Strictly Come Dancing 2024 – Part 2

Part two of my survey of contestants for this year’s Strictly Come Dancing series.  And what a series it is turning out to be!  My pick for the last bunch, Sarah Hadland, is doing extremely well, so let’s see who is likely to be heading for the final, or even the glitterball, out of the following four.

Tasha Ghouri

I first saw Tasha Ghouri on Love Island a couple of years ago, together with her partner Andrew, and their relationship is still going strong.  Before Love Island she worked as a model and dancer.  She struck me as a sweet girl, and seeing her dance, that impression has intensified.  She was born deaf, and has a cochlear implant and mainly just hears the rhythm, so her achievement is even more amazing.  For a while, she dated Giovanni Pernice.  So far in this series, she has consistently scored highly, and proved versatile in the variety of dances.

She is an individualistic Leo (the Performing Archetype) with the Sun conjunct Mercury and square Chiron (that square from Chiron may be the deafness showing up).  We do not have a birth time for her, so I will not conjecture about her Moon.  She has the charm of a Venus conjunction with Mars, and Venus is super-sociably exactly trine Jupiter in her chart.  Mars trine Jupiter makes for energy harmoniously allied with enthusiasm, which can lift any project she is involved in.  She would probably have a strong sense of faith, with Jupiter sextile Neptune.  Saturn trines her natal North Node, which means she is able to follow her karmic mission dutifully.

She is partnered with Aljaz Škorjanec who has returned this year.  There is a tension (a creative tension?) in their synastry: his Pluto squares her Sun, her Venus opposes his Mars and her Mercury is conjunct his Uranus (some telepathy, there).  Tasha’s current transits show Neptune trine her natal Venus (inspired dancing), Uranus sextile her natal Jupiter (surprisingly good!), Neptune on her Jupiter (heightened inspiration), Pluto on her natal Neptune (stretching herself) and North Node trine her natal Pluto (psychological and karmic growth).  Last night, she scored three 10s and a 9 – she could win the contest (astrology or no astrology).  Aljaz has Mars opposite his Saturn (he is being stretched too, more physically than Tasha who is stretched psychologically), and Neptune sextiles his Saturn (he is loosening up spiritually).

At the final, where they surely will be, barring unforeseen circumstances, Tasha will have Mars trine Pluto (great power), Uranus sextile her Mars (the power to surprise), Neptune still trine her natal Venus, Neptune still on her Jupiter exact to the day (surely a winning transit for a dance competition!) and Pluto still on her natal Neptune.  Game, set and match: I may not need to blog anyone else…

Wynne Evans

Wynne Evans, Welsh opera singer and star of the Go Compare advertising campaign, is our second study of this weekend’s blog.  He is an impressive, competent dancer, as well as being talented in portraying characters (notably Mrs. Doubtfire in one of his dances).

He also has an impressively strong birth chart, as befits one with such a powerful voice.  He has Jupiter in its own sign Sagittarius at the Galactic Centre (a cosmic centre of power); he has Venus (voice and song) unaspected (strongly individualistic and free) in the sensitive and spiritual sign of Pisces; and Neptune (the planet of dance exactly sextile his North Node (born to dance and portray characters sensitively); the Sun and the North Node are closely conjunct in the futuristic and visionary sign of Aquarius, indicating a performing and karmic mission.  A strong Venus can also indicate prowess in cooking, and he also excelled in the Celebrity Masterchef kitchen, winning the 2023 series.

He was born in Carmarthen, and studied at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (talented in both arts!).  In August 2009 he started fronting the Go Compare advertisements, with the North Node trine his natal Saturn.  Pluto is now in the same position as the North Node was then, indicating that this is another important time for him.  At his first performance, Motsi declared he did not miss a beat, and head judge Shirley praised his ear for music (obvs musicality for an opera singer).  He has great potential.

He is partnered with the ever-innovative Katya Jones.  Their synastry is quite productive, with his Sun trine her Mercury (a basic mutual understanding), his Pluto trine her Venus (he will teach her musical depth), his Venus sextile her natal Saturn and trine her Pluto (the latter a double whammy with his Pluto trine her Venus).  I like this partnership, astrologically.  His transits now show the North Node trine his Sun (shining karma), Saturn on his Venus (learning greater artistic control), Mars square his Mars (some physical strain), Jupiter sextile his natal Mars (huge enthusiasm, and it shows!), Neptune square his Jupiter (out of his comfort zone philosophically, leading to growth), Pluto trine his Saturn (in greater power), and North Node trine his natal Neptune (a karmic pinnacle for dance).  For Katya now: Mars sextile her Sun (she is fired up), Saturn was sextile her Saturn exactly this weekend (her powers of control and discipline at a height), the Nodal Axis square her natal Uranus (enhancing surprise and shock), and Saturn trine her natal Pluto (deepening her power).

At the end of the contest, Wynne will have: Mars opposite his Sun (he needs to go easy on himself, healthwise), Saturn on his Venus (may be feeling tired), Neptune still squaring his Jupiter, and the South Node on his Pluto (some karma catching up).  Though he is dancing extremely well, he may not make it to finals week.  As for Katya at that point, Pluto will be trine her natal Venus (deep learning), the North Node sextile her Venus (high musicality learned), Saturn still sextile her natal Saturn and trine her natal Pluto.  She will be grateful for the enrichment of having been partnered with Wynne.

Sam Quek

Libran Sam Quek, hockey player, Olympic gold medallist (in 2016), and television presenter, was born in Liverpool and is half-Singaporean.  Like Wynne, she has powerful representation at the Galactic Centre, in her case an exact conjunction of Uranus and Saturn.  This represents great strength of character, which is emphasized by the North Node exactly trine her natal Pluto (meaning she is powerfully guided through life).  She does not have an easy chart, with Mars squaring her Saturn-Uranus conjunction, but has a powerful life path.  She studied Sport and Exercise Science at Leeds Metropolitan University.  Like Wynne, she did well in Celebrity Masterchef, reaching number three in 2020.

Sam is partnered with Nikita Kuzmin, a partnership which does not look super-close astrologically, but has one nice sextile between her Venus (musical sense) and his Chiron (his Inner Healer), the potential of which they can maximize.  For their current transits, she has Pluto sextile her Mars (she is in her power, physically), North Node sextile her Jupiter (opportunity and luck also on her side), but also has challenges.  These are Neptune square her Saturn (she is sensitive to her own limitations) and Neptune squares her Uranus (a complicated time for her, hard for her to take in everything).  For Nikita, Jupiter trines his Jupiter (he’s happy!), his North Node sextiles his Uranus (enhancing his ingenuity), Neptune sextile his natal Neptune (in tune with his own spirituality) and North Node trine his Pluto (karma and power working together).

For the end of Strictly, Sam has Jupiter square her natal Venus (could make exaggerated mistakes), Pluto still sextiles her natal Mars, Mars sextiles her natal Jupiter (enthusiasm, maybe for the whole experience), and the two squares still present.  I don’t think she will make the final.  For Nikita, the Nodal Axis will be square his natal Sun (creative challenge), Mars will be  opposite his Uranus (may experience physical strain) and Mars  trines his natal Pluto (at the same time, his energy levels will still be good – perhaps for those professional group dances).

Shayne Ward

I was aiming to blog the arresting Pete Wicks this weekend, but discovered that his birth date is unavailable (maybe later it will show up somewhere).  So Shayne Ward it is, and just as worthy.  He is another Libran, and has proved his versatility since the time he won the second series of X-Factor in 2005 as a singer.  Fast forward ten years to 2015 and he took a serious role in Coronation Street as the character Aidan Connor, with a series exit storyline, proving he wasn’t just a pretty voice.  Highlighted in his birth chart is a high energy close conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, meaning that he attacks all he does with a high dose of enthusiasm.  He also has Saturn unaspected, meaning that he can let go of restraint.  Mercury closely sextile Neptune gave him the mental sensitivity to portray the depressed Aidan in Corrie, combined with the depth of Mercury conjunct Pluto.

Shayne was born in Tameside, Greater Manchester.  As mentioned, he won X-Factor in 2005.  When he began portraying Aidan Connor in August 2015 Jupiter was sextile his natal Pluto (maximizing his power), and Saturn was on his natal South Node (a serious karmic role).  His last appearance in the role was on 7th May 2018, with Neptune exactly trine Saturn to the day (a fitting transit for the situation – he was highlighting the plight of male suicide).

Shayne is partnered with Nancy Xu, and she seems to have brought out the best in him:  he has been praised for his posture, for instance.  His Chiron sextiles her Sun, so he has something to teach her, too.  His Mars/Jupiter conjunction trines her natal Venus, which is a lovely partnership inter-aspect.  But his Chiron squares her Venus, making some movements awkward to teach and learn.  At this point in time, the Nodal Axis is square his Jupiter, so he may not be as precise as he would like.  Nancy has Jupiter sextile her Jupiter (so she is happy, like Nikita).  For the end of the season, Shayne’s astrological transits are lacklustre, so it does not look like he will make it to the end, though he could make a strong showing in the middle.  At the end for Nancy, she has the North Node sextile her natal Saturn, so there will be a serious gift for her, though not the glitterball.

So rather predictably, of these four, Tasha Ghouri has the most excellent chances of being in the final, let alone lifting the trophy.  As I have already predicted Sarah Hadland could also be in the final, it will be interesting in a few weeks to look at four more contestants to see who might join them :-}


Today and tomorrow look especially busy…

At lunchtime today Pluto made a square with Mercury, an aspect to make you think!  Profound journeys may be undertaken, too.  There may be a setback or a reversal, so make sure your actions are solid if you have a conflict to resolve in your own life.  Perhaps there is a twist in the plot.  You may need extra ‘me time’ in order to separate yourself from worried pronouncements about the state of the world.  If you do engage in chatter, choose a worthwhile subject.

In the evening, Mercury enters Scorpio, bringing greater intensity, depth and rigour to our mental functioning and purpose.  The mental outlook is more forensic in nature, and looks deeper than the surface, than was characterized under Mercury in Libra.  You may have more courage to look at what really matters, and to worry less about how things appear to others.

The next aspect to appear will be Chiron square Mars, which is like trying to place a square peg in a round hole.  What may be required is the acknowledgement and acceptance of two different outlooks, and the agreement to co-exist.  Even better, an encouragement of the other’s right to exist.  However, one party may not be able to elevate their outlook, and a minor skirmish may occur. This would be a healing crisis, showing what needs to be healed.  Some things are better revealed than kept hidden, and a coming to terms can begin.

Later tonight, Chiron opposes the Sun, which could find you wrestling with conundrums.  It is good to cultivate a good relationship with your Inner Healer today, and thus find more intuitive answers to any problems.  Look more deeply into the source of the symptom or problem.

A happy prospect in the early hours tomorrow (Monday 14th), with the Sun trine Jupiter.  This is one of the brightest aspects of the year.  If you have been feeling stressed, you may experience a welcome distraction.  It’s a happy-go-lucky aspect where circumstances allow.  So whatever lights your candle today, grasp the opportunity.  Good cheer, laughter, and adventure may characterize this time.  As it occurs during sleep time in the U.K. you may be blessed with wish-fulfilment dreams!

Breakfast-time may be more fractious with Mars square to the Sun: maybe you realize the discrepancy between what you are wishing for, and the fulfilment in reality.  Try not to let your own inner tension interfere with interactions with others which have nothing to do with your inner process.  Equally, disentangle from any attempts to draw you into others’ wrangling.  The energy, fire and enthusiasm which the Sun with Mars generates can be positively harnessed if you are especially mindful.

Late evening brings an opposition between Uranus and Venus and you may wonder what is going on with relationships. Telepathy will be useful in understanding your opposite number, or even a group situation.   In fact, group consciousness may be more suited to the requirements of this capricious aspect.  It may also make for exciting encounters, or lively party atmospheres.  Don’t overdo the alcohol, though, you may just need to keep your wits about you.  An attempt to get close to someone may be frustrating, as they may be processing some complex inner feelings.

On to Wednesday now (16th) and just in the first hour of the day Venus will trine Neptune.  You may have had a sublime social encounter the night before, but even so the night could bring blissful dreams whether or not you did.  Inspiration and spirituality uplift proceedings.  Whatever your art form, it can be enhanced today (especially dance.  In relationship, there is a potential for spiritual bonding.

Late morning on Thursday (17th) brings a Full Moon at 24 degrees Aries, and you may have felt some tension building up to it.  This Moon balances your own interests with that of another,  so it may be a tussle, as it often is with a Full Moon.  This Full Moon is about Selfhood and Relationship, and bringing the two into balance.

But at lunch-time, Venus sextiles Pluto, and this aspect has the capacity to get to the root of a problem, be it Love and/or Money, both of which are represented by aspects of Venus and Pluto.  It could be a time of difficult but rewarding soul searching with loved ones.  In finance, there could be hard won but satisfying bargaining and balancing.  If you are an artist or musician, you could take a step further in your art, and deepen the value and content of the material you are working with.

The evening brings a happy sense of social fulfilment, possibly as a result of the work of the day.  Venus entering Sagittarius ushers in a good-will-to-all men and women vibe, a party mood even.  If partying alone, what elements of enjoyment can you bring to the table…? ;-}

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – difficult mental digestion; greater mental intensity; clashes in approach; wrestling with conundrums
  • Tomorrow – luck and optimism; sweet dreams; conflict and skirmishes; relationship distances, perhaps the licking of wounds
  • Wednesday – sublime
  • Thursday – emotional high tide; love and money in harmony; good will to all men and women