Kamala Harris

“There are some people who think we should be a country of chaos, of fear, of hate…We choose freedom”

~ Kamala Harris

Last Sunday, Joe Biden finally resigned from the candidacy for the Democrat leadership, but vowed to stay on as President until after the election.  In regard to the Full Moon at 29 degrees Capricorn last Sunday, Capricorn represents politics and the 29th degree of a sign represents outgoings, so that was fitting. In doing so, he endorsed Kamala Harris as his nomination to succeed him.  It was felt that she may not receive enough support among the Democrats, but it soon became clear that support was wholehearted.  Barack Obama stated a preference for an open contest, but Kamala is now confidently taking her place as the official opposition to the threat of a second term for Donald Trump.  He, predictably, has hurled insults at her, but she is starting strongly as she means to go on.  I wrote a blog about her in 2020, describing her birth chart:

Birth Chart

“Kamala has the Sun in Libra, the sign of the lawyer.  With half her planets (5) in the Fixed signs, she is strong willed.  She was born exactly on a full moon, and people have strong reactions to fullmooners (hence, she has her detractors, mainly based on her work in the past as a prosecutor).  The Sun conjoins Mercury across the Libra/Scorpio cusp, and  Mercury in Scorpio confers a forensic mind.  The Sun trines Saturn exactly, bringing great seriousness, inclining to politics.  The Sun also trines the Ascendant and Midheaven, creating a Grand Trine, very solid for the structure of her life.  The Sun also trines the North Node/Gemini Ascendant, making her an agent of karma, destined to be a leader.  With Saturn also at the Midheaven, this portrays one of her sayings, “Leadership isn’t about being perfect. Leadership means taking responsibility.”  The Moon in Aries trine Mars provides the cut and thrust she needed as a prosecutor, and will need in her future role.  Mercury trine Saturn shows an aptitude for mental application for exacting work and an eye for detail, which Donald Trump lacks (he has a foggy Mercury-Neptune square).  Add the social graces of Venus trine Jupiter, Venus closely sextile Neptune and Venus conjunct Uranus, and this rounds out her character.  Venus is also conjunct Pluto, giving her depth of feeling.  Mars in Leo square Jupiter,  provides fiery energy allied with enthusiasm.  In matters of religion she was brought up with Baptist and Hindu practices, and has married into the Jewish faith, a reflection of the Jupiter (religion) opposition to Neptune (spirituality) mixture in her natal chart.”

To which I would now add, and emphasize:

With the North Node on her Ascendant, she is a karmic driver.  And along with one version of the pronunciation of her name, she therefore could easily be called “Karmala Harris”.  Some pronounce is as in “Camel” but Americans often pronounce it as in “Karma”.  She was aptly named.

She has a leadership triangle in her chart, composed of the Midheaven (conventional career), the North Node (the karmic mission) and the Sun (her innate expression).

She also has a powerful triple conjunction between Uranus/Pluto/Venus in Virgo – capable of being forensic in interrogation, which she showed as an Attorney General.  Comparable to ex-barrister Keir Starmer’s natal Sun/Pluto in Virgo.

This Week

Looking at this week’s events in terms of transits to the figures most affected:

For Kamala: Jupiter square her natal Uranus (a stretch, suddenly presented)

Pluto square her natal Mercury (a huge mental challenge)

Both of these transits present a huge weight thrust upon her, but she appears to have taken up the opportunity cheerfully.

For Joe: his own personal transits:

Pluto square his natal Moon, a difficult emotional year for him
North Node sextile his natal Saturn, karmic necessity
Mars trine his natal Neptune, a sensitive action taken
Pluto trine his natal Neptune, having to face deep and delicate realities

which are plenty enough reasons to move on.

For Trump:

Recent assassination attempt:

Uranus was square his natal Mars, signalling danger – incidentally, the same transit as Alec Baldwin shooting his cinematographer.  There was a fatality involved for Trump, due to his shooting, for a bystander to the event.

Chiron square his natal Saturn exact to the day, a severe crisis

Jupiter sextile his natal Pluto – that he survived, he was given the power of survival

North Node trine his natal Pluto – ditto, his life enhanced, and his interpretation of being saved by God

Then this week’s reorientation for his campaign:

He still has: Uranus square his natal Mars, Chiron square his natal Saturn and North Node trine his natal Pluto

Mars is square his natal Ascendant.  There is still a great deal of danger surrounding him, and another peak time for this is in October (on 6th) with Uranus from Taurus square his natal Mars in Leo in 12th House – another assassination attempt?  The first one was Uranus/Mars/Algol on his Midheaven, and the Head of the Secret Service has now resigned.

He now needs to reorientate his verbal attacks (he has Mars sextile Mercury natally, so likes to wound with words).  He certainly succeeded against Hillary Clinton.  But his vocabulary becomes increasingly limited, using three letter words, such as “bad”.

For her husband Douglas Emhoff:

Jupiter squares his natal Uranus (a stretch, suddenly presented): notice this is a transit which Kamala also has.  This is because she and her husband were born close to each other in time.  This registers the considerable adjustment he must make for their lifestyle.

U.S. Chart: Chiron square the US natal Moon (a shock reorientation, ultimately for healing)

Jupiter exactly opposite the US natal Ascendant (a new, and fortuitous, relationship)


Kamala’s relationship with Trump: I wrote in 2020: “Her Synastry with Trump reveals his Saturn sextile her Jupiter, and his Uranus square her Venus, which is not easy for her.”

I would add:

Trump’s Moon trines Kamala Mars

Kamala Mars trines Trump Moon (this is known as a double whammy!)

i.e. they can certainly trigger each other

He is capable of causing her surprise and upset, and certainly he has the upper hand in the relationship, but that doesn’t mean she cannot prevail.

Kamala’s relationship with her husband Douglas Emhoff: How strong and supportive is his role in her life?

I wrote in 2020:


Kamala married Douglas Emhoff (a fellow Libran lawyer) on 22nd August 2014.  This looks to be a very solid relationship, from several angles, one of which is that they were born in the same year, within 8 days of each other (they know each other inside out).  In their synastry, her Sun is trine his Saturn (stability), and their Jupiters and Saturns are exactly conjunct with each other, as are all the outer planets.  Where there are a few weaknesses in their relationship, these are mirrors of their own weaknesses.  Emhoff has children from a previous marriage, so Kamala has step-children, but they do not have children together.

Her relationship with the U.S. Chart:

She has Uranus sextile the U.S. Uranus – she brings something fresh to the table

Her Jupiter sextiles the U.S. Mercury – good for communication and optimism

Her Mars sextiles the U.S. Mars – she has the energy, synchronized with the energy of the U.S. chart

The U.S. Pluto squares her natal Sun – the link with the U.S. is impactful upon her

Election Time

The day itself: November 5th has a Mars/Pluto opposition, which peaks the day before the election.  Fervour, if not violence, just preceding the election.

There is also a sextile between Chiron and Jupiter, with a prospect of healing.

For January, the karmic North Node changes signs, from Aries to Pisces, indicating a new karmic regime, together with a new administration in the inauguration month.

For Kamala: Saturn will oppose her natal Uranus, so she will have a mountain to climb.  If she wins, she will have to take a role of gravitas, and her own personal sense of freedom will be compromised.

For Joe Biden: Joe has a time of relief and comparative ease at that point in time: Mars square his natal Moon (which is emotional, however); Jupiter square his natal MC/Midheaven/Careerpoint, letting go to a more carefree state; Saturn trine his natal Mars (he still has a guiding role to play) and Neptune trine his natal Sun (he is free to pursue his spiritual path towards his advancing age).

For Trump: Chiron will be trine his natal Moon (emotional healing; will Melania stick by him?);  Uranus will be sextile his natal Venus, exact to the day (again beneficial, especially for unexpected support from females; Jupiter on his North Node in Gemini in 10th House (would be karmic rewards, but lawlessness – the negative form of Jupiter – may actually produce karmic comeuppance, especially for convicted felons); and finally, the South Node close to his Neptune in 2nd House – dodgy financial dealings may be a focus.  Generally upbeat transits, but if his character weaknesses are exposed, they may count against him.

For her husband Douglas Emhoff: the impact of this date on his chart are surprisingly good.  We may be looking at him becoming first husband… Jupiter will be exactly trine his natal Sun exact to the day, signifying a success (or maybe a liberation!); Chiron will be exactly opposite his natal Sun (a sacrifice may be involved); Uranus will be exactly transiting his natal Jupiter (exciting change); and Saturn exactly opposite his natal Uranus (as for Kamala, close in age).  This mirrors her transits, but stronger and more powerful in nature and effect on his life.

U.S. Chart: the Sun trines the natal Sun of the U.S. implying that the result is good for the U.S.  Saturn also trines the natal Sun of the U.S., implying a steadying, more stabilizing result.  Chiron sextiles the natal Mars of the U.S., healing some aspect of energy, such as the violence of its internal rifts (perhaps an opportunity to address gun laws); Neptune sextiles the natal Pluto of the U.S. chart (a deepening of self-reflection in the nation), and Saturn will be squaring the Ascendant of the U.S. chart on the 4th House cusp – perhaps ushering in a new foundation.

Trump has a dangerous moment in October, which may involve him taking a turn which does not endear himself to the general public.  It seems that he can do no wrong (witnessing his rallies) but with a basically hostile mindset (recently disguised), he could yet reveal his nature in a less popular way.  The truth will out.

As for Kamala, she is popular with some sections of society: with some women (who do not admire Trump, and who wish to turn back the overthrow of the Roe vs Wade abortion legislation); also some sections of the black vote, the youth vote, and the elderly vote.  She will be informed by the wisdom and experience of Joe Biden (who is still more sane than his erstwhile rival), and though her transits are not easy, she may grow through the campaign as her strength is tested.  She certainly has a positive energy.  And there are already signs that she is closing the gap in the polls with her Republican rival.

 “I was raised to take action. My mother knew she was raising two black daughters who would be treated differently because of how they looked.  Growing up, whenever I got upset about something, my mother would look me in the eye and ask: ‘So, what are you gonna do about it?’ “

~ Kamala Harris


The aspects begin on Tuesday (30th), and there are only three in all to consider.

Tuesday’s aspect is Venus trine Chiron, which has just turned Retrograde.  The healing power of Love may come to the fore.  Try to keep the heart open, and keep the faith.  There may be a real opportunity to re-group your healing energies and feel harmony within your being.

The second aspect occurs on Wednesday (31st), and that is the Sun trine the North Node, another kind influence.  It links karma with harmony and love, and reminds us that love is a force underlying a great deal of human interaction, e.g. standing up for one’s country, and protecting loved ones.  It also reminds us of the Hindu law of ahimsa, or harmlessness, required to neutralize and promote good karma (and Kamala).

The third aspect is more tricky, and occurs on Friday (2nd August).  This is Uranus square to Venus, and it might bring twists and turn in relationships. There may be a quirky end to a relationship or money saga, slightly out of your comfort zone.  Your plans may have to be modified at the last minute.  The way through is to use your intuition, and stay one step ahead.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – healing power of Love
  • Wednesday – right action, karmically
  • Friday – relationship disruption