Brazier & Sons

Jeff Brazier and his sons Bobby and Freddy have made a strong showing on our TV screens in the last couple of years.  This week he and younger son Freddy appeared in the final of the Race Across the World, a series in which they provided some of the most poignant moments.

Jeff Brazier

Jeff Brazier is a Geminian, born on 27th May 1979, and has been a television presenter since the early 2000s.  Among their many talents, Geminis are suited to a career in the media and broadcasting, because of their communication skills.  Jeff also has the Moon in Gemini, and the Moon represents the women in his life – the mother of his two boys, Jade Goody, was also a Gemini.  He has Mars square Jupiter, over-the-top energy allied with enthusiasm (useful for a presenter) but at the same time Mars closely trine Saturn, a measure of self-control in his actions.  He has Saturn conjunct his North Node (responsibility, as part of his karmic mission).

Jeff was born in Bracknell, and was fostered for a while in childhood, also spending time in a women’s refuge.  He attended a comprehensive school near Colchester.  He appeared in the third series of Shipwrecked in 2001, then started a career as a presenter.  He began seeing Jade Goody, who appeared in Big Brother in 2002, and together they took part in Celebrity Wife Swap in 2003, with Charles Ingram (the coughing Millionaire) and his wife.   Jeff has had a long and varied career in television presenting, and in real life was left to bring up his two boys (with the help of his mother) when their mother Jade died in 2009.  At that point in his life, transiting Jupiter trined his natal Pluto, and Saturn sextiled his natal Uranus, signalling changes in the power dynamic in his life.  On 1st October 2017 he became engaged to Kate Dwyer and later married her, and she played a role in bringing up the boys.  The poignancy of his role as single parent was reawakened for the public when eldest son Bobby achieved success in television as a charismatic new personality.

Jade Goody

Jade Goody, born on 5th June 1981, appeared in the third series of Big Brother in 2002, and I well remember her first day in that house, and the fact that she was immediately up for eviction, but was saved.  She spoke very quickly (Sun in Gemini) and gushingly (Moon in Cancer).  These days, many reality TV contestants reveal their ignorance, but she was probably the first to show her lack of knowledge of things like basic geography.  She had 0 planets in the Earth signs, so may have been ungrounded.  Her Sun woud be unaspected, except for a trine with Pluto.  Her Moon in Cancer was conjunct her North Node, so an important part of her karmic mission was bringing her children into the world.  Like Jeff, she had Venus square Jupiter.  Venus in her chart was opposite Neptune, bringing perhaps some delusions  in love, and she could be easily led.   Mars in Gemini showed an attraction to Gemini men, of which Jeff was one and so was her later partner.  Like Jeff, she had Mars trine Saturn.  Her Jupiter conjunct Saturn, meant she could sometimes shoot herself in the foot.  Jupiter sextile Uranus was entrepreneurial, but Jupiter square Neptune may have brought confusion around religion vs spirituality.

Jade was born in Bermondsey, her father having substance dependency and her mother being a drug addict.  Jade made a living as a dental nurse, before entering the Big Brother house.  She became a “celebrity” when she left the house, in the new vogue for this phenomenon, long before social media influencers and the like.  She split up from Jeff in 2004, after the two boys were born.  But her unravelling came in 2007 when she took part in a celebrity edition of Big Brother, together with her then boyfriend Jack Tweed.  She became part of a racist clique against the Indian actress Shilpa Shetty.  At the time, I felt that her then partner fuelled the attitudes, but other contestants also took part.  Shilpa herself was Geminian (8th June) and Jack Tweed yet another (9th June)!  Shilpa triumphed and won the series, with Jupiter on her Neptune (on the right side morally).  Whereas for Jade and Jack, it was a spiritual and karmic test (Saturn on Jade’s Neptune; Nodal Axis square Jack’s Sun).  Jade was remorseful when she realized what she had done, and in August 2008 took part in the Indian version, as karmic recompense.  However, two days into that experience she was told she had cervical cancer.  For the rest of her days, she strenuously campaigned for research into the disease and raised funds for it.  She also worked to provide enough money for her boys to have a private education, as her own had been so lacking.  Her campaign to make people aware of the condition was widely praised.

Bobby Brazier

Have you yet lost count of the number of Geminis in this blog?  I am about to introduce another one, as in the first son of Jeff and Jade, for Bobby was born on 2nd June 2003.  I often encounter whole families who have a preponderance of one sign, and Bobby is not only a Geminian like his parents, but has many similarities in his birth chart including: Mars trine Saturn, which all three have, Moon in Cancer like his mum, Mercury square Jupiter also like her,  and Venus square Jupiter like both his parents.

He began modelling at the age of 16, having been scouted in the street.  Then in 2022 he took the  role of Freddie Slater in Eastenders.  Confused?  You will be:  This week the storyline focussed on a love triangle between Freddie, Anna, and Freddie’s best friend Bobby.  With Bobby Brazier having a younger brother named Freddy, he must have been confused initially playing a role named after his younger brother addressing his best friend in the soap by his own name!

Executive Producer Chris Clenshaw has divulged:

“There was some of what I saw in Bobby that I thought would be perfect for Freddie. His energy, his twinkle, his spiritual side. So then we brought Bobby in to audition along with some others and he just blew us away with his performance. He is Freddie Slater.”

As Freddie, Bobby was awarded the Rising Star award at the NTAs.

I wrote about his chart when he appeared in Strictly Come Dancing last year:

“In his chart Bobby has a close sextile of Jupiter to his Sun, which gives him good opportunities in life.  His father gave him the motto “because I can”, according to his speech at the NTAs.  His Sun is also closely trine Neptune, so he is close to spirit, possibly in his connection with his mother who died young.  He plans to dedicate a dance to her in the competition.  His Moon (mother) is sparsely aspected in his chart, a reflection of the lack of her physical presence.  But his father Jeff seems to have done a good job of bringing up Bobby and his brother.  Bobby has Mercury conjunct Venus, so like his Eastenders character, he can be a smooth talker.  Mercury closely trines his Chiron, so like his character, he can think up quick solutions to any scrapes.  Mars trines Saturn, so he has the ability to work deliberately and in a disciplined way, useful in his acting career.  Jupiter opposes Neptune exactly in his chart, so he may be confused in matters of religion.  But Jupiter trine Pluto gives him an awareness of his own power.  He tells us he has “great rhythm”, and practises mindfulness”.  I added that the couple could be propelled into the final, which they were.  In Strictly, as in Eastenders, Bobby exuded a joyful persona.

Freddy Brazier

Freddy has an interesting birth chart.  First of all, he is the only one in the family who is not Geminian!  But he is, as a Virgoan, Mercury-ruled in common with the Geminians.  He has a triple conjunction in Virgo composed of Mars/Sun/Jupiter, which is sextiled by Saturn.  His father hinted frequently on Race Across the World of his potential, and I can see that astrologically.  He seemed to be more intuitive than his father in their travel dilemmas.  His Sun is exactly conjunct Mars (the red hair) and its closeness to Jupiter is a family trait – both parents have strong Mars-to-Jupiter connections (that energy-enthusiasm streak).  With the Sun trine Chiron, he has ability in problem-resolution.  With his mother, he shares Venus opposite Neptune.  He also has an exact sextile between Mars and Saturn, reminiscent of the Mars-Saturn trine of his other family members.  Uranus exactly sextile his North Node may single out his mission in life as something special (his mother had Uranus trine her North Node).

The series of Celebrity Race Across the World which has just finished, has been an absolute delight to watch.  The scenery, flora and fauna of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Argentina were outstandingly breathtaking.  But the celebrities themselves were brave to undertake such a challenging journey, and its repercussions for their relationships.

The final was televised on Wednesday, on Freddy’s 20th birthday.  It must have been a profound watch for each of them.  Also, exactly on the day Neptune was exactly opposite Freddy’s Jupiter, so he has been going through a confusing time internally, with a lot of soul-searching.  For Jeff, it may have been quite a confrontational experience, with Mars sextile his natal Mars and sextile his Saturn.  At the same time, it may have strengthened his resolve, in some ways.

In the programme, Jeff talked about bringing up the two boys, and Freddy talked about how little he remembered his mother.  They shared some very special moments.  However, recently it is reported that Freddy has left home and is currently with Jade’s mother Jackiey.  Father and son seemed close on the programme, but it is clear they still have issues to resolve.  And the Sun exactly conjunct Mars that Freddy has, is pretty fiery!  They have a deep connection, with Freddy’s Pluto exactly conjunct Jeff’s Neptune, so can trigger each other, with the need to work through and digest what comes up.  But the honesty of what they shared in the experience was very moving, for the viewer at least.


At breakfast time this morning the Sun was trine with Pluto.  You can be sustained by the fortitude of this aspect, which is deals with the important and deep stuff of life and psychology.  You may experience and contemplate in great depth, and any creativity will have this profound quality imbued within it.  You may find that you have made more real progress than you thought, and your patience is rewarded.  There could be a revelation.

The Autumn Equinox occurred at lunchtime, when the Sun entered Libra, and it is a good time for rebalancing and recalibrating.  There may be a lift in mood, accompanying a greater appreciation of the beauty of nature, and awareness of the quality of design, whether in or out of the home.  Libra may draw you to artistic or musical pursuits, new relationships, or an interest in the law and justice.  It may be time to switch to your Autumn wardrobe:  I wore yellow last week, as my last hurrah for the summer!

This evening is not quite so mellow, however, for Pluto will square Venus and so there may be deeper issues to unravel in relationships.  Deep feeling issues may be preying on your mind.  These will require some psychological soul-searching for a true interpretation, and may spur on honest-as-you-can-be interpersonal communication.

In a similar mood of examining intimacy and also finance, Venus enters the Pluto-ruled sign of Scorpio tomorrow (Monday 23rd), so emotions and passions could be heightened.  This is a time when deep feelings can be experienced and expressed.  Her previous sojourn through Libra focussed on relationships, and on entering Scorpio the quality of relationship deepens.  You can take a relationship to the next level.  Venus will change sign again on 17th October, so make the most of the opportunity.

Mercury trines Uranus on Tuesday (24th), which can inspire high functioning minds, intuition and good ideas.   Uranus will add extra spice to your plans, and documentation.  Computers and technology should be on sparkling form and assist your expression.  You may spring pleasant surprises.  Writing projects may also flow.

The mindset is not so sharp on Wednesday (25th) with an opposition between Neptune and Mercury.  That can bring mental confusion.  There may be for instance a mental dilemma, or you may be trying to get clarification on something.  It may be difficult to focus, if you are engaged in documentation work.  Journeys may be long and complicated, and for some a connection with water could be incident-prone (such as leaks).

Different prospects again for Thursday (26th).  First Mercury trines Pluto in the early hours, which is mentally harmonious if not challenging us to dig deeper.  This aspect is conducive to psychological reflection, and earnest conversations between friends or colleagues.  It is good for in-depth consultations and negotiations, and researching past lives.  Dreams could be vivid.

Then Mercury enters Libra at breakfast time, which may be a breath of relief from all the soul-searching.  This brings a new mental focus on cultural themes, which could bring more pure enjoyment: art and music being fundamental areas for Libra, and decision-making. Mercury in Libra is slightly more relaxed than Mercury in Virgo (even though Virgo is Mercury’s home sign), and it stays  only until 13th October.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – depth; mellow fruitfulness; searching in relationships
  • Tomorrow – depth in relationship
  • Tuesday – sparkling minds
  • Wednesday – fuzzy minds
  • Thursday – profound thinking; moving on to lighter mental themes