Kris Kristofferson (1936 – 2024)

“All I’m takin’ is your time
Help me make it through the night
I don’t care who’s right or wrong
I don’t try to understand”

~ Kris Kristofferson

Singer/Songwriter and Actor Kris Kristofferson died this week at the age of 88.  He wrote some beautiful songs, and was linked memorably with Janis Joplin, Rita Coolidge and Barbra Streisand. He collaborated with Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson, and founded a new strand of American country music.  His songs were recorded by several other artists.

Birth Chart

Kris Kristofferson had the Sun in the first degree of Cancer, a sign very much in tune with the feminine side of life.  This may have given his tunes and lyrics emotional resonance.  He was accused by his second wife Rita Coolidge of being a womanizer, and he married three times.  Cancerian men can certainly have an inroads into the female psyche.  His ruler the Moon was in performing Leo, at the top of his chart and close to his Midheaven (careerpoint).  His Ascendant was Scorpio – the red hair was a clue, but Mars also conjoins the Sun in his natal chart.  His association with music is shown in his chart by a close conjunction of Venus to the Sun.  Venus conjunct Mars in a triple conjunction formation contributed to his reputation as a heartthrob.  The Moon closely trine Jupiter and exactly sextile Chiron brought self-confidence and optimism, and a successful career.

Life and Career

Kristoffer Kristofferson was born in Brownsville, Texas.  His father was a military man (Sun conjunct Mars in Kris’ chart) who wanted him to follow in his footsteps.  But Kris wanted to be a writer, and pursued that path academically, to his father’s annoyance.  It was his goal to be a novelist, which is the branch of writing associated with the sign of Cancer.  The family moved a great deal because of his father’s profession and later settled in California, where Kris studied at College, winning prizes for his essays.  He also excelled at Rugby.  But the teacher who influenced him the most was philosophy Professor Frederick Sontag.  Kris graduated with a B.A. in Literature.

He was not just a pretty face!  In 1958 he won a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Oxford University.  It was while he was there that he began writing songs.  He also received an opportunity to record, with pop manager Larry Parnes. Musical success was to elude him for a few more years however.  He gained a Bachelor of Philosophy degree in English Literature from Merton College, after which he married a long term girlfriend Frances Beer.

He then bowed to family pressure for a while, joining the military (Sun conjunct Mars), attaining the rank of captain and becoming a helicopter pilot (four natal planets in Gemini).  While stationed in West Germany, he formed a music band.  When he left the army to pursue song writing, his family disowned him.

He moved to Nashville, but his marriage floundered and ended in divorce in 1969.  His songwriting was gaining strength at this time, and he was linked with Janis Joplin for a time.  Their synastry is interesting, including exactly trined Mercuries, and her Venus at his I.C.  She may have stimulated his songwriting ability.  Some of his best songs were recorded by other artists at this point.  Hits included “Me and Bobby McGee”, “Help Me Make it Through the Night” and “For the Good Times”.  Between 1985 and 1995 he played with the band “The Highwaymen.”

He married Rita Coolidge in 1973, having met her in 1970 at Los Angeles airport.  Together they had sung the definitive version of “Help Me Make it Through the Night”.  They had many astrological connections, not all of them easy:  a strong tie in the conjunction of her Sun to his Ascendant, for instance.  Her Mercury was well-aspected to his Moon, Jupiter and Chiron.  Her Venus was exactly conjunct that of Johnny Cash, a close friend of theirs, and trined Kris’s Moon.  Her Venus was well-aspected to his Jupiter and Chiron, so there was much harmony.  But their Marses and Jupiters were exactly square, indicating friction…(I could go on).  They divorced in 1980.

Meanwhile, he began a career as an actor, starting with “Cisco Pike” in 1972. In 1976 he gained a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in “A Star is Born” with Barbra Streisand who became a good friend.  Their synastry shows a great closeness: her Sun trines his North Node, showing a karmic connection; Her Mercury conjoins his Uranus, a telepathic connection, their Marses are exactly conjunct, and her Mars also exactly conjoins his Venus.  No wonder they made a convincing match in that film, and a beautiful musical collaboration in the song “Evergreen”.  He was regarded as a skilled actor, films over the decades including “Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore ” (1974), “Heaven’s Gate” (1980) and the “Blade” trilogy (1998-2004).  He announced his retirement in January 2021.

He leaves behind eight children from his three marriages.

I suffer for my art.  This morning I have listened to seven versions of “For the Good Times”: Kris Kristofferson’s, Al Green’s, Elvis Presley’s, Bill Nash’s, Andy Williams’, Dean Martin’s, and (in my opinion, the smoothest) Perry Como’s!  Actually, I enjoyed every single one.

“Let’s just be glad
We have this time to spend together
There is no need
To watch the bridges that we’re burning”

~ Kris Kristofferson, For the Good Times


Today we have a fractious square between Mercury and Mars which can bring can bring irritations, wars of words, and minor cuts and bruises.  So, proceed with caution.  If you are sufficiently centred, you may be quite productive, producing brisk work.  In the wider world, war situations can be exacerbated and negotiations abruptly broken off (if they have been started).  Don’t rely on peace breaking out, today.

Tuesday (8th) brings a better chance of harmony, at least in the personal sphere, with two trines (though an opposition later).  The first trine is between Venus and Mars, harmony between the sexes or within your own inner male and female, occurring in the morning.  It would be a good opportunity for sharing and balancing roles in a partnership, such as career and parenting.  Body awareness, whether it be through yoga, or massage, will bring a sense of wellbeing.

The second trine, between Mercury and Jupiter, occurs at lunchtime.  This aspect will help business transactions, and expand our horizons, minds and philosophies.  This is an upbeat vibe mentally, one that takes in great wads of information, produces good ideas and may incline one to travel.  There may be media opportunities, for those so inclined, and it could be a productive day.  A cause for optimism may be found.  It may also assist nations reaching out to each other.

There may be a challenge later in the day, with Chiron opposing Mercury.  If you are on journeys, try and return earlier than planned.  Health challenges and check ups may be disruptive.  This aspect may bring up some ingenuity in problem-solving, too.  Communications may urge and stimulate you to find solutions.

A more reflective turn occurs on Wednesday (9th) when Jupiter is Stationary prior to turning retrograde.  Sagittarians may feel the effect more than most. Though you may have been working along a particular line and making steady progress, you may now have to re-assess. Voting will take place to whittle down the prospective Tory leaders to the final two.  One of the Tory contenders for leadership may have to make a U-turn on prospective policies, seeing an adverse public reaction, though it might be too late for such an action to help them.

Finally, on Saturday (12th), another planet is Stationary prior to changing direction…Well, I still think of Pluto as a planet.  It will be another turning point, psychologically, as Pluto moves to Direct motion.  We may feel we are making headway in our transitions, or at least gaining a foothold on a more salubrious path.  Although we are still living in stressful times, we may be able to size up our tunnel, even if the light at the end may not yet be showing itself.  If you have a breakthrough on Saturday, that may be the sign you need.  This may help stabilize the changes made for Jupiter on Wednesday, and smooth the earlier transition.  This feature occurs just after midnight in the morning, so you may feel some of the vibe when you are retiring for the night on Friday evening.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Fractious
  • Tuesday – progressive: harmony between the sexes; mentally expansive; then a conundrum
  • Wednesday – reflective philosophies
  • Saturday – progressive psychology