Aspects for the week beginning 15 August 2010
Another week of delicate balancing ahead, as we tackle two other components of the Cardinal T-square, one at the beginning of the week, and one at the end. Last week flame (Scorpio) haired Julia Roberts announced her conversion to Hinduism as a result of filming “Eat Pray Love”. This has coincided with Jupiter (planet of religion) coming into her 9th House of Religion, under the pressure of Pluto’s square. The writer of the book “Eat Pray Love” Elizabeth Gilbert has the entrepreneurial Jupiter-Uranus conjunction natally, which is doing well in a year when that conjunction is taking place. Jupiter-Uranus people take note: if you haven’t yet made your coup this year, there is still time. Meanwhile one of our own UK actresses Emma Thompson made two gaffes this week. The first was declaring Audrey Hepburn “fantastically twee”. It’s unsurprising that Arien Thompson, concerned with authenticity, would not “get” the mystique and elegance of Audrey Hepburn, who had Neptune opposite her Ascendant. Emma has several planets early in the signs, and is therefore triggered by the complexity of the Cardinal T-square at the moment. Her straight-talking Sun and Mercury in Aries came out twice this week (the second gaffe was ridiculing residents of the Isle of Wight) when her ruling planet Mars was squared by Jupiter and opposed by Pluto. So those are Jupiter square Pluto related stories. On to the first of our T-square components this week: Jupiter opposite Saturn tomorrow (Monday 16th). This has to be carefully measured to satisfy both sides of an argument or two or more sets of needs. Saturn represents realism, Jupiter represents optimism, and Pluto is engaging both in a T-square, pushing the equation the side of despair. What we must not lose therefore is the Jupiter side of the equation, the hopes and dreams. Some people have totally lost it by now, and can’t even summon the energy to wish. But I have come across people this week, who despite long-standing problems, and many times giving in to despair, have started to work with a long-term vision of how their lives could improve – they are starting to see a light, way off in the distance of the tunnel. The UK government has already upset many, promising savage cuts to the vulnerable, cuts which have been chosen to target those least likely to cope, where they could have made choices to make cuts in the fortunes of those well able to cope. This is a mishandling of the T-square, and an illustration of how response to it can be unbalanced. What you have control over is your own psychology, and the re-building of your own sense of hope for the future, from envisaging the next small step, to a future vision that will work for you, to work towards. We may (or may not) be disappointed with those we have elected, but must not forget the power and resources within our own psyche to steer our lives in a better direction. The next series of aspects occur at the end of the week, as the middle of the week can be used to practice your trapeze work. On Friday 20th there’s another, more minor, opposition between the Sun and Neptune. You may then be working on another nuance of the theme of Realism vs Hopefulness. The illusion of fantasy needs to be measured against the truth of the heart. Suppose that in working with creative visualization for the future at the beginning of the week, in trying to balance Jupiter opposite Saturn, we may have veered to the opposite extreme and embellished impossible outcomes. Friday will be the time to take those inner films and edit them to something of more realistic proportions. Perhaps clues in the week might have helped you see what might be possible, as in when you told a best friend what you were thinking and he or she pointed out the loopholes. In your editing, you still need to arrive at a scenario where both parties can win, and there is enough hope in the pot for emotional survival. There are two more astrological features having their say on Friday after this has been achieved. Venus conjuncts Mars at the beginning of Libra, which intensifies the feeling nature of Venus and balances the male-female energies in some ways. This is a more internal type of balancing, not so dependent say on world resources, authorities and institutions. It is about enjoying life, and whereas Jupiter square Pluto is about Pray, Venus conjunct Mars is the Eat and Love component of this three-word mantra. The other feature of Friday is that Mercury will be stationary, prior to turning retrograde. Get your ideas on paper, e.g. in a diary, as you may not immediately be able to implement your ideas or creativity until Mercury turns direct again on 13 September. Plus you will have your hands full on Saturday 21st with the next component of the Cardinal T-square: Saturn square Pluto. This is the despairing end of the equation, so you need to rely on the resources built earlier in the week on the balancing of the Jupiter-Saturn opposition. Keep afloat, and cherish the dream. The Sun also opposes Chiron that day, which throws down a healing challenge to focus your mind. There are solutions, keep believing that. All you might be looking at are the big bills and the climate disasters of Saturn square Pluto, but don’t doubt there is a life beyond. The Obamas swimming in the Gulf of Mexico is a great symbol of that.
August 15th, 2010 at 11:58 am
Crumbs, it’s not looking very upbeat for Somebody’s birthday celebrations on Saturday!
August 15th, 2010 at 12:04 pm
Dear Lana, as usual you have given me a lot to think about. I hadn’t heard about Emma Thompson’s gaffes till now, having been away. Quite sad really but such an excellent illustration of how we live our lives as channels for planetary activity!! 🙂 It is so helpful to have astrological understanding as it is truly a very creative way of not falling into the pit of despair. I can see so much in your blog that pertains to me this week as I go through a nauseating roller coaster ride of a life. I am so glad you mentioned the Jupiter positivity – the light at the ends of tunnels and the planning for the lives we want. Last Saturday I spent a wonderful four hours with Bernadette Darnell ( truly creative and inspirational woman creating a dreamboard. I have to say I am in love with my dream…. the dream for my life…. my dreamboard is the stunning and positive Jupiter me which is holding me as I go through some major difficulties on the physical level, root chakra stuff. I love your breakdown of the pray – love – eat…. brilliant! Thanks Lana!!!
August 15th, 2010 at 12:36 pm
Dear Daph and Flick
Thank you for your quick responses (within 6 minutes of each other)!
Daph, though there is a general situation of Saturn square Pluto to be looked at on Saturday 21st, the Sun does not actually engage with the Saturn-Pluto square. It does engage with the Sun-Neptune opposition, so that will need to be worked with. And looking at the chart in question, there are some upbeat personal aspects going on for the day, plus natal aspects which provide resources and leadership for the square in question.
Flick, lovely to hear your take on the current planetary struggles, and for the link to an inspirational way through and one of the things which has been sustaining your dream. I hear the joy in your text messages when you talk about it. Need a Coffee Pod to experience that at first hand.
August 15th, 2010 at 10:27 pm
Oh dear, I think I have allowed myself to wallow a bit in not positivity recently. It’s so easy to talk about balance and flow until the challenges come. I see clearly my mantra this week will be to ‘keep afloat and cherish the dream’. My sruggles are even more annoying when I consider how fortunate I am compared to so many in the world. I can turn my tap on and water comes out, as I read in a paper earlier today. However, less is more, so perhaps not so odd to be tripping up over seemingly small things. With your brilliant explanations and encouragement Lana, I go forth with confidence, mostly, and many thanks, love Sarah. p.s. Dia, I was thinking Topaz was the other human.
August 16th, 2010 at 3:22 am
This is an interesting “forecast” for a week that is heating up here in lovely So Cal, physically and psychically.
My Mother, bless her, is gracefully sailing through cancer (the disease, not the astrological sign) with basically no physical symptoms but she’s turned ditzy (there’s really no other word for it) as her body is slowly shutting down. She decides to do, or not do, a thing the doctors have suggested as a palliative and then changes her mind again. My step-father is beside himself, trying to stay positive and trying to live with this endless cycle of change. Something that is a great challenge for him as he is accustomed to being in charge. He is a WWII vet and was a manager in aerospace until his retirement, so very accustomed to being listened to, or at least consulted. His frustration is exacerbated by being wheelchair bound.
On the other side of this crazy equation, Bear & I (sorry Sarah, Bear is the other human – Topaz would be flattered but she’s a German Shepherd dog. So, basically human but smaller and furrier) are scrambling to ensure we have all the tools in place to take over the decision making and care taking when either a) my mother dies b) she goes into hospice care (or needs to and I have to step in as her Power of Attorney) or c) Ed (step-father) becomes further disabled and needs to have decision made for him (or dies).
They think they have everything set up to take care of whoever survives the other, but Bear & I aren’t familiar with all the ins & outs of what they’ve got in place, and there’s a sense of urgency now with this whole situation. I can feel the despair at the back of my throat as I type this. Not at the death of my mother, she & I have had several really lovely conversations and she’s comfortable with the life she’s lived until now and the life she’s living from today onward. How can I be upset when she’s in such a good place? I’ll miss her, of course, but really it’s not causing despair. The despair comes because, in her very Virgo way, she has an idea of how Ed’s life will be handled once she’s gone. Which she hasn’t discussed with him, and which bears NO relation to what he has said he’d like to do. Thankfully, because she IS in such a good place, Bear & I can have candid conversations with her about bottom line things.
But I will give myself tonight/tomorrow (from about now CA time to about Noon-ish) to walk away from the whole situation, honouring but not giving in to the Plutonian T-square’s depression-inducing aspect.
I honestly cannot tell you how helpful your blog is, Lana, so I hope – by sharing this story – that I can show you what a difference you’re making in several lives. Bless you for doing this and continuing to do it week-after-week.
P.S. Welcome back Flick!
August 16th, 2010 at 9:44 am
This is Dia’s Bear, the other human in our tribe. I’ve learned so much seeing how Dia accepts and honours her complicated feelings coming from all the tremendously hard things in her life. I come from a science background but I’ve seen more and more how my life and everything move in cycles, and I’ve appreciated reading your blog and seeing how astrological cycles turn the many aspects of life through endlessly different possibilities. Your writing has always seemed to me to be about being aware of the new possibilities that come out of the complexity of life. I was struck by what Dia said about honouring the depression aspect, and what you said about rebuilding a sense of hope out of despair. That seems important to me, not to deny depression but to see it as a cycle from which we can rebuild a new vision, in some sense a necessary dark time in which to see new light and new directions. Seeing despair and depression as the bottom of a natural cycle has helped me to not fight or deny those feelings, but to try to be open to the many other cycles that are moving at the same time. I’ve come to really appreciate talking over your blog with Dia, and seeing new possibilities in my life in the coming week. New possibilities are sometimes so hard to see, but are what make life worthwhile, it seems to me. Thank you for the insights, Lana, keep them coming.
August 16th, 2010 at 7:39 pm
Dear Sarah
It is heroic to comment on the blog with the slowness of your computer. Every word that you manage to get out is gold!
August 16th, 2010 at 7:49 pm
Dear Dia
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, which contains so much wisdom and sensitivity.
And thank you for finding value in my own attempt to make sense of this Cardinal Climactic experience we are going through.
I am sure I am not the only Astrologer who sometimes feels daunted at the information we have to convey at this time.
But the feedback you all give is so helpful in understanding where I am touching truth and where I am veering off the mark…
August 16th, 2010 at 7:57 pm
Dear Bear
Welcome to this blog, though it seems you have been on this journey with us for a while.
It is good to have your perspective. My hubby is a Scientist too, but confines his involvement to checking over the current affairs sections of my blog. He finds the astrology quite technical at times.
I am glad that the Scientist in you can see the sense in some of the astrological phenomena and philosophies, and that you and Dia communicate so well.
Your encouragement is much appreciated, thank you.
August 17th, 2010 at 3:51 pm
Dear Dia and Bear, also dogs, I feel a bit connected to yourselves, through all these energies. I think sharing emotions and group activities are part of our new directions, so thank you for doing so with your current processes. I have known despair, but was too locked in to share much then. Happily my Heart centre is open and flowing now, and I appreciate give and take. I hope my holding some energy for you is okay, and even helpful, much love Sarah
August 17th, 2010 at 5:36 pm
Dear Sarah –
Thank you, I appreciate your energy. It’s more than okay and I’m sure it will be helpful. As for the dogs, I think they appreciate anything that takes the stress of “Mom & Dad”, so I’m sending you their thanks as well.
What’s up with your computer (I feel like a total rat even asking, from Lana’s comment it sounds like you’re in a terrible computer situation). Hopefully, it will resolve soon.
Thanks again for the sharing, Sarah –
Dia, Phoenix, Topaz & Dragon (Bear’s on his own 🙂 )
August 17th, 2010 at 5:39 pm
Bear “How come the cats aren’t there” (in your signature line)
Dia “I just didn’t go there”
Bear “They blog on their own”
We live in a special kind of a world!
August 19th, 2010 at 4:36 pm
To the computer sorter in the ether, I have a duff connection and when I can muster the pennies will alter to something better. I’m hoping. It’s taken 48 hours for my computer to clear and let me in again. Sadly I am not very up on how to manage computers, although love being able to connect, however slowly. Quite often it doesn’t seem to cope well with electrical energies well. Mine, Guides, others, so I need to protect it better perhaps. Things can only improve.
August 19th, 2010 at 6:30 pm
Sarah –
Do you affect watches as well? I’ve seen that happen. Is your house on a ley line? (And, no, I have NO idea how to figure that out, just know it can have an effect). Also, if you (or someone in your household, or someone you work with/for or a neighbour, if you’re in close enough proximity) have had any sort of nuclear medicine relatively recently it can bugger up the works. I remember working computer support and having this company call with complaints that their system wasn’t working. It worked FINE for us every time we sent a tech out (this is in the old days of mainframes & 8” floppy disks). But when they were working without us there, it was dying. FINALLY, someone called and I asked to speak to their regular operator, only to be told she was having radiation and wouldn’t be in that day. Turns out, she had treatment every week and she was wreaking havoc on the electronics around her. Treatments have changed since then, and systems are more robust, but still, it’s something to think about.
I had a friend who was a Mason, who told me that when things are dodgy, electrically (high power lines outside the house etc.), I should draw a pentagram in a circle as a dispersal sign. She (yes she) said I should face the thing I wanted to block out and begin with the lower left point. Then to the top point, lower right, upper left, upper right back to lower left to complete the star, then the circle goes from that lower left position around to one’s right and back to that point. I THINK that’s anti-clockwise but I’m trying to think in 3D and I’m just waking up so not really clear.
Anyway, take that for what it’s worth, but she swore by it.
Me, as a mostly practising Buddhist, I chant for a highest possible good in any situation. So for a computer problem, instead of getting frustrated I take a deep breath and chant for the situation to have the best possible outcome for all concerned. Including the computer. Not that I think they’re sentient, but sometimes the bits and bobs wear out and one doesn’t want the thing to catch fire so . . . (we’re pretty hard on our computers – three dogs and endless hair plus clay dust from living in a pre-desert land and our computers take a beating far beyond their specs!)
On the other side of the equation, Bear’s gone through THREE computers in the past year, here at home. Don’t know about work because the IT people there have to take care of him. Here, he has an adversarial relationship with them and expects them to break down and, voila, they oblige. I don’t know if that’s some Aries trait (the ram, bashing the irritant until it breaks) or some “The Secret” kind of energetic manifestation of his expectations, but I do know I need to always keep aside a bit of money to replace his computer. Sigh.
Anyway, best of future outcomes for you and your little electronic demon. I hope you come to some sort of detente soon. And, now knowing what you go through, thank you DOUBLY for your insightful and helpful thoughts.