Aspects for the week beginning 12 March 2023
Chaim Topol (1935 – 2023)
“If I were a rich man, yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum/All day long I’d biddy biddy bum/If I were a wealthy man…”
~ Tevya, Fiddler on the Roof
Chaim Topol (whose name means Tree of Life in Hebrew), passed away this week at the age of 87. It is rare for an actor to be so closely associated with one role (though he did play others) as Chaim was for playing Tevye in the film and stage musical “Fiddler on the Roof”. Among his other roles was as Milos Columbo in the Bond film “For Your Eyes Only”, the scientist Dr Zarkov in “Flash Gordon”, and Othello to Keith Michell’s Iago.
Birth Chart
Chaim Topol had the Sun in Virgo (the sign of the Specialist), Moon in Capricorn and the Ascendant in Leo. Leo is the performing sign, and his Moon was in his 5th House of Performance, with his Sun (ruler of Leo and his chart) was in Chaim’s 1st House – theatricality was in his veins. But he was primarily an earthy individual, with half his planets (5) in the element of Earth. With the Sun closely conjunct Venus he had a lovable quality, and also a penchant for art (something he originally wanted to pursue as a career). Singing too is a talent shown by this conjunction. The Sun and Venus were in a triple conjunction with Neptune, adding spirituality and idealism to his fundamental nature. In addition, he had a great deal of energy and enthusiasm (Mars conjunct Jupiter, and Mars closely trine Pluto) and was very sociable (Venus sextile Jupiter). Religion and spirituality were nicely balanced in his psyche (Jupiter sextile Neptune).
Life and Career
Topol’s family had fled from Poland in the 1930s. He left school at 14, and was not particularly academic. His Mercury was unaspected, and he had only one Air planet, so worked predominantly by instinct.
Being born in Tel Aviv in 1935, before the founding of Israel in 1948, he fought in three wars: the Sinai war of 1956, the Six Day war of 1967, and the Yom Kippur war of 1973. This is reflected in his exact conjunction of Mars and the I.C. (his security dependent on flight or fight). He began acting while serving in the military.
The month of October 1956 seems to have been pivotal for his life. On 2nd October he was discharged from military service, with Jupiter sextile his natal Jupiter (freedom). On 23rd October, he married Galia Finkelstein, a fellow member of his troupe, with Neptune trine his natal Mars. However, on 25th October he was called up as a reserve in the Sinai Campaign. At that time, Mars (military duty) was exactly opposing his natal triple conjunction of Venus/Sun/Neptune. He performed for the other soldiers while there.
After the war, he and his wife settled in a Kibbutz, and they had three children, later moving to Telaviv.
The Role of Tevye
When an actor is inextricably linked with a role, the persona usually shows up strongly in the actor’s birthchart. In Chaim’s case, we are lucky enough to have his birth time, so we know the exact position of his Moon. The Moon closely trine the Midheaven (Persona) means that he would be in the public eye, and he played a dairyman (a Moon ruled occupation). The Moon is conjunct the North Node (a karmic mission in the public eye) with a trine between that conjunction and his Midheaven (so harmony between his conventional career and his karmic mission). He also had Saturn exactly sextile Uranus – echoing the basic dilemma of Fiddler on the Roof – tradition versus progress.
Topol played the lead character in a 1964 film “Sallah Shabati” which was about a Sephardic Jewish immigrant family and its hardships. This brought him to the attention of Harold Prince, who was looking for someone to play the lead role in the London stage version of “Fiddler on the Roof”, which opened on 16th February 1967, the play being an adaptation of one of the stories of Shalom Aleichem. Speaking little English, Topol had to be coached before taking up the role by Cicely Berry. Considering the importance of the role in his life, the astrological transits were suitably momentous:
Jupiter was conjunct his natal Pluto (finding his power), Uranus was trine his natal Moon in Capricorn in his 5th House, establishing that Archetype for him, and Uranus also trined his natal Midheaven (careerpoint) in Taurus in 9th House, forming a Grand Trine. Neptune was on his natal Mars/IC in his 3rd House, portraying a soft side to his courageous inner warrior; and Pluto was trine his natal North Node in Capricorn in his 5th House, establishing his karmic mission!
The film told the story of the dairyman Tevya bringing up three daughters in the village of Anatevka in the Ukraine in 1905. It tears at the heartstrings in many ways: the harshness of the way of life, the pogrom visited upon the village by the Russian soldiers, the matchmaking of his three daughters (each match producing an ever increasing cause for concern and heartsearching in its dilemmas for Tevya), and in Tevye’s relationship with God. Chaim portrayed the lead role with immense warmth. In the Guardian Obituary, Michael Coveney writes:
“Irving Wardle again hailed Topol’s Tevye as ‘a living memorial to the comic genius of a tragic people’ ”
We have a fondness for “Fiddler on the Roof” in our family. When the children were young, they used to dress up, act out and sing the musical with their friends, and we adults would enjoy the viewing.
When it came to the film version of “Fiddler on the Roof” in 1971 directed by Norman Jewison, Topol was chosen for the lead role over Danny Kaye, Rod Steiger, Walter Matthau, Richard Burton and Frank Sinatra! Topol won a Golden Globe Award for his part in the film.
Topol did not stop there…he went on to play Tevye in this iconic role on stage, all over the world, until his last performance (3500 performances in all) in Boston on 15th November 2009. The final transits included Jupiter square his natal Jupiter in Scorpio in 3rd House, Uranus sextile his natal Moon in Capricorn in his 5th House (severing this Archetype) and Neptune square his natal Midheaven in Taurus in 9th House (letting go of an important part of his career path).
He was made for this iconic and poignant role, and obviously loved the playing, judging by his never-ending appetite for the role. His son revealed last year that he had a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, but at 87 he had a good innings and fulfilled the Leo rising aim of giving pleasure.
“Anyone who plays Tevye knows he can never top Topol. God rest his soul.”
~ Omid Djalili
It’s a roller coaster week, with ten astrological features, four squares, and a strong Neptunian dose of confusion – hold on to your hats!
Today, a rare conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron takes place. This highlights the Healer Archetype, but can also bring about healing crises, and opportunities for problem-solving. The possibility of the miraculous may also be on the table. and faith in yourself can be part of that. Jupiter’s effect on Chiron is to magnify its Healing, and Chiron’s effect on Jupiter is to make life meaningful. You know innately that the solution lies within the problem, and where there are nettles, dock leaves are not far away.
The last hour of Tuesday (14th) brings the first square, between Mars and Neptune. Confusion may reign, so take that time for thinking things through. Meditation and activities which combine meditation and movement, can be helpful for centring, during the day, if you sense that this aspect is operating on your consciousness.
Confusion is also a theme on Wednesday (15th), and especially also in the last hour of the day, with the Sun conjunct Neptune. Neptune combined with the Sun so intensely can bring high spiritual experiences and inspiration, especially if you are channelling or working with your creativity, in art or music for instance. But for some, for example if you have a difficult aspect to Neptune in your natal chart, it may bring confusion.
Thursday (16th) is the big day in terms of astrological features, and so I have a timetable for you, which starts late afternoon:
17.13 Hrs: Mercury conjunct Neptune: This is not conducive to exacting and detailed mental work and documentation, but it can favour dreams, mystical states and spirituality. They in turn can affect creativity, art and music in an inspired way. If you are feeling below par, you may experience added confusion or brain fog, so it is best to plan your diary accordingly.
18.10 Hrs: Sun square Mars: The second square of the week, Sun squaring Mars, is a hot-headed aspect which can result in minor cuts and bruises through slapdash inattention. Aggro, irritation and conflict are all possible under this aspect, so set out to have a peaceful day starting with a spot of your best meditational efforts. Then radiate that calm to all who cross your path, while self-distancing. You might find people sounding off, in anger, about things that are going on in the world, such as rows about people in boats. If so, some advance preparation may assist in defusing agitation. The energy, fire and enthusiasm which the Sun with Mars generates can be positively harnessed if you are especially mindful.
19.59 Hrs: Venus square Pluto: Another square, and it is time to contemplate, and reflect, rather than to dig even deeper, as it is time to digest recent experiences in a loving and healing way. That may even include a damage limitation exercise. Venus rules relationships and Pluto represents the force of transformation or deep soul searching, and both planets rule money, so all these factors may be on your mind and vying for attention, in some cases conflicting.
22.34 Hrs: Venus enters Taurus: Late in the day, with this ingress, Venus settles into a a happy bunny (or a contented cow) phase. This may help to end a hectic day with a feeling of “all’s right with the world. Within yourself, and in your relationship with nature (edging towards Spring), you are capable of feeling much more settled and harmonious. This placement of Venus in her home sign continues right through to 11th April. Those born under the Venusian signs of Taurus and Libra will especially feel its benefit, their normal sense of steadiness and balance.
The next day, Friday 17th, brings us another three aspects, so I might as well continue the timetable, starting in the early hours:
4.48 a.m.: Mercury square Mars: The last square of the week (you can utter a sigh, or a “phew!” after you negotiate it), occurs in the night for most of us (unless you are a shift worker) so it may influence our dreams. If you’ve been sailing along on a bright new health and fitness regime, be careful not to overdo things as you may be slightly incident-prone, partly through carelessness or complacency. Another possible hazard of this square is argumentativeness and verbal conflict. A careless word could have consequences. Dreams or nightmares may centre round trouble and strife.
10.45 a.m.: Sun conjunct Mercury at 26 degrees Pisces: As the day gets under way, you may become aware of the deeper issues, such as the compassionate implications of things. The Sun and Mercury together may come up with some insightful solutions, and coming after the intense week may be accompanied by a little more calmness and relief from its dramas. Hope may be rekindled and the light at the end of the tunnel glimpsed.
22.25 Hrs: Venus sextile Saturn: Last but by no means least, at the end of the day, comes a sextile between Venus and Saturn, which is a constructive aspect, a re-affirmation of where you are going, especially in terms of relationship, or art. In the realm of human relations, it is about steadiness and loyalty: cementing commitment.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – healing and crisis resolution
- Tuesday – confusion
- Wednesday – more confusion, and inspiration
- Thursday – spirituality; conflict; deep soul searching; peace
- Friday – irritabililty; concentration; loyalty
March 12th, 2023 at 5:11 pm
Hi Lana
Thanks for an interesting astro background for Chaim Topol. I have enjoyed watching the film of Fiddler on the Roof but knew little about him.
Thanks also for the aspects. Today I had help to fill in a request for a Blue Badge. If successful perhaps a sort of crisis resolution for me. I don’t like to acknowledge my struggles with mobility but better to be sensible. Then on Tuesday my kitchen makeover is due to start. There will be confusion but I hope for inspiration and peace eventually. I’ll let you know…
Love. Sarah
March 13th, 2023 at 12:46 pm
Dear Sarah
Thanks very much for your comment.
Glad to hear you liked the film!
Sorry to hear that you are worried about the aspects this week. I don’t make them up! But I too have a challenging week ahead, so hopefully I will follow my own guidelines for getting through it…
Good luck for your Blue Badge application, and for your new kitchen,
March 14th, 2023 at 10:23 am
Dear Lana,
Many thanks for such an evocative piece on Chaim Topol. I have learnt a lot about his life and career from reading it. The astrological insights you provide are always fascinating to me. I have nt seen Fiddler on the Roof but of course have heard that song from the show made so famous by Topol. It s such a great song , performed by him with so many differing emotions present, humour, sadness, hope, acceptance.
I m taking your advice for Tuesday and hoping to remain centred in the moment if at all possible.
Wishing both you and Sarah the very best in what sound to be challenging days for each of you this week. may all be well.
March 15th, 2023 at 11:54 am
Dear Yaz
Thank you so much for your comment, and for your kind thoughts.
If you ever get the chance to watch the film, I would be interested to see what you think.
Hoping that the week is kind to you,