Sven-Goran Eriksson (1948 – 2024)

“I was looked upon as a distinctly average defender, but someone who rarely made mistakes”

~ Sven-Goran Eriksson

Football Manager Sven-Goran Eriksson died last Monday, aged 76.  He made his mark as the first foreign manager of England’s team, and under his regime they came tantalizingly close to victory.  He is a well-respected figure, however, in football history.

Birth Chart

Sven had an unusually high number of exact aspects in his birthchart, which will have given him the quality of precision.  His Sun was in Aquarius, a sign with the capability of leading in groups, supported by a trine with his Midheaven (Careerpoint).  There is a marked contradiction in his make-up: a coolness and caution, coming from Sun in Aquarius opposite Saturn, plus Saturn exactly square the Nodal Axis; and an enthusiasm coming from Ascendant and Moon conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius (he was praised for being “positive”.  The Moon closely square Venus may point to contention between females in his life.  Mercury exactly opposite Mars introduces the Critic Archetype into his make-up.  Venus exactly square Jupiter and Uranus point to a controversial love life, and Jupiter exactly opposite Uranus brings up the Chancer Archetype (which contradicts the cautious side). Jupiter trine Saturn will have contributed to balanced judgement.  Neptune exactly conjunct the Midheaven, showed some hint of scandal.  And Chiron at the South Node in Scorpio may indicate a Viking past life!

Life and Career

Sven was born in Sunne, Sweden, a place known for its lakes and streams.  His father was also called Sven.  He made his football debut in a Swedish team at the age of 16, and went on to a playing career as a right-back (a defending position).  He studied Economics at Saffle, and later worked as a physical education teacher.  After playing for a variety of Swedish teams, he retired in 1975 aged 27, after a relatively short career.

In “retirement” he worked with Tord Grip who promoted the English style of play created by Bob Houghton and Roy Hodgson.  He briefly worked in the post of assistant manager of the Swedish national team.  He then went on to manage IFK Goteborg (from 1st January 1979), which was a surprise as many had not heard of him.  This element of surprise was reflected in his transits at the time, having a strong representation from Uranus, the ruler of his Sun sign Aquarius, and the planet of Surprise:

Uranus was square his natal Saturn, a groundbreaking transit, and

Uranus was transiting conjunct his natal South Node, bringing a karmic note.

In this role, he improved results, but was not popular, being criticised for putting results ahead of flair, emphasising tactical awareness and work rate, and reining in the team’s cavalier style.

Then followed a variety of roles in parts of the world, such as at Fiorentina, and Lazio.  In October 2000 he was signed to manage the English team, after Kevin Keegan resigned in an emotional meltdown (Pluto was square to Keegan’s Venus at the time).  Kevin’s Pluto was square Sven Nodal Axis in their synastry – a Plutonian interaspect is often seen when someone replaces another in a role.  Sven’s debut for England occurred on 28th February 2001, with a promising start, and several upbeat transits, which included: Uranus sextile his natal Jupiter, a Great Opportunity; and  Uranus trine his natal Uranus, creating another surprise first with transits from his ruling planet (Uranus coming through for him, again) and Pluto sextile his natal Sun exact to the day, the foundation for a new life (for him). It is no wonder, from these transits, that he forged an important relationship with our national life and society.

In the qualifying stages for the 2002 World Cup, England lost to Germany at Wembley, but when they played them in Munich on 1st September 2001, they beat them 5-1, a truly remarkable result.  They then qualified for the finals by drawing 2-2 with Greece on 6th October of that year, with a great final minute equalizer by David Beckham, with whom Sven forged a good connection. England lost to Brazil 2-1 in the quarter-finals. The Guardian obituary by Richard Williams paints a verbal picture of Sven’s appearance in those early days:

Their new manager, a middle-aged Swede whose high forehead, rimless spectacles and reserved demeanour lent him the air of a man carrying the game’s higher calculus in his head.”

Sven improved England’s rankings in his five years as manager, and at that time was seen as its second most successful manager after Alf Ramsay.  The team again reached the quarter-finalsin the 2006 England World Cup, losing on penalties.  Sven went on to manage clubs such as Manchester City and Leicester.  Since then, he has coached in countries all over the world, and is regarded as one of the greatest football managers.

Nancy Dell’Olio

Sven was introduced to Italian-American lawyer Nancy Dell’Olio in May 1998, romance being in both their stars, in Jupiter on his natal Venus and Jupiter trine her natal Venus.  Nancy has the Sun in Virgo but with the Sun conjunct Uranus, has a fair proportion of Aquarius herself.  Her Sun conjunct the North Node in Leo may make her an agent of karma.  Her Ascendant and Mars in Libra lean towards a career in Law.  Her Moon exactly conjunct Saturn in Capricorn plus Chiron in 5th House may be factors in her childlessness.  In a 2011 interview with Cristina Odone she stated:

“I suffered five miscarriages – two with Sven. It was heartbreaking but if I am totally honest I felt a sense of relief after each one: I realized then that I was not meant to be a mother. Thank heavens, I had my wonderful spiritual support…My astrologer, Lia Aitkin… She was the most important influence in my life and predicted so much that has happened to me.”

Sven had a brief affair with Ulrika Jonsson during their relationship, but returned to Nancy, and they did not formally break up until 2007.

Nancy continued, “I would love to marry an English man, with a sense of humour, with respect for my independence but very protective. I’m a Virgo, with a Libra ascendant so I need my space, but I need to feel safe, too.”

Her synastry with Sven is fairly harmonious, and interestingly her Ascendant exactly conjuncts his Midheaven, indicating that her life became prominent through his career fame.

Nancy went on to appear in several reality TV shows, and is known as a “media personality”.

Ulrika Jonsson

Sven’s relationships with Ulrika and Faria Alam became media fodder, mild scandals at the time.  Ulrika’s Synastry with Sven reveals many strong connections, with 9 exact interaspects.  On the positive side, her Sun trines his Jupiter, and her Sun sextile his Uranus.  Two interaspects suggest an ending in separation:  her Uranus opposing his Venus and her Uranus squaring his Jupiter.  She herself has Uranus in Aquarius in her 7th House of Close Relationships, indicating such a pattern, and has been married three times.  In addition Ulrika’s Pluto trines his North Node, possibly adding a hint of karmic drama.

Ulrika shares her Swedish origins with Sven, which may have brought an affinity.  She began as a TV weathergirl, but has achieved success as a presenter in this country, presenting Gladiators for instance, and winning the reality TV show Big Brother in 2009.

His final year

In January of this year, Sven-Goran Eriksson made the sad announcement that he had at most a year to live, having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  At that time, Uranus was square his natal Saturn.  He received much love and support, and in March he was allowed to fulfil a long held dream, to manage Liverpool Legends for a charity match against Ajax at Anfield.  It was a happy occasion, “absolutely beautifulin his words. Jupiter was square to his natal Sun, and Chiron was trine his natal Saturn.  He is survived by his current partner Yaniseth Bravo Mendoza, a former dancer from Panama, and his children.

He was known as a kind and courteous gentleman.

“Sven, thank you for always being the person you have always been – passionate, caring, calm and a true gentleman. I will be forever grateful for you making me your captain but I will forever hold these last memories of this day with you and your family… Thank you Sven and in your last words to me ‘It will be ok’.”

~ David Beckham


Uranus is Stationary prior to turning Retrograde  this afternoon.  It’s time for a real re-think, re-evaluation, reflection and revision.  Uranus of course is also the planet of rebellion and revolution.  You need to review the way you do things, and the way you think about things, and find new types of solutions suited to future working.

Tomorrow (Monday, 2nd) Pluto Retrograde re-enters Capricorn from Aquarius just after midnight.  This highlights the completing of issues in connection with its occupancy of Capricorn since January 2008, if you can think back to your life since that time.  Dot the i’s and cross the t’s.  In the wider arena, it was about the breaking down of Institutions and Authority.  When Pluto gets fully immersed into Aquarius its purpose will be to replace those outworn and broken down forms with new forms (some might say, “The New Earth”).  So we are finishing off the process while Pluto re-enters Capricorn.  If you experience a restless sleep in the night, this on some level may be what you are processing (its impact and implication on your own life)!

Another aspect occurring tomorrow will be Mercury trine Chiron, hopefully bringing some healing balm to the beginning of the week.  This aspect describes healing on a mental level (positive thinking, writing and affirmations), and helps to combine conventional and alternative or complementary healing approaches.  This is a problem-solving aspect.

Tuesday (3rd) brings another early-hours feature, a New Moon at 11 degrees Virgo.  The New Moon is always a good opportunity to start afresh.  If 11 degrees Virgo is a meaningful point in your chart that will intensify your experience.  Ecology and the environment are one of the provinces of Virgo, so benefits could accrue for the planet if enough minds are concentrated on this aspect of life. To frack, or not to frack, that is the question… Sleeping may be easier under the New Moon, though.

Neptune also squares Mars on that day: Confusion may reign, so take that time for thinking things through. Meditation and activities which combine meditation and movement, can be helpful for centring, during the day, if you sense that this aspect is operating on your consciousness.

Venus also conjuncts the South Node, and there is a focus on love and relationship in it karmic context.  For example, you may find answers to current relationship issues in looking back at relationships in your past, which includes your past lives.

Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday (4th).  This represents an energetic shift from a mental and analytical mode, to that of feeling and protectiveness.  Mars stays in Cancer until 4th November, so it is a good two-month window to nurture those you love and foster family feeling.

On the last day of the week, Saturday (7th) Mercury Direct squares Uranus.  Be prepared for glitches as you open up your devices first thing.  Back up your computer files, and consider I.T. loopholes.  Speech may be controversial.  Use your intuition to be one step ahead – the Universe may be trying to show you new pathways, and possible new perspectives.  However, some new pathways may prove to be cul-de-sacs.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – a rethink
  • Tomorrow – longterm completions; healing balm
  • Tuesday – new beginning; physical confusions; karmic relationships
  • Wednesday – strong feelings and emotions; family emphasis
  • Saturday – communication glitches (even though Mercury is Direct)