Aspects for the week beginning 22 August 2010
From beginning (Saturn square Pluto on Saturday 21st) to end, it’s Pluto’s week, so it’s time to get friendly with Pluto…But first on Monday 23rd the Sun enters Virgo, and you may feel a switch of seasons from sunshine, sea and sand to autumn mists and mellow fruitfulness – a nip in the UK air perhaps. Our collective animal totem will go overnight from the Lion (or Lioness) of the jungle, to the quiet harvest mouse…The Full Moon in Pisces opposes this Sun in Virgo on Tuesday 24th, taking us past the jungle and the harvest field on to the ocean (emotionally we could be all over the place…but we could just be releasing past emotions we don’t need to hold on to). Scientists have just announced that the Moon is shrinking, but it might be too early to conjecture about astrological ramifications. The final aspect of the week takes place on Thursday 26th, and is a trine between the Sun and Pluto – not to be sniffed at. It struck me this week what a beautiful symmetry the Cardinal T-Square is: Pluto at the base, with Saturn on one end opposed by Jupiter and Uranus (which are either side of Saturn in the rank of planets) – that could be a perfect balance. On waking the other morning, I was given, as a symbol for Pluto in this position, of all things a pogo stick! Wikipedia defines this as “A device consisting of a T-shaped pole with a handle at one end, footpads to place your feet on the other end and a spring which support the stick and the user when on the ground.” The pogo stick represents Pluto urging and pushing the other planets in an act of self-transformation, the transformative element in our lives and psyches seeking to push its way up. It relies on our experiencing it in a true way, unencumbered by the feelings of others or social expectations, and represents the work we do on our own psyche. This analogy can of course be extended to society, but we need to do the work on ourselves, now. All other planets of the Cardinal T-Square have to meet Pluto’s standards as it squares them. Pluto is autonomous and contains everything, perhaps even the nature of all the other planets put together. This is why Scorpios (ruled by Pluto) often wear the colours black and white together. It is the most powerful planet, pulling rank on the others in any interchange. Its position on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is Daat, the invisible sephira. I am no Kabbalist, but in 1974 I bought a book by Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi entitled “Tree of Life” in which he writes in language easy to grasp:
“Moving back up the Tree along the Lightning Flash we pass through the invisible Sephira known as Daat – Knowledge – before we reach Binah, or Saturn in the planetary scheme. Some modern Cabalists not only describe this transition point as the entry into what is known as the supernal triad of Kether, Hochma and Binah, but ascribe this position to the recently discovered planet Pluto…”
Pluto is the furthest and outermost planet in our Solar System. Once that has been mastered as a principle, it can be a psychological gateway to other parts of the Cosmos.
Halevi goes on to say: “Pluto orbits at the very edge of the solar system. Beyond lies the realm of the local star cluster and containing this the vast galactic arm of the Milky Way. Pluto’s strange eccentric orbit is the margin and frontier of the planetary world, and who knows what barrier or bridge this dark unseen planet describes?…
Daat is a point of profound transformation whether you are travelling up or down the Tree of Life.”
The Sun in Thursday’s trine is helpful in revealing the positive side of Pluto to work with (the negative pull being Saturday 21st’s square of Saturn to Pluto). There is nothing to fear from knowing your own psyche, and Pluto is about working through your fears until you have reached the bottom of the barrel.
The planets involved in the Cardinal T-square have to act as a counterpoise to each other, in their conjunctions, oppositions and squares. In the trine with the Sun, Pluto is in a friendly counterpoise, enabling us to reach some sort of a completion on this round of Plutonian activity, and find a freedom and a purpose beyond that, until you can draw new lines for yourself for this time, when you are satisfied that you have completed work on this monumental round. The more you are in touch with your Soul, the more you can do this. And remember that Angels can be intermediaries until we fully merge with our Soul.
So, in summary, this friendly counterpoise between the Sun and Pluto can enable you to balance your deepest awareness of the Cosmos (Pluto) with your own conscious Individuality (Sun), and thus make sense not only of this trine, but potentially the whole Cardinal T-Square, too.
August 21st, 2010 at 2:48 am
Lana –
This will require several readings, as it is a meaty post and presages a meaty week. But my initial feeling was *blink*. Some weeks I feel like I really understand what’s coming (even though I may not understand all the astrology) but weeks like this, deep and mysterious, strike me as almost a psychic tickle, something I can almost, but not quite, touch.
I will need to do a little digging on what Pluto is all about (astrologically and any other-wise I can find) to have a chance of grokking what all is involved in this week but it sounds like exciting and challenging, to say the least.
Thank you for another poetic post.
August 21st, 2010 at 4:23 pm
Hello Lana,
What a marvelous understanding you have of all the Astrological Aspects.
It’s always so enlightening to read your weekly Blog.
I may not be able to fully understand it on first reading, but eventually it all becomes clear as the week goes by.
So pleased that I was guided to your site.
Kindest Regards, Shirley.
August 21st, 2010 at 6:45 pm
Dear Dia
Thank you for finding time with all you have on the go and all the people and animals in your life to encourage this blog!
It is always lovely to hear your take on life,
Love Lana
August 21st, 2010 at 6:50 pm
Dear Shirley
It’s good to meet you!
So glad to hear that you can make some sense of the tone of this blog, and hope that your Pluto journey this week is rewarding.
Thank you for your presence here,
August 22nd, 2010 at 9:47 am
Hi lana
This is indeed a deep blog . I will be really pleased to come to some understanding of this square which is constantly throwing up new and difficult conflicts in my psyche and life. as the inexorable effects of Pluto press on, I hope we will all be the clearer as time moves on.
August 22nd, 2010 at 2:46 pm
I like the pogo stick analogy – I hope we all benefit from a little bit of that energy xxx
August 22nd, 2010 at 4:56 pm
I was so pleased to read your summary, having already thought – I dunno, just do my own thing. What struck me were the words, friendly and balance, whether in context or not, so I’m happy at this moment. As for the deeper stuff, thanks Lana, for all the levels, you write on, and reach, love Sarah
August 22nd, 2010 at 4:59 pm
Hi Dia, whisper quietly but computer better today. Thanks for your advice. My neighbour has an electricity sub-station in his back garden, and I do wonder what effect it may have on my house, although a fair way off as we are lucky to have large gardens. I tried your symbol, and well is this the result…..Time will tell, love Sarah
August 22nd, 2010 at 6:09 pm
August 22nd, 2010 at 6:11 pm
Hmmm – what I typed there was subdued elation but WordPress took offense to the way I typed it (in angled brackets).
So again, we will be cautiously optimistic here and wait for updates
August 23rd, 2010 at 9:48 am
Dear Lana,
a profound and wise posting, thank you. Your clarity and respect for the energies described here, using both systems, is really helpful.
There really is nothing to fear about the outer reaches of either psyche or cosmos – but it is an interesting journey, and fear is an inevitable companion at those times when we leave the familiar surroundings of our conscious ideas or terrestrial existence! A friendly encounter with the Sun – just right!
Bless you for your commentaries
August 24th, 2010 at 5:11 am
Dear sinhagupta
thank you for your sensitive and keenly felt monitoring of pluto’s effects, both on a personal and collective level. May you experience the rewards of Pluto!
August 24th, 2010 at 5:16 am
Dear daph
it’s wonderful to be sharing the pogo stick face to face, and revisiting anguished memories and converting them into spaces of joy. Very healing!
August 24th, 2010 at 5:20 am
Dear Sarah
thank you for your friendship and balance – a constantly positive and dynamic plutonian force!
August 24th, 2010 at 5:24 am
Dear anna
very good to hear from you. Thankyou for subtly refining and defining our relationship to fear. I am working with that, with compassion.
Much love
August 24th, 2010 at 12:31 pm
Dear Lana
well – finally I am home from teaching away and back with internet connection so able to read the rest of your blog which I began on Thursday!! I am delighted to read all the comments too. A really great Lana Wooster Pod happening here! 🙂 I am on my pogo stick and bouncing around! I had a very happy, hard working time teaching and am preparing for a medical appointment, possibly an intervention on thursday… I am holding in my mind that this can be a transformational time, letting go of the past and opening to the new. Many thanks as ever Lana! Love Flick
August 24th, 2010 at 8:00 pm
Dear flick
Thanks for managing to get here!
If it were not for you and sarah this blog would have fallen at the first paranoid hurdle! I wish you the best possible outcome for Thursday.
August 25th, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Computer better, if not entirely perfect. Struggling now with The Water Board, who want to change my meter as 10 years old, but they can’t find it. Tomorrow is grand meeting of me and men with metal detector to find it. To be fair I have cleared the nettles, blackberries and holly which somehow had taken over. Wish me luck, and is this Plutonian Lana?
August 25th, 2010 at 7:53 pm
Sarah – Pluto connects with water and detection through Scorpio, so possibly. What is the symbolic meaning of the event in your life? Love lana
August 25th, 2010 at 9:09 pm
Welcome back Flick! Am holding best possible outcomes for your Thursday appointment. A Lana Pod huh? Suddenly I feel like a sea creature.
Yay for the computerisation of Sarah! Hope it continues. Please let us know how the water hunt goes, very interesting. And an interesting question from Lana… she’s so insightful!
I just had the house very effectively cleaned (the monthly incursion) and am feeling more clear in my mind, but battling with energetic leftovers from the weekend.
Don’t know if you have any insights for me Lana, here’s the story.
Saturday, when I tried to log into my web-based practice management (PM) software (to bill the patients I was treating that day), I found I was locked out. Was FREAKING out but couldn’t get in touch with anyone. Turns out they don’t have 24/7 customer service. (#firstfail). Finally got in touch with someone MONDAY morning. They said I had a bill outstanding for an optional service that appeared to have been disconnected in April. I, on the other hand, thought I had set the service up for automatic billing, had not gotten any correspondence or phone calls from them and was really upset because nowhere in the agreements does it say “we will lock you out of your practice”.(#secondfail)
So I went back to my previous PM package, which I haven’t used since before I was billing insurance. Yesterday I was entering a test patient and found a HUGE flaw in their system – there’s no way to enter multiple payments and/or adjustments (#thirdfail). I’m trying to get in touch with the support for that software company.
And I’ve started looking beyond both of those programs – and it’s terrifying. Either HUGELY expensive (sale sale sale – only $3800 plus about $850 annually to upgrade to the newest version) or WAY underpowered. I know there’s some Mercury retrograde going on here, and I AM trying to breathe through this but the rest – well, any insight is welcome – and from Flick and Sarah as well.
Thanks Lana –
August 25th, 2010 at 11:52 pm
Dia – I do think the nature and timing of this difficult problem exactly on the Saturn- Pluto square is deeply significant: Saturn (blocking) square Pluto (large funds). How you instinctively negotiate your way through this problem will be instructive to others. I think your virgoan practicality and resourcefulness and referring each step to your inner guidance will be enormously helpful. Will think more on’t – lana
August 27th, 2010 at 6:43 pm
Yesterday ended up quite a wash out. Not only rained all day, even if we did need it, but water meter exercise became a fiasco. I looked for the symbolism and found emotions, poor communication, sense of failure – I could go on. However, once I relented and asked the Universe to sort out, with Light and Love, I received a phone call from the Manager plus an apology, and a new appointment for Sep 3rd to try again. I’ll look out for the aspects Lana. Computer almost showing off today. Sun also shining, can’t be bad.
August 28th, 2010 at 1:09 am
Had a marvellous Thursday (birthday!), didn’t even register the 110+ heat, and put my practice completely out of my thoughts. Had a pampering spa visit, a yummy lunch/dinner (quite late, the spa had taken most of the day – wonderful!), bought myself a couple of new clothes, which almost fit [(being 6′ tall, nothing really ever fits, but the pants are yoga pants so being long enough isn’t really the point – yay! and going up a size often gets shirts to fit, another yay!). The clothes are from Love This Life ( and really feel spiff in addition to maybe increasing the vibe of folks who read them. I’m so impressed I’m thinking of becoming a wholesaler] then went home and relaxed with the animals.
Today, I woke up ready to re-connect with the PM software issue, plus had a wonderful online meeting with a company that, for essentially nothing, offers an online bill pay option. Two solutions for the win.
Thanks for all the encouragement and guidance Lana –