Strictly Come Dancing 2024

Despite the controversies of the last few months, Strictly goes on.

Last night’s first show, in which the pairs are matched up, was a riot of colour and fun!

As usual, I will start with four contestants, and their professional partners…

Toyah Willcox

” I think dancing is one of the most extraordinary things about being a human being.”

Singer and actress Toyah Wilcox has over half her planets (6) in the Fixed signs, meaning that she is very strong willed.  She has the Sun in Taurus, and was born on a New Moon, which means she can always start afresh.  Her Ascendant is in Leo, giving rise to the Actress and Performer.  With Mercury square Uranus, she not afraid to be controversial.

Toyah was born in King’s Heath, Birmingham.  Her mother was a professional dancer.  She went to a private school, but suffered from dyslexia, and was a rebellious child.  At school she gained an O-level in music.  She felt at home with the burgeoning punk scene, formed a band, and also took up acting.  She then had to have corrective surgery on her feet (possibly the natal Sun/Neptune opposition).  She attended Drama School in Birmingham.  She produced two iconic musical hits in 1981: “It’s a Mystery” and “I want to be Free”, which describe her unique personality.

Toyah is partnered with Neil Jones, who is another Taurean with a triple conjunction of Mars/Mercury/Chiron in that sign.  Her Saturn is opposite his Venus, which may be problematic, but on the plus side her Uranus trines his Jupiter which could spark some enterprising performances.  Her Pluto sextiles his Saturn, which will challenge him to come up with his best work.  Her North Node sits on his Saturn, so this relatinship will be hard work, but with a strong sense of purpose.  Their Uranuses are exactly trine, so innovation will be a strong feature of their performance.  Her Pluto trines his Neptune, adding more depth.  It’s an interesting synastry.

Her current transits include Uranus on her Sun (an exciting new project), Saturn on her Mars (the requirement of a lot more self-discipline), and the North Node trine her natal Uranus (more excitement).  Neil’s current transits show Pluto square his natal Saturn (a significant challenge), North Node trine his natal Uranus (at the same time, excitement), plus Neptune square his Neptune (confusion).

At the end of the tournament, Neptune will be sextile Toyah’s Sun (she will feel at one with ballroom dancing), Jupiter will be square her natal Mars (even higher energy than normal for her), and Uranus will be square her Ascendant from the top of her chart (she will feel that it has been life-changing).  For Neil, Saturn will be sextile his Sun, he will feel a sense of achievement in a quiet way, and Pluto will still be square his natal Saturn (life will still be a challenge as much in his personal life).  This combination does not look like a winning formula, but they could go a long way, with hard work.

Chris McCausland

“I have found that the further out of my comfort zone I put myself, the more incredible the experience has been”

Comedian Chris McCausland is the first blind player to take part. He is a Geminian, with a very Geminian birth chart – he certainly has a quick wit, and interjected a great deal of humour into last night’s programme.  He is also a real individual, with no planetary aspects to his Sun, although it is trine with his North Node, so he  is living his life in tune with his karma.  Mars conjunct Chiron can mean wounding to the eyes, and this can be from a past-life cause.  He has Jupiter sextile Saturn, giving him generally balanced judgement.

He was born in West Derby Village in Liverpool, and his blindness (retinitis pigmentosa) developed gradually.  He took a degree in software engineering from Kingston University, then worked as a web developer.  His first stint as a stand-up comedian came in July 2003, with Jupiter sextile his natal North Node setting him on his path.

Chris is partnered with flame-haired Taurean Dianne Buswell.  She admits she is not sure how she will teach him!  But in their chemistry, their Marses are exactly sextile, so their energies will work well together.  Her Jupiter trines his Pluto, so she can encourage him and it will be a beneficial experience for him.  However in the inevitable complexities of their interaction, her Neptune is square to his Pluto and her Pluto is square to his Saturn.

Their transits now, as they embark on their journey together, show Jupiter trine his natal North Node (a positive experience) and Saturn squaring his natal Jupiter (some struggle).  For Dianne a Mars Return (let’s get on with the job!), Mars opposite her natal Uranus (it’s electrifying!), Uranus on her Venus (an exciting new relationship), and Neptune sextile her natal Venus (highlighting her skill as a dancer and dance teacher).

At the final, Chris will have a Jupiter Return (he will be enjoying the final!), and Jupiter will oppose his natal Neptune (he will be in a state of flux philosophically).  Dianne will have a Mercury Return (plenty to think about), Mars will be sextile her Mercury (she’ll be busy), Saturn will be sextile her Saturn (life will be steady), Saturn will be trine her natal Pluto (a big shift in her life skills), and Neptune will still be sextile her Venus.  Let’s hope Chris stays in as long as possible – he’s a great character and wit to have in the contest.

Sarah Hadland

Actress Sarah Hadland is best known as Miranda Hart’s sidekick in the comedy series “Miranda”.  Interestingly Miranda’s Mars squares Sarah Nodal Axis (an interaspect mentioned for Nick Knowles and Luba) – and there is an abrasive element in the roles played by Miranda and her sidekick.  Sarah has the Sun in Taurus closely conjunct Saturn, which may inhibit her in some aspects of dance.  She has Mars sextile Jupiter, energy allied to enthusiasm.  Jupiter exactly conjunct Neptune could help her in dance, certainly in having a good attitude. Saturn closely trine Pluto indicates a good strategist: she sniffed Vito’s shoe apparently to manifest him as a partner!

Sarah was born in Hertfordshire, and began dancing at the age of three.  At school, she was involved in amateur dramatics, then studied at an Arts College in Epsom.  She has had a variety of roles as an actress and appeared in West End musicals.  She worked in comedy with Mitchell and Webb, and starred in Waterloo Road.  She joined Miranda in November 2009, with Jupiter conjunct her natal North Node (the big opportunity).  Toyah says of Sarah: “I think Sarah Hadland is fabulous. She looks fabulous. She’s a wonderful person and great fun to be with. She’s a great mover too”.

She is partnered with Vito Coppola, last year’s winner of Strictly.  His Jupiter is conjunct her Pluto (another powerful pairing), and his Saturn sextiles her natal Chiron (a steadying mutual influence).  In last night’s pairing, he claimed they had the same energy.  This perception may be from the fact that her Mars is closely trine his natal Sun.

Sarah’s current transits show Uranus trine her Pluto, an important new project in her life energetically.  For Vito, Uranus is exactly trine his natal Jupiter to the day (he is excited at this enterprise), and Saturn is sextile his natal Neptune (he feels he can shape something from it).

For the final, Uranus will be transiting Sarah’s Sun (super-excitement), but Mars will be opposite her Mars (risk of injury).  However, the North Node will be trine her natal Jupiter /Neptune (some karmic reward).  Also worthy of note is Neptune exactly opposing her natal Pluto on the day.  She could be a dark horse, and it could be a nerve-wracking experience – perhaps she will get to the final.

Could Vito lift the glitterball two years running?  Neptune will be opposing his Jupiter, and Saturn will be sextile his natal Uranus.  These are not outstanding aspects, but last year I wrote: “Although his transits are not great, Ellie’s are very good at the time of the final, and I wonder if that can carry them through.” and of course it did.  Again he has a partner with interesting final transit, so maybe he could do it.

Nick Knowles

Television presenter Nick Knowles has the Sun, Uranus and Pluto in the constructive sign of Virgo.  Again, Nick’s Sun is also sparsely aspected, so he’s another individualistic personality.  Having Venus exactly conjunct Neptune will be a plus on the dance floor, with some musicality.  Three of his siblings are dancers.  Mars in Cancer adds rhythm, and he has played in a band.  Jupiter conjunct Chiron represents the Fixer Archetype, as in DIY SOS!  With Saturn closely conjunct South Node, may have been involved in construction in past lives, e.g. cathedrals in the Middle Ages!

Nick Knowles was born in Southall, and excelled at Rugby at school.  He began as a runner at television, then moved into presenting, and has presented a range of programmes.  He has been married twice and is currently engaged.

Nick is partnered with Luba Mushtuk.  There is a slightly abrasive side to their relationship, with her Mars square to his Nodal Axis, but her Mars works well with his Chiron.  Her Jupiter sextiles his Pluto, so there could be some powerful performances, for example for the Argentine Tango, which Nick is itching to try after sampling dance in Argentina.  Her Saturn also trines his Pluto, which is a stabilizing antidote to the earlier square mentioned.  Their Uranuses ae exactly trine too, so they could surprise or astonish us at times.  Lastly, her Neptune trines his Pluto, so there will be a deep understanding of each other at a fundamental level.

His current transits show Uranus trine his natal Sun (a shiny new prospect in his life), but Neptune opposing his Sun (there may be some self-deception).  Mars is trine his natal Jupiter (adding energy to his enthusiasm), as well.  For Luba, Saturn is trine her natal Pluto, so she will take this task seriously.

At the final, Neptune will still oppose Nick’s Sun, Saturn will trine his Venus (he will feel he has done his best), but Mars will oppose his Saturn (some frustration).  Although he seemed to dance well last night, I do not think he will reach the final.  For Luba, Uranus will be opposite her natal Mercury (disruption), and the Nodal Axis will be square her natal Uranus (more disruption), indicating that they will not reach the final.

Of these first four, Sarah Hadland looks to have the best prospects in the competition.  I will be back in a few weeks with the next instalment!


Venus was trine Jupiter early this morning, which is one of the brightest aspects of the year.  I am starting a new health and fitness regime today, and also beginning work on Volume III of my trilogy (“The Quiet Office – Windows to the Future”), which is a happy synchronicity.  Today could be a very social time.  Your dreams may have been heavily populated (mine were)!  The day may help in creating good memories.  It could be party time, too.  Close relationships are favoured, and romance may be in the air.

We also have Mars square to the Nodal Axis, so in contrast to the first aspect, there may be group battles and skirmishes.  Prepare preparing your lines of action.  Karma may dictate that you cannot sit and lounge around, you’ll be prompted to action, whether willingly or unwillingly!

Tomorrow (Monday 16th) there is an opposition between Venus and Chiron.  This underlines the need for healing in relationships.  Minor health conditions may be caused by stress, and reducing stress may help to ease the conditions.  Music and meditation may be the way forward.  The issues may be connected with one’s inner female, or one’s relationships.  It may be an artistic conundrum.

Tension builds towards a Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon on Wednesday (18th) at 25 degrees Pisces, in the early hours of that day.  This is an especially tender, sensitive and emotional Full Moon, so tears may flow.  Issues which may come up may be the plastic in the sea, or the fishing industry.  The Pisces Full Moon reminds us that we are all One.  Eclipses can be turning points, relating to a six month effect.

On the same day Saturn opposes Mercury, adding mental stress (sorry, folks!) but at least you will know where it is coming from!  Saturn promises more frustration and delay in communication and travel.  You will be urged to think before you speak, or even to remain tight-lipped in order not to deepen an existing crisis.  Documentation may be delayed, so you may have to tell someone “It’s in the post!”.  I used to post birthday cards the day before, then two days before, and currently three days before, to ensure they reach their target.  But new arrangements in the pipeline may mean posting by second class a week early, with the price of first class stamps due to go up.

A brighter aspect pops up on Thursday (19th), that of the Sun trine Uranus.  This trine may give you the go ahead to forge ahead with innovative plans and original creativity.  This is a hopeful influence, and can also bring surprise.  If your Sunday plans didn’t quite get off the ground to the extent you would have liked, today may be the day to make headway.

Saturday (21st) brings two challenges.  The first is Neptune opposite the Sun, just after midnight.  That could bring complications to your night’s sleep, or insomnia.  Fogginess could be obscuring your aims.  Try to apply yourself to the basics and look at the detail (though that may seem impossible).  Grounding may be needed.

The second challenge, around breakfast time, is brought about by Mercury squared by Jupiter.  This will stimulate us mentally, almost to the point of too much information!  There may be travel involved or planned.  It would be a good day to be out in nature, taking a good stroll, and picking up information.  Mercury square Jupiter is a refreshing aspect, if not a little over-stretching to manage, so you may find yourself travelling a little bit further than your comfort zone.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – sociability and luck; some aggro
  • Tomorrow – need for healing in relationships
  • Wednesday – emotional high tide; frustration and delay
  • Thursday – bright innovations
  • Saturday – confusion; overstretched minds