Naftali Bennett

This week, with the awkward square between Saturn and Uranus, Israel finally threw off its long-term entrenched figurehead Benjamin Nethanyahu, and entered into a new era of uncertainty with a precarious coalition of right, left and centre, together with an Arab representation.  The arrangement is that Naftali Bennett (of the far right) will be Prime Minister for two years, followed by Yair Lapid (the centrist) for two years, if they get that far.  It would be hoped that a new government would have a new impetus for the peace process and a new policy with regard to the settlements on the West Bank, but the line up does not look promising, with Naftali Bennett being to the right of Nethanyahu.  And the balance of power is delicate, having only been approved by one vote, or one seat.  Two bright progressive spots in all this are the inclusion of the Arab contingent, and the presence of nine women in the cabinet.

Birth Chart

Naftali’s chart shows 0 planets in Water signs (low in emotion), and 5 planets in Cardinal signs (the propensity to lead).  He has the Sun in Aries, which is a hawkish sign, and he comes from a strong military background.  His Moon in Leo also likes to lead, and with Mercury closely opposite Uranus he is not afraid to be controversial.  Mercury conjunct Chiron gives an aptitude for problem-solving.  Mars conjunct Saturn is deliberate in action, while Mars trine Pluto provides a powerhouse of energy.  Mars trine the North Node gives a warrior karmic mission, and Saturn closely trine Pluto confers great strength.  With a Grand Trine in Air, he can walk the talk; and with Jupiter square to his Sun, he can exaggerate.

Life and Career

Naftali Bennett was born in Haifa to parents who came to Israel from San Francisco just after the Six Day War in 1967.  Some of his mother’s family who stayed in Poland perished in the Holocaust.  After serving in the military, and making his fortune through a software engineering business, he entered politics in 2006, working for some of his political career with Nethanyahu.  They became friends and allies, until they fell out.  He subsequently led an opposition party, Yamina.  Crucially, for those wishing for a solution to the long running conflict in the Middle East, he opposes a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians, the only realistic path to peace.  Thus, we cannot hope for much on this, unless he is swayed by his coalition partners otherwise.  Can a leopard change its spots politically?  I think of some of the Irish politicians who became part of the peace process.  A straw to clutch on to, perhaps…But he champions the right of Jewish settlements, a major block to a solution.  Alon Ben-Meir, an American expert on Middle Eastern politics wrote this week: “The occupation is like cancer – the enemy from within – that poses the greatest danger to Israel.”  He emphasizes that unless the issue is addressed by the government, there can be no progress.  Bennett’s transits at this point in time are Mars sextile his natal Pluto in Libra (energy and power).  Jupiter squares his natal Saturn in Gemini (a balancing act), and Saturn sextile his natal Chiron in Aries (the opportunity to bring some healing). He is experiencing his Chiron Return, normally the emergence of the Inner Healer.  He has vowed to unite the government.

Yair Lapid

And what of Yair Lapid, with whom he will share power, and hand over in two years’ time?  The world may have been able to breathe a bit more easily had the power switch been arranged the other way round.  But is Lapid going to be the Nick Clegg to Bennett’s David Cameron?  Lapid has a triple conjunction of Sun conjunct Mercury and Neptune in Scorpio, steely strong but also sensitive.  With 5 planets in Water signs and 5 in Fixed signs, he is emotional and strong willed.

Lapid grew up in Tel Aviv and London.  His great-grandmother died at Auschwitz.  He came from a journalistic family, and made a name for himself as an author, a TV presenter and news anchor.  On 8th January 2012, around the time of his Chiron Return he  announced that he was  changing tack and going into politics.  His Chiron is in Pisces, the sign of idealistic service.

In forming his centrist party “Yesh Atid”, he was inspired by international movements such as Emmanuel Macron’s “En Marche” in France, believing that centrism is the answer to the rise of populism.  In matters of religion, he is a believer in non-Orthodox Judaism, which he has seen in the movements of Liberal and Progressive synagogues around the world (which are not so popular in Israel).  He favours working with the Arabs – in an interview last year, he spoke about the coronavirus: “all of a sudden, Israelis have noticed the fact that so many of our doctors and nurses working in our hospitals, taking care of our elderly, are Arabs—Israeli Arabs.”  He has stated that he favours a two state solution, and resuming peace negotiations with the Palestinians, but remains supportive of the West Bank settlements, which would be an obstacle in negotiations.

In his Synastry with Bennett, notably his Jupiter is conjunct Bennett’s Chiron in Aries, so while Bennett is currently having his Chiron Return, Chiron close to Lapid’s Jupiter in Aries, stimulating his good will.  Yair’s natal Venus also sextiles Naftali’s Pluto and Yair’s Saturn trines Naftali’s Uranus, which for two politicians poles apart is a reasonable working relationship.  Yair Lapid’s current transits are not easy: Saturn squares his Sun/Mercury (power constrained), Uranus opposite his Sun/Mercury (a new regime); thus the Saturn-Uranus square directly impacted him.  The North Node sextile his Jupiter gives him some status and Uranus trine his natal Pluto, can enable him to be an architect for change at this time.

Israel and Palestine

The transits for Israel at this moment in time show Neptune sextile its natal Sun, a fine state of balance and sensitivity, with the North Node on its Mercury (the necessity for karmic communication; and the North Node trine its Neptune, again a fine state of balance and sensitivity, again karmic.  And Saturn opposes its Pluto – a difficult time; added to that, Uranus squares its natal Pluto, bringing unprecedented change.  Chiron also trines Pluto – an attempt at deep healing.

The Palestinians, understandably, don’t see this change of regime as particularly helpful. A spokesman for Mahmoud Abbas said: “”This is an internal Israeli affair. Our position has always been clear, what we want is a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital.”  I have three charts for Palestine: the first taken at the inception of the state of Israel, which would have similar transits as the above.  The second chart is for 1988: with Jupiter square its Jupiter, Saturn square its Mercury/Pluto and Uranus opposite its Mercury/Pluto (again a casualty of the current Saturn-Uranus square), there is nothing to write home about.

The third chart is for Palestinian autonomy in Jericho and the Gaza strip in 1994: Mars trines its Midheaven, Saturn squares its Sun, Uranus transits its Sun, Neptune sextile its Neptune, Pluto transits its Uranus and Pluto sextile its Pluto – indicating, at best, mixed blessings.

Two Years’ Time

Fast forward to 27th August 2023, and some relinquishment of power for Naftali could be seen in his transits:  Mars closely trine his Mars, Pluto trine his natal Mars and Mars on his natal Pluto – it seems like a decisive time, for him.  However, for Yair Lapid to take over, with Mars sextile his Venus and Jupiter opposite his Neptune, that does not seem strong enough for such an event, or maybe he will be taking a softly softly approach.  For Nethanyahu, who, in Trump style has vowed to be back, Uranus trine his natal Jupiter at that time raises just such an opportunity, which hopefully will not come to pass!

“We will do all we can so that no-one should have to feel afraid… And I say to those who intend to celebrate tonight, don’t dance on the pain of others. We are not enemies; we are one people.”

~ Naftali Bennett


Happy Father’s Day!  We have three planets turning this week: two retrogrades and a direct motion.  This could find us feeling we are in a state of flux.  Jupiter is stationary this afternoon, prior to turning retrograde.  You may have been working along a particular line and making steady progress, but now have to re-assess.  There is a possibility of a U-turn by someone in power, or you may make a U-turn in  your own life.

The Sun enters Cancer on the Summer Solstice in the early hours of tomorrow morning (Monday 21st).  Wring every ounce of enjoyment out of your daylight hours!  The weather may not be obliging, however, particularly in parts of the U.K.  However, we have more freedom of movement than we had this time last year, for celebration.

In the first actual aspect of this week, at lunchtime tomorrow, Venus trines Neptune.  This is a beautiful aspect socially, enabling spiritual links with people.  Artistically or musically, you can achieve inspirational heights.

For some, the highlight of the week will be Mercury stationary prior to going direct in the late evening of Tuesday (22nd), especially if you have been struggling with computers, I.T. and broadband connections, or delays in communications.  There may be some accompanying sense of relief.  You can certainly pick up momentum on some projects which involve paperwork and documentation, and make some more essential journeys.

For others, the Sun trine Jupiter on Wednesday (23rd) will be the highlight, being one of the brightest aspects of the year.  It’s a , a happy-go-lucky aspect where circumstances allow.  So whatever lights your candle today, grasp the opportunity, but seize the day early.  Good cheer, laughter, and adventure may characterize the daylight hours.

However, in the last hour of the day (in the U.K.) Pluto opposes Venus, which may end the day on a more dramatic note, especially in terms of relationships, and possibly in relation to money and the Arts.  This can can symbolize brinkmanship in relationships, such as between Britain and the E.U.  In negotiations, people may be using negative tactics such as project fear, or threats of no deal. If your struggles are in the realms of art or music, you may have to go back to the drawing board on a creative project, or fundamentally change the values behind what you are creating, taking them to a higher level or a deeper level psychologically.

Thursday (24th) brings a sextile between Saturn and Chiron, which should be constructive and healing.  It is a useful, stabilizing and healing aspect, which could help you achieve something significant. This aspect enables us to think in a balanced way about our needs and our healing, and our plans for the future.  It is good for establishing ground rules for healing and comforting habits.

However, you may sense some emotional tension building towards tea-time, when we have a Full Moon (the Strawberry Moon) at 3 degrees Capricorn.  Even if you are making headway, you may still be feeling tension.  This Moon represents the pull between authority and individual needs.  There are questions about society, such as how far can authority be accountable for an individual’s fate, and how much can the individual expect from authorities, where does the balance of responsibility lie?

We have another change in planetary motion on Friday (25th) with Neptune stationary prior to turning retrograde, representing some retracing of steps on our spiritual path.  It has been direct since December last year, so you may have been inspired at that time by a new spiritual area opening up. Now is the time to consolidate on what you have learned, put it into practice, and walk your talk.  Neptune goes direct again this December.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – a U-turn or reassessment
  • Tomorrow – Summer Solstice, and spiritual links
  • Tuesday – communications eased
  • Wednesday – Happy Go Lucky day, stressful evening
  • Thursday – constructive and healing in the day, emotional high tide at tea time
  • Friday – retracing of steps on our spiritual path