Aspects for the week beginning 20 June 2010
Apologies to those who like their blogs freshly laid on a Sunday morning. I am writing this two days in advance as I will be away for a short break. Some of you may be surprised at the moment to be feeling exhaustion as a result of the demands of the Jupiter-Uranus buzz. If you are, try to restrict your activities to things you want to do, and cut out activities that drain you. I hope you benefitted from the superb aspects early last week. On the Venus trine Jupiter-Uranus last week, I had the good fortune to win an ebook of Chironic poetry , Poems to Heal the Healer: The 12 Chiron Signs by Joyce Mason on her website Joyce had asked for a name for a new species of human, and I can reveal that the next stage of human will be Homo Astrolopithecus. I know many of you out there love to explore the healing dimensions of Chiron and poetry, and can recommend this book as a creation of beauty and inspiration. There’s something happening every day next week! Sunday (20th) brings a spiritual tone to Father’s Day with a trine between Neptune and the Sun. This may bring up a theme of the “absent father” which concentrates on the spiritual link between you. There is a link between your father and the sea, so a good book title for the day is “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway (or better still, the film). On Monday (21st) the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, ushering in the Summer Solstice, and conversely bringing a link with the sea and the mother, which may be archetypal or symbolic if you can’t actually take your mum to the seaside. A minor step forward may occur in the oil situation in the Gulf of Mexico, but the situation will still be in the forefront of our minds while Saturn is quincunx with Neptune. There is a square between the Sun and Uranus on Tuesday (22nd) which adds an element of surprise to your seaside break with your parents. This is followed by a square between the Sun and Jupiter on Wednesday (23rd) so any surprises from the day before can be seen as silver linings. The first half of the week’s activity is all based around the Sun, so Leos will be prominent this week, and possibly calling the shots. The second half of the week sees much activity around the planet Mercury, highlighting the activities of Geminis and Virgos. Thursday 24th brings a square between Mercury and Saturn, which may be tedious for travelling (e.g. the threatened tube strike in London for that day) and for having to catch up with the detail of paperwork and documentation. It’s just something that has to be done. If you are still fatigued, do the paperwork then resume your position on your chaise longue. This will be an advantageous position from which to enjoy the ensuing trine between Mercury and Neptune later the same day, which favours bringing dreams and inspiration into the conscious mind, and writing poetry. For those who have advanced beyond the stage of the chaise longue, a spot of dancing may be enjoyed. The Sun also aligns with the star Tejat in Gemini which “can gently and easily increase the ability to bring spiritual ideas into clear and expressible form as mental concepts and direct ideas to be shared with others”* This reinforces the action of Mercury trine Neptune. On Friday (25th) Mercury enters Cancer, presenting a united front with the Sun, increasing focus in some ways, but then Mercury squares Uranus which could produce mental overwhelm. Added to this the same day Pluto opposes the Sun, and that is emotional and psychological overwhelm. Keep up your meditational practice…The tension is building to the Full Moon the next day. A more lighthearted square between Mercury and Jupiter on Saturday (26th) may help us to see things philosophically, and someone may refreshingly play the Joker (there’s always one). Shortly after is the eclipsed Full Moon in Capricorn, whose purpose is to help us to effect a turning point in emotional and social structures. In the news, there may be an emphasis on Institutions which provide social services, and questions and answers as to how they may be improved and what changes need to be made. It will be a busy week, so if you are a bit tired already, you need to have a chaise longue ready in between aspects.
*Interpretations from “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld
June 20th, 2010 at 12:11 pm
Phew…. my goodness… I felt the pull of the chaise longue become more intense as I read on!!! Thank you Lana. It doesn’t feel like a desperately desperate week, thank goodness. I am wondering however, given that my north node is in Leo, what all the Sun activity means for a North noder with that placing? I am looking forward to the silver lining on Wednesday! i have already noted in my mind before reading your blog, that my paperwork and clutter clearing this week will be interspersed with the chaise longue effect and the dvd machine! Praise god from whom all blessings flow! 🙂
June 20th, 2010 at 4:25 pm
I’m suffering fatigue and muzzy head from catching another virus from my niece’s little ones. Better give myself that chaise longue break, and with the tennis starting, weather permitting, I anticipate R&R for 2 weeks ahead. I expect ‘life’ will have other ideas, and judging by the aspects some busy times also. Thanks Lana for these insights, and hope your ‘break’ has restful moments, love Sarah
June 23rd, 2010 at 8:10 pm
Thank you kindly for your comments, Flick and Sarah, and sorry for the delay which was due to my break.
Hope both of you have made good use of the chaise longue this week.
Sarah, hope you are enjoying Wimbledon!
Flick you have the right polarity for your Nodal Axis, but Leo is your South Node. The karmic mission as shown by the North Node is your facility with groups, and your South Node in Leo is the development of your individuality in past lives. There may have been a slight focus on coming to terms with karmic issues from the connection with the Sun this week, not in the sense of retribution but of looking at causes and what you contributed and why, so that you can move on. In early July the Sun will be conjunct the South Node, and that will bring a similar effect collectively.
June 23rd, 2010 at 10:03 pm
Dear Lana, I can’t believe I got the two muddled again! Thank you for that and the information you have given makes absolute sense to me, given what’s happening in my life at the moment. I am really allowing myself to enjoy the chaise longue at the moment. Much needed respite from my hectic life. thank you Lana.
June 24th, 2010 at 4:28 pm
Late to the party again, but this time because Phoenix & I drove up the coast to take a mini-holiday. At the seaside, no less, and that without reading your blog! Would love to say it was restful, but not as much as it was insightful. Now I’m back to a full day of patients and needing to process several days worth of introspection. On the plus side, I got MUCH of my paperwork completed whilst out of town (yay me!)
Now, as my beloved Bear says (he’s my significant other not another animal), I need to go on a holiday from my holiday!
Blessings y’all –
June 25th, 2010 at 8:19 am
Dear Dia
Thanks for your report. Glad to hear you and Phoenix managed a mini-holiday at the seaside. You are not the only one I know who needs a holiday after a holiday right now!
June 26th, 2010 at 7:48 am
….. just thought I’d add …. I am learning what ‘chaise longue’ actually means for me…. thanks to you Lana!
July 4th, 2010 at 11:15 am
Lana, thanks for sharing your win of my Chiron e-book and for the positive review! I assume the new astro-species of human are genetically enhanced to understand planetary metaphors as a second language. Maybe astrology could become the universal tongue!
July 5th, 2010 at 8:44 am
Dear Joyce
How could I not share such an important event in my life?! As one who has been a record keeper for many of my lives I feel that the history of the new species needs to be recorded now it has been named. Did the history start with the naming? If so, we should draw up a chart for it. So many significant moments in history have been lost and unrecorded…