Nancy Pelosi

“The world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy”

~ Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House of Representatives in the U.S.) paid a risky visit to Taiwan this week, reportedly against the wishes of Joe Biden.  This is the second blog I have written about her, the first being in January 2021 on the occasion of the second impeachment of Donald Trump.  At a time when the world has been plunged into economic crisis resulting from the ongoing war against Ukraine by Vladimir Putin of Russia, her visit resulted in brinkmanship, this time with China.  While Ukraine has a valuable role in the world in relation to the distribution of grain, Taiwan itself has a vital role, as the source of much of the world’s microchips, without which the world’s computers would not be able to function.

Birth Chart

In 2021 I wrote:

“Nancy has the Sun in Aries, a sign of great self-belief.  Her Moon is in strong-willed Scorpio, and her Ascendant (from a birth time of14.30 Hrs, sometimes disputed) is in Leadership Leo.  She is very grounded (5 Earth planets), works on instinct (0 Air planets) and is extremely strong-willed (6 Fixed planets).  Her strength is increased by a trine to her Sun from Pluto in the 8th House.  The Moon in Scorpio in the 3rd House exactly trines Mercury, so in her chart rationality and imagination are working perfectly together.  The Moon is conjunct her I.C., which means she has strong emotional family roots.  Mercury sextile Venus gives her a way with words, and Uranus sextile Mercury conveys a brilliant mind.  A trine from Chiron to Mercury adds problem-solving ability.  Venus is positioned exactly conjunct Uranus in Taurus, either side of the 10th House cusp, both exactly conjunct with it, with Uranus in 9th and Venus in 10th – a most interesting description of her unusual role in society for her times.  With Venus trine Neptune, she is capable of  the finer feelings, and with Mars conjunct Uranus she can be forceful.   She may have acquired merit in past lives, with Jupiter conjunct the South Node in Aries in 8th House.  The North Node in Libra (Law) in 3rd House, points possibly to her karmic mission.  Chiron in Cancer may convey great patriotism.”

Visit to Taiwan

Why Taiwan?  Why now?  Nancy Pelosi’s term in office is drawing to a close, and she has felt a sense of injustice about various aspects of China’s policies since Tiananmen Square on 15 April 1989.  This may be connected with her Nodal Axis (North Node in Libra representing China and South Node in her 9th House of foreign affairs).

Her transits at the time of Tiananmen Square were powerfully provocative:  Mars was trine her natal North Node in Libra, invoking a sense of justice.  Jupiter was sextile her natal Sun, Saturn was opposite her natal Chiron (rubbing salt in a wound), Uranus was square her natal Sun in Aries (triggering her Inner Rebel), Neptune was trine her natal Midheaven exact to the day, invoking a sense of spiritual sensitivity, and Pluto trine her natal Chiron (alerting her to a need for healing).

Her stated aim in this week’s mission was to express solidarity with Taiwan in its aim to keep democracy.  The trip to Taiwan was part of a trip to that part of the world, the next stop being South Korea.  However, the President of South Korea did not meet her, in order not to offend China.  She also visited Japan, which apparently was also embarrassed by her visit, on Friday.  It is hard to know why she insisted on the visit, knowing it would be so contentious.

The astrological timing this week is quite revealing, however.  Natally, Nancy’s Uranus (Inner Rebel) is right at the top of her chart, at the end of her 9th House of Foreign Affairs, and squaring her Ascendant.  It brings to mind an itch that has to be scratched.  And at 82 now, she has her Uranus Return (to its original position in her natal chart).  This is like a time of elderly rebellion.  Around the age of 40, we have the Uranus Opposition, which is akin to a mid-life crisis, as part of Uranus’ cycle.  There is definitely a feeling for her of “now or never” with this issue, which she obviously cares passionately about.  Ostensibly, the visit was to show support for Taiwan’s democracy, and not necessarily independence (which is the more contentious issue for China).

Synastry and Transits

For the chart of Taiwan, I have used the date for its constitution.  There seems to be a strong tie between Nancy and Taiwan, but not an easy relationship:  her Uranus on its Moon in Taurus shows a keen interest on her part; their Moons oppose each other (her own Moon opposes her Uranus, which is confrontational); her Saturn square its Venus (an element of sorrow); Her Pluto opposes its Venus (she may have a profound effect); her Neptune squares its Uranus (she can complicate matters), her Chiron square its Neptune (however well-meaning, further complication); and her North Node sextile its Saturn in Leo in 11th House of Friends (the key to a serious karmic link).

Her transits for the visit on 2nd August: In addition to the Uranus Return mentioned above, Mars was on her Uranus in Taurus, triggering her Inner Rebel.  The transiting triple conjunction of Mars/Uranus/North Node was operational: that turning point and game-changer.  This was taking place in her 9th House of Foreign Lands and Trips.  Neptune was sextile her natal Mars: her motives a mystery (possibly self-indulgent).

The population of Taiwan had mixed feelings about the visit: Mercury was trine its natal Mercury (dialogue with the outside world); Mars/Uranus was on its Moon (inflamed emotions and shock); Saturn was (and is) opposite its natal Saturn (a major and serious decisive cycle).

For the president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, who gave Nancy Pelosi a warm welcome, Pluto was sextile her Saturn (a serious matter).  This transit gives Tsai Ing-wen a measure of strength at this time.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s transits, despite his recent bouts of covid, are also strong at this time: he has Pluto sextile his Sun (able to make profound changes) and Neptune trine his Jupiter exact to the day of the visit (extra-inspired by his faith).  He was riding high from his operation of the assassination of Al Quaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri just a few days before (with Pluto square al-Zawahiri’s natal Mars being a classic assassination transit).  Though this year is a difficult and pivotal year for the United States, experiencing its Pluto Return.  It has certainly stepped up in its involvement in the Russian threat to Ukraine.

For the U.S. chart, in addition to its Pluto Return, Saturn is on its Moon, Neptune trine its Mercury, and Jupiter sextile its Uranus – a mixed batch of transits, but there is a lot going on, not just Nancy’s visit.  Saturn transiting its Moon (female fertility) may be the issue of the new anti-abortion law, which saw the state of Kansas this week vote to keep the option of abortion.


For the chart of China, transits this week showed Mars trine its Sun, hackles rising and a show of force, and Chiron trine its Pluto (feeling strong in its response).

For president  Xi-Jinping himself, Pluto squares his Venus (sinking relations), Chiron squares his Uranus (crisis and discomfiture).


After Nancy Pelosi left Taiwan, China began military exercises around Taiwan, effectively a blockade at this point.  Taiwan is situated not far from the Chinese mainland, at around 2,103 kilometres, approximately two and a half hours of air travel.  Economic sanctions were also placed on Taiwan by China.

China also announced that it was abandoning its co-operation with the U.S. on various issues, crucially including climate change.

Nancy has a good record in the past for acting with integrity.  And whatever the rights and wrongs of her action, it is certain she believed she was being true to herself.  But what was right for her may not have been the best thing for the U.S. or the wider global community.  The Observer article this morning by George Yin and S. Philip Hsu advises other courses of action:

“It [the U.S.] should take steps to signal its commitment to Taiwan by deepening bilateral trade and economic relations, which would have less risk of provoking Beijing.”

“One of the best Speakers the House of Representatives has ever had.”

~ Barack Obama


A beneficent trine occurs mid-afternoon today, that of Venus trine Neptune.  This is a beautiful aspect from a social point of view, enabling spiritual links with people.  Artistically or musically, you can achieve inspirational heights.  However, be aware that on Tuesday Venus will be opposed by Pluto, so a satisfying point may be reached today, but may require adjustments later in the week.  Gather ye rosebuds today…

A different adjustment will be required even as early as this evening, for Mars will be square Saturn, and this may involve conflict, for example brinkmanship between the U.S. and China.  I think of this aspect as a square peg in a round hole, and a square peg which  you shouldn’t try to push through the round hole.  Energies clash, and there may be an impasse of some sort.  You may feel tired and a little discouraged, and unproductive.  Ride it out gently.  And observe others carefully, who may not be astrologically mindful.

Tomorrow (Monday, 8th) may see some healing achieved, with the Sun trine Chiron.  This aspect favours both physical and psychological healing, and a trip or leisure activity may be just the tonic you need.  You may put the world to rights, theoretically at least, over a coffee.

We then come to Tuesday (9th), which I have already warned about. In the early morning, Pluto opposes Venus, which may start the day on a dramatic note: perhaps the Sun bursts through your window, and you get out the wrong side of bed.  Struggles may apply mostly in terms of relationships, and possibly in relation to money and the Arts.  This again can symbolize brinkmanship in relationships, such as between the U.S. and China.  In negotiations, people may be using negative tactics such as project fear, or threats of no deal. If your struggles are in the realms of art or music, you may have to go back to the drawing board on a creative project, or fundamentally change the values behind what you are creating, taking them to a higher level or a deeper level psychologically.

At lunchtime on Thursday (11th) Uranus squares the Sun, which may throw an additional spanner in the works.  For some, it may be exciting.  Don’t rest on your laurels, provide for loopholes, and don’t take unnecessary risks.

Venus enters Leo at tea-time on the same day, which is a sunnier vibe.   You can afford to be bold in seeking entertainment today, e.g. in a summer break.  Alternatively express some rich creativity, dine out, or polish up your performance skills…just a few suggestions!

When we get to mid-evening, Mars sextiles Neptune, the pleasure intensifies. This can be a soothing influence on Mars types (Ariens), or enlivening on Neptune types (Pisceans).  For the rest of us, it is conducive to refined and spiritual actions, meditations and exercises.  Yoga and Tai Chi are recommended under this influence.

In the early hours of Friday (12th), we have a Full Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius.  The tension may be felt to be rising on Thursday evening, and it may be difficult to settle to sleep until after 1.36 a.m. on Friday morning.  We might be torn by looking at an issue emotionally, then from a detached perspective, then back and forth.  This may produce heightened tension, or a stand off  between the individual and a group.  But resolutions can be found, and you will probably release it and sleep it off.  Friday itself may have an “after the rain” feeling, though rain itself is a precious commodity at the moment.  Remember to be responsible in your use of water!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – beauty and inspiration; then stuckness
  • Tomorrow – healing
  • Tuesday – heavy relationships
  • Thursday – the unexpected; sunniness; sensual enjoyment
  • Friday – emotional high tide, evaporating early