Welcome to the year 2019: New Hopes, New Dreams and a Fresh Start.

If you want to start working with the aspects from now, here is a guide to some of the major astrological events coming up.

2019 Dates for your Diary if planning ahead:


I have been picking up for some time that this January will be very important historically, especially for the United Kingdom.

Tuesday 1st: Mars enters Aries – An influx of energy, which may register more strongly given it is the first day of the year (may set the tone, at least for the month)

Sunday 6th: New Moon and Eclipse at 15 degrees Capricorn – Refreshment and a possible turning point in matters of politics and administration.  It is a good time to focus your intentions on new beginnings related to the structures and organization of your life.

same day: Uranus stationary, prior to turning Direct – Change and progress, re-igniting the more positive facets of the element of the unexpected.

Sunday 13th: Jupiter square Neptune – Spiritual confusion – do we stay or do we go?

Monday 21st: Full Moon and Eclipse in Leo – Emotional power.  May be a turning point.

Thursday 31st: Saturn sextile Neptune – Possible advances in use of chemicals and drugs, e.g. more ethical use and awareness


Saturday 2nd: Mars square Pluto – Divisive

Thursday 14th: Happy Valentine’s Day.  Mars enters Taurus – A necessary slowing down

Monday 18th: Chiron re-enters Aries – Emphasis on personal healing again


Tuesday 5th: Mercury stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communication disrupted

Wednesday 6th: Uranus re-enters TaurusChanges in the economy, both personal and international.

Wednesday 20th: Mars trine Pluto – Dynamic

same day: Spring Equinox – Rebirth and Hope

Thursday 28th: Mercury stationary, prior to turning Direct – Communications restored

Just in time for:

Friday 29th: Brexit D-Day – No exact aspects.  Mars conjunct the Pleiades – Maybe we need extraterrestrial intervention…

Sunday 31st: Mars enters Gemini – High energy placing, with a great deal of mental and physical energy, and the urge to get things done.


Wednesday 10th: Jupiter stationary prior to turning Retrograde – Revising your steps

Wednesday 24th: Pluto stationary prior to turning RetrogradeA deeper level of setback, necessitating psychological understanding and awareness of reality.

Tuesday 30th: Saturn stationary prior to turning Retrograde – The need to secure foundations, and go over previous ground.


16th: Mars enters CancerAn energetic shift from a mental and analytical mode, to that of feeling and protectiveness


June continues some of the same decisive themes of January, but without the eclipses.

Sunday 16th: Jupiter square Neptune (see 13 Jan) – 2nd pass – Spiritual confusion – Have we stayed, or have we gone?

Tuesday 18th: Saturn sextile Neptune (see 31 Jan) – 2nd pass – Possible advances in use of chemicals and drugs, e.g. more ethical use and awareness

Thursday 20th: Mars opposite Pluto – Divisive

Friday 21st: Neptune stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Some retrospection on the Spiritual path.

same day: Summer Solstice – The Full Blossoming of the Year.  Maximum Light.


Monday 1st: Mars enters Leo – Energetic self-expression, or displays of Power

Tuesday 2nd: New Moon and Eclipse in Cancer at 10 degrees Cancer – New beginnings and re-births in family matters.

Sunday 7th: Mercury stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications disrupted

Tuesday 16th: Full Moon and Eclipse in Capricorn – Authority versus individual emotional needs


Thursday 1st: Mercury stationary, prior to turning Direct – Communications restored

Sunday 11th: Jupiter stationary, prior to turning Direct – Momentum and enthusiasm returning.

Monday 12th: Uranus stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Rebellion, and bids for freedom.

Sunday 18th: Mars enters Virgo – A more purposeful,  nose-to-the-grindstone shoulder to the wheel application of energy


Wednesday 18th: Saturn stationary, prior to turning Direct – Constructive progress and laying new foundations.  Movement where there has not be any for some time.

Thursday 19th: Mars trine Pluto – As 20 Mar – Dynamic

Saturday 21st: Jupiter square Neptune – 3rd Pass – see 13 Jan and 16 Jun – Have we stayed, or have we gone?  Maybe we have more idea by now.  And is Trump still there?…

Monday 23rd: Autumn Equinox – End of the Summer, a change of mode, work schedules beckon.  A letting go…


Thursday 3rd: Pluto stationary, prior to turning DirectPsychological progress

Friday 4th: Mars enters Libra – A need for balance, especially between opposing factions

Thursday 31st: Happy Halloween!  Mercury stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications disrupted


Tuesday 5th: Mars square Pluto – As 2nd Feb – Divisive – Anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot

Saturday 9th: Saturn sextile Neptune – 3rd Pass – As 31 Jan and 18 Jun – Possible advances in use of chemicals and drugs, e.g. more ethical use and awareness

Tuesday 19th: Mars enters Scorpio – Battle mode; battle lines drawn; prepare to defend the underdog, or provide strength and support

Wednesday 20th:  Mercury stationary, prior to turning Direct – Communications restored

Wednesday 27th: Neptune stationary, prior to turning Direct – Spiritual progress on your path, and on our collective path


Monday 2nd: Jupiter enters Capricorn – More realism and possible balance

Sunday 15th: Jupiter trine Uranus – Golden Opportunities

Sunday 22nd: Winter Solstice.  The Return of the Light – A sense of relief and that dawn is appearing

Thursday 26th: Boxing Day – New Moon and Eclipse at 4 degrees Capricorn – Reflecting on the past year, putting away the toys, and planning a constructive year ahead.


I have been picking up for some time that this January will be very important historically, especially for the United Kingdom, and of course that also goes for you personally.  A sign of that comes in the early hours of the first day of the year, when Mars enters Aries.  So for January 1st, we have an influx of energy, which may register more strongly given it is the first day of the year (it may set the tone, at least for the month).  Seize the day, month and year by setting your New Year’s Resolutions, Affirmations, Intentions and Creative Visualizations when you first arise.  If necessary, prepare them the night before, unless you are involved in lively New Year’s Eve festivities.

The very next day (Wednesday 2nd) we have a counteracting aspect, in the form of a conjunction between the Sun and Saturn in Capricorn.  Whereas we may feel we can forge ahead on 1st, our unconscious blocks may come up the next day, in the form of negative thoughts or actual obstacles on our path which may reflect our doubts.  The Sun conjunct Saturn in Capricorn encourages us to take responsibility and think things through more thoroughly, whether we are planning an exit, a Brexit, or any other kind of radical move.  It is one thing to experience the total vision, but there are the details to sort and the implications, the effects on others, etc. to consider.  Once you have thought things through as much as you can, you can relax and ask your subconscious to work on the plan, and higher guidance to offer insight.

Friday (4th), early in the day, brings us a helpful trine between Mercury and Uranus, especially suitable for upgrading technological appliances.  We may receive new ideas about our path for 2019, embellishing our hopes and wishes from the first day of the year.  Lightbulb moments are possible.

In the evening, the Sun sextiles Neptune, making this the best day of the week.  Spiritual inspiration is available, whether through walking in nature, or listening to music, or engaging in creativity.  Something which touches you that day may inspire you to paint, or write a poem.

On the morning of Saturday (5th) Mercury enters Capricorn, from its sojourn in Sagittarius.  Cosy rosy thoughts and feelings from the Sagittarian mindset need to give way to practicalities, and what seems to be possible from the perspective of here and now.  This may mean modifying some of your original vision for the year, or tweaking it further.  Official documentation may need to be worked on, forms to fill, authorities to interview, etc.  Think methodically and systematically.

Happy New Year to All, and may the aspects serve you well!

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – fresh energy!
  • Wednesday – stop and think
  • Friday – best day of the week
  • Saturday – apply your mind