling (if you are so inclined), channelling from high ideals.
Still early, Mercury opposes Jupiter, which may benefit the early bird that catches the worm, the early market trader. If you are looking for a good deal, this may be helpful. Be aware though that you may be overstretching your mental resources that day, taking in or transmitting too much information, or literally geographically covering too much ground.
On Thursday (24th) – guess what, early – the Sun trines Mars. I think you need a few early nights this week to cope with all these early aspects. Sun trine Mars is highly energetic, and may bring high temperatures, weather-wise. As long as you pace yourself, and you are not too hot-headed, you may accomplish much in the way of activity and productivity. It could be helpful to fitness types, training for their next marathon. And it can strengthen the quality of courage.
Friday (25th) brings the most important aspect of the week, a trine between Jupiter and Neptune. Hope and Faith combine with Charity and Compassion, and you might really feel the beneficent message of the wedding address. How deep is your Love?
At lunchtime, Mercury trines Pluto, which is also a deeply constructive force. It ensures that communication, ideas and thought are thoroughly conceived, and reach their intended target. There is no room for superficiality on Friday.
On the last day of the week, Saturday (26th), Venus opposes Saturn, which may feel deflating, especially after all those aspects of progress earlier in the week. It is day when you may have to nurse a relationship, or someone may be needing tender loving care if they are sad or disappointed. The message of the power of love may be more difficult to sustain in the face of testing. But the cure for the situation is even more love.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – healing mission
- Tomorrow – sensitive healing issues; communication to the fore
- Tuesday – creativity allied with healing
- Wednesday – sensitive communication and brisk business
- Thursday – highly active
- Friday – hope, faith and deep communication
- Saturday – emotionally flat
May 20th, 2018 at 2:50 pm
Hi Lana
Thanks for today’s blog which has added, as ever, to my knowledge base. I watched much of the Wedding ceremony yesterday and was more moved than I’d expected. I think important messages were among the mix of pomp and romance. I did find Bishop Curry’s address a bit of a shock initially, and didn’t like what seemed to be mirth amongst the Royals. Later I listened more carefully during the repeat and I understood it better. The gospel singing was brilliant, as was all the music.
A week full of aspects, I hope to keep up and come through smiling.
Love Sarah
May 21st, 2018 at 10:55 am
Dear Sarah
It’s good to hear of your enjoyment of the royal wedding!
Let’s hope that we enjoy this week’s aspects, especially Friday’s trines.
May 22nd, 2018 at 7:02 am
Dear Lana,
Many thanks for your astrological perspective on Michael Curry and the Royal Wedding. I was galvanised by his oratory and the wonderful message of the power of love. I so enjoyed the many aspects of diversity in the Wedding proceedings !
The week is thronged with aspects; I always feel these are such opportunities for growth and learning when I can catch the energetic drift.
With love,
May 22nd, 2018 at 8:06 am
Dear Yaz
Delightful to hear your thoughts on the royal wedding! Thank you.
The sunny weather has continued on, which always helps our mood when surfing the rough with the smooth.
Hoping you have a wonderful week,