Aspects for the week beginning 9 May 2010
With Mercury retrograde until the evening of Tuesday 11th, parliament in the U.K. may continue to be hung until that time or beyond. The next hope for a fresh start after that is the New Moon on Friday 14th, but there are no guarantees of resolution this week. The thoughts and will of the British people have created a no-win situation for any of the parties, and that may be what is right and necessary. The blinkered approaches of the two main parties which exclude other voices have failed to prove themselves, and people did not have the confidence to vote for the approach of the Lib Dems. Our politics had to change, even though we need strong government and we know financial hardship is to come. Polly Toynbee wrote hopefully yesterday in the Guardian: “The buzz among cabinet ministers and others yesterday was of a coalition of the heart, not of mere opportunism. Take the best of the Lib Dem and Labour manifestos and they blend well, better than either on its own.” The people of Brighton did have the courage of their convictions however, and voted in a first, a Green MP, the emerald gem of Caroline Lucas, who proclaimed: “Thank you so much for putting the politics of hope above the politics of fear…It’s where a whole political party takes, for the first time, its rightful place in our parliament.” The Earth is the Esoteric Ruler of Sagittarius (her Sun Sign) in the Esoteric Astrology of Alice Bailey. Caroline’s astrological chart shows a fine exact powerful trine of Jupiter and Pluto, balanced by a spiritual sextile of Neptune between the two. She will serve with dignity and integrity, and though her influence is not wide, it will be powerful by example. And if you look at her Human Design chart, you find that she has all her centres filled in, which is the first chart of its kind I have seen since I started to look. I wonder what Kim Gould of Love Your Design would make of that? Anyway I am sure that politics isn’t your whole life, and this hiatus in your own life before Mercury turns direct can be used as preparation for all systems go, for the green lights of the Mercury switch and the New Moon later in the week. What would you like to move forward with in your life, and what can you let go of in the interests of change? As with the government and other crises around the world, you may have complicated crises going on in your personal life, and need to expand your perspective to see what your highest good would look like. Would it look like a hung parliament? Would it look like you would need to negotiate with two other parties? Does it look like you need to take a hard look at your finances? Where in your life can you vote green? Mercury is strictly speaking stationary on 11th and turns direct on 12th, so by then you should be able to see your way to turning around some issues which have been plaguing you for the last few weeks. The New Moon in Taurus on Friday 14th focusses on the Earth, and the beginning of any projects linked with it. Take a walk in your garden or local park and enjoy what is there, cultivated or wild, and find inspiration for your New Moon wishes. This New Moon aligns with the double star cluster H and Chi Persei, also know as Capulus. According to one of my favourite tomes “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld: “This can give some remembrance of past lives and some awareness of the time before birth in which contracts were made with individuals one is yet to meet”. It is a time of soul searching, but specifically in connection with this incarnation on this Earth. So can Nick Clegg, David Cameron and Gordon Brown work together for the good of the nation?
May 9th, 2010 at 8:46 pm
Thank you Lana. We are in such interesting times, throughout the whole world aren’t we? Apart from that, what happens here politically will no doubt play a part in the unfolding lifescape of the rest of the world, in one or another. I am interested to read what you’ve written about Caroline Lucas. I have been quietly analysing various politician’s voices over the last few days and do believe Caroline has a grounded sense of herself and is strong in her intentions which are heart based. Her Human Design Chart is not a surprise to me at all as her voice suggest what the chart reveals about her; balanced on all levels. How do I read this? I listen to the qualities in the sound, not the content or even necessarily the accent. The voice is an open, rich round sound without constriction. Constriction representing a fixing of energy in the body in one or more places which then translates through into the voice. Thank you for all this as ever!
May 11th, 2010 at 11:21 pm
Due to unavoidable delay, I’m cheating a bit here as late Tuesday evening and events have evolved as ofcourse they were going to. Dave has been crowned as PM, and looks smugger than ever. However it’s reported that there are to be 4 Lib Dem cabinet members, and apparently this will be significant. Me?, yes politics is fairly important, but as it happens I do have some more finance matters to sort out and it looks like the 12th is the day. I anticipate turning matters around. Then I can concentrate on the New Moon and perhaps some star meditating, but not too much soul searching, or rather in the nicest possible way. Thanks Lana for even more enthusiasm and encouragement, love Sarah
May 12th, 2010 at 10:25 am
Dear Flick – Thank you for your valuable evaluation of the voice of Caroline Lucas! We shall be watching her with great interest!
And Sarah, Interesting that you were not able to get to the blog until Mercury turned direction, considering that you are a double Mercury (both your Sun sing and Ascendant are ruled by Mercury!)
Love, Lana
May 14th, 2010 at 4:47 pm
I am REALLY late to the party, and skimmed this blog with interest, up to the part about financial matters.
What with one thing and another, my practice – especially the dreary paperwork part – has been having a hard time these last few months. I sat down yesterday (13th) morning to untangle a mess with a recalcitrant insurance company. The whole document is something like 15 pages but I got it typed, photocopied, in an envelope, addressed and with postage attached before I had to leave to another appointment. I was really energized to get this mess off my desk (and maybe some moola in my pocket?). And what interesting timing since I was out of the office on the on the 12th.
As always, thank you so much Lana – looking forward to getting back into my weekly routine and finding out what the week looks like in advance, instead of catching up after the fact (forewarned is forearmed and all that).
May 15th, 2010 at 8:12 am
Welcome back, Dia!
It’s good to have a barometer from the other side of the pond, to balance us!
Love and Light,