Aspects for the week beginning 24 January 2021
Amanda Gorman
“When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid.
The new dawn blooms as we free it.
For there is always light.
If only we’re brave enough to see it.
If only we’re brave enough to be it.”
Heroine of the week was 22-year old poet Amanda Gorman who gave a reading of her poem “The Hill we Climb” at the Inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States. She quite literally stunned the world.
Birth Chart
Amanda was born under the poet’s sign of Pisces, with Mercury (mindset) and Jupiter (philosophy) also in that sign. She has 0 planets in Earth signs, so there may be an extra celestial dimension to her awareness. Her Sun is in harmony with her Moon in Cancer, though we do not know how close that aspect is, as we do not have her birth time. Her Sun trines Chiron, an indication of a Healer. She has Mercury sextile Venus, the Writer Archetype. She also has Mercury conjunct Mars, indicating a sharpened pen and a critical eye. Mercury sextile Neptune indicates a subtlety with words and the openness of the mind to spiritual inspiration. Venus exactly conjunct Neptune brings the ability to create exquisite art forms. Mars sextile Neptune allows the combination of activism with compassion. Mars trine Pluto ensures a powerhouse of energy, which she uses in her creative processes. Jupiter squares Pluto in her chart and she may struggle with using her power. Jupiter conjunct the South Node brings in karmic merit from past lives. Pluto square the Nodal Axis is her awareness of the “mountain we climb”.
Her Life and Work
She was born in California, and brought up with her two siblings by her single mother, who was an English teacher. Growing up, she watched very little television. She studied Sociology at Harvard College. Her work has encompassed, already in such a young life, feminism, race, oppression, marginalization and the African diaspora. She is the first National Youth Poet Laureate, and as such caught the attention of Jill Biden, now First Lady, in 2017.
She is hypersensitive to sound (Venus conjunct exactly Neptune), and had to overcome a speech impediment in order to perform as a poet. She saw these as a gift, inspired by the words of Marianne Williamson: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” Breaking through into her own power, she overcame the natal Jupiter/Pluto square. She founded a youth writing programme in 2016, called One Pen One Page.
Others who have inspired her have been Malala Yousafzai and Maya Angelou. She will be publishing two books of poetry in September 2021. Needless to say, advance sales have gone through the roof. Also, Penguin books have announced they will publish her poem in hardback in the spring.
Transits at the Inauguration
She had a spectacular set of transits for the event, as well as being beautifully turned out. Guardian writer Liesl Schillinger described her:
“Erect as a statue, her skin gleaming as if burnished, her hair corncrowed, banded with gold and drawn tightly back into a red satin Prada headband, worn high like a tiara…”
Mars was exactly sextile her natal Jupiter in Pisces (heightening her poetic grandeur); Jupiter was exactly sextile her natal Pluto in Sagittarius (expanding the depth of her philosophy and power); and Uranus was exactly sextile her natal Jupiter (providing a golden opportunity).
She says she wants to run for president in 2036, and she means it.
There are some standout youths in the world today, some of whom we know about: Amanda Gorman is looking after our souls, Greta Thunberg is pricking our climate conscience, and Marcus Rashford is showing us the way to social care…That is a cause for optimism.
“The right words in the right order can change the world; and you proved that yesterday. Keep changing the world, one word at a time.”
~ Manuel Miranda
“And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us.”
~ Amanda Gorman
In the early hours of this morning, the Sun was conjunct Saturn at 4 degrees Capricorn. This conjunction bears a serious message: the government reminding us that we are to keep to strict restrictions even if the R number is coming down, and even if we have been vaccinated. We still have a long way to go. Caution is Saturn’s name. Saturn demands responsibility, commitment, and common sense.
Tomorrow (Monday 25th) may lift our spirits with a sextile between the Sun and Chiron. It’s onwards and upwards on a healing vibration, and also helpful for problem-solving. What do you yearn to solve? There will be an attempt to bring everything to a wholeness.
There is some disruption on Tuesday (26th) as Uranus squares the Sun – be prepared for the element of the unexpected, or the Trickster Archetype. For some, it may be exciting. Don’t rest on your laurels, provide for loopholes, and don’t take unnecessary risks.
On the same day, Neptune squares the Nodal Axis. There is a need to grasp the subtleties and intricacies of karma, especially on a group level. Confusion may reign until you stop to consider this picture, like a blurry picture that gradually comes into focus. The composer Ennio Morricone had this aspect exact in his natal chart, so why not play some of his soft flowing Neptunian music to establish the right ambience for tuning in to what is and what needs to be?
A deeper challenge, in relationship and money, arrives on Thursday (28th), when Venus conjoins Pluto. You may feel under a lot of pressure. What is important, is to try to get to the root of the matter in hand, and for that you may need to go back in time. There is much to reflect on about the enormity of changes, and the impact on humanity. You may need to do some soul-searching in order to have a handle on your feelings.
The day is supercharged emotionally, due to the tension leading up to the Full Moon at 9 degrees Leo in the early evening. The Moon in Leo can be dramatic, and bring about power struggles, especially in groups, as it opposes the Sun in Aquarius. But Leo is creative, and can write its own screenplay, so do your best to create your own reality your own way.
There is a major upturn on Friday (29th) when the Sun conjoins with Jupiter at 9 degrees Aquarius. It is one of the most fortunate aspects of the year. A virtual party may be in store, or a grand self-distanced nature walk. Alternatively, a good day for an elevated meditation on what makes you happy, then putting your enthusiasms into practice. Allow yourself the indulgences of hope and gratitude, if they are not already part of your everyday repertoire.
On Saturday (31st) we have to take in our stride the rigorous routine which Mercury Retrograde entails. As usual this would be for a three week period, in this case until 21st February. This of course, may herald difficulties in communication. We may need to upgrade our technology during the next three weeks, and we will need to practice mindfulness and stay alert for misunderstandings. I was given a new book on the subject around Christmas “The Mercury Retrograde Book” by Yasmin Boland and Kim Farnell (2019). For Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, I read the following: “This is a great time for intellectual growth. You can throw out any outmoded ideas based on what you think is right and replace them with real facts by looking into matters more deeply and asking questions”.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – sober, strategic and sensible
- Tomorrow – a healing vibration
- Tuesday – disruption and confusion
- Thursday – a deeper challenge; emotional high tide
- Friday – the best day
- Saturday – communication difficulties
January 24th, 2021 at 4:11 pm
Hi Lana
As you know I sometimes struggle with poetry. However I was stunned when listening to Amanda Gorman at the Inauguration. Amazing, and thank you for the astrological background. Also thanks for highlighting the standout youths, so encouraging.
Another interesting week ahead and thanks for the aspects for guidance.
Love Sarah
January 25th, 2021 at 10:35 am
Many thanks, Sarah
Glad to hear your appreciation of Amanda Gorman’s poem. I think she has converted people who struggle with poetry, from what I hear! What an achievement.
Yes, this week promises to be interesting in many ways…including weather-wise.
Have a wonderful week,
January 26th, 2021 at 10:54 am
Dear Lana
I was so pleased that poetry was a part of the recent inauguration and although I listened to most of the ceremony did not hear Amanda Gorman so it was good to have her words. Thank you for your astrological insights on her part in the proceedings.Always so interesting to look at events through the lens of astrology thanks to you. It always helps me to have the aspects to guide me and although today, Tuesday, has entailed a few disruptions and confusions already I am at least prepared.
January 27th, 2021 at 9:46 am
Dear Yaz
Thank you for your kind comment.
I was glued to CNN last Wednesday, so didn’t get much else done.
Amanda does seem to be an enlightened soul, and one to watch.
I hope the rest of your week is delightful,