The beginning and tail ends of today will be very different: this morning almost serene with a trine between Mars and Neptune and this evening more electric with the Sun opposite Uranus. So it’s a yoga and yoghurt-type morning, and a panicky (have I packed my packed lunch for tomorrow) type of evening. The answer is that no you haven’t packed your packed lunch, but the good news is that your telepathic guides will prompt you just before you go to sleep. Numerologically, today is a 9, so if that is your number you could buy a lottery ticket, and if it is not you may try channelling on its significance, which is what Sarah and I will be doing in the Light Body meeting this afternoon. There’s a day’s grace before the partially eclipsed New Moon on Tuesday (11th) to get re-established at your desk in the office, eat your sandwiches and put on a pound in weight (nothing drastic). While you are sedentary, go through your New Moon ritual of intent. If you know what house in your birthchart the New Moon falls in, then you will know what area of life to plan for. Otherwise, try the Virgoan virtues of economy, purification and perfectionism in the Virgoan-related areas such as your workspace (re-arrange the icons on the desktop of your laptop), your environment (take your carbon footprint down a notch) and health (wean yoruself off the herbal tranqillisers). Thursday (13th) is a beauty for travel and philosophy (recommended reading for your journey: “Great Railway Journeys” by Michael Palin on the physical plane, “The Art of Travel” by Alain de Botton on the mental plane and “The Camino” by Shirley MacLaine on the spiritual plane). But reading on your journey, you’ll miss the delights of looking out of the window: the fen wide skies, the rabbits on Ely marshes, the piglets at Waterbeach…Actually, the physical and mental journeys you undertake around 13th could be profound and healing, for Chiron sextiles Jupiter and trines Mercury this week. Take a notebook with you on the journeys as the insights or poetic lines or sketches that appear can continue to inspire for the rest of the week, and a little beyond. That small red embroidered notebook could serve you better than Michael, Alain or Shirley on future journeys. Wot no scary aspects? No, the second half of the week is strictly for your healing…