James Timpson

“Thanks to everyone for their kind words about my appointment as the new government’s Prisons, Probation and Parole Minister. It’s a real privilege and I’m looking forward to improving the system for hard-working staff, turning more lives around and cutting crime.”

~ James Timpson

This is my first blog in the new era of the 2024 Labour Government, outside writing about Wimbledon for two weeks (my most successful set of predictions to date) it was inevitable for me to turn to a political subject…

Today I am looking at the surprise appointment of the key-cutting entrepreneur James Timpson to the role of Prisons, Probation and Parole Minister.  It is not too soon to try to do something different with our Prison system, as it is reported that this very week prison overcrowding has reached emergency proportions. There are only 700 adult male prison places left in England and Wales.  The government are having to think about releasing some “softer” criminals to accommodate some “harder” newcomers.

Timpson’s appointment has had a mainly favourable reaction.  The broadcaster James O’Brien has recorded a You Tube video interview with him.  Timpson’s genius is evidenced by a proven record of rehabilitating prisoners through finding them work and supporting them.

Birth Chart

Fittingly for someone who has played an outstanding role in the rehabilitation of ex-prisoners, James Timpson has an outstandingly interesting birth chart (even without the luxury of a birth time).

James has the Sun in Virgo (like Keir Starmer), that hardworking sign.  His Sun is in a triple conjunction with Venus and Pluto, suggesting love and depth are at the heart of what he does.  Keir himself has the Sun in Virgo conjunct Pluto, indicating a forensic depth to his approach.  Mercury in Virgo in James’ chart squares onto a conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, which shows his great aspiration and faith in humanity.  Mercury closely squares Saturn, so his mind works in methodical ways.  There are several aspects to his Venus: it closely sextiles Jupiter/Neptune, another indication of his love for humanity, and a depth of compassion.  Venus trines Saturn in his chart, which makes him tremendously loyal.  Venus is exactly conjunct Pluto, adding a depth of love to his nature, possibly unconditional in nature.  Mars trine Saturn means that he gets things done, on a practical level.  Mars also trines Uranus, but exactly, so he is an expert engineer.  Mars/North Node with Uranus and Saturn make up a Grand Trine in Air signs, which is a great strength.  The Mars/North Node conjunction is also exact, and in Aquarius, so his karmic mission is in the area of technology and innovation, and also comprises the Warrior Archetype – that conjunction also indicates leadership.  As if Mars wasn’t placed strongly enough, it is also exactly sextile Chiron, which means he can use his energy in healing ways, and that can apply to his support for ex-prisoners.  The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is also exact (notice how many exact aspects he has) and intensifies his faith and positivity.  That conjunction is placed at 0 degrees Sagittarius, which makes it super-positive.  Jupiter closely sextiles his natal Pluto, giving him the ability to handle power and wisely: something he must have used in his career, and will be used in his new role.  He has three more exact aspects, which I have to mention: Uranus exactly trine the North Node in Aquarius (a supreme innovator) and exactly opposite Chiron (healing in surprising ways, but confronting hard realities) and lastly but not least Chiron exactly sextile Chiron (The Healer Archetype).

Life and Career

James Timpson was born in Knutsford, Cheshire, to John and Alex Timpson, his father building the family business in key-cutting, a high street name as long as I can remember.

His parents had three children, adopted two, and fostered 90.  This life experience must have shaped his character, and attitudes about society and humanity.

James studied geography at Durham University, then joined the family firm.

His work in helping former prisoners into work led him to take the Chair of the Employers Forum for Reducing Re-Offending, and Chair of the Prison Reform Trust, as well as founding the Employment Advisory Board network.

During the Covid period, in 2021, Timpson wrote a column for The Sunday Times which subsequently led to him publishing a book in February 2024 titled “The Happy Index: Lessons in Upside-Down Management”.  He suggested that only a third of prisoners should be in prison.

Current Transits

Looking at the transits for James’ appointment as Prisons, Probation and Parole Minister is a supreme example of how a transit fulfils the potential of a natal chart.  He was appointed on 5th July 2024, and Neptune was opposing his natal Venus.  Neptune was trine his natal Jupiter/Neptune (Neptune rules prisons!); Neptune opposed his natal Pluto (his life about to become more complicated); and Pluto was sextile his natal Jupiter/Neptune, the taking power and an opportunity to utilize his extraordinary faith and compassion (the exact Jupiter/Neptune conjunction at 0 degrees Sagittarius) towards its full potential.  That is not just coincidence, it is part of the plan of his life.

Keir Starmer

As has been mentioned, like Keir he has the Sun conjunct Pluto in Virgo, but it is further elevated by the fact that it is joined in a triple conjunction with Venus, so his forensic work is imbued with unconditional love.

The partnership with Keir Starmer is a natural one, if you look at the Synastry between them:

Keir’s Mars exactly sextile James Timpson, Keir setting him to work and picking his brains!

Keir’s Jupiter opposite Timpson’s Mercury, Keir giving him a wider platform for his mental talents

Keir’s Jupiter square Timpson’s natal Saturn, Keir urging Timpson to expand

Saturns exactly trine: excellent for serious projects together

Keir Uranus square Timpson’s Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, again Keir maybe taking James out of his comfort zone

Shabana Mahmood

Into the mix comes the new Justice Secretary, Shabana Mahmood, also appointed just after the General Election, with North Node trine her natal Venus (the opportunity to put into practice her higher values), and two Neptunian (prison) transits: Neptune opposite her natal Saturn, and Saturn square her natal Neptune (illustrating the enormity of her challenge).

What is fascinating is that her birthday is the same as James Timpson’s (17th September), therefore their Suns are conjunct (they will understand each other) and that creates a Virgoan triangle of force to work together!

She has undertaken to strengthen probation by recruiting 1,000 trainee officers, something which is vital if offenders are to be released.

Other Initiatives

The Observer this morning carries a story about an Oxford brewery company, formed by Amy Taylor and Paul Humpherson which illustrates how this approach to offender rehabilitation works.  The Co-op, Greggs and Pret-a-Manger also have such initiatives.  And who can forget, years ago now,  Jamie Oliver’s innovative scheme in his restaurants.

We certainly need a miracle turn-around in this (as well as many other) areas of society, and I for one cheer on that hope.

 “If you are leaving prison and you have a stable job with employers that genuinely care about your wellbeing, you immediately have the framework that enables you to rebuild your life. That means less crime, less victims and less money spent on prosecuting and punishing people. There are no losers. It’s a no-brainer.”

~ Paul Humpherson


The dramatic attempted assassination today of Donald Trump expresses the approach of the upcoming conjunction of Mars and Uranus tomorrow lunchtime, so be aware that this energy may yet reach its peak.

Tomorrow morning (Monday 15th) the Sun squares Chiron, which in its own way is also challenging, so you may notice crisis situations to be solved, even before Mars’s tangle with Uranus reaches its peak.  Perhaps healing modalities were tried in the past with limited success, and now is the time to take a fresh look at what may be required.  What needs healing will be uncovered, and the answer may lie in the problem, or deep in the soul.  Time for self-mastery.  Look after yourselves, physically and mentally! This square may highlight current government attempts to solve aspects of the NHS need for healing, such as the Junior Doctors’ strike.

At lunchtime, Mars conjoins with Uranus, which is an explosive conjunction in itself, but which also aligns with the Fixed Star Algol which many Astrologers regard as malefic  Pent-up energy, tension, anger and enthusiasm are likely to erupt, so peacemakers will be much needed.  This morning rescuers came quickly to the aid of Donald Trump, who was injured in the ear.  Could Republicans re-think gun laws?  Engineering projects could benefit under this conjunction, but sparks are likely to fly both electronically and etherically.  This conjunction comes round every two years, but can make quite an impact.

More constructive outcomes can come about on Thursday (18th) with the Sun in a harmonious sextile to Uranus.  You can make this day count, in a spectacular way.  Spontaneity and innovation characterize the proceedings of the day.  Telepathy and higher consciousness, or liaising with a constructive group, are also favoured.

The week ends with two features on Saturday (20th), the first being Mars sextile Neptune.  This can be a soothing influence on Mars types (Ariens), or enlivening on Neptune types (Pisceans).  For the rest of us, it is conducive to refined and spiritual actions, meditations and exercises.  Yoga and Tai Chi are recommended under this influence.

In the evening Mars enters Gemini.  We go from the more sluggish energy of Mars in Taurus to a brighter, more expressive energy.  It’s a high action placing, with a spike in mental and physical energy, and the urge to get things done.  Certain sports, such as running and cycling, are highlighted.

There may be a lot of nervous energy about (Mars in Gemini) plus emotional energy building towards the Full Moon in Capricorn next Sunday.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – healing crises; explosiveness
  • Thursday – innovative and sparkling
  • Saturday – spiritually soothing but also invigorating; heightened mental energy