Rob Burrow (1982 – 2024)

A beacon of bravery, fortitude and optimism, the rugby player Rob Burrow who died this week, aged only 41, from a long illness of Motor Neurone Disease, was regarded as a hero who raised the profile of the disease and did much for the charity which needed to find something of a cure for the disease.  Rugby matches  honoured him in tribute yesterday on the field.

Birth Chart

With half his planets (5) in the Cardinal signs, he is marked out as a leader.  His Sun was in the sign of Libra, signifying balance.  The Sun in his chart was closely sextile to a conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Sagittarius, displaying that high-powered electrical energy and speed which had him flying fast-paced across the rugby field out of reach of his opponents.  The conjunction itself throwing up the Archetypes of The Warrior and The Rebel.  Having the Moon trine Venus meant he got on well with women – he started out life with two older sisters, to practice on.  His ruling planet Venus (from his Sun sign; we do not have a birth time or Ascendant) was closely square to Neptune, which could have been linked with the disease of his later years.  Jupiter closely trine the North Node points to a karmic mission as an athlete, an inspirer of positivity, and his ability to show that ever ready Smile – which never wavered, no matter what.  Saturn conjunct Pluto, a feature of his birth year 1982, may be responsible for difficult circumstances; it is not known what House this falls in, but possibly in the House of Health (6th).

Life and Career

Rob Burrow was born in Pontefract, West Yorkshire.  His father was a trade union branch secretary.  By the age of seven, it was clear that he had a boisterous excess energy, and to manage that, his parents took him to rugby training.  At the age of 17 he joined the Leeds Rhinos, playing in the positions of scrum-half and hooker.  In adulthood, he was short in stature, estimated to be 5 ft 5 in., nicknamed the “Mighty Atom”, and for many years was the smallest player in the Super League.  He played his first final in 2003, but sustained a concussion on that occasion.  All his professional career was spent with Leeds Rhinos, but he also played internationally.  In 2007 he was named Leeds Rhinos Player of the Year.  He announced his retirement in 2017.  In that year, his progressed Sun was trine his North Node, his karmic mission, in  Cancer.  He had fulfilled the first part of his karmic mission.  His last match was the Super League Grand Final of 2017.

Motor Neurone Disease

He was diagnosed with the disease, which still has no known cure, in December 2019, announcing his diagnosis on the 19th of that month.  At the time,  he had two transiting squares: Jupiter square his natal Sun, and Pluto square his natal Saturn.

His reaction to the diagnosis was typical of his fighting spirit and positivity:

“As an athlete you are used to injury, and then you recover and carry on as before.  With MND I couldn’t do that.  But I did decide immediately that, like an athlete, I would tackle the challenge head-on and carry on competing  like I had before.”

Together with his fellow team mate Kevin Sinfeld, he set about raising the profile of the disease.  In 2021, he published an autobiography “Too Many Reasons to Live” (which won an award), and in 2022, he made a documentary “Living with MND”, which also won an award.

In his karmic mission, he exchanged his ability to inspire on the rugby field to his ability to inspire as a human being in the face of adversity.

He played one extra match in 2019, a month after he announced his diagnosis.  In 2021 he was awarded an MBE.

Money was raised to create The Rob Burrow Centre for Motor Neurone Disease in Leeds, which he helped to design.  Amazingly, work started on the building on the actual morning after his death, an event which had been planned ahead.

Kevin Sinfield

Team Captain of Leeds Rhinos Kevin Sinfeld played an extraordinary part in supporting Rob and helping raise awareness of the condition.  He has run several marathons for the cause.  Their compatibility reveals a great personal closeness:

Sinfeld’s Mercury conjunct Burrow’s Sun (a mutual understanding); Sinfeld’s Mercury sextile Burrow’s Mars (a close working relationship); Sinfeld’s Venus trine Burrow’s Mars (a closeness and warmth between them); Sinfeld’s Mars trine Burrow North Node (a soul contract for Sinfeld to work on Burrow’s behalf) and Sinfeld’s Uranus sextile Burrow’s Venus (their ability to magnetize people’s affection, and money).

£15m has been raised for related charities, and the two men were awarded the CBE in 2024.  Kevin has declared that he would not stop fundraising until a cure is found.

Wife Lindsey

Rob’s wife Lindsey has received an enormous amount of praise for the way she looked after and supported him throughout these last years.  They met when they were 15, married in 2006, and had three children together.  She was an NHS Physiotherapist, a skill which must have been beneficial for his condition when she became his carer.  She has said she is “incredibly proud” of her husband and will keep his legacy alive.

An amazing man, with a joyous personality, the ability to inspire, leaving many legacies.


This morning Mars entered Taurus in the early hours.  Mars has held sway in its own sign since early May, and that energy has been very galvanizing most of the time.  But activity for its own sake has its limitations, and though Mars is not so happy in the earthbound sign of Taurus, the testing quality of this energy has its reasons and worth.  You may find yourself querying more often why you are doing something, and how to do it, e.g. working more resourcefully and more in alignment with planetary requirements.  As Taurus rules the Arts, an aesthetic angle or a musical rhythm may need to come into the equation, for instance.  But working on behalf of the Earth is also harmonious with this placement.

More slowing of energy happened mid-morning, with Saturn squaring the Sun.  This may have brought disappointing or deflating news,  delay or frustration.  I certainly can think of one such item, brought to our attention on Laura Kuenssberg’s Sunday morning news programme, of the tragic demise of Michael Mosley, the health guru, whose body had just been found on a Greek island.  The Sun-Saturn square is an opportunity to think through what you are doing, and your strategies.  If you are making economies, are they the right ones, based on your optimum values?

Later today Mercury sextiles the North Node, setting up a productive element to the day: the karmic wind will be beneath your wings.  Communication will be highly significant and imbued with meaning, though subject to differing interpretations according to belief.  Some solutions can be found: today.

Moving on to Tuesday (11th), we find Venus sextile Chiron, a congenial and healing influence, especially for relationships.  It is a good day to combine the Arts with Healing, such as creativity which involves and brings about healing.  This is a morning aspect.

However, at lunchtime, Mars squares Pluto, which is one of the most difficult energies of the year.  It’s a volatile combination, which can give way to riots or situations which can get out of hand.  Prepare your stock of peaceful vibes beforehand so that you can send out a blast of soothing comfort wherever you go.  You may need all your conflict resolution skills.  Look to health and safety loopholes, too.

Wednesday (12th) is awkward, too, I’m afraid, with a square between Saturn and Mercury. If there are obstacles or delays in communication, you’ll know why!  Patience may be the key here (e.g. you may have to repeat yourself), and “more haste less speed” may be a useful mantra to follow.  This aspect may compound Sunday’s second (middle) aspect if you have not been able to resolve that issue.  There may be more to be learned.

More clarity is possible on Friday (14th) when the Sun conjoins Mercury at 23 degrees Gemini.  That brings a touch of sparkle to your consciousness.  It is a good day to apply your mind with concentration and focus,  make important statements, and look to the future.  You may write or speak some memorable lines.  Look out for some telepathy, too!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – ups and downs: a change of pace, some deflation, and karmic communication
  • Tuesday – congenial healing; wild clashing
  • Wednesday – awkwardness
  • Friday – clarity