Geoff Capes (1949 – 2024)

“The World’s Strongest Man”

Shot putter Geoff Capes has died at the age of 75.  He was a household name, earning the epithet of “The World’s Strongest Man”.  I now have a new Archetype to explore, “The Strongman Archetype”, which I have started to investigate.  He still holds the British record for the shot put.

Birth chart

His Sun is in the last (the “anaretic”) degree of Leo, a supreme position.  It is conjunct the Fixed Star Regulus (meaning “king”), the alpha star in the constellation of Leo.  He has half his planets in the Cardinal signs (leadership) and Leo is a sign itself associated with leadership.  The tarot card “Strength” depicts a lion, bringing out one of Leo’s qualities.  That said, it is particularly regretful that we don’t have a birth time for him, as the Ascendant holds the key to the physicality in the birth chart (he was almost 6 ft 6 in, and weighed more than 26 st. in his prime).

The position of the Sun in his chart goes some way to showing his Strongman Archetype. The Sun is unuaspected, showing extreme individuality (especially with it being in Leo), save for a square to Chiron (the Inner Healer and Problem-Solver).  Maybe he needed the counterpoise of that square to develop his strength to the utmost – you need perhaps something to pit your strength against, in order to prove your strength.  His Moon too was in Leo, reinforcing some of the above, and showing that some of his strength came from his emotionality.  The Moon in his chart is conjunct Pluto, describing a very deep source of emotion, which may have been part of his strength, power and resource.  He also had a powerful Mercury, which among other things represents health.  In his chart, Mercury was sextile with Mars, which is physical and analytical.  It was also exactly trine Jupiter, a great asset, and part of his success.  Mars was opposite Jupiter, providing the energy connected with enthusiasm which he channelled into his sport.  Mars closely square the Nodal Axis hinted at warrior karma, adding also to the Leonine competitiveness.  Like the Sun, Saturn was unaspected (lack of restraint), except for a connection with Chiron.  And Pluto was trine his North Node in Aries, indicating a Strong Karmic Path.

Life and Career

Geoff Capes was born in Holbeach, Lincolnshire, and was the seventh of his mother’s nine children (from three fathers).  His family lived in humble farm cottages, and Geoff placed them firmly:

“The family wasn’t just working class, but was on the lowest rung of that very long ladder that is the English class system”.

He attended the local secondary school, and received coaching at Holbeach Athletic Club.  Then he left school at 14 without qualifications.  As an all-round athlete he was able to represent Lincolnshire in basketball, football and cross-country.  He also excelled at sprinting.  He worked after school as a coalman and agricultural labourer, and was able to load twenty tons of potatoes in 20 minutes.  He also joined the Air Training Corps.  Many of his family were and had been policemen, and he signed up for the Cambridgeshire Constabulary when he was 19, Pluto was trine his North Node being a significator.

He competed and won gold medals at the Commonwealth games.  On 28th May 1976 at Gateshead  he achieved a personal best (throwing the shot put to 21.55 metres or 70 ft 8 in), under the transits of: Uranus exactly trine his natal Uranus in Cancer (a supreme surprise), and Neptune sextile his natal Neptune (attuned with his own spirituality).

He worked for the police force for ten years, before resigning to take part in the Olympics at Moscow in 1980.  He has said about this resignation and the government boycott:

“Margaret Thatcher banned all armed forces and police from going so I resigned from the police.  I lost my career, my pension and my income.”

On 18th May 1980 he threw the longest distance of his career, (which was 21.68 metres (71 ft 2 in) at Cwmbran.  This was a new Commonwealth and British record.  At the time, he had a vast array of transits (too numerous to mention) which included Jupiter transiting his natal Sun (success), Saturn sextile his natal Mars (precise action), Uranus sextile his natal Mercury (mental brilliance), Uranus sextile natal Jupiter (a surprise or exceptional achievement or luck) and Pluto conjunct his natal South Node (a profound karmic event, overcoming old obstacles).  I suspect from the role Uranus transits played in both these successes, that a birth chart with a time would show the prominence of Uranus, in say connection to the Ascendant or Moon.

Strongman and Adverts

In 1980 he also took part in the contest for The World’s Strongest Man, and came third.  It was a title he was to win twice, in 1983 and 1985.  Being a Strongman was his major claim to fame, particularly for his hand and arm strength.  Hands and arms are a Mercury function: He had Mercury sextile Mars and exactly trine Jupiter, so these strong aspects could hold one of the secrets of his strength. He became known for tearing London telephone directories in half and bending steel bars.

He appeared on television advertisements, most notably in 1983 when he picked up and rolled over a Volkswagen car to the words: “You don’t have to be the richest or strongest man in the world to pick up a Polo.”  After his retirement, he worked in the field of athletics as a referee and coach.


He subsequently became a record breaker in the world of bird breeding. This was a thread of his life which began in his time as a policeman.  He had been called to arrest someone for  the non-payment of a fine. At the home of the suspect, he saw a spectacular array of colourful birds, and sat down for a chat and a cup of tea with the suspect.  He was forced to arrest and charge the man (“he was very good about it”), but later the man gave him three pairs of budgerigars.  Capes continued to breed budgerigars throughout his life, and in 2008 became President of the Budgerigar Society.  Modestly (his Venus and Neptune in Virgo) he explained:

“I think the members voted for me because I believe in commitment, hard work and dedication.  And I don’t take any nonsense.”

“A giant in heart and spirit.  He paved the way for athletes like me, showing British grit and determination could conquer the world.”

~ “Strongman” Eddie Hall


Two aspects occur tomorrow, the first being at lunch time.  Mars trines Neptune which ensures the sensitive use of energies, such as meditative activities.  Yoga, Tai Chi and Qijong all represent this vibe.  Mars represents the use of energy or anger directed (in a trine) in a constructive way, and Neptune represents empathy.

The second happens in later lunchtime (we’ll call it “dessert time”, and is a square between Saturn and Venus.  The mood may dip a little. You may be reminded of some sadness.  Perhaps you are concerned about a close relationship, or money (ahead of the budget), both of which are ruled by Venus, and under constraint by Saturn.  Maybe you felt let down by someone or you disappointed yourself in some way.  Forgiveness could be a solution, in that case.  We need a great deal of patience in our human interactions, and some may be dealing with rejection or sadness.  We need to acknowledge those feelings before we can move on.  Try and look at things differently.

Budget Day (Wednesday 30th) brings an opposition between Uranus and Mercury.  An economist friend of mine has said “I hope there will be some surprises”.  Uranus to Mercury does bring surprises, but also split opinions.  Clarity about how to evaluate this budget may be elusive on the day.  Controversial statements may be made, both from the Chancellor but also about her measures.  In everyday lives, you may be trying to figure out the answer to a puzzle, or be downloading information from your superconscious mind.  In trying to implement ideas during the day, you may encounter technical hitches and glitches, though.  It is worth considering that this aspect occurs in the evening, and may refer to the aftermath of the budgetary event (I nearly wrote budgerigar, in Geoff Capes mode) as much or even more than its anticipation and real time experience.  So the aspect may refer to schisms arising from the event.

Going into November, Friday (1st) brings a trine between Mercury and Neptune.  This occurs in the first hour of the day, and may mean that sleeping on concerns may find some soothing insights overnight or in your dream life.  This aspect brings the possibility of mysteries being solved, e.g. around health conditions.  In personal applications, things may fall into place spiritually, and you may be ready to talk about a sensitive subject.  This trine brings mental inspiration, transcendent wisdom, higher harmony, spiritual journeys, and insight.  A small kindness can bring about significant mental healing.

More good news arriving around lunch time  on Friday, with a New Moon at 9 degrees Scorpio.  We may be starting to get to grips with the Scorpio season, and sense where we need to place our intentions, be it on financial matters (a Scorpio province) or sending healing or alms and donations for troubled world areas.  This is one of the most potent New Moons of the year.  It is a good time to re-set your intentions about life, and to create a new beginning.  Re-setting our economy is part of that. There may be a certain amount of letting go required, before the fresh start can be established.  You might find yourself being ruthless with your de-cluttering, in accordance with your recent re-evaluation of the past.  We are of course on the threshold of the U.S. Election, and the choosing of the new Tory leader, both elections too close to call at the moment.  We may not be able to vote, but we can put out our intent, on the new moon.

The last day of the week, Saturday (2nd), carries three astrological features.  This is the day that the new Tory leader will be announced.  Mercury trines Mars on that day, around breakfast time.  This could bring a bright and breezy vibe.  Communications may zip along, and the day could be very productive.  Much can be accomplished.  You can put your ideas into practice.

Next, in the afternoon, Mercury sextiles Pluto.  You could make real progress, or have deeply meaningful conversations.  This aspect can produce profound thought and communication,  honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur.  If you have something important lined up, you may be successful in getting your point across.

In the evening, Mercury rides into Sagittarius.  Mentally, that brings more lightheartedness and expansion.  There’s an opportunity to hone your sense of humour, sarcasm-free; quick-fire wisecracks could bring a laugh a minute.

Here were my assessments for the two Tory candidates for this date back in September:

Kemi Badenoch: On 2nd November 2024, at the time of the result of the Tory Leadership contest, Jupiter will be opposite her natal Neptune (could she be handed a poisoned chalice?) and Neptune will oppose her natal Saturn (reinforcing that possibility).

Robert Jenryck: On 2nd November 2024, at the time of the result of the Tory Leadership contest, his transits are very lacklustre.  His closest transit is Jupiter trine his natal Saturn, which is mildly encouraging.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – sensitive use of energy; letting go in relationships
  • Wednesday – split opinions
  • Friday – soothing insights; new beginning
  • Saturday – brisk and breezy; deep and meaningfuls; mentally more lighthearted